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This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Oathbringer. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Prologue: To Weep

Plot Summary
Six years ago

Eshonai arrives at the docks of Kholinar and marvels at its beauty and size. She talks to Gitgeth about the Parshman slaves, whom he calls "rhythmless ones." They are only capable of trying to help and cannot even comprehend the invitation to join the celebration. Eshonai wanders off toward the palace and begins exploring. She peeks into a doorway and sees King Gavilar. Amaram comes out and says that the king would like to speak to her. Gavilar dismisses the others in the room and he invites her to sit down. He shows her a fabrial and explains that they work by trapping spren in a gemheart. She is awed that the humans have made devices that mimic how they apply the forms. He believes that the world is stuck in a rut and needs a major conflict to progress. Eshonai is horrified that Gavilar wants to bring back the gods that their people abandoned long ago. He then gives her a dark yet glowing sphere, which he claims to hold a god, and tells her to give a message to the Council of Five, to remember what they once were and "wake up." Eshonai runs from the room.

Eshonai is at the evening celebration, beating a drum, trying to lose herself in the rhythm. She has told the Five that Gavilar wants to bring back their gods, and that he has the knowledge to do it. Klade claims to have heard a voice leading him to an assassin, and the Five have agreed to have him kill the king. Eshonai weeps as she leaves the celebration.

Part 1: United

Chapter 1: Broken and Divided

Plot Summary

Six days after arriving in Urithiru, Dalinar revisits the very first vision he experienced. Having become a Knight Radiant by bonding the Stormfather himself, he can enter any of the visions at will and has enough control to not need to be tied down. He is on a cliff with the Almighty, viewing the ruins of Kholinar below. He asks him to transport him down to the rubble. He sees gouges on the stones as if made from claws. He concludes that Kholinar will not fall to the Everstorm, but to something worse that will come after. Stormfather agrees. Dalinar is frustrated that the monarchs of the world will not unite with him despite the threat. A final wave of destruction closes the vision, and Dalinar insists on staying to watch. He sees a golden light and a dark figure with nine shadows. Stormfather identifies the shadows as the Unmade, the spren of Odium. He comes out of the vision with Navani standing nearby. He knows he must unite the world before their enemy destroys it. Navani pledges to help despite their current situation, which is already desperate. A messenger comes and reports that Sadeas had been murdered.

Chapter 2: One Problem Solved

Plot Summary


Adolin supervises the influx of people and supplies into Urithiru. He's glad for the distraction; he finds it hard to believe that he has actually murdered Sadeas. A messenger comes to report that something has been discovered on the third floor. Adolin knows what it is.


Dalinar rushes to the scene to prevent a fight between Sadeas's officers and the men of Bridge Four, whom they accuse of murdering their highprince. Dalinar examines the body and notes that the blood is dried, so the murder took place some time ago. The soldiers claim that they have been looking for him and kept getting lost in the confusing corridors.

Dalinar's sons and some scribes arrive at the scene. His officer corps is severely depleted, so other highprinces are there as well, including Sebarial and his mistress, Palona. She's the first to voice the opinion that Sadeas's death was actually beneficial since he was causing so much trouble. Dalinar leads the group outside and warns them of worse things to come and that they must lead the world against them. His ultimate goal is to unite the entire continent, something never done before. He appoints the highprinces that follow him to various positions in the kingdom. He orders Shallan and Renarin to practice their powers so they can lead the other Knights that come to them.

Chapter 3: Momentum

Plot Summary
Thirty-four years ago

Dalinar marches toward the enemy army through a burning field. He emerges from the smoke with his elite guard and ferociously attacks, causing some of the enemy to flee in terror. He drives through the spearmen and laughs as he kills. He feels invigorated but does not yet feel the Thrill, so he seeks out a greater challenge. He sees a brightlord on a horse surrounded by an honor guard and attacks. He makes his way through and orders Jenin to shoot the horse. As Dalinar engages the crown prince, a strap on his shield breaks. His enemy gains the advantage and is about to finish him off, but the Thrill comes, giving him more strength and dexterity. He stabs his foe in the chest. Nearly dead, the man asks Dalinar why he had come for them. He doesn't know; he just goes where his brother Gavilar sends him in order to consolidate his reign. As he orders his men to take hostages in the village, an arrow slams into his shoulder. They see the assassin on a ridge above the town and ride up on horses, capturing him. Dalinar is amazed at his skill and recruits him into his own army, promising not to pillage the town. They ride back to the town, where the local highprince's and his officers' heads are displayed on spears as a result of Sadeas's executions. Sadeas is disappointed that he can't loot the town.

Chapter 4: Oaths

Plot Summary

The Everstorm returns two days after Sadeas is found dead. Dalinar learns from Stormfather that this is a new phenomenon. He gazes into the storm and sees a vision of destruction. Stormfather confirms that the enemy is with the storm and is watching him. Navani is there and touches his face with her bare safehand. They kiss, but Dalinar won't go further -- he insists on some sort of wedding, but none of the ardents will marry them because of the old taboo that they are related. Navani grows concerned that Dalinar thinks she is trying to replace his late wife, and he reveals that he doesn't even remember her because of the Old Magic. He does remember a feeling of hatred and having the Thrill on the day of her death. Dalinar suggests that Stormfather marry them.

Dalinar and Navani's family gather on the roof of the tower along with some other officers and brightlords. Navani has managed to find traditional wedding garb. Elhokar gives only a cool blessing to the marriage, but does stay to watch. Stormfather arrives and has them swear an oath of loyalty to each other, after which he abruptly leaves. The attendees, even Elhokar, cheerfully congratulate the newlyweds. They all leave except for Kadash, who is displeased with the wedding and Dalinar's assertion that God is dead, with only a remnant spren remaining. Dalinar suddenly remembers the day when Kadash joined the ardentia after he was so disgusted at what he saw on the battlefield. Kadash warns that the ardentia is angry with Dalinar's blasphemies. Dalinar insists he is telling the truth, at least as he sees it. Kadash reminds Dalinar that he can make mistakes; after all, he was with him on that day.

Chapter 5: Hearthstone

Plot Summary

Kaladin walks toward Hearthstone, having run out of Stormlight three days prior. The Everstorm had arrived there the day before. He begins to find debris along the way. Syl cheerily chats with Kaladin as he gloomily approaches the town, afraid of what he'll find.

The light rain of the Weeping has resumed. Kaladin waits until nightfall to enter the town. He doesn't see any signs of life. Syl notes the presence of gloomspren, which are uncommon for some unknown reason. He approaches Roshone's manor and sees light inside. A guard opens the door and orders him inside.

Chapter 6: Four Lifetimes

Plot Summary

Kaladin enters and recognizes people from the town, but they don't recognize him, probably due to his ragged appearance. He starts to look for his parents, but the guard tries to order him to see Roshone. Kaladin shoves him away and gives him his best sergeant's glare, then continues. He hears the moans of wounded and follows the sound, hoping that his parents would be attending them. Lirin is indeed there working on someone, and it takes a moment for him to recognize his son. He calls Hesina in, but before Kaladin can truly reunite, he confesses that he didn't save Tien. They were told that Kaladin was dead too. They have a tearful reunion, his parents with joy, Kaladin for his grief over Tien.

Kaladin sips some soup while Syl stares at Hesina, perplexed about something. The guard insists that Kaladin be taken into custody because he is branded a deserter, but Lirin threatens to quit as the town's surgeon. Hesina explains to Kaladin that Roshone has softened, presumably from guilt. Syl tells Kaladin that she knew his family, even before she met him, because everyone is connected. She mentions another voice, "Pure, with a song like tapped crystal, distant yet demanding." Roshone appears, older and more feeble, but still with an imperious bearing. Kaladin punches him in the face, saying "that was for my friend Moash."

Chapter 7: A Watcher at the Rim

Plot Summary

Roshone orders the guards to attack Kaladin, but they note his obvious ability and hesitate. Kaladin regrets his juvenile action and apologizes, telling the guards to stand down. He then orders them into the library for a meeting, but Roshone asks why he should take orders from him. Kaladin summons his Shardblade, allowing his eyes to turn blue.

In the libaray, Kaladin finds out that the Parshmen transformed and then just left town. Kaladin wants to figure out where they went, so he asks for maps and a spanreed to communicate with Dalinar, giving Roshone several spheres for the "rental" of some horses since he's out of Stormlight. The soldiers go to the lady of the house (Laral) to ask for the maps. Kaladin warns Syl that he might need her again as a weapon, and she reassures him that it doesn't bother her. All of his weapons were "people" anyway. Kaladin brandishes his sword again for Roshone to emphasize that he's in charge. Despite Roshone's faults, he needs to help the people of Hearthstone. Roshone just slumps in his chair, but Laral arrives and pledges to lead the people. She looks quite different, more mature and practical. He says he wanted to come back to save her, but she says that she is happy with Roshone and resents Kaladin's judgment of him. She goes to set up the spanreed and wait for a reply, so Kaladin goes back to his parents. He starts helping his father tend the wounded. He is disappointed that Kaladin has become one of "them," a person who tries to solve problems with violence. He does acknowledge that the Voidbringers must be fought, but he wanted his son to be a surgeon, not a killer. Kaladin goes back to the library and notices that the spanreed is glowing with Stormlight; they collected some during the last unexpected highstorm. The spanreed starts writing words from Navani, much to the surprise of Laral. Dalinar asks for a status and Kaladin suggests he go looking for the Voidbringers because they just up and left without attacking. Dalinar agrees and tells him to take the spanreed with him to keep him up to date. He closes the conversation and goes to see his mother. She is holding a baby, Kaladin's new brother, Oroden, which means child of peace. Kaladin holds him and cries. Kaladin asks for any infused spheres and trades them two for one. He tells Lirin that he wants to take them away to safety, but he refuses; he is the town surgeon and is needed there. The others in the house overhear the conversation about the Desolation being here, so Kaladin puts on a display with Stormlight and promises that the Knights Radiant have returned and will not fail them. He flies off to a nearby town to get more infused spheres.

Chapter 8: A Powerful Lie


Plot Summary

Shallan tries to draw the towers of Urithiru, but is having trouble comprehending the massive city. Pattern tells her that he understands why she would hate him, but she only hates the sword, which leaves both of them confused. A scout comes and reports that the highprince wants to see her. She marvels at the drawings despite Shallan's frustration with them. As they walk, she notices the notoriety she has as a Radiant. She pretends to be an Elsecaller to hide her ability creating illusions. The scout asks her about her sword but seems disappointed that Shallan doesn't intend to use it. She arrives at a meeting room with Navani and Dalinar and his sons. Dalinar is struggling with uniting the various rulers of the continent. He asks Shallan for information, but she has little knowledge of the political world. Dalinar fetches a cup of wine and passes by Shallan, and she is drawn by him to the map on the wall. She draws her remaining Stormlight and creates a three-dimensional projection of the continent in the room. Dalinar believes that the Stormfather helped create the vision since he sees everything in the highstorm, meaning that their powers have somehow merged to do something new. The projection helps him decide to focus on securing the Oathgates in Azir, Jah Keved, and Thaylenah. Lyn knocks on the door and reports that another murder has been discovered.

Chapter 9: The Threads of a Screw


Plot Summary

The murder victim is Vedekar Perel, a member of Sebarial’s army. Shallan can't keep up with the long strides of Dalinar, so she falls back. Adolin joins her, taking her arm. They arrive in a chamber with a depression in the middle of the room. The body lies in the depression. The murder appears to be an exact copy of how Sadeas was killed, including the location of the wound and the position of the body. Adolin appears shocked and distracted. Dalinar assigns him to investigate the murder since so many other officers were killed in all the recent fighting. Adolin is taken aback and appears nervous. Shallan wonders at his strange behavior and observes Renarin studying him closely. Pattern starts to hum.

Chapter 10: Distractions

Plot Summary


Kaladin approaches a village called Hornhollow and chats with Syl. She notices that he is rather happy at the moment, having found his mother alive and being buoyed by Stormlight. Syl and Kaladin wonder if she could someday be a mother herself; after all, the Stormfather birthed her. He flies into the center of town and is about to grandly introduce himself, but word has traveled ahead about him, and they offer him infused spheres, hoping for a favorable exchange rate. The townspeople seem eager to see him. The citylord mentions an attack by rogue Parshmen, the first report of an attack so far in Kaladin's reconnaissance trip.

A nervous ardent explains that the Parshmen attacked the grain storage and ran off when an alarm was sounded. Syl tells him that the ardent is infatuated with him, and teases that she must be desperate, considering how disheveled he looks. He dismisses the idea, saying that she would have to marry another ardent. Syl counters that it isn't marriage she wants from him and offers to teach Kaladin about sex. Then she tries to play matchmaker with him and Shallan. He's interested in her but dismisses the idea because she's engaged to Adolin. He then realizes that Syl will be around when he's having sex. The citylord introduces a scout to Kaladin who had followed the Parshmen. They were heading straight for Kholinar. He flies off in pursuit to the cheers of the villagers.


Adolin goes to visit Gallant. They mourn the death of Sureblood as Adolin gives him treats. Renarin appears; he has been looking for Adolin. He suggests having Shallan draw Sureblood. He also says that he must give back the shardblade because it hurts to hold. Renarin reluctantly admits that he has his own blade now and shows Adolin, who admires it for its beauty. Renarin is not content though; he was starting to fit in with Bridge Four, but now he must pivot to being a Knight Radiant. He's afraid that he will make a mistake trying to use his new power. Adolin clasps his hand to give him confidence, and he feels a wash of Stormlight through his body. He sees of vision of himself, perfected and whole. Renarin is embarrassed and leaves, and Adolin realizes his wounded wrist is healed.

Chapter 11: The Rift

Plot Summary

Thirty-three years ago

Dalinar impatiently awaits for the battle to begin, wearing his new shardplate. Gavilar and Sadeas are with him. Their efforts at quelling the other princedoms has only resulted in most of them uniting against Gavilar's rule. Sadeas discusses a political marriage with Dalinar, but he is not interested. The only woman he loves (Navani) is already married, with a daughter. The fog finally rises from the city, and they discuss the lord of the city, Tanalan, who has a shardblade, but not plate. Gavilar gallops off and Dalinar eagerly follows, determined to win the blade. They are pelted with arrows, rocks and netting, but they quickly reach the fortifications, wreaking havoc on the defending soldiers. When Dalinar jumps back down to destroy the catapults he misjudges his plate's weight and falls down, bending his hammer's handle. He then vows to never make a greenvine mistake like this again. After getting a new hammer from Sadeas he continues his barrage, causing the soldiers to flee. He glories in his power and the Thrill. The catapults neutralized, the army moves through the city gates. Dalinar looks down at the city and feels that something is wrong. Suddenly, the entire precipice collapses and falls into the Rift. Dalinar crashes through many layers of buildings. His shardplate is damaged, but he survives, unlike the elites that fell with him. Next comes a hail of arrows at him. He runs across a bridge as two soldiers attempt to collapse it, which would send Dalinar another hundred feet down. He is saved by Teleb, who shoots the soldiers. He meets Tanalan, who questions why he should submit to the "king." Dalinar's reasoning is that the strongest military commander should win the throne, and attacks. He manages to get within the reach of his blade and wounds Tanalan. More archers shoot at Dalinar, but he collapses the platform, mortally wounding the brightlord. When the guards carry him away, Dalinar finds he has more wounds from his duel with Tanalan, but the Thrill pushes him along, driving away pain. He sees Tanalan taken through a secret door in the rock and follows. He finds him lying in his blood, a beautiful woman at his side, crying. Their son, only a small boy, challenges Dalinar with his father's shardblade.

Hours later, Dalinar rests with his new shardblade, Oathbringer, sipping wine to help with the pain and shame he feels. Gavilar sits down beside him and wonders what the consequences of the day will be. The remaining people will rebel because Dalinar had killed their highlord and heir. Dalinar suggests he makes soldiers out of them. Gavilar knows they need to act differently, to have an actual functioning government rather than destroying and pillaging for control. Dalinar leans back to rest and remembers the sound of a brave boy crying.

Chapter 12: Negotiations

Plot Summary

Dalinar ponders the ancient Knights Radiant and asks the Stormfather what caused their betrayal. He refuses to answer, as some things are better left forgotten. The emperor of Azir has contacted him by spanreed, and Dalinar invites him to visit Urithiru via the Oathgate. They answer vaguely, so Navani suggests an offer of aid to get them to come. They again demur, slightly changing the subject to talk about the new enemy. The Voidbringers did not attack them either, and they are in negotiations with them, ostensibly in order to stall so they can build up their fortifications. Dalinar urges that they allow him to come there through the portal, but they report that it no longer works. Navani and Teshav believe they are lying. Next, the queen of Thaylenah makes contact. Dalinar uses formal language, but she is more blunt and sarcastic. There, the Voidbringers stole most of their ships, and the city itself is in shambles from the Everstorm. Dalinar informs her that he intends to convene a council of monarchs around the world, but she is skeptical of his intentions and is not interested in attending. Dalinar feels like her responses are a bit out of character, as Thaylens seek political opportunities. He offers troops to help with rebuilding the city, but she is reluctant. He then tells her how to find Radiants among her own people and offers to help train them. She replies that she will consider his offer and signs off. He talks to other lesser monarchs but doesn't make much headway; he needs the endorsement of Azir for other surrounding kingdoms to follow along. Dalinar begins to leave the room and finds Elhokar standing without at the doorway. He suggests that maybe the others won't cooperate because they are afraid he'll usurp their thrones. Then he admits that isn't doing well as king and begins to abdicate the throne to Dalinar. Instead, they agree to let Dalinar be the king of Urithiru and the Shattered Plains, forfeiting his Alethkar lands to his heir. Elhokar wants to restore Kholinar, which is rioting, and Dalinar agrees to send him in with the Windrunner so they can activate the Oathgate and let in troops from Urithiru. A new message comes in from Taravangian, king of Jah Keved and Kharbranth. He fully agrees with Dalinar's plan and has a Radiant at hand to try their Oathgate.

Chapter 13: Chaperone

Plot Summary

Shallan transforms herself into Veil. She practices walking with a more confident gait and talking with a deeper, rougher voice. She looks over her sketches of Veil to try to refine the look. She wants to be able to transform quickly, without needing to review them. Someone knocks at her doorway, so she invites them in, assuming it’s Palona. It turns out to be Adolin, who sees her in only her nightgown, safehand exposed! She hurriedly dresses while they flirt through the doorway as he waits outside with food and books. She admits him and begins eating. Adolin realizes that this is her bedroom and wonders if it’s proper for them to be alone, so Shallan enlists Pattern as a chaperone to prevent them from doing anything “inappropriate” (which he later realizes is “mating”). Adolin convinces Shallan to try some men’s food, and it burns her mouth. He has brought several books to help her with her political knowledge since she was lacking in their last meeting with Dalinar. Adolin expresses his concern with the betrothal: he doesn’t want to mess this one up like all his other numerous courtships. Shallan reassures him, and they start to kiss until Pattern starts yelling at them to stop.

Chapter 14: Squires Can't Capture

Plot Summary

Kaladin has found some Parshmen and creeps up to the camp, past a single guard, expecting monstrous Voidbringers. Instead he finds them trying to play cards. Their eyes are not red and they have only limited carapace armor. Some are attempting to light a fire under a tarp. Some eat soggy, raw grain from the stolen sacks. Kaladin realizes that their pathetic state is the humans' fault. Suddenly, one calls the alarm as a yellow ribbon of light streaks by. They grab various primitive weapons but are obviously not trained to use them. Kaladin decides to simply surrender.

Chapter 15: Brightness Radiant

Plot Summary

Shallan discusses the murder investigation with Adolin. Adolin says that he thinks there are two culprits since the two victims are totally disconnected. Shallan thinks that he is being foolish and shouldn't focus on one theory too much. They decide that there isn't anything more to get from the reports, so Adolin changes the subject to her Shardblade. He convinces her that even though she's a woman, she needs to learn how to use it, and he can train her. She agrees, and he goes to fetch the Blade guards. Shallan freaks out, still not over the fact that she killed her mother with her Blade. Pattern believes that she hates him and offers to die so another spren can take his place. She creates an alternate identity -- someone confident and poised, like Jasnah. She names her Brightness Radiant. With that persona she is able to overcome the history of the blade. Adolin returns and teaches her the importance of a proper stance and breathing. Shallan dismisses her Blade and sketches the proper stance to help her get it right. They practice some simple strikes together. Shallan sees the passion that Adolin has for swordsmanship and realizes that it parallels her passion for art, feeling a bond with him, even allowing herself to become Shallan occasionally. They practice long into the evening.

Chapter 16: Wrapped Three Times


Plot Summary

Dalinar examines the Honorblade that Kaladin obtained from Szeth. He tentatively touches the blade, which feels warm to the touch but doesn't scream. Dalinar probes the Stormfather for information about Honor and Odium and learns that Odium must follow certain rules since he's basically a force of nature. Dalinar asks if Honor's suggestion of asking Odium to provide a champion will work. Stormfather says it might work, and if man wins, it will buy them precious time. Dalinar reinserts the blade into the sewer and returns to his rooms, where Bridge Thirteen, his guard for the day, awaits. One member, Rial, strikes up a conversation with Dalinar, hinting that he shouldn't have wandered off alone. He goes down to a level where his soldiers are training and offers to spar with Kelerand, one of the ardent swordmasters. He stiffly refuses (due to Dalinar's heresy), and all the ardents but one leave. While Dalinar waits for a sparring partner, he converses with Zahel, the only ardent to remain. He explains that they are torn between loyalty to their highprince and to God. Dalinar seeks out an opponent himself, too impatient to wait for Kelerand to return, and finds Aratin. They begin to wrestle, and the younger man easily gains the upper hand. Dalinar considers accessing the Thrill and even Stormlight, but eventually gives up when Navani shows up. He drinks some water and chastises himself for pushing the match too far, trying to come to grips with his age. Navani informs him that the Iriali queen is ready to talk now, and he insists on conversing with her there while he spars with the sword. He tosses a sword to Kadash and they spar while he dictates to Navani. They argue about religion. The queen says they are considering making a treaty with the Voidbringers. She also holds a grudge for Dalinar's stolen Shardplate. Kadash urges Dalinar to recant his claim that the Almighty is dead, appealing to tradition. Dalinar counters that just because something is tradition doesn't make it right. Dalinar ends the duel and Navani reports that the queen demands the Shardplate, even though her claim is tenuous because she isn't related to Evi. Dalinar realizes that he can now hear his former wife's name. More memories flood his mind, causing him to collapse.

Chapter 17: Trapped in Shadows

Plot Summary

The Parshmen argue about what to do with Kaladin, tied up nearby to a tree. Khen wants to kill him, but the others dissuade her. Kaladin dozes for a while until night falls. The Parshman playing cards unties him from the tree, and they start out. Kaladin converses with his captor, who has been joined by his young daughter. He realizes that they are essentially runaway slaves, and points out that he was a slave once too. The Parshman does not identify with him, however, because their minds were taken from them, not just their freedom. They march on, and Kaladin tries to talk to Syl, who is flitting around like a windspren. He thinks that there is trouble with the bond again, but she tells him that she's just pretending because the voidspren might be able to see her. She explains to him that the Parshmen have had their Identity restored by the Everstorm. Kaladin wants to help them, so he starts giving them advice. He cuts his bands with Syl and starts to teach them how to obtain and preserve food. They decide to return his possessions, and he builds a fire for them.

Chapter 18: Double Vision

Plot Summary

Shallan becomes Veil. She sneaks out of her room and heads toward the market. On the way, Pattern tells Shallan that he likes Adolin. He doesn't mind that he wields a corpse because that's how things work in the Physical Realm; you must destroy to survive. She arrives at the market in the Breakaway and just sits around for a while, listening to conversation. She then finds a low-end tavern in which to practice. She ignorantly orders some very strong "wine" and almost throws up. She continues to drink the stuff, and a bouncer nearby starts flirting with her. She becomes intoxicated but manages to ask him where any stabbings have taken place. She tries to leave but collapses on the floor. She uses some Stormlight to ease the pain, and she's suddenly not drunk. She heads out to All's Alley, site of a recent stabbing. She asks for the strongest stuff they have and ends up with some Horneater white. She downs a few drinks, healing herself as she goes. She probes the barkeep about any recent murders, and he directs her to a group of thugs in the corner. She sits down in the seat of a Horneater and starts asking a woman named Betha about the murderer. Ur comes back from the restroom and throws her out of the seat. She comes back and places her safehand on his hand and stabs them both with a knife, getting the seat back from him. Veil threatens to do worse unless she starts getting answers, and idly scrapes the symbol of the Ghostbloods on the table. Intimidated, Betha reveals that a man named Ned had strangled his wife, and then the next night he had come back and killed a barmaid the same exact way, although he vehemently denied the second murder.

Chapter 19: The Subtle Art of Diplomacy

Plot Summary
Thirty-one years ago

Dalinar sits at a feast while Toh talks with Gavilar. He's bored by politics and wishes that instead he could go and eat with his men. Dalinar starts to eat and realizes he doesn't have his knife with him. He wants to just dig in with his hands, but everyone is using utensils, so he leaves the dining hall in the middle of the highstorm to go find his knife. He finds the bunker where Teleb is and pounds on the door. When no one answers, he summons his Shardblade and cuts his way in. Teleb tells him that he returned his knife, so Dalinar heads back. He dodges a boulder on the way and sees some sort of monster on glowing legs. He forces his way back into the feast hall, and everyone stares at him incredulously. Toh is disturbed and excuses himself. Gavilar is actually glad because Dalinar just demonstrated that he could protect them. Navani walks in, so Dalinar orders more strong wine. She and Ialai join the king, and they discuss Toh and his wife, who is deemed to be dense, but honest. Toh is bargaining with Shardplate that he has stolen from his native land, Rira. They discuss the possibility of Dalinar marrying Evi and gaining the Shardplate. A servant brings Dalinar a knife, but it's too small; Dalinar bends it cutting his steak. He spots Evi across the room and admires her blonde hair. Then he finally spots a good knife: in the hands of an assassin taking Gavilar's plates. Dalinar knocks the man down to the floor and stabs him repeatedly, killing him. Then he washes the blood off the knife with his wine and starts eating with it. He agrees to marry Evi to help forge an alliance. Gavilar is sure they'll accept after seeing Dalinar in action.

Chapter 20: Cords to Bind

Plot Summary

Kaladin bandages a cut on Khen's arm and explains to the parshmen how to treat wounds. He advises Sah to tighten the leather straps on an axe so the head won't fly off. Sah complies, but resents that he is being ordered about, that he has to learn things he should already know. He resents the yellow spren as well, who is apparently constantly ordering them about. Kaladin tells him that he doesn't have to fight the humans, but Sah believes that they will try to enslave him again. Syl informs Kaladin that a highstorm is coming soon. He is starting to regret spending time with the parshmen and teaching them because he sympathizes with them. He knows he will probably have to fight against them.

Chapter 21: Set Up to Fall

Plot Summary

Shallan wakes up the next morning to the sound of Adolin knocking. Her antics the night before seem like a dream. Adolin finally peeks in and discovers the empty jug of Horneater white, so she confesses that she had been out investigating the murders. Adolin offers an infused ruby mark, and she's able to completely heal, headache and all. He asks for her to visit Ialai with him.

Shallan goes to Sebarial's sitting room to meet Adolin after getting ready. Sebarial lives in luxury, with cots and a masseuse. He is already formulating a plan to tax the passage through the Oathgates, as that will be a vital source of income to maintain Iruthiru. Adolin insists on bringing two of her guards along, not so much for protection, but for prestige. Vathah leads them while Gaz guards their back. Adolin coaches Shallan on keeping her soldiers busy so they will feel needed and important. Shallan compliments him on being like his father, but he seems to resist the praise, hiding something. They arrive at Sadeas's area and are escorted in to see Ialai. Mraize is there, standing beside her.

Chapter 22: The Darkness Within

Plot Summary

Mraize is dressed like a common soldier and has a strange-looking chicken on his shoulder. Ialai obliquely accuses Dalinar of murdering Sadeas, but Adolin denies it, claiming that anyone who thought so is an idiot. Ialai orders Mraize to fetch a chair for Adolin. She also dismisses Shallan to go fetch tea. Shallan reluctantly obeys only so she can talk to Mraize. He calls her out for using the Ghostblood symbol the night before, but says that is allowed since she is a member. She demands to know about her brothers, and he assures her that they are safe. However, she does have a debt to him for the broken soulcaster, so he gives her a task: secure Urithiru by getting rid of the "darkness" that is there. In exchange, he hints that he will tell her what happened to Helaran. She brings back some tea for her and Adolin only and goes back to the main room. Ialai suggests to Adolin that he search among his own people for the assassin, since someone might have acted on Dalinar's behalf without a direct order. She then shocks them both by telling them to report their findings to Meridas Amaram. The meeting ends and they leave, wondering why Ialai is trusting Amaram since he's been discredited.

Chapter 23: Storming Strange

Plot Summary

Kaladin and the parshmen have arrived at a waystop to shelter against the next highstorm. Kaladin rents a large bunker and demands privacy to conceal the fact that he's with parshmen. He looks for Syl, but she is not present; the Voidspren is apparently watching him.

The parshmen file into the bunker, their numbers enhanced by others who have joined them, led by other Voidspren. Khen promises to speak for Kaladin at the gathering for his assistance. Kaladin sits down and wonders how long he can delay going back to Urithiru; he feels out of touch with events. Suddenly, the Voidspren, appearing as a woman, glowing yellow, flies up to him. She asks if he will fight for the parshmen and promises to speak for him as well, although it wouldn't be up to her to accept him. She asks him how he knew a highstorm was coming, and he pretends to just be able to feel it coming. She smiles a knowing smile and fades from view.

Chapter 24: Men of Blood and Sorrow

Plot Summary

Dalinar waits at an Oathgate, thinking about his wife. He can only remember what she looks like and how they came to be betrothed. He remembers that her death led him to excessive drinking and visiting the Nightwatcher, but he doesn't remember what he asked for. The Oathgate opens, and Taravangian arrives with his head scribe, Adrotagia. He acts rather dense and needs prompting from her. He introduces Malata, a Dustbringer.

Taravangian rides up the elevator and continues to act almost childlike. Adrotagia has to answer for him when Dalinar asks about Kharbranth. They arrive at the top level where Navani meets them. While the newcomers are given a brief tour, Dalinar and Navani wonder if Taravangian will be of any use in his condition. More memories return to Dalinar, and Navani is puzzled because she's never known of a case in which the curse goes away. Taravangian asks about the other monarchs and is informed that he is the only one who has come so far. He suggests attacking, to the dismay of Dalinar. That is just the suspicion that he wished the monarchs didn't have, but it was to be expected, given his history. He says he will not attack, but it's obvious that Adrotagia doesn't believe him.

Chapter 25: The Girl Who Looked Up

Plot Summary

Shallan is exploring Urithiru. She finds a theater and uses her lightweaving to show Pattern a play. The play is of a girl who lives in a village surrounded by a wall. The girl curiously asks the townsfolk why the wall is there. She doesn't receive a satisfying answer, so she decides to climb the wall. Spikes and statues make the climbing easy, even so the climbing takes days. On the other side of the wall she sees stairs and walks down to another village that has Stormlight. She takes the Stormlight and brings it to her village. Pattern is very interested in the play but Shallan runs out of Stormlight before she finishes. She realizes that she created an audience, though the figures are vague. She pulls back in the Stormlight, telling Pattern the rest of the story before she notices that one of the audience wasn't her creation. She chases after it. After entering a room she sees various figures of herself as a child, Veil, etc. The figures fade away, leaving her alone, her quarry lost. She notes several shafts that lead to the market, and sees the black figure, whom she thinks is a spren, climbing through one of them. She runs to the market but doesn't get there in time. Rock is stabbed in the hand by the black figure that she thinks impersonated Veil. She realizes that Rock is similar to the Horneater she stabbed earlier. She turns to leave, and Ishnah, who witnessed her using the Ghostblood's symbol the night before, asks to join her. Shallan rebuffs her.

Chapter 26: Blackthorn Unleashed

Plot Summary
Twenty-nine years ago

Dalinar prepares for battle, in prayer with his betrothed, Evi. She encourages him to not kill in anger, to "be a man and not a beast." He leaves to fight in what should be a decisive battle for the kingdom. Gavilar notes that Sebarial hasn't shown up, ostensibly due to supply line problems, but Dalinar believes he's just waiting to join the winning side. A small number of Ryshadium gallop by, musicspren trailing behind. Gavilar tells Dalinar to kill Kalanor, the shardbearer Highprince, to finally quell all resistance to the kingdom. The battle begins, and Dalinar seeks out a section of Kholin troops doing poorly, then attacks. He gets so enthralled he doesn't realize how many he is killing. Kadash finally snaps him out of it, and Dalinar has realized that he's killed some of his own troops. His slaughter has drawn out Kalanor. Dalinar seeks him out, regretting that he can only kill one man instead of hundreds. He finds Kalanor on a Ryshadium. Dalinar fights him and the two end up on a high ledge. After trading blows, Kalanor stumbles back, losing his blade, holding on for dear life, begging mercy from Dalinar. He runs him through the face with his shardblade, but feels oddly dissatisfied. The Thrill fills him with strength and arrogance -- all others are weak, and he deserves to rule. He dashes to Gavilar, intending to kill him, but realizes that he is about to murder his brother and stops. He gives up his newly acquired shardplate and blade to Gavilar for his heir. Dalinar vows to never be king.

Chapter 27: Playing Pretend

Plot Summary

Shallan is in a meeting with Dalinar and the highprinces, not really paying attention. She should act as Radiant would, but she draws instead. She shows a picture of the creature she chased to Pattern, and he doesn't know what it is exactly, only that it is of Odium. Next she turns to her sketches of the victims. She realizes that each of the second victims looks like the first ones. Malata wanders over to talk with Shallan. She says she doesn't belong to Taravangian, that Spark suggested they check out Urithiru. Shallan does not see her spren. Malata suggests that the Radiants need not gather, that the Desolation claimed by the Alethis may be made up. She leaves, then Ialai enters, announcing that Amaram is the highprince of the Sadeas princedom. Dalinar accepts him, but Adolin insults him and is dismissed by his father. Shallan follows and tells Adolin that she thinks that Amaram killed her brother. She's shocked when Adolin reveals that Kaladin was the one who killed the Shardbearer on the battlefield that day, saving Amaram. Adolin goes off to tend his horses, but Shallan stays behind and looks through her sketchbook again. She finds strange, violent pictures that she doesn't remember drawing. Unnerved, she goes to find her soldiers to give them something dangerous to do.

Chapter 28: Another Option

Plot Summary

Dalinar is frustrated that Azir has refused to open the Oathgate. Azir is planning to destroy their Oathgate. He asks Teshav to contact Queen Fen again. While the spanreed writes back, Dalinar experiments with Adhesion, climbing up to an apparent ventilation shaft on the wall near the ceiling. Queen Fen replies and refuses to enter into a treaty because she thinks that Dalinar, the Blackthorn, is not sincere. Dalinar wanders the halls. After an hour, Lyn finds him and tells him that Bridge Four wants him. They show him Oathbringer. Dalinar picks it up, hearing the scream of the dead spren. He asks the Stormfather if it can be healed, but he knows of no way to do it. He takes to Ialai and puts in reverently on the floor. He sees Amaram there and reminds him that he will face judgment for killing defenseless men. Amaram calls him a hypocrite, as he has slaughtered thousands with his Shardblade. Dalinar has no response, and seeks solitude in his rooms. Taravangian is there, and they discuss the conundrum of sometimes having to punish the innocent in order to protect society at large. The Stormfather tells Dalinar that he is not a hypocrite, but Dalinar disagrees. He wants to know more about Nohadon, so he asks to see that vision again. The Stormfather offers to show Navani directly, and that gives Dalinar an idea: put Queen Fen into the vision with him.

Chapter 29: No Backing Down

Plot Summary

Shallan has ordered her guards to look for violence that has been repeated. She goes to a tavern as Veil to meet with them. They report that nothing has happened since a man was hanged a couple of days ago for killing someone in a bar fight. She leaves the bar and waits, watching the people in the market. She hears screams and rushes to the scene. Someone has been hanged. Vathah reports that Glurv is trailing the killer. She dashes after, using Stormlight-enhanced speed. With Pattern's help, she trails her target to a hidden room with a pit. She sends Pattern to retrieve Adolin for additional protection. While she waits, she turns back into Shallan. Adolin arrives in his Shardplate and the entirety of Bridge Four. They descend into the pit. They find a room covered in murals. The ceiling is a depiction of the ten heralds, and the walls have three figures on them, one of them depicting the Almighty. Adolin opens two locked doors with his Shardblade. Inside they find an old decaying library. Down a third tunnel Renarin sees a large black mass, like glistening tar. He identifies her as Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother. The Unmade attacks by creating vaguely human figures out of black goo. Adolin and everyone else are forced to retreat. Shallan creates several figures with Lightweaving, and the Unmade shrinks back. Adolin and Bridge Four attack again, Shallan using copies of them to help, but they are again overwhelmed. Shallan touches the mass with her bare safehand.

Chapter 30: Mother of Lies

Plot Summary

Shallan comes to know the Unmade. It is fascinated by humans and drawn to violence. The spren begins know Shallan and tries to bond to her in replace of Pattern. Shallan and Pattern hold tight to each other. She attacks, using Stormlight, but not sure what she is doing. Shallan realizes that the Unmade is afraid of being trapped again by a Lightweaver. She wavers because she knows the creature will find out her secrets, so she pretends to be committed. Re-Shephir flees, even more terrified. Shallan decides not to chase it, but orders guards to be posted just in case. Teft notes that that's a good idea since the pillar that Re-Shephir was surrounding is covered with thousands of huge cut gems.

Chapter 31: Demands of the Storm

Plot Summary

Kaladin and the parshmen reach a city. He sees thousands of parshemen, but few are as prepared and well-outfitted as his band. Sah marvels that they have their own city now. Kaladin sees signs of fighting and wonders where the humans are. Syl reports that they are in the parshmen quarters and open pens and warns that another highstorm is coming. A parshmen scribe orders them to send Kaladin to the pens, but Khen reluctantly recommends that he be allowed to fight with them. The scribe refers them to a Fused, a Parshendi-like creature with lots of carapace and red eyes. It heads over and Kaladin decides it's time to go. He grabs a bag of spheres from Khen and flies off, the highstorm rumbling in the distance. He asks Syl for directions to Urithiru, but she doesn't know the way. He heads east and spies the humans in open pens below. He drops down and tells them to take shelter. Two flying Fused suddenly attack. They have similar powers to him, but aren't as experienced and can't fly through a highstorm as well as Kaladin. He pleads with the Stormfather to divert the storm, but he won't stop. He goes back down and desperately tries to save as many people as possible, but it's not enough. He lashes out with Stormlight and creates a barrier made of windspren, diverting the storm. More people make it inside. One of the Fused is back, but Kaladin lets the storm carry him away as he Lashes himself upward. The Fused give chase but cannot keep up. Syl directs him to Urithiru.

Chapter 32: Company

Plot Summary

Shallan is recuperating after her encounter with the Midnight Mother. Palona brings her some tea and asks about the experience. Re-Shephir seems to be almost human and wants to understand them, so she kills to mimic their behavior. She's been waiting ever since she last escaped, centuries ago, and the other Unmade are out there too. Adolin rushes in to tell her that someone has arrived, and she says that she already knows Kaladin is back, but then Jasnah Kholin enters the room.


Interlude I-1: Puuli

Plot Summary

Puuli is the keeper of a lighthouse, and he is secretly excited about the new storm blowing the wrong direction. It has torn up boats and houses, providing him with a lot of wood to gather easily. He sees the new storm as a sign that the times his grandfather spoke of are coming. He is to keep his lighthouse burning brightly until they come -- those with Light in their pockets, lost on an infinite sea.

Interlude I-2: Ellista

Plot Summary

Ellista tries to find some peace and quiet so she can concentrate on her book, but everywhere she goes in the monastery there are ardents arguing about the Everstorm. She decides to venture outside. She begins to read, completely enthralled in a romance novel. She doesn't notice when Urv, another ardent, approaches. She tries to hide what she's reading. Urv wants to see her progress on translating the Dawnchant. She is better at translating and analyzing the ancient language better than anyone, which she attributes to others' undue concern about the Everstorm. Urv notices what she's reading and offers to lend her the sequel if she helps him with a particularly difficult passage of Dawnchant.

Interlude I-3: The Rhythm of the Lost

Plot Summary

Venli and some other parshendi in stormform are following a voidspren named Ulim, searching for Eshonai. Venli finds Eshonai's Shardblade. At first she is glad and calls out to her, but she discovers that Eshonai is dead. She attunes to the Rhythm of the Lost, one of the old, inferior rhythms, and grieves for her sister's death. Ulim commands her to take the Shardplate off. Venli resents taking orders from a spren. Ulim says that they would have eventually lost control of Eshonai and that it was for the best that she died. Venli finally relents and takes off the Shardplate. As she leaves, she spies a small spren that looks like a ball of light. She shoos it away.

Part 2: New Beginnings Sing

Chapter 33: A Lecture

Plot Summary

Shallan is still resting from her encounter with Re-Shephir. Her drawing has a more scholarly focus now that Jasnah is back. She's impatient to know how she survived, so she leaves her rooms to find her. She's finds out that she's down by the jewel-encrusted pillar, so Shallan descends into the pit, the feeling of wrongness gone. Jasnah speculates that it's an intricate fabrial, and explains to Shallan how they work, trapping a spren and stimulating it to make it work. She tells her to sketch the jewels, and Shallan has a hard time taking orders now, but complies. Jasnah compliments her on her accomplishments while she was away and wants to be filled in about the discovery of Urithiru. When Shallan asks how she survived, she simply answers that she is an Elsecaller. That doesn't mean anything to Shallan, so she explains that she has the ability to go to Shadesmar. Getting back is more difficult, which is why it took so long for her to return. She asks for more sketches of what has happened in her absence and admits that she was wrong about the usefulness of Shallan's drawing skill. Jasnah is frustrated at being so behind current events.

Chapter 34: Resistance

Plot Summary

Dalinar enters the vision. He asks the Stormfather to put Queen Fen in the role of Heb, the father in the house attacked by the Midnight Essence. He comes as one of the Radiants, flying with the aid of a Windrunner. He asks him questions to try to figure out why Shardplate from this time is glowing, but he can't get a straight answer. They arrive at the town, and Dalinar is ordered to help the villagers while the Windrunners engage the creatures. He sneaks to the house and finds Taffa's body. He makes his way back to the town and finds that Queen Fen has organized the townspeople to fight. She is incredulous that a tyrant such as Dalinar has been chosen to lead the Knights Radiant, if their return is even true. Dalinar argues that she has little option but to let him go to Thaylen City; she is more convinced by his passionate plea then his "diplomatic" language over spanreed. Indeed, she didn't even trust it was him. Now that she has talked to him in person, Dalinar believes she will reconsider.

Chapter 35: First into the Sky

Plot Summary

Sigzil wakes up to the sound of Rock's breakfast bell. He thinks about his life in Azir, studying for the government tests. He washes and shaves, using Stormlight to heal a nick. He heads to the common room and almost runs into Lopen, hanging upside down from the ceiling. He goes to Kaladin's private quarters to discuss matters of business. The battalion lacks officers and scribes and their finances are in shambles. Multiple religions are practiced. Sigzil's Azish training makes him want to bring order to it all. He also suggests recruiting since their numbers are down and members of Bridge Four might go off on their own as Radiants. As they walk down the hall, they see Lyn, and Kaladin asks if she wants to join. At first she is elated -- until he assigns her as a scribe. She declines, but does accept the offer of a formal tryout that Kaladin is setting up. Sigzil brings up many other problems like chain of command and wages, and Kaladin tells him he should have been a scholar. Sigzil admits that he tried but failed the exam; Kaladin tells him it was a stupid exam because they missed out on having him. They arrive at the quartermaster and borrow the royal emerald reserve, freshly Invested so Bridge Four can "practice being Radiant."

Chapter 36: Hero

Plot Summary
Twenty-four years ago

Dalinar talks to his wife Evi in front of a fire. She is pregnant. Evi delights in the playing flamespren, but to Dalinar, they are fighting. Evi wants Dalinar to enjoy living life instead of living to fight. Dalinar wonders if he can truly change, and Evi encourages him to find the Nightwatcher, the "One," if he believes he cannot do it himself. A messenger from Gavilar arrives summoning Dalinar. He tells Dalinar that Rathalas demands the Shardblade back for the heir of Tanalan. Dalinar had told Gavilar that he "dealt with the heir" (Tanalan's child), but he actually spared the child. The child is now grown and Rathalas is in rebellion. Dalinar is excited at the prospect of killing again, and the emotion shocks him. Evi is pleased to hear that he extended mercy, and Dalinar is proud to be a hero to her. Gavilar plans to use politics to resolve this instead of war so his son, Elohkar, won't have to deal with this in the future. Dalinar knows it won't work.

Chapter 37: The Last Time We March

Plot Summary

Lunamor (Rock) is cooking stew and surprised at how he finds the barren Shattered Plains beautiful. Kaladin is training crews on how to use Stormlight. He first has them swear the first oath, and Lunamor quietly recites it to himself as he cooks. He instructs Lopen, Sigzil, and Peet to start teaching. Dabbid takes over stirring. Lunamor goes to find Hobber and finds Kaladin kneeling beside him. He tenderly encourages Hobber to try breathing in Stormlight. Rock is skeptical he can do it, but Kaladin insists all of Bridge Four will, and maybe others. He cautions Kaladin that they are going to war and some may die. Several of the bridgemen are glowing; Lopen has stuck his face to the ground. Elohkar appears and asks Kaladin to come with him to Kholinar and reclaim their home. Kaladin agrees and is given twenty days to prepare the rest of the men. Renarin meanwhile comes straight from his daily duty at the Oathgate to be with Bridge Four. Rock invites him over to help cook and notes he can see all spren, but never Renarin's. Renarin wonders if he belongs to Bridge Four since he is not a Windrunner, but Rock insists that he does. He is conflicted over what is expected of him -- to be a warrior, or what he is good at, scholarly work. He feels the odd one out, but Rock points out Rlain; Renarin goes to sit by him. The men come over for a drink break. Skar is struggling at drawing in Stormlight, but he manages to teach Lunamor how to draw some in. Skar, instead of being jealous, is pleased, being a teacher at heart. Rock suddenly notices a large group of spren gathered to watch Bridge Four practicing. Sylphrena says they wouldn't talk to her because she sought out Kaladin and hate to admit they were wrong. Rock makes an offering of Stormlight-infused spheres. The human-sized spren draws it in before flying away. Hobber breathes in a bit of Stormlight and calls the brigdemen over. Kaladin tells them to give him all their spheres so his legs can heal. He tentatively stands up, and Lopen give him the two-armed Bridge Four salute, which Hobber proudly returns. Rock looks to the west and sees a plume of smoke.

Kaladin flies off to investigate. Rock and Bridge Four grab their bridge and start marching. With Stormlight, the task is quite easy. They reach the caravan and see a dead Voidbringer, brought down by an Unkalaki arrow. A makeshift fortification of piled up furniture is nearby. A woman peeks out and Rock realizes it's his family.

Rock introduces his family to his fellow bridgemen. He updates his wife on what happened in his disastrous bid to win Shards from Sadeas. She tells him that something is terribly wrong back at their home. Kaladin promises accommodations for his family. The men of Bridge Four solemnly carry the bridge for the last time. No longer slaves, they will now fly with Stormlight.

Chapter 38: Broken People

Plot Summary

Dalinar enters the vision fighting with a spear among poorly equipped men. He charges forward toward a company of savage men, but his untrained allies fail to support him; his arm is cut off. Dalinar merely wraps it and continues fighting, thinking that it's "cheating" to heal with Stormlight. A Voidbringer joins the enemy. A Radiant (Stoneward) appears and creates handholds down the cliff so they can escape. The Stormfather says Dalinar may also learn this ability. Dalinar realizes that humans were fighting with the Voidbringers. The Stormfather then brings in Jasnah and Navani into the vision at Dalinar's request. They see a Radiant using a device to stimulate Regrowth and Navani rushes off to watch. Jasnah marvels that the civilization is more primitive than that of a previous vision. She worries about how Dalinar will react to being accused as a heretic. She tells him not to let others define who he is. They decide to split up and see as much of the vision as possible. Navani returns, dictating her observations to Teshav who is in the same room outside the vision. She hasn't figured out how the healing fabrial works. They run up a hill to see thousands of bodies and other terrible signs of the Desolation. Dalinar is startled to find that the boulder at the top of the hill was actually a slain creature made of stone. They continue on past the corpses to a place with nine Honorblades rammed into stone. They recognize the one that killed Gavilar, the Honorblade that Szeth carried. The Stormfather explains that the Voidbringers were given power by Odium, and when they were killed, they were simply reborn into the bodies of parshmen. Humans could never defeat them if they kept reincarnating, so Honor created the Oathpact with five men and five women. After each Desolation they would return to Damnation to hold back the spirits of the dead until a Herald, under torture, broke their oath. The Desolations came more often because it would take a shorter time for one to break. In this "last" Desolation, when nine of them survived, they hoped that the only Herald to never break, Talenelat, would be enough. He lasted 4,500 years of torture until finally breaking. Dalinar realizes that the "madman" in Kholinar is really Talenelat, though the blade had when he arrived at the Shattered Plains was not his Honorblade. He asks the Stormfather if the breaking of the Oathpact caused the Recreance, but he refuses to reveal that deeper secret, assuming that it would cause Dalinar to break his oath as well.

Chapter 39: Notes

Plot Summary

Shallan attends a meeting with Dalinar, Jasnah, Navani, Kaladin, and Renarin in the tower basements. Shallan is again perturbed by Jasnah's treatment of her when the latter announces that Shallan will scribe notes for the meeting. They discuss the new information regarding the sacrifices of the Heralds and their role in keeping the Desolations and Fused at bay in the past. Kaladin and Jasnah swap insults regarding their opposing views on how to deal with the ordinary parshmen; Kaladin seeks to spare the innocent while Jasnah sees them as surplus vessels for the immortal Fused to inhabit. Dalinar agrees to attempt negotiations, much to Jasnah's chagrin. Jasnah shocks them all when she suggests they concentrate on finding the Heralds and killing them in order to reseal the Fused. Since spanreeds have become unreliable, Jasnah convinces Kaladin to at least use his windrunners to monitor the movement of Voidbringer troops. She glances at Shallan's notes and sees that she is drawing a picture of Kaladin, so she calls for a short break. She confronts Shallan's passive-aggressive rebelliousness (and reminding her she is betrothed to her cousin) and Shallan asserts that her wardship is complete. Jasnah offers Shallan high compliments and respect for what she has accomplished on her own, but states that she will remain her ward until she demonstrates minimum requirements for a scholar. Pattern indicates to Shallan that the room they are in has memories, prompting Shallan to tell Jasnah that there may be something in Shadesmar. Jasnah reviews Shallan's notes and commands her to write them out in long hand before submitting them to her brother and mother. She goes back to her room so she can change to Veil and notices a letter pinned to her coat.

Chapter 40: Questions, Peeks, and Inferences

Plot Summary

Shallan reads the letter. It tells of two groups "which presaged the return of the Voidbringers." The Sons of Honor, led by Gavilar and Amaram, worked to bring about the Desolations in order to draw out the Heralds and restore power to the Vorin church. The Skybreakers, an order of Radiants whose members had not broken their oaths, led by Nale, hunted down and killed who had or were about to bond to spen because Nale thought that that would prevent the Voidbringers from coming back. Helaren was recruited by Nale, but was not accepted fully, so he may have taken it upon himself to kill Amaram to prove his worth. Or perhaps there was a potential Radiant in his army; if that was the case, it was not Kaladin, or he would have been killed while a slave. The letter abruptly ends. Shallan destroys the letter and goes out as Veil.

Veil enters the common room and finds Shallan's soldiers playing a game. She complains about Shallan a bit, then joins the game, betting some spheres. She wins, astounding the others with her skill. They ask Veil if Shallan will give them something else to do and advise her to tell Shallan that they aren't good men. Veil recognizes a laundry girl and grabs her: it's Ishnah. She claims to have been a spy for another Brightlady, so she has useful skills. Veil tells her she can prove herself if she trains her men well. Otherwise, she has to leave her alone. Ishnah agrees.

Chapter 41: On the Ground Looking Up

Plot Summary

Teft wakes up in an alleyway after a night of indulging in firemoss. He stumbles to a well for water and contemplates suicide. He sees the reflection of a spren in the water and angrily tells it to find someone who cares. He wanders away from the well and realizes it's morning. He can't bring himself to return to the barracks. The spren appears again, but he just turns aside into the firemoss den from the night before, indulging in three more bowels. He no longer uses for euphoria -- just to be able to function. He wakes up with his head on the table in a puddle of drool. Kaladin and Rock have found him. Kaladin asks him where his coat is, and admits that he has sold it.

They carry him back to the barracks and give him some stew. He apologizes and promises to let them help him. He knows he won't have any moss for a few days and is ashamed that that is his most pressing concern.

Chapter 42: Consequences

Plot Summary

Dalinar is in the vision of the Aharietiam with Yanagawn. He has assigned the young emperor as a common soldier, but Dalinar makes sure he doesn't die in the battle. The Radiant arrives and the battle is drawn away from them. Yanagawn walks away from Dalinar and starts chatting with some of the wounded soldiers. Jezerezeh’Elin himself is there, proclaiming the final victory over the Voidbringers. Dalinar approaches Yanagawn and identifies himself, saying that he brought him into the vision, but Yanagawn is skeptical. Dalinar shows him the terrible battlefield and tries to convince him to join Alethkar so they can fight the Voidbringers together. The last time an Alethi united with Azir, the Sunmaker led a reign of terror with arbitrary purges. Dalinar insists that he is different because he is old enough to have seen the consequences of war. Suddenly Lift shows up, and Gawx joyously greets her. She tells him not to trust the Blackthorn, and they vanish. The Stormfather is upset that the Nightwatcher has somehow given her the power to leave the vision.

Chapter 43: Spearman

Plot Summary

Moash sits by a fire eating some stew that doesn't compare at all to Rock's. Graves and Febrth are arguing about what direction they should be heading. Graves tells Moash to get rid of the patch on his coat, so he cuts it off, but he doesn't throw it away. He wonders what Bridge Four is doing. He imagines Kaladin telling them what he had done. His regret and shame lead to thoughts of suicide. The camp is suddenly attacked by four Fused, and they quickly kill his companions. Moash manages to avoid the initial attack and squares off with a Fused that moves like an Edgedancer. He dismisses his Shardblade and instead fights using his training from Kaladin. He manages to kill one and faces off with the other three. They are so impressed with him that they give him the chance to join them and live. He summons his Shardblade again and breaks the bond. He is carried off.

Chapter 44: Bright Side

Plot Summary

Veil sits in a tavern with Gaz, Vathah, and Red while Ishnah trains them. She has them close their eyes and describe the people in the tavern. Veil is able to do much better than the men, although she does miss one nondescript woman in a corner who appears to be an informant. Ishnah coaches them in ways to observe and remember things. Vathah is learning the best of the three, seeming to enjoy this duty much more than other assignments. Veil realizes that she is late for a meeting and bolts, telling the others to keep practicing.

Shallan arrives late at the meeting of the scribes. She feels anxious about being around such learned people, and briefly contemplates producing another persona to deal with it, but she dismisses the idea. Shallan should be the scholar. Navani calls the meeting to order. Renarin timidly joins the meeting. They start to discuss the fabrials of the tower, and he makes an insightful comment. Janala mocks him for his apparent knowledge in the feminine arts, and Shallan calls her out, insulting her in turn. Jasnah calls for a break and scolds Shallan for her outburst and expresses regret at taking on a ward. Shallan slinks off to the side. Renarin thanks her for defending his honor. He believes that the entire city is somehow an entire fabrial. He tells her that she can stand up to Jasnah more, or better yet, just not be around her. That gives her the idea to take off with Kaladin in the mission to Kholinar. The meeting starts up again, and Dalinar comes in to observe. Shallan realizes that he's done that to support his son being there.

Chapter 45: A Revelation

Plot Summary

Moash is dropped off in Revolar by the Fused. He's forced into a pen with other humans, some obviously refugees of the Everstorm. He wanders about, earning hostile looks because of his threatening size. Only Bridge Four had ever accepted him as he was. Parshmen are organizing work details. They ask for "volunteers" for various jobs, but the human slaves don't eat if they don't work. Moash sees some caravaneers -- his old profession -- and asks for Guff. He finds him and asks for work. Guff realizes that Moash was trained as a soldier, so he brings him to Paladar, regent of Highprince Vamah. He asks Moash if anyone is coming to save him, and Moash is stunned that the same hierarchy exists even though they are all slaves. He just stands there, unable to answer, and Paladar orders Gaff beaten for bringing him. Moash goes to volunteer for hard labor.

Chapter 46: When the Dream Dies

Plot Summary

Skar races up a ramp in Urithiru in full pack and equipment as part of Sigzil's tests of their abilities. Skar is slow because he still can't draw in Stormlight. They are all waiting for Kaladin to transport them to the Shattered Plains. Teft brings him some food and tries to encourage him. Skar aches to fight with the spear but knows he'll have to cook with Rock if he can't learn to Surgebind. Kaladin finally arrives; he has brought with him more recruits. He activates the Oathgate and they arrive in Narak. Waiting there is Ristina, a scribe, who reports that some merchants were annoyed at the delay. Kaladin snaps back that the Knights Radiant are not doormen. They pass some soldiers practicing with bridges and Skar thinks of how his unhealed slave brand further separates him from the others. They arrive at the original Bridge Four, now held permanently in place. Kaladin worries that none of the recruits have been drawing in Stormlight, so he's broadened his recruiting to increase the chances. Kaladin sends off the squires to practice flying. The recruits he works out in formations on Teft's suggestion. Skar is about to practice again with a gemstone but sees Lyn off by herself, obviously frustrated, and decides to go commiserate. He tells her of the first time he noticed Kaladin using Stormlight, using the Surge of Gravitation to divert arrows away from him. He didn't even know what he was doing, so maybe they were just trying too hard. Lyn desperately wants to fly with the Windrunners, but Skar tells her that that isn't enough. She has to want to protect, like Kaladin. She is finally successful in drawing in Stormlight. Skar is wistful but eventually becomes excited for Lyn's success. He tells Rock that he just might join the support team since he won't be able to fly, but Rock points out that he is glowing.

Chapter 47: So Much Is Lost

Plot Summary

Jasnah reads the words of Talenel’Elin, who apparently really was the returned Herald rather than just a madman. Nearby are three spanreeds writing continuously. They are paired with spanreeds in Tashikk where scribes are writing up all of her backed up notes. Ivory also believes the writer to be Taln and agrees that they need to find him. He reports that Odium stirs and wants to destroy all mankind and spren like him. Jasnah's thoughts turn to a childhood illness with hints of a betrayal. She asks Ivory what he thinks of Shallan, and his opinion is that she is unstable -- even more so than most humans -- and that Cryptics are trouble. Jasnah believes that she should share what she learned from Wit, but Ivory objects, saying it will cause another Recreance. She decides to wait for now.

Chapter 48: Rhythm of Work

Plot Summary

Moash pulls at a cart with steel skids instead of wheels. It's easy compared to bridge duty. Hundreds of humans around him also pull wagons or sledges. It's obvious to Moash that they are marching to invade Kholinar. He starts to feel as though the humans didn't deserve to govern anyway. He admires the efficiency and fairness of the Parshendi army -- with one exception: a group of parshman slaves. They are whipped and treated poorly, set apart from all the other sledges.

During a quick water break, Moash asks his overseer why that group of parshmen are treated so badly. She responds that they had harbored a "false god" (a Knight Radiant) and brought it among them. They continue on after the break, and after some time one of the exhausted parshmen slips and falls, causing their sledge to stop. Moash sees the whipping start again and gets fed up. He attacks the two overseers and takes the injured man's place. The overseers let it go, even after conferring with the Fused. No one whips the parshmen for the rest of the march.

Chapter 49: Born unto Light

Plot Summary
Twenty-three years ago

Dalinar uses some firemoss to escape his quiet life with no battles or fighting. Havar and Bashin are with him and place bets on the wrestling match. Dalinar watches the match and begins to feel excited at the conflict, then he remembers that that almost led him to kill Gavilar. Havar asks when they are going to the Rift to fight the rebellious Tanalan, but Gavilar is trying diplomatic means. The feature match has been canceled due to one participant being sick, so Dalinar takes off his shirt and enters the ring. His opponent is the undefeated Makh, but he backs out for fear of being hurt. Havar explains that Dalinar maimed some men in a tavern fight a couple of weeks back, so no one wants to face him. The den empties and Toh arrives, looking for Dalinar. He reports that Evi is giving birth.

Evi tells Dalinar that he has a son, and the midwives bring him in. He takes him in his arms and laughs in joy. He gives him a silent blessing: that he may inherit his strength and some of Evi's compassion. Looking at his son, he better understands Gavilar's thought for a stable future. He names him Adolin and is surprised to see Gavilar there. He congratulates Dalinar, but there is clearly something wrong, so they go apart to talk. Dalinar asks after Jasnah's "lunacy," but he says she's recovering. Instead, he's worried about the Rift, which is in true rebellion. Dalinar worries about going back to battle because he's an animal when he fights. Gavilar instead sends him to fight some other border disputes to show that they are determined to keep a united Alethkar.

Chapter 50: Shash Thirty-seven

Plot Summary

Dalinar flies with Kaladin and some squires, Navani at his side. He marvels that Kaladin has enough control to fly at the edge of a highstorm, and the Stormfather speaks up, perceiving that he is thinking of him. Kaladin then touches all of them, and they all slow to stop, hanging in the air above warcamps. They take in the view, then Kaladin touches them all again, bringing them gently to the ground. The guard hurries them inside the camp, as the Parshendi have been seen nearby, and Dalinar gets a tour of his warcamp from Jasalai, the scribe left in charge. After a meal, Navani talks with Rushu about a proposed flying ship of some kind. The spanreed for Queen Fen starts blinking, and she says "yes" to visiting Urithiru. She had visited the Aharietiam vision on her own that morning. They make arrangements and Dalinar leaves the room. He wanders around the monastery and runs into Kadash. He tells him he's looking for the madman that was housed here. Kadash tells him which building and asks Dalinar if he really thinks he was a Herald. Dalinar believes it likely and asks him if he would accept his word if he agreed with Dalinar's heretical claims. Kadash would find it hard to change. He spies one of his spanreeds, which has just finished writing. It is from the Palanaeum, where scribes are using the Dawnchant clues Dalinar got from the visions. Dalinar exults that he believes that the visions are true, but Kadash is skeptical of the source. Dalinar goes to room 37, the madman's room, which is locked. He asks the Stormfather if he can use his powers, but they won't work here. He finally goes outside and sees a hole already cut out by a Shardblade in the outside wall. He searches the room and finds a dart. Kaladin arrives and identifies Blackbane poison on the tip. As they gather and leave the warcamp, Dalinar orders Kaladin to fly to Thaylen City in the next highstorm.

Chapter 51: Full Circle

Plot Summary


Moash and the other parshmen have been pulling the sledge for a few days on their way to Kholinar. They stop to rest in an orchard and Moash sees some of the Fused on horseback and not flying. He then comments to the parshmen that he's surprised the Fused have not just swept in and destroyed everything in their path as the legends have told. That the Fused are actually farming. Moash mentions in passing that he killed one of the Fused and Sah is baffled. The company heads out again and stops in a town nearby. Moash sees the Fused sending humans too weak to work in the fields to Kholinar. He realizes that the Fused are trying to overcrowd the city with refugees. Moash also realizes that they have stopped in this town for the siege because a highstorm would destroy an army on the plains. He and the punished parshmen are brought to a lumberyard to build siege ladders to use on Kholinar's walls. When the overseer sneers at him that he'll be in the front running the ladder towards Kholinar and the archers, Moash is overcome with laughter at the irony.


Shallan reads another letter from Mraize. He tells her that Ishnah was an assistant to real spies, but not a threat and may continue to work for Shallan. While she waits for a meeting with Elhokar she examines the illusion she has placed on her pouch that makes it appears violet, but is actually white. The illusion is being sustained by the Stormlight of a sphere in the pouch, rather than by Stormlight from inside her. She ponders new applications of this ability. Shallan then meets with Elhokar. She tells him she's going to fly with Kaladin to Thaylen City. Then, in private, she offers the king her and her spies' company on the mission to Kholinar. Elhokar at first hesitates, not wanting to take two Radiants away from Dalinar. She convinces him that she's is not Dalinar's subject and neither is he; he can do what he wishes. He accepts.

Shallan tucks the formal request to help into her safepouch next to Mraize's letter. She tries to convince herself that she's not just running away from Jasnah. Pattern is humming, and Shallan hums with him.

Chapter 52: After His Father

Plot Summary
Eighteen and a half years ago

Dalinar returns to his camp exhausted. He has spent the last four years on campaign, first crushing the Herdazians and now fighting the Vedens at Alethkar's western border. Kadash enters and reports on the battle. Dalinar thinks on battlefield tactics and logistics and senses the Thrill still within him. He realizes that he is glad the fighting has gone on for so long so he can continue feeling the Thrill. As he finally drifts off to sleep, he hears Evi's voice. She has been living in Kholinar for the past few years. At first he's angry that she's there, but she wants to be like the other Alethi wives and accompany her husband. She chides him for not visiting her more often; Renarin hasn't even met his father yet. Her healing touch calms him, and he goes to see his sons. Adolin is thrilled to see his father again and we see how much Adolin already looks up to Dalinar. Renarin is a toddler and merely looks at his father and plays with blades of grass. The Thrill finally leaves Dalinar. He promises Evi that they will discuss her role there later, and she leads him to a bed in her wagon to sleep.

Chapter 53: Such a Twisted Cut

Plot Summary

Jasnah ponders her recent readings about the history of Jah Keved. She is disturbed by the account of an ancient king slaughtering his entire family and court after many assassination attempts. She peeks into the library, now full of scholars. The hallway in which the Unmade had fled had been discovered to lead to an alternate exit into the mountains. Renarin is there, watching the scholars in his Bridge Four uniform. Jasnah worries about rebellion within the family, like the story about the king who ruled for only three months. She sees her spanreed light up, and she speaks to some fellow colleagues in Tashikk. They report that they suspect that the Herald Nale has been seen. They relate the tale of Lift and Nale in the palace. Jasnah notices Navani talking to Shallan and goes over to them. Renarin looks strange. Suddenly, Amaram shows up in the doorway. He asks Jasnah to speak in private, but she declines, taking the opportunity to insult him. He was apparently Gavilar's choice for Jasnah's husband, and he tries to "rekindle" the relationship, which Jasnah insists never existed. She further insults him and his mother, implying she was a whore, and he starts to summon his blade. She smiles and dares him to continue, showing Stormlight leaking from her hand. He storms off and Shallan giddily congratulates her on being so clever. She then asks for permission to leave, saying that Elhokar needs her in case they have to sneak into the city. Jasnah wants to speak to Elhokar about that, then she suddenly notices that Renarin has opened a drawer with a strange gemstone inside. Shallan notices that it seems to buzz with a musical language. Renarin pushes Stormlight into the wall and hundreds of drawers open. The contents of the library have been preserved in the gems.

Chapter 54: An Ancient Singer's Name

Plot Summary

Moash works on the ladders for the siege. Sah and Khen are resentful at their treatment, but don't know what to do about it. Their own gods have set them up to die in the first assault. Moash is also frustrated at their plight, knowing what it's like to be sent in to absorb arrows, and walks off into the town, demanding to talk to someone in charge. One of the flying Fused approaches and says he can talk to Lady Leshwi. It tows him up to the sky and leaves him hanging there. He floats over to Leshwi, and she asks him how he got his name, because "Moash" is a Parshendi name of old. She says that she is one of the "sane" Fused, so is one in charge. He was spared because he showed such passion in fighting her (she was the one he had killed during his capture) and in helping the lesser Singers. He admits that he doesn't deserve the Shards that were taken from him, and also opines that the humans don't deserve to rule. He only wants vengeance.

Later, he wanders the streets, set free by Leshwi. He ponders on the Fused, being reborn for thousands of years and never giving up. He goes back to the lumberyard and finds his forlorn crew. He offers to teach them the spear.

Chapter 55: Alone Together

Plot Summary

Rlain attunes to the Rhythm of the Lost as he watches the Alethi soldiers repurpose his old home, Narak. As far as he knows, he is the only true listener left. He is trusted enough to hold a spear, but not enough to hold Stormlight. Even the newcomer Lyn seems more part of the group than he is. He goes over to the drink station where some bridgemen are discussing a recent raid by the Fused on a caravan. They ask Rlain what they're up to -- since he would know since they're his kin -- and he explains that the Fused are not his people. His people had tried to avoid them, and somehow they were tricked into bringing the Fused back. Kaladin and the rest of the patrols return, and they gather to drink Rock's latest concoction. They are uncomfortable with Renarin hanging out with the scholars, as it is too feminine, but have no trouble with Drehy courting a man, which confuses Kaladin. Rlain sympathizes; humans can't simply choose a form and act accordingly. Kaladin sends the men off for more training and offers the rest of the day off for Rlain, noticing his frustration. Rlain complains that Kaladin doesn't really know how he feels, so Kaladin offers to listen.

Chapter 56: Always with You

Plot Summary

Dalinar brings Navani and Jasnah into the Recreance vision without the aid of a highstorm. They try to figure out the time period by observing the weapons and architecture. Yanagawn has been brought into the vision as well, and he watches the Knights abandon their shards with interest. Dalinar feels the pain of the dying spren. Yanagawn shares his doubts about his own abilities; he is just a youth, placed on the throne because the viziers feared the Assassin in White. Dalinar again asks him to come to Urithiru. As usual, the Almighty gives the final speech associated with the vision, then Yanagawn fades away, but the vision does not. Dalinar calls for the Stormfather, but there is no answer. Turning about, he sees a man in white and gold clothing holding a golden scepter. Thinking that the Almighty (Honor) has appeared to him, he kneels. The man identifies himself as Odium.

Chapter 57: Passion

Plot Summary

Odium settles down for a chat while Dalinar practically panics. He calls Odium a monster for killing Honor, but he retorts that Dalinar has behaved similarly in his life. Odium states his intention to kill Cultivation as well, but he can't right now because he is shackled. Dalinar suggests that he just go away and leave them alone. Odium asks if that's a serious offer made with Intent, and Dalinar asks why he can't just leave without killing. Odium uses examples from Dalinar's own campaigns; he has enemies to destroy, whether they are worthy of death or not. He explains that he is the god of passion, not just hate, and that he cares for people, unlike Honor and Cultivation, being only interested in oaths and transformation, good or bad. Dalinar asks why the Knights abandoned their oaths, but he doesn't answer directly. He starts to walk away, and Dalinar offers a challenge of champions. Odium declines to take that risk, confident that Dalinar will release him anyway. Dalinar tells him that he's not afraid of him anymore now that he has revealed himself. Odium smiles and plunges him into a vision of sorts, allowing Dalinar to experience Odium's true depth of power; the old man is just a mask. Dalinar is overwhelmed by the intense emotions he experiences and shrinks from the vision. Odium kindly tells him to rest then suddenly frowns, looking among the rocks. He disappears and Lift emerges. She agrees to come to Urithiru as long as the food is good. The vision finally fades.


Interlude I-4: Kaza

Plot Summary

Kaza clings to the rigging as the First Dreams heads directly into a storm. After one last enormous wave, the storm suddenly stops, and Vazrmeb exults that forbidden treasure will soon be theirs. He takes the helm from Droz, who ignores Kaza's deformed appearance and starts to chat with her. She struggles to converse because she is forgetting how humans interact. The captain orders her to soulcast some of the stone spikes so they can approach the island in dinghies. She promises to comply but reminds him that she is here for her own purposes. They board four dinghies, and she begins to soulcast one of the spikes. In the midst of convincing the stone to turn into smoke, she almost turns herself into smoke to finally end her pain. Vazrmeb climbs into her dingy while the one he was in heads back; the men claim to be ill. She begins to feel slightly sick herself and a moment later notices that all of the sailors have collapsed. She determinedly grabs the oars herself and struggles to the shore, where she collapses, feeling sleepy. She crawls a bit further, passing an uncut gemstone among the remains of a greatshell, then collapses again. The cook appears behind her, and Kaza realizes they have all been poisoned. She asks what the secret of the island is, but the cook refuses to answer as even her soul could reveal the secret that would be "the ends of worlds." The cook's Dysian Aimian body collapses and some cremlings try to take the soulcaster from Kaza. She turns the ground beneath her and herself to smoke.

Interlude I-5: Taravangian

Plot Summary

Taravangian knows he is brilliant today and impatiently works the math problems. Only one problem eludes him; he is not quite at the level as the day he created the Diagram. He orders that his rooms be cleared of furniture and people and orders some background music. Adrotagia brings him a copy of the Diagram, and he settles down with the transcribed copy. He starts cutting it to pieces; the Diagram in this form might be misleading them, so he decides he needs to separate it back into its parts to see it in new ways. He connects different parts of the text and gains new insights. He notices a slip of paper under the door -- the measurements of the field outside his window he had ordered earlier. He opens the door and orders gum paste so he can start putting paper up on the wall. He fears that Adrotagia suspects that he pretended to be less intelligent, and he is right. She confronts him on the problem he skipped -- a ruse to allow him to make decisions. He deflects the conversation by sharing his calculations on how much food Urithiru could produce, based on the size of the field outside. They must have been able to grow food inside. She insists that he follow his own rules, and he impatiently agrees to make no more policy decisions for the day and kicks her out of the room. He tries to figure out a contingency for the failed assassination of Dalinar. He reads again the words the surgeon uttered at his birth. He had feared that since the cord was around his neck that he would have diminished capacity, which while not true, had become his reputation. After working for hours, a maid brings in food, and Adrotagia and Mrall check up on him. He has changed the Diagram such that it now directs them to support Dalinar then topple him, taking his place. They can use Malata's spren as a spy to find his weaknesses. Taravangian concludes that they cannot defeat Odium. He has been given the capacity to "save whatever they can."

Interlude I-6: This One Is Mine

Plot Summary

Venli awaits the Everstorm with eight others, including her friend and former mate, Demid. They have been chosen for something greater. Ulim coaches them. They must give themselves completely to what will happen. The storm arrives and something pushes against Venli's soul, demanding entrance. She screams in agony. She hears a kindly voice intervene, saying, "this one is mine." Something else enters. The storm subsides and Venli looks at her new form, which is less muscular, unlike the other eight. They start speaking in another language. Some act insane. Demid does not recognize her and treats her with derision. Ulim pulls her aside and explains that her companions are now Fused, inhabited by the souls of their gods. Demid has been replaced with Hariel, a notoriously vicious Fused. She pleads with Hariel to bring Demid back, but not even Odium could do so. He praises Venli for her perseverance in the war against the humans and tells her that Odium has a special purpose for her. She sits and waits while the Fused talk together in a strange language, and she sees the ball of light again, like the one near Eshonai's body. She instinctively hides it from the Fused.

Part 3: Defying Truth, Love Truth

Chapter 58: Burdens

Plot Summary

Dalinar waits at the Oathgate to Thaylen City, worrying about Odium's power. Navani suggests that his appearance was just part of the vision, but he is sure that his appearance was real. Shallan and Kaladin come through the Oathgate, successfully only transferring the control building instead of the entire platform. Kaladin reports that flying with the highstorm will work for the team's transport to Kholinar. Dalinar tells him that now that he is a shardbearer, he has been gifted lands by the king. Kaladin doesn't like the idea of that responsibility but is reminded that he took that upon himself by speaking the Words. Malata brings them to Thaylen City after some calculations by Navani. Once there, Dalinar is astounded at the level of destruction. Fen starts to take them on a tour.

Chapter 59: Bondsmith

Plot Summary


Chapter 60: Winds and Oaths

Plot Summary


Chapter 61: Nightmare Made Manifest

Plot Summary


Chapter 62: Research

Plot Summary


Chapter 63: Within the Mirror

Plot Summary


Chapter 64: Binder of Gods

Plot Summary


Chapter 65: Verdict

Plot Summary


Chapter 66: Strategist

Plot Summary
Eleven years ago


Chapter 67: Mishim

Plot Summary

Shallan has mostly recovered a day after being "murdered" in her failed attempt to enter the palace, though she is still bothered by what she saw in the mirror. She, Adolin, Kaladin, and Elhokar hold a meeting in Yokska's kitchen while the building's owners are out buying food. Elhokar decides that Shallan will infultrate the Cult of Moments to get close to the Oathgate, and he and Adolin will rally the lighteyed houses in the city to assualt the palace if she fails. Meanwhile, Kaladin is to investigate Azure and the Wall Guard. Adolin compliments Elhokar on his plan, before turning the conversation towards Aesudan's flaws. Elhokar is uncomfortable with it and tries to defend her, saying that he needed her strength, then goes back to discussing the plan. They agree to start investigating.

Shallan, as Veil, walks on the streets in disguise, trying to get a feel of the city's atmosphere. She notes that the market is quieter than it normally would be, due to everyone feeling like they are under siege. She stops to chat with a woman in a tailor's stall, finding out more about the current situation. Some order is still kept by Velalant's soldiers. Veil walks over to a grain station called Secure Keeps, where Velalant soldiers are handing out grain. She gives a stick of meat to an urchin, then asks him some questions regarding the food line. Veil learns that the soldiers seem to be purposely excluding many of the poor, while givng food to servants of wealthier lighteyes. She tries to find out more by giving the boy another stick of meat, but he has run off. The line closes, to the ire of the poor who haven't gotten food. She is frustrated and wishes she could do something for the poor. Veil turns to leave, but then hears a familiar voice. She approaches it, and sees Wit telling a story about the moon Mishim.

Chapter 68: Aim for the Sun

Plot Summary


Chapter 69: Free Meal, No Strings

Plot Summary


Chapter 70: Highmarshal Azure

Plot Summary


Chapter 71: A Sign of Humanity

Plot Summary
Eleven years ago


Chapter 72: Rockfall

Plot Summary


Chapter 73: Telling Which Stories

Plot Summary


Chapter 74: Swiftspren

Plot Summary


Chapter 75: Only Red

Plot Summary
Eleven years ago


Chapter 76: An Animal

Plot Summary
Eleven years ago


Chapter 77: Stormshelter

Plot Summary


Chapter 78: The Revel

Plot Summary

Shallan, as Veil, takes the wagon of food to the meeting point with the cult. She and Vathah meet two guards and cultist by the steps to the Oathgate platform. The cultist disapproves of Vathah's presence and the fact that Veil reserved two bags of food to give to the poor instead of the cult. She remarks that Veil had been leaving rumors throughout the city that she wanted to join the cult, and Veil realizes that it was Wit's work. Veil tells them that she hears a voice telling her to give in to the end and embrace the "time of the spren", and the cult members allow her to enter.

Kaladin stands on top of the wall, observing the city after the Everstorm. He feels that things are wrong somehow. Beard and some of the others come up to call him in for dinner, and Kaladin joins them in the barracks. The platoon commanders call the men to muster, and Azure enters the room. She does a formal inspection, and Kaladin reflects on how these inspections are less about finding flaws and more of a chance for the men to show off. Azure compliments them as the "finest platoons" she's led, and Kaladin thinks of how it acts as a morale boost. Kaladin walks over to dine at the officers' table, having been invited to sit there, and inspects Azure. Dinner is served.


Chapter 79: Echoes of Thunder

Plot Summary


Chapter 80: Oblivious

Plot Summary


Chapter 81: Ithi and Her Sister

Plot Summary


Chapter 82: The Girl Who Stood Up

Plot Summary


Chapter 83: Crimson to Break

Plot Summary


Chapter 84: The One You Can Save

Plot Summary


Chapter 85: Grieve Later

Plot Summary


Chapter 86: The Others May Stand

Plot Summary


Chapter 87: This Place

Plot Summary

The Oathgate control building shakes violently as it activates, and Adolin falls onto a hard surface, and is then thrown into a sea of glass beads. Azure pulls him back up onto the platform. Adolin notices that the sky is different, being pitch-black with long, strange clouds stretching towards a small and distant sun, and that they are surrounded by an ocean of beads. There are two large spren nearby, one black-colored and one red. They are in Shadesmar, though Adolin doesn't realize it. Nearby, Shallan and Kaladin also get up. Pattern remarks that it is a bad situation, startling Adolin, causing him to run into Sylphrena. He also notices another spren next to her. Azure says that she hates this place.


Interlude I-7: Envoy

Plot Summary

Venli tells a biased account of the War of Reckoning to a group of gathered singers, portraying the listeners as a heroic group that fought against the humans who sought to enslave them for years and Venli as a brave leader who discovered the secrets of stormform. She finishes her story by telling about the listeners sacrificing themselves for the singers' freedom and encouraging them to fight for Odium. Venli thinks back on the circumstances that allowed the singers to take over so much of Alethkar. Afterwards, a femalen singer in scholarform brings her a cup of water, and expresses doubt at what they were told to do. Venli expresses frustration at how far behind the singers are. Rine shows up and derides her for being too arrogant. Venli suggests using human slaves to help speed up the work, but Rine tells her that they must kill all the humans to prevent them from manifesting Surgebinding.


Interlude I-8: Mem

Plot Summary

Mem expertly launders some clothes for her employer, Mraize. She has to work particularly hard on an odd stain of something plus blood. She finishes her work and goes to check on her beautiful washgirl, Pom. She marvels that no one has married her yet. They gather the wash and go to Mraize's residence, entering through the front door. Mem admires Mraize's collection of artifacts and paintings. "Pom" starts destroying one of the paintings of the Heralds with a knife. Mraize returns and offers Pom a drink, calling her "Ancient One." She starts to leave, but stops when Mraize claims to know where Talenelat is. He gives Mem a bonus for getting the stain out and dismisses her, advising her to find a new washgirl.

Interlude I-9: True Labor Begins

Plot Summary

Venli is carried by flying Fused with harnesses to Kholinar. Along the way, she reflects on how Eshonai would have loved the scenic view. They land, and Venli asks if her work is done. Rine tells her that the villages they visited earlier were just practice, and that her work is just beginning.

Interlude I-10: Sheler

Plot Summary

Sheler affrontedly listens as a Herdazian general outlines three options for him to take as punishment for an unspecified crime. He indignantly reflects on being captured by Herdazians and how the general is a darkeyes. The general tells him that he can either face the sword, where all the women he abused can take a turn at beheading him, in a way that might be a clean death but could also be very painful; the hammer, in which his arms and legs are broken and he is hung up from a cliff by the ocean, which the general says is an unpleasant option that he suggests not taking; or the hog, in which he is greased and taken to wrestle the hog that lives by the shore. As the general explains, Sheler protests at his treatment, arguing that he was gathering resources because his homeland was under attack and demanding right of ransom, but is told that since he was caught robbing and killing civilians, he will not be given right of ransom. He thinks back on the chaotic situation he was facing, on rampaging parshmen and flying "monsters"(Fused) attacking and scattering his men. He inquires further about the hog and finds out that he will be released if he succeeds in wrestling the hog, but that it isn't as easy as he thinks. Sheler chooses the hog, and is doused in foul-smelling oil and left to face the creature. As an enormous claw breaks the surface of the ocean, he thinks that the "hog" may have been more of a nickname than an accurate description.

Interlude I-11: Her Reward

Plot Summary


Part 4: Defy! Sing Beginnings!

Chapter 88: Voices

Plot Summary
Eight years ago

Dalinar attends a meeting that Galivar is presiding over, acting as intimidation. He is still struggling with the events that occurred at the Rift, despite it already having been three years. Since then, Galivar (and Sadeas) used the burning of the Rift as leverage to convince others to follow Galivar's lead, with the implication that he couldn't control the Blackthorn and needed them to give him safer options by cooperating. Currently, Galivar has suggested that they light a fire in the hearth for warmth, and unable to stand the sight of flames, Dalinar leaves the room, looking for alcohol to drive out the screaming he hears. As he walks down a corridor, he smells the incense Renarin is burning, reminding him of Evi.

Dalinar continues to search for wine, and rules out the city, where everyone would be terrified of him, and the kitchens, where the palace chefs would report his drinking to Galivar. He rummages through some cupboards in a staging room, looking for rare vintages, but finds no wine. Frustrated, Dalinar stomps out and encounters Adolin with a group of soldiers, wearing a specifically tailored uniform. Adolin proudly tells him about setting up a bout with Tenathar and getting closer to winning a Shardblade. Dalinar feels conflicting emotions, both being happy for Adolin and upset because his son reminds him of Evi. He sternly orders Adolin to be more formal, but rather than wilting under pressure, Adolin just tries harder to please his father, and Dalinar is forced to express fondness. Adolin runs off, and Dalinar continues to try to find a drink. He makes his way to the Beggars' Porch, where he meets up with Ahu, a crazy beggar who always seems to have something to drink. Dalinar settles down next to Ahu, and they share Ahu's bottle of white wine. As they drink, Ahu says strange things relating to various Desolations and being tortured (due to being the Herald Jezrien), which Dalinar does not understand. Dalinar comments that Ahu is an odd man. They go on like this for a while, sharing the drink.

Afterwards, Dalinar drunkenly stumbles back to his rooms, not properly remembering the trip. He accidentally comes upon the wrong room, and overhears a discussion between Galivar, Elhokar, and Adolin about Dalinar's drinking. Adolin tells Galivar that he is worried about his father, and Galivar replies that Dalinar misses Evi. Elhokar comments that Dalinar is with he beggars again and on how fast he is drinking through the palace's wine stores, calling him a "drunken fool" at one point. This causes Adolin to get angry and retort that his father is a great man. Galivar tells the two to stop arguing, and at that point, Dalinar decides that he can't take it any more and leaves. Upset at hearing the discussion, he stumbles into another room and collapses on a couch.

Chapter 89: Damnation

Plot Summary


Chapter 90: Reborn

Plot Summary


Chapter 91: Why He Froze

Plot Summary


Chapter 92: Water Warm as Blood

Plot Summary

Szeth and the other Skybreaker hopefuls are dropped off at a town on the northern border of the Purelake for their first test. A tall, strong man impatiently tells them that a group of convicts escaped hours ago, and that they can be identified by the tattoos on their foreheads. Many of the hopefuls and squires being tested run off, already searching for the escapees. Szeth lingers and asks Ki about why they were notified and allowed to act, and she tells him that since appearance of the Everstorm, the Skybreakers have been expanding their influence and accepted by some governments as a lawkeeping force. Ki then explains the current situation, elaborating on how the convicts were kept alive despite their guilt because of the "Reshi idealists" in the region, and that the convicts are gathered in the local prison, which is maintained by Minister Kwati with the funds he is given. Szeth is a bit confused by the purpose of the test. As he and a few other remaining squires leave, Ki asks Szeth on why he is willing to walk on stone when all the other Shin she has met call it holy and refuse, and he tells her that if stone really was holy, he would have been burned away a long time ago. Szeth enters the Purelake, noting the water's warmth. The sword tells him that he is far behind the others. Szeth replies that he once heard a single voice similar to the sowed's when he was young, and that he hopes that "things go better this time", hinting at his past. He continues searching for a criminal, and spends more time conversing with the sword.

Chapter 93: Kata

Plot Summary


Chapter 94: A Small Bottle

Plot Summary


Chapter 95: Inescapable Void

Plot Summary


Chapter 96: Pieces of a Fabrial

Plot Summary


Chapter 97: Riino

Plot Summary


Chapter 98: Loopholes

Plot Summary


Chapter 99: Reachers

Plot Summary


Chapter 100: An Old Friend

Plot Summary

Dalinar is in Vedenar, a city devastated by their civil war and the Everstorm, to survey their martial capabilities and fortifications. He has now regained almost all his memories, except for his meeting with the Nightwatcher. He is startled to hear the sounds of Evi crying and the cries of dying children again, and he worries for Adolin, Elohkar, and the Radiants. As Dalinar overlooks the city’s damage, Taravangian joins him with holding a giant kite shield containing a fabrial. The old king talks to him about choices and the paths they lead to, eventually concluding that morality and law are built on the bodies of the slain. He explains that fabrials are made by enslaving spren by luring them in with something they love, something familiar. The discussion overwhelms an already-shaken Dalinar and he excuses himself. He goes to the storm shelters, hopeful that the familiar company of soldiers will calm him. While meeting with a group of veterans, he asks an elderly one about the civil war. The man tells him it was a nightmare, marked by men shouting to keep fighting even when it was no longer necessary, to keep up the momentum. The soldiers recalled seeing a haze that day. Hearing the description of their bloodlust, Dalinar feels it stir - the Thrill awakening deep inside. He realizes he never learned to overcome it; rather, it had left him to come to Vedenar.

Frantically trying to distract himself from the growing Thrill and the haunting events of Rathalas, Dalinar climbs the city wall to inspect the city fortifications. The Thrill continues to call to him, and a voice in his head urges him to give in. He then heads to the Oathgate, eager to return to Urithiru so he can rest. A group of scribes, Kholin guards, and Navani are there. He sees ardents with blue robes, Curates from the Holy Enclave in Valath. An Ardentia leader declares Dalinar a heretic due to his assertion that the Almighty is not God and excommunicates him. Knowing that he will kill the ardent if he stays, Dalinar dashes to the Oathgate control building before remembering he has no Shardblade to use as a key. Ignoring the Stormfather’s warnings, he uses his bondsmith capabilities to produce something bright and white that he rams into the keyhole. The Stormfather groans in pain and pulls back. Dalinar is transported to Urithiru. He hears Evi’s voice beckoning him to accept that this is who he is. He pulls the Way of Kings off his bookshelf, thinking about how it once saved him but how he can't even read it. He ransacks Adolin’s room and finally finds some wine, raising the bottle to his lips.

Chapter 101: Deadeye

Plot Summary

The ship is on its way to Celebrant. Adolin is in Captain Ico’s cabin, refashioning clothes that the spren gave him. Ico enters and tells Adolin he can sense that he was a ruler in the Physical Realm, wondering why such a human would come to Shadesmar. Adolin doesn't answer and contemplates the thought of ruling, thinking that Dalinar will surely abdicate now that Elohkar is dead but worries he may have to take the throne. He grew up hoping he wouldn’t, fearing that it would mean an end to dueling and enjoying life; plus, he feels inconsistent, unlike Dalinar.

On the deck, Adolin and Azure talk as a highstorm causes the clouds above to become iridescent and the Reachers to work more vigorously. Azure is impressed by how well Adolin improved his outfit, noting it’s an unusual skill to have for a royal. Adolin asks her if she knew many royals, and after an enigmatic answer, she says she has known some, including a woman who abdicated her duty in favor of someone who could do it better. She indicates that she has been in similar situations herself, getting “too involved” then abandoning everyone. Thinking she is referencing the wall guard in Kholinar, Adolin tells her she did not abandon them. The conversation ends with Azure saying that she doesn’t regret allowing someone else to rule who was more capable but doesn’t elaborate on what she means. Captain Ico bids Adolin to go with him into the brig to retrieve his “deadeye,” referring to Adolin’s dead spren. Adolin sees another deadeye in the brig, Ico’s father, and doesn’t understand why they should be held captive. Ico responds that he can’t have them on deck because they don’t watch where they’re going and fall off; furthermore, his father would go searching for the human carrying his corpse. Adolin is surprised since this implies that Ico’s father is a Radiant spren. Ico cautions Adolin that his spren is not his friend, just a tool, and he shouldn’t pretend otherwise.

The ship pulls up to the dock as Adolin thanks Ico, asking once more if he’ll take them to the portal between realms, but Ico declines since the region has gained a bad reputation due to vanishing ships. He advises them not to stray too far outside Celebrant, to tie up the deadeye, and to visit the dock registrar which will help them find potential passage. The group agrees to split up: Kaladin, Adolin, and Syl will acquire rations and supplies, and Shallan, Pattern, and Azure will go to the dock registrar to try to find a ship that will take them on.

Chapter 102: Celebrant

Plot Summary

Upon reaching Celebrant, a city with stunning variety of spren, Kaladin, Adolin, and Syl head toward the market to resupply. Kaladin notices there are no spren "children." Syl explains to Kaladin how spren reproduce and says that it's rare, with some spren only partaking after hundreds of years. Kaladin is surprised that spren are so old, but Syl cautions that time doesn't affect spren in the same way, noting that without a bond, most of them don't change. Kaladin spots an unusual painting at one of the stalls that depicts a kneeling figure with nine shadows. The stall merchant, an ashen spren, tells him that the painting was from the Court of Gods and that it is rare for one to escape being burned at the Court. Kaladin feels the renewed sense of urgency to find Dalinar. Multiple spren appear to recognize Syl, who is disguised by both Shallan's lightweaving and clothing that Adolin bought at the market. Syl admits to Kaladin that she has been trying to hide her identity because there is a bounty of Stormlight on her capture/return to the Honorspren capital, which she escaped when she came to the physical realm.

After consulting with the dock registrar, Shallan, Azure, and Pattern go from ship to ship to try to find a passage to the Peaks or Thaylen City. They are informed that no one is sailing to Cultivation's Perpendicularity because voidspren, some of which are accompanied by Fused, are sailing warships there and demanding tribute from any who approach. They hide when they see a Fused talking to Captain Ico on his ship and are aghast when they see that the ship has been set on fire. It is later revealed that the Fused set the ship on fire accidentally, intending only to intimidate Ico into giving information about human criminals that it claims were hiding on the ship. They find out from the registrar that the Fused and voidspren have been in the city for months now. Everyone reunites. Shallan informs the registrar that they are Radiants. Delighted by the notion that honor has returned to men, the registrar urges them to try to find safe passage as quickly as possible. With no other available options, Syl reveals herself to a white ship with gold accents - the ship of Honorspren that are sailing to Lasting Integrity, the Honorspren capital. They recognize her and allow her and the others to board. Syl is restrained and cautions Kaladin against interfering. A Fused appears to see them boarding but flies away in the opposite direction.

Chapter 103: Hypocrite

Plot Summary

Dalinar wakes up on a stone floor where there is light streaming in from a balcony. He recognizes the room and realizes he is in the vision where he met Nohadon, believing there must be a highstorm outside while he sleeps. He is surprised since the Stormfather, following Dalinar's encounter with Odium, had agreed the visions were now dangerous. Once again, the vision is not playing out like it did before. Instead of joining a young, morose Nohadon on the balcony overlooking the Desolation, he finds an aged Nohadon sitting in another room at a desk writing what he suspects is the Way of Kings, only to be informed by the king that it is a shopping list. A large shadow passes in front of the sun outside. Dalinar accompanies Nohadon to the market with the list, contemplating the old man’s uncharacteristically whimsical nature and how he reminds him of Taravangian.

The enormous shadow again appears again, followed by heavy footfalls that shake the ground, but Nohadon is busy haggling with a merchant and doesn’t seem to notice. The shadow passes away while Nohadon tells Dalinar stories and philosophizes about the nature of principles. Frustrated and desperate for counsel, Dalinar laments that he and his allies can’t seem to make any progress and says he’s half-tempted to force them into it. The shadow and sound return, and Dalinar sees it's a giant stone creature with an angular face and red eye sockets (a Thunderclast). Nohadon touches the giant stone creature and it stills; he wonders aloud what it represents. Dalinar tells him it represents pain, tears, and burdens. He calls himself a hypocrite. Nohadon states that a hypocrite is “nothing more than a man who is in the process of changing.” Dalinar realizes this is something that he himself once said. The city is suddenly overcome with more stone creatures as a seemingly-unaware Nohadon continues to philosophize, noting that although Dalinar has said the oaths, he doesn’t understand the journey and what is required. The vision ends with Nohadon telling Dalinar that he has forgotten an essential part of the journey – “the most important step a man can take.”

Dalinar wakes up in Urithiru next to a mostly-empty bottle of wine. There was no storm, and he is uncertain what happened. Suddenly something blooms inside of him; not a new memory but a sudden crisp recollection – the night of Gavilar’s funeral.

Chapter 104: Strength

Plot Summary


Chapter 105: Spirit, Mind, and Body

Plot Summary
Six years ago

Dalinar attends Galivar's funeral in the royal catacombs of Kholinar. He is pained by the sight of his brother's body lying dead on a slab. Jevena, a wizened ardent, preaches about how Galivar was a good ruler who will fight on in the Tranquiline Halls and that everyone else should be inspired by his example and follow their Callings. Dalinar thinks on how he has been making progress in controlling his drinking, but then thinks about how it was his fault for getting too drunk at the feast to protect Galivar. He asks Jevena what will happen after the Tranquiline Halls are retaken, hoping for peace and rest, but she instead comfortingly tells him that he will get another fight. The keteks are read, and Dalinar realizes that one of the keteks is Navani's. He spots her with her arm around Elhokar and trying to comfort Jasnah, who stalks off into the palace. A Soulcaster comes and turns Galivar's body into stone, and Dalinar forces himself to watch. The ardents put the statue into an alcove like the other monarchs. Elhokar swears vengeance on the Parshendi, vowing to go to war with them in revenge for Galivar's death, and the highprinces, starting with Sadeas, pledge their support. Dalinar thinks it's good that Galivar was able to do something to hold the kingdom together, even in death, but wants to spend some time by himself currently. He tells Adolin to pledge support for their house and runs into the palace. Dalinar fumbles with his keys, trying to enter his chambers to get some drink. He hears a feminine voice speaking, and is attracted by the words. He follows the sound and finds Jasnah reading from The Way of Kings. Dalinar asks her to read to her, and they spend several hours going through the text. When they are done, they cry a bit and embrace before going their separate ways. Dalinar talks to Adolin, apologizing for being a poor father to him and Renarin, then tells him that he will travel to the Shattered Plains by water. He plans to cause a delay, during which he can follow Evi's advice to seek the Old Magic, and ask a favor of the Nightwatcher.

Chapter 106: Law Is Light

Plot Summary

Szeth flies southward with the Skybreakers and Nin for three days, stopping several times to recover hidden stockpiles that had been left alone for centuries. They reach Marat on their fourth day, and Szeth contemplates on Marat's culture and the local ecology, and how he was taught that men don't fit in with the natural world, destroying instead of adding. Nin briefly speaks with Ki and the other masters, and the rest of the Skybreakers fly away, leaving just Szeth and Nin. They fly to another small town and walk among its destroyed ruins. They enter the remains of a courthouse. Nin discusses justice and whether the singers were justified in invading the town and pressing the survivors into service with Szeth. Nin indicates that he sides with the parshmen, while Szeth argues that the townsfolk were innocent and didn't deserve their fate. Nin tells Szeth that he is living in a world where Nin has failed. He references how he tried to ignore evidence that the Everstorm was coming until that evidence became overwhelming, and how Ishar warned him that Surgebinders of other orders might upset the balance and cause another Desolation. Nightbood tries to get Szeth to draw him, commenting that he thinks Nin might be evil, but Szeth refuses. Nin continues talking, claiming that he has changed, though part of him still wants to be merciful, but that mercy is chaotic and the purpose of the law is to bring order and prevent sentimentality from interfering with the judgement process. He tells Szeth that he will have to swear his Third Ideal soon. Szeth asks for permission to ask a question, and is allowed to. He then points out that Nin's tendency to selectively hunt Surgebinders while ignoring other lawbreakers is biased. Nin replies that it is true that he was being biased, and then tells Szeth that he is a Skybreaker of the Fifth Ideal, before starting to recount the things he and the other Heralds did at Aharietiam.

Chapter 107: The First Step

Plot Summary


Chapter 108: Honor's Path

Plot Summary


Chapter 109: Neshua Kadal

Plot Summary


Chapter 110: A Million Stars

Plot Summary


Chapter 111: Eila Stele

Plot Summary


Chapter 112: For the Living

Plot Summary


Chapter 113: The Thing Men Do Best

Plot Summary



Interlude I-12: Rhythm of Withdrawal

Plot Summary

Venli tells her story to Thaylen parshmen, using more mentions of emotions and Passion, as instructed. She turns and leaves at the end of her speech, as she is no longer allowed to stay and answer questions about the listeners. Venli wonders if it is because Odium and the Fused are afraid of her people's history, despite their use of it as propaganda. As she walks back to the cave she now lives in, Venli encounters an insane Fused who grabs her and flies them over to the ships in the harbor. Venli is indignant at her rough treatment, and Rine acknowledges it slightly. Rine informs her that she is to accompany them as they sail in for an assault. Venli is surprised that they are leaving so soon, expressing reservations on needing to fight. Rine tells her that the Everstorm will arrive soon, and that it is the singers' war they are fighting, and that the Fused are merely there to help give them their home back. He then orders Venli to go prepare.

Interlude I-13: Rysn

Plot Summary

Rysn prepares for an audit of the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve, where she now works. Her pet Larkin - Chiri-Chiri - flies around the room, but Rysn refuses to feed her again. A porter knocks, admitting Vstim - her former Babsk and Queen Fen's new auditor. They discuss Rysn’s broken legs, then Vstim offers Rysn the captain’s cord to the Wondersail, an expensive and majestic frigate, as a gift.

They go through to the vault, entering the three different numbers needed to open the door. Rysn is taken through to an alcove that Fladm is waiting in, and she’s transferred to a lighter chair that Tlik and another guard can carry her in, to her embarrassment. They pass through to the main vault, and then into Vault Thirteen, the queen’s own vault. Just as they approach the King’s Drop, an unnamed guard stabs Tlik, then shoots Fladm with his crossbow, before grabbing the Drop and tries to escape. Other guards attack the traitor and in the melee, he drops the gemstone. Rysn notices the traitor is healing somehow. She grabs the King’s Drop, ties it to her leg, and pulls herself down the corridor, grabbing a crossbow from Fladm’s corpse as she goes. She reaches the vault door, and can hear the guards outside trying to get the door open. She tries and struggles to cock the crossbow. The traitor chases after her, and Chiri-Chiri flew after him, feeding from the Voidlight he’s holding. The traitor is revealed to be one of the Fused that can lightweave. Rysn shoots him in the chin right as he looms over to kill her.

Interlude I-14: Teft

Plot Summary

Teft and the other members of Bridge Four who attended the meeting return to the barracks. They find that a massacre has taken place, and that most of their fallen comrades have been felled by the honorblade, which appears to have been stolen. Several of the members, including Rock are barely alive. Bisig informs Bridge Four of what occurred and it is revealed, to Teft’s shock and horror, that the perpetrator used the Bridge Four uniform he sold for firemoss to enable the attack.

Part 5: New Unity

Chapter 114: The Cost

Plot Summary
Five and a half years ago

Dalinar awakes in the cabin of a stormwagon, not remembering what happened earlier, most likely due to his heavy drinking. Felt comes in to inform him that the caravan they were traveling with will be departing early, despite the rain, and voices his suspicion that they want to be rid of Dalinar and his men. Dalinar tells Felt to pay the caravan master extra to buy his silence. The men continue traveling on their own for a while. Along the way, Felt gives some advice for visiting the Nightwatcher, telling him to go in alone after sunset and warning him that the curse could be bad. Soon, they arrive at the Valley. Dalinar is confused at how he is supposed to navigate through the thick foilage, but Felt tells that there are paths if he looks hard enough. After the sun sets, Dalinar decides to go in a day early and pushes his way into the forest. As he trudges forward, Dalinar begins to doubt himself, but then hears noises, the sound of people pleading for their lives and weeping. Dalinar summons his Shardblade, Oathbringer, and starts slashing at the undergrowth, trying to clear a path for himself. Suddenly, he sees himself smiling and killing parshmen in the Unclaimed Hills, then strangling Elhokar and taking the throne for himself, followed by conquering other kingdoms and building an empire over half the continent. Then he sees a thousand villages being burned like the Rift for resisting and the people inside screaming. Dalinar realizes that this could be his future. Just then, the Nightwatcher shows up, asking him what he wants for his favor. Dalinar asks for forgiveness, but the Nightwatcher does not understand the concept very well and becomes agitated, offering things like material possessions and enhanced skills, trying to get him to ask for something else. She is interrupted by a strange woman who appears in the grove, who she addresses as "Mother". She speaks with Dalinar, and he realizes that she is Cultivation. Cultivation offers him a "pruning" to let him grow that would take away his memories of Evi. Dalinar accepts the offer and has those memories removed. The next morning, he crawls out of the woods, feeling very tired. Dalinar realizes that he is now unable to remember anything about his wife, including her name, other than the fact that he had a wife. He orders his men to prepare to travel to the Shattered Plains for the war, and asks for the sailors to get a copy of The Way of Kings while in port.

Chapter 115: The Wrong Passion

Plot Summary


Chapter 116: Alone

Plot Summary

Kaladin approaches the Fused guarding the gate, reflecting on his life. He thinks back on how his life is still painful in certain areas, but now also has purpose. The Fused spot him and seem confused at facing a single man. Kaladin draws in stormlight, flies off, and the Fused attack.

Dalinar feels the ground shaking, realizing that there is probably a second thunderclast now. He sees civilians running and panicking, heading towards the Oathgate. Dalinar continues running, holding The Way of Kings close. Suddenly, he feels the Thrill, but pushes it aside. He is hit by a falling boulder from the thunderclast destroying a building nearby and spots a few dead bodies in the rubble. Dalinar uses stormlight to heal himself and pulls his arm out. He observes the thunderclast furiously attacking the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve, appearing frustrated. He is confused by this odd pattern and asks the Stormfather about it, but he doesn't know why either. Two Fused, lead by a yellow spren, glide along (with what appears to be the Voidbinding equivalent of the Surge of Abrasion), targeting a palanquin and steal something from the occupants. Dalinar tries to give chase, but is unable to catch up to the Fused. He then runs over to help the occupants of the palanquin (Rysn and Vstim) and Rysn tells him that the stolen object was a ruby, the King's Drop. Dalinar is baffled at why they'd want a gemstone. He prepares to ask for more details when he notices that the figures with glowing red eyes on the battlefield are not parshmen, but Sadeas troops.

Jasnah enters the temple, Shardblade in hand. Renarin's spren spots her and panics, disappearing. She and Ivory realize that Glys is corrupted and are confused at how the spren can still bond to a human. Jasnah overhears Renarin whispering about seeing something bad happen to Dalinar.

Shallan creates the illusions of a small squad of various people she has sketched. Adolin, Pattern, Syl, and Adolin's deadeye (Mayalaran) hide among them. They run off and distract the remaining two Fused that did not go chase after Kaladin. Meanwhile, Shallan makes her way to the Oathgate platform by using the beads and some Stormlight to cross under the platform bridge. She approaches the two Oathgate spren and catches their attention.

Venli sees that there is now only one remaining figure, a black figure of swirling smoke the size of a normal person, as many of the ancient singers have found bodies at this point. She continues to watch the battle unfold, with the second thunderclast and the voidspren-inhabited Sadeas troops besieging the city. She notices the other thunderclast place down two Fused (the same ones from earlier), who slide along on the rock, carrying a gemstone. Venli asks Odium about it, and he tells her that the theft of the ruby was a last-minute precaution that he added, and that he plans to not only win the city, but his freedom. He orders her to approach the broken section in the wall, as he thinks that he may need her to translate for him. Venli starts walking, accompanied by the dark spirit.

Kaladin continues flying, followed by four of the six Fused. He notices that his Lashings are more powerful in the short term, but the Fused are skilled fliers. He reminds himself that he only needs to keep them distracted long enough for Shallan to activate the Oathgate. A malen Fused jabs his lance at Kaladin, and he Lashes himself aside just in time. Kaladin realizes the fact that his harpoon is much shorter than the Fused's lances puts him at a disadvantage. He puts multiple downward Lashings on his harpoon and drops the weapon, causing it to smack into the Fused. The startled creature drops his own lance, and Kaladin dives downward in a jarring maneuver and catches it. The disarmed Fused goes after the dropped harpoon as Kaladin leads the other three Fused around. He steels himself as the four Fused continue chasing after him.

Yawnagan paces around in the cabin of his ship, thinking about how he is getting used to being emperor, but that he still has his limitations. He tries to convince his advisors to go back and help with the battle. He tells them that Lift advised doing so. They continue arguing about Lift and the extent of Yawnagan's authority. Vono, the guardsman in charge of watching Lift, enters, and reports that she knocked him out and escaped. Yawnagan forces himself to keep from demanding answers, to avoid shaming the man. Another messenger, a scribe, enters, hastily bowing before informing them that the Alethi troops have turned against the city. Noura orders them to pull away from any ships with Alethi troops as Yawnagan sits down, troubled at the news.

The two Oathgate spren tell Shallan that she is not allowed to use the portal. She protests that she has Stormlight, but they tell her that they were ordered by Honor to not allow travel to and from Shadesmar before his death. Meanwhile, Adolin, Pattern, and Syl are blending in with the illusions by acting like them and randomly slashing around, confusing the Fused trying to spot them. Shallan continues to attempt to persuade the spren, who apologetically inform her that access is forbidden.

Szeth and Nin hover above the battlefield, watching. Szeth points out the Sadeas troops changing sides, and Nin replies that they have "seen the truth". They continue discussing the current situation, and Nin manages to sway Szeth to his own point of view, that the parshmen are the rightful owners of Roshar. Szeth is uncomfortable with this, but is forced to concede to himself that his logic is sound. The sword interrupts Szeth's contemplation, urging him to fight the parshmen. Szeth replies that he has no choice, and Nightblood brings up the time he spent following his oathstone. Szeth tries to rebut the sword's argument, saying that he had no choice in what he did, but then realizes that his oathstone was just a rock all along, and that he actually did have a choice.

Kaladin flies about, looping around a mountain and enjoying the flying as the Fused continue their pursuit. He turns back towards the Oathgate to check on Shallan, who waves her hands to signal that she needs more time. He attacks the Fused with the harpoon and steals his weapon. The disarmed parshman draws his sword and joins his comrades, saying something Kaladin is unable to comprehend. He tells the Fused that if it was a challenge, then he gladly accepts. Just then, Kaladin's Stormlight runs out.

Navani unwedges the rock and pushes it out of the way, opening a path. She sees that a large chunk of the wall in front of them has collapsed, and that one of the guard towers had fallen and crushed three soldiers. Fen points out that the stairway survived, allowing them to walk down and help the soldiers searching for survivors in the rubble below. Navani opens the staircase door and lets Fen and Kmakl enter, but stops herself from joining them. She sees the two thunderclasts and the churning red mist, one of the Unmade (Nergaoul, specifically) on the battlefield. Navani spots soldiers with glowing red eyes enter the city through the gap in the wall, along with the enemies outside making way for a single parshwoman (Venli). She then sees Amaram with Odium's troops, and realizes that he has changed sides. Finally, Navani notices Dalinar making his way through the hole in the city wall, unarmed and carrying a book, heading towards the Voidbringer forces outside.

Chapter 117: Champion with Nine Shadows

Plot Summary


Chapter 118: The Weight of It All

Plot Summary


Chapter 119: Unity

Plot Summary


Chapter 120: The Spear That Would Not Break

Plot Summary


Chapter 121: Ideals

Plot Summary


Chapter 122: A Debt Repaid

Plot Summary


Epilogue: Great Art

Plot Summary

Wit stands in line behind a big man, speaking about how all great art is hated, since people have varying tastes, but that if something is not hated, then it cannot be great art. He starts insulting the man in front of him in Alethi, but then realizes that he can only speak Thaylen. Unwilling to repeat himself, Wit simply cuts the man in line, causing him to get punched in the jaw and lose a tooth. He thanks the man before walking away into an alley, letting himself take in the sights and sounds of the miserable people nearby. Wit then makes his way to a courtyard near the palace, where he talks to a woman named Kheni sitting by an empty cradle, continuing his speech on the values of art, asking how many people need to enjoy a work to make the hate worthwhile, before turning the conversation towards his appearance. He then picks up some rags from an old spren costume and ties them with a cord from his pocket, before making his way to a group of destroyed buildings. Wit goes to one that he detects life in, and a little girl sticks her head out. Wit speaks with her, and she tells him that she can't leave her mother (who is likely dead). He fashions a small doll from the scraps he is holding, and Awakens it, having it walk down the street away from the building. This finally makes the girl come out, and she chases after the doll. He carries the girl to Kheni and her husband Cob, replying to his earlier question about the number of people needed to enjoy a work of art with that it only takes one person, then telling them that someone needs to take care of the girl, since he himself needs to leave the city.

Wit leaves and heads towards the palace, acting like a crazy beggar. He passes Vatwha, a Fused sentry, but she doesn't notice him. He approaches a section of the fallen palace that the Fused and singers are working particularly hard at clearing the rubble in, wondering if anyone else found it strange that they focused so much on that section. Wit encounters a pair of common singers, and bows several times and tries to sell them trinkets from his pocket, continuing his act. The guards try to shove him away, but Wit pretends to panic and runs deeper into the worksite. He gets shouted at to leave, and continues faking fright, then purposely trips himself against a wall that is still standing. He addresses an unseen entity, telling them that they don't have a lot of options, that he believes he is in the city to find them, and promises to give them juicy truths if they come out. A moving pattern slips out of the cracks and onto his hand, which he hides in his rags. The singer guards catch up to him and toss him into the gardens. After they leave, Wit addresses the frightened-seeming Cryptic on his hand with "Life before death, little one".


United, new beginnings sing: "Defying truth, love. Truth defy!" Sing beginnings, new unity.

Ketek written by Jasnah Kholin on the occasion of her ward Shallan Davar's wedding celebration.

Ars Arcanum

See Ars_Arcanum#The Stormlight Archive.
