Summary:Words of Radiance

Summary pages have spoilers through the end of the book they summarize. However, they also have links to the rest of the Coppermind, which has full spoilers. To safely browse non-summary pages, consider using the Time Machine.

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Words of Radiance. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

[[../Summary/Prologue|Prologue: To Question]]

Plot summary
Six years ago

Jasnah leaves the feast celebrating the signing of the Alethi treaty with the Parshendi. On her way to a clandestine meeting that she had scheduled, she notices her shadow pointing the wrong way. Her shadow slowly returns to normal, but she is disconcerted. This is not the first time this has happened to her, and she wonders if she is cursed. As she continues, she observes a group of oily black figures materialize before her. Jasnah then transfers to Shadesmar for the first time. She almost drowns in the sea of beads before figuring out how to form the beads into the shape of one of the palace hallways. One of the figures approaches her drawing a sword and Jasnah manifests a statue of Talenel to protect herself. The figure bows to her while his companions whisper to each other, and Jasnah is transferred back to the Physical Realm. She notices that the lanterns near her have been drained of Stormlight.

She hurries on to the meeting, where she tells the assassin Liss that she only wants her brother's wife, Aesudan, watched for now. Jasnah reminds Liss of their first agreement, according to which Jasnah will match payment of any offer made against a member of her family, in exchange for the name of whoever tried to have them assassinated.

As she leaves Jasnah hears the Parshendi's drums cease. As she walks she encounters Nale and an unidentified man discussing an individual named Ash as well as what Jasnah believes is a shardblade. Continuing on, Jasnah hears screams and starts running, following a trail of destruction that leads to her father's rooms. She watches as Szeth collapses the balcony beneath himself and Gavilar. She begins to cry as he stands over her father and wonders what he is doing. When he walks away she sees that her father is dead, his blade having appeared next to him, and despairs over failing in her efforts to protect her family.

Members of the Parshendi ruling council, including Klade, Gangnah, and Varnali, approach Jasnah and apologize. They confess to hiring Szeth to assassinate Gavilar, claiming he was about to do something very dangerous.

Part One: Alight

[[../Summary/Chapter 1|Chapter 1: Santhid]]

To be perfectly frank, what has happened these last two months is upon my head. The death, destruction, loss, and pain are my burden. I should have seen it coming. And I should have stopped it.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jeseses 1174

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
Tanatashah 1173

The chapter opens with Shallan sketching Shadesmar aboard Tozbek's ship, The Wind's Pleasure, sailing south of Roshar. While sketching, she notices a pattern appear on her sketch. This marks the first time Pattern manifests in the physical realm, appearing as an embossed sequence of complex lines with sharp angles and repeated arrowhead shapes. The appearance of Pattern startles Shallan, causing her to drop her sketches which Yalb collects for her.

Shortly thereafter, a scout spotts something in the water which turns out to be a Santhid - a large, rare sea creature viewed by sailors as good luck and whose shell is the only thing anyone ever sees. Seeing an opportunity, Shallan decides she needs to sketch the first ever picture of a living Santhid. After much debate with Yalb and Tozbek, and after conversing with Jasnah about Shadesmar and Spren in some detail for the first time, the sailors finally agree to allow Shallan to be lowered over the side of the boat to get a look at the Santhid. Jasnah tells Shallan that she has spoken to Navani about the possibility of repairing the Soulcaster Shallan posses so that her brothers can give it back to the Ghostbloods. Shallan is also informed that she has been betrothed to Adolin Kholin, which she accepts willingly.

  • Pattern manifests in the physical realm for the first time.
  • Shallan is betrothed to Adolin and gets the first sketch of a living Santhid

[[../Summary/Chapter 2|Chapter 2: Bridge Four]]

Our first clue was the Parshendi. Even weeks before they abandoned their pursuit of the gemhearts, their pattern of fighting changed. They lingered on the plateaus after battles, as if waiting for something.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jeseses 1174

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
Tanatashah 1173

Kaladin rides out the first highstorm since being freed in a small room attached to his mens' new barracks within Dalinar's war camp. Upon exiting the room he is greeted with cheers by his men who have been shaving their beards during the storm with Rock's razor. Kaladin contemplates the betrayals of both Sadeas and Amaram while speaking with Skar, Teft, and Moash about how to proceed training the newly freed bridgemen. There are some 1,000 men situated in 20 now empty buildings in Dalinar's camp; buildings recently emptied after the betrayal of Sadeas and the subsequent loss of soldiers. Kaladin decides they will find the most eager bridgemen and train them personally, sending them back to pass on their training to larger groups of bridgemen, all of whom have been given permission to leave as free men although the majority of them have not done so. Kaladin says his worst case scenario plan is to have all 1,000 men trained and able to leave the war camp as a cohesive band of mercenaries if it comes to that. Having been named Captain by Dalinar, the highest rank Dalinar dared appoint a darkeyes, Kaladin plans to name Sigzil, Rock, Teft, Moash, and Skar lieutenants. Rock will be quartermaster with Lopen as his second, Teft will be in charge of training, Sigzil will be the clerk, and Moash, Skar, and Kaladin will be mainly in charge of guarding Dalinar, who they have mutually agreed after some discussion, is their best hope for remaining free men.

Later, the men previously of Bridge Four visit a tattooist. The tattooist sets about covering the slave brands with tattoos of freedom, including some details of who freed them and when. First Hobber decides he wants a Bridge Four glyph added and after this decision, the rest demand the same. Not to indicate freedom from Bridge Four, but to embrace the unity they found there. Even those members of Bridge Four who were without slave brands opt to get the tattoo including Shen, most on their foreheads though Moash chooses to get it on his arm. Finally Kaladin sits for his tattoo but the ink will not take - his stormlight expelling it - even after banishing his stormlight until the tattoo is set, the ink immediately melts away when he again sucks in stormlight.

After leaving, Kaladin and his men walk through the war camp noting the general mood. Kaladin decides the camp has an air of dread to it following Sadeas' betrayal. The men receive Bridge Four salutes from a few people they pass, Kaladin wondering where they even learned the salute. The men visit the head quartermaster, Rind, to discuss uniforms for the bridgemen. Rind hands out what's left of the old Cobalt Guard uniforms and the men try them on, eventually coming to admire how they look in them. After some discussion with Kaladin, explaining to him that they all identify as Bridge Four despite being free, Kaladin requests that Rind commission new Bridge Four glyph patches for the uniforms.

  • The men of Bridge Four continue to identify as Bridge Four with pride

[[../Summary/Chapter 3|Chapter 3: Pattern]]

Soldiers reported being watched from afar by an unnerving number of Parshendi scouts. Then we noticed a new pattern of their penetrating close to the camps in the night and then quickly retreating. I can only surmise that our enemies were even then preparing their stratagem to end this war.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
Tanatabach 1173

Shallan sits in her cabin on the Wind's Pleasure reading a book written by Jasnah about Vorinism and the Recreance and it's effect on the documentation of history, such as the existence of Shadesmar. While studying Pattern shows up again, this time on the cabin wall, vanishing when she looks directly at it. Shallan notes the similarity between Pattern and the symbol headed creatures she had seen previously. She immediately attempts to sketch the pattern, drawing many creationspren, though she found it difficult to capture the precise pattern. When finished, the pattern seems to leave the paper and move to the floor. Jasnah comes to Shallan's room just as Shallan leaves to find her. Shallan catches a glimpse of what Jasnah explains to her is her own spren, just as she tells Shallan that the pattern is Shallan's spren, a Cryptic. Jasnah explains about the Knights Radiant and the Orders, explaining that their Soulcasting is a shared surge, but that their Orders are not the same, judging by their different spren. A lengthy discussion of sprens' nature and Jasnah's opinions of the Almighty and the Herald follows.


[[../Summary/Chapter 4|Chapter 4: Taker of Secrets]]

The next clue came on the walls. I did not ignore this sign, but neither did I grasp its full implications.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatakes 1173

Dalinar is experiencing another vision. He describes how he is running through what he believes to be the Purelake along with about a dozen armed and armored men, though he notes that they are clad in ancient leather armor. At first he is unsure if they are running away from something or toward something, until he notices a Fortress apparently made completely made out of onyx. His group meets up with another one lead by a Radiant in deep red glowing Plate. Dalinar thus determines that this vision takes place before the Recreance. The Radiant informs them that Caeb thought he saw something and tells them to look around. When one of the men hears Dalinar mumbling to himself, as he describes what is happening, he tells Dalinar to look for a spren that isn't behaving the way it should because spren that were touched by Sja-anat are different. Dalinar repeats the words quietly, hoping that Navani will record them, when he notices that the female Knight is talking to apparently nobody. As he looks around he sees a face of shadow with red eyes in the water. When he points this out to the others the Knight, after noting that this is Sja-anat's spy, sends Kade to the checkpoint and tells the others to keep watching for the carrier. Dalinar chases after the spren while describing it, when it is suddenly joined by a six feet tall spren. As the second one dives into the rock, Dalinar stumbles back. He gets pulled back further by one of the man as the ground starts to tremble. Dalinar watches as the spren, having somehow apparently animated the rock, starts to climb out of the rock with its new rock body. The soldiers, recognizing it as a Thunderclast, start yelling for Hammers.

  • In Dalinar's vision, the Knight Radiant seems to have a conversation with a person that is not present, implying that the Knights Radiant had a means of telecommunication.
  • The vision shows how Thunderclasts were created.
  • The first countdown appears (62 days).

[[../Summary/Chapter 5|Chapter 5: Ideals]]

The sign on the wall proposed a greater danger, even, than its deadline. To foresee the future is of the Voidbringers.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatakan 1173

Kaladin and the members of Bridge Four listen to a crier read Dalinar's proclamation. The proclamation states that all gemhearts won in battle will now belong to the king, and shares of that wealth will be apportioned at the Crown’s discretion. The men are concerned that this will sow even more discontent among the highprinces, making their job as bodyguards to Dalinar more difficult. Kaladin orders Rock to start training cooks for the other bridgeman barracks, hoping it will make them less despondent, then heads to the Pinnacle to relieve Skar's team. On the way, Syl worries that Kaladin no longer laughs.

Once at the king's palace, Kaladin is allowed to stay for a meeting consisting of Dalinar, King Elhokar, Adolin, Navani, Renarin, General Khal, and his wife Teshav. Teshav reports that the highprinces are irate. They had hoped that Dalinar would reconsider, and sending the proclamation out to the public has provoked them. Elhokar says that it is a disaster, and fears that they'll be dead before the week is out. Dalinar says he'll unite the kingdom or destroy it trying. The proclamation was made in order to re-focus the highprinces’ attention on the war, and Dalinar did this knowing that it would enrage them. He wants the highprinces angry, to remind them of why they came to the Shattered Plains in the first place. He then announces his intention to "disarm" the highprinces by having Adolin begin dueling for the Shardblades and Shardplate in their armies. Lastly, when prompted on his endgame, Dalinar states his intention to refound the Radiants. He isn’t sure why exactly he needs to do this, but he knows he has to.

Meanwhile, Torol Sadeas sits in front of an elaborate stone table with Oathbringer stuck through it. He thinks about how often he had lusted after the weapon, but now possessing it feels hollow. His wife Ialai enters the room, and mentions that she has used Dalinar's heavy recruitment drive to more place more spies in his war camp. They talk about how the other highprinces hate the proclamation, and plan to fan the flames of discontent. Torol wants conquest. He plans to let Dalinar alienate the other highprinces and fracture the kingdom, at which point he will "forge a new Alethkar from flame and tears".

  • Elhokar has what may be the corpse of a Larkin inside a crystal paperweight in the conference room.

[[../Summary/Chapter 6|Chapter 6: Terrible Destruction]]

We had never considered that there might be Parshendi spies hiding among our slaves. This is something else I should have seen.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Mentioned Only
Plot summary
Tanatakach 1173

Shallan sits on the deck of the Wind's Pleasure, bundled up because of the cold. She's observing and taking notes on the complex geometric spren, who she had named Pattern. Pattern asks about the concept of food and replies, "Terrible! Desctruction!" when Shallan describes eating. Shallan notes that Pattern is connecting increasingly complex thoughts. When she asks him about his first memories, Pattern starts to vibrate and Shallan can hear wind blowing through branches, and the deck starts to turn to a dirt path in front of her. Shallan is horrified and the images vanish. Just then, Yalb comes over and introduces her to "New kid", a six-foot-tall hulk of a man. Yalb tricks New Kid into doing galley duty for him, which Pattern seems to like. Shallan asks him if he likes lies, to which pattern replies that he likes "good lies ... True lies."

Shallan heads below deck to her cabin where she gets caught up in her research. Hours go by before she closes her books, and her spheres are getting dim. She feels satisfied, her life seems to finally be coming together. She fishes some newly-restored spheres out of her safepouch to replace those in the goblet, but strangely they are completely dun. When she goes to ask Jasnah for some new spheres, Shallan notices that Jasnah is uncharacteristically disconcerted. She seems exhausted, and her poise has been replaced by worry. They discuss the return of Surgebinding, and Jasnah asks that Shallan focus on learning the Illumination Surge rather than Soulcasting, as the later can be dangerous. Jasnah also reveals that she is worried about the parshmen, who she thinks are secretly the Voidbringers. They worry that because the parshmen are so integrated into Vorin society they could cause utter collapse if they rebelled. Jasnah speaks of how in ages past, the Heralds would return before Desolations and train the Knights Radiant. She reveals that she hopes to find a path to Urithiru, the legendary city of the Knights Radiant, in the Shattered Plains. There she will try to find information that will convince the Alethi leaders to expel the parshmen.

Before Shallan leaves, Jasnah gives her a book that contains information on the Order of Lightweavers. The book is called Words of Radiance. Shallan goes to sleep planning to read the book in the morning.

She is awoken by screams, shouts, and smoke.

  • This is the first time we see Pattern talk, and the first time we see his three-dimensional form.
  • The titular Words of Radiance is seen here.

[[../Summary/Chapter 7|Chapter 7: Open Flame]]

I was unprepared for the grief my loss brought—like an unexpected rain—breaking from a clear sky and crashing down upon me. Gavilar's death years ago was overwhelming, but this... this nearly crushed me.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

  • Shallan Davar (Point of view)
  • The unnamed new crew member
  • Two companions of the new crew member
  • Tozbek and his sailors (mentioned only)
Plot summary
Tanatakach 1173

Shallan wakes up in a panicked state, and rushes out of her cabin into the passageway. She sees three men holding torches with their backs to her, and one of them throws Jasnah's body to the deck, then stabs her through the heart. She screams, recognizing one of the men as a new sailor, and returns to her cabin, locking the door. The men break down the door, but fail to see Shallan as she manages to draw in stormlight then create an illusion of shadow to hide in, and another visible moving image for them to chase to another part of the ship. She sends Pattern to spy and he tells her the regular sailors are being killed on the main deck. She makes her way to Jasnah's cabin, surprised to not trip over her mentor's body in the dark. She finds Jasnah's chest and opens it to access her spheres, and hears as the sailors are being murdered. Shallan tells Pattern she wants to soulcast the bottom of the ship to sink it and use the confusion to help the sailors, and Pattern intercedes, giving her passage to Shadesmar. Pattern is there also, appearing like a symbol-head. He tells her to find the bead representing the Wind's Pleasure and persuades it to change and sink so that it can possibly save some of the sailors that it serves. Shallan returns to the physical plane and the sinking ship, and starts going under as she cannot find the way out, then something grabs her, dragging her down.

[[../Summary/Chapter 8|Chapter 8: Knives in the Back - Soldiers on the Field]]

I seek not to use my grief as an excuse, but it is an explanation. people act strangely soon after encountering an unexpected loss. Though Jasnah had been away for some time, her loss was unexpected. I, like many, assumed her to be immortal.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Mentioned Only
Plot summary
Tanatakach 1173

Dalinar watches as Highprince Aladar's army, which has arrived to the plateau faster than his own, fights the Parshendi over a gemheart. Dalinar feels bitter and jaded, as he no longer believes the plateau runs represent the fulfillment of the Vengeance Pact. Kaladin and his guards cross a bridge to guard Dalinar as he joins Aladar on his command plateau adjacent to where the battle is being fought, while Adolin and General Khal lead the Kholin forces to the fight. Dalinar joins Aladar and tells him that he saved the other Highprince from losing, but Aladar complains that he will earn less and that he is being punished for being successful. Dalinar threatens Aladar on the consequences of disobedience, but Aladar counters that Gavilar didn't use honor to unite the kingdom originally, which strikes a nerve. Aladar thinks the Parshendi are about to push, but Davilar thinks otherwise, and turns out to be correct about them getting ready to harvest the gemstone and withdraw, and they end up victorious. Dalinar notices the Parshendi Shardbearer watching from a distance, having never entered the battle, and states that this has never happened before. Aladar thanks Dalinar for his advice, but refuses to trust him regarding politics since he fears betrayal. Back in his bunker, he notes there are now sixty days left in the mysterious countdown, and receives a letter announcing that an old friend of his would be coming soon to the Shattered Plains and might solve some of the problems Dalinar is dealing with.

[[../Summary/Chapter 9|Chapter 9: Walking the Grave]]

I wish to think had I not been under sorrow's thumb, I would have seen earlier the approaching dangers. Yet in all honesty, I'm not certain anything could have been done.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Mentioned only
Plot summary

Kaladin leads the way down into the chasms, accompanied by Rock, Teft, Sigzil, Sylphrena, and the forty bridgemen from the reorganized crews who were chosen to practice spears under Teft's guidance and become future sergeants. Kaladin and Syl stroll off, debating the laws of physics and Syl jokes about her ability to defy gravity. They discuss Dalinar's plan to refound the Knights Radiant, which Syl likes, and the mysterious countdown. Syl mentions dangerous red spren that she sees on occasion. Kaladin asks if there are other surgebinders and Syl says yes, and there are other spren of different types doing what she is, but that she is the only honorspren and that she defied the Stormfather to do so. Syl tells Kaladin to be what Dalinar is looking for, and he says that he will try, despite his painful past. Rock interrupts them, praising Syl and offering to build a shrine dedicated to her. Rock says that Teft moved their training to a different spot, and says the bridgemen are becoming less reticent. Kaladin agrees to allow Sigzil to do his testing now to determine the extent of Kaladin's abilities.

[[../Summary/Chapter 10|Chapter 10:Red Carpet, Once White]]

Plot summary
Six years ago

Shallan believes the world is ending and it is her fault. As her father tries getting her to sleep he wipes some blood from her face and starts singing a lullaby. Shallan thinks herself to be a monster that kills and thus unworthy of the love and affection her father is giving her. In the room are two corpses, one a man who bled and one a woman in white - Shallan's mother - who lies face-down, hiding her "horrible eyes." As Shallan and her father pass his safe in the wall, Shallan can see the light from the "monster" inside of it. After the song ends her father leaves the bedroom closing the door on the corpses.


Now go to sleep in chasms deep with darkness all around you

Though rock and dread may be your bed, so sleep my baby dear.
Now comes the storm, but you'll be warm, the wind will rock your basket.
The crystals fine will glow sublime, so sleep my baby dear.
And with a song, it won't be long, you'll sleep my baby dear.

—The lullaby Lin sings to Shallan

[[../Summary/Chapter 11|Chapter 11: An Illusion of Perception]]

But, understandably, we were focused on Sadeas. His betrayal was still fresh, and I saw its signs each day as I passed empty barracks and greving widows. We knew that Sadeas would not simply rest upon his slaughters in pride. More was coming.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Plot summary
Tanatakev 1173

Shallan awakes on a rock surrounded by ocean water, just offshore. She sees the santhid that saved her swim off toward the horizon. Pattern says that the ship sank and doesn't know if any of the sailors survived. Shallan forces herself to accept that Jasnah is dead. She manages to tread water and reach the shore. She waits on the beach for awhile looking for signs of survivors but sees none. Pattern says that he found someone and urges Shallan to follow him, and leads her to Jasnah's trunk, which contains her books and notes intact in a waterproof enclosure.

Shallan is unable to build a fire, so she decides to try to soulcast one. Pattern eases her into Shadesmar, and she sees large, fuzzy-looking, bird-like spren that hover overhead, which are exhaustionspren that are drawn to her. She takes a bead that represents a piece of wood and tries to persuade it that it could be fire, but it prefers to be a stick instead. Her sphere is drained of stormlight and she flees from Shadesmar, having failed to make a fire start. She gets up and starts walking, though her feet are cut up and bleeding, and ends up encountering a group of strangers around a fire, and due to her state of exhaustion, lays down next to the fire and goes to sleep.

Shallan wakes up as someone with a Thaylen accent addresses her as Brightness, but he isn't one of the sailors as she initially thinks. She realizes that they are slavers, led by a man named Tvlakv, and asserts herself as she imagines that Jasnah would, introducing herself and ordering them to retrieve Jasnah's trunk and escort her to the Shattered Plains, overcoming Tvlakv's objections by sheer force of will and gaining his reluctant compliance.

[[../Summary/Chapter 12|Chapter 12: Hero]]

Unfortunately, we fixated upon Sadeas's plotting so much that we did not take note of the changed pattern of our enemies, the murderers of my husband, the true danger. I would like to know what wind brought about their sudden inexplicable transformation.
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Plot summary

Sigzil finally gets the possibility to 'measure' Kaladin's abilities. Down in the chasms—while Teft and Drehy are working with twenty others to train them—Kaladin, Sigzil, Rock and Lopen are doing experiments. Lopen guards the location to avoid unbidden guests. They try to measure how long a rock which Kaladin infuses with Stormlight and sticks to a chasm wall stays stuck. Rock hints at spren that pull the stone to the wall. Kaladin sees them too, when looking close, but Sigzil does not.

Sigzil takes notes writing them down in glyphs. And he is confused. He says he would need a clock to properly measure times and that he has no real references to compare. So they start testing other things, things Kaladin can do in battle with his Stormlight. For example Infusing his spear and making it stick to the spear of a foe or Infusing the ground causing others that step on it to topple. For this experiments Lopen and Rock join Sigzil as sparring partners. It's shown that Rock indeed knows how to fight, though he still refuses to do so aside from this sparring for testing Kaladin's abilities.

Teft comes and sees the last part of the sparring. He asks Kaladin to release him from his task of training new recruits, but Kaladin refuses.

When Kaladin and his men leave the chasm he was told by another darkeyed soldier that a Brightlord just arrived at Dalinar's warcamp. But it is not only "A Brightlord". So Kaladin rushes to Dalinar's command complex to see this Brightlord with his own eyes and the soldier was right, it is Brightlord Amaram.


Interlude I-1: Narak

Plot summary

Eshonai leads the Parshendi as they return to their home plateau after successfully harvesting a gemheart that was brought back by Devi, who is allowed to carry it as a reward for spotting the chrysalis. She wonders where Dalinar is, and feels a need to speak with him, but she can't join battles since her leg is still injured from when Kaladin stabbed her during the Battle of the Tower. She wanders through the ancient ruins on the plateau they named Narak, or Exile, where her people came to escape their gods. She enters the Hall of Art to observe the heretofore futile efforts to rediscover a new form for making art, as an incremental step towards discovering other more useful forms, but Varanis, one of her lieutenants, is unsuccessful in trying to attract creationspren to his novice attempts at painting. She contemplates the six current known forms, and laments the loss of the hundreds that their old songs mention, thinking her people may die off if they don't become more versatile.

She leaves the Hall, and encounters three mateforms who are playing idly in a pool, and berates them for being unproductive. She reflects back on how she and the rest of the Parshendi leaders conspired to assassinate Gavilar, to prevent the Parshendi gods from returning, at the cost of the slow annihilation of her people. She returns to her home, and finds her sister, Venli, and tells her of the plateau run and that Dalinar was not present on the Alethi side. Eshnonai says that she wants to talk to Dalinar and sue for peace but Venli thinks that he wouldn't accept, and says that she discovered stormform. Eshonai exclaims that this could cause their gods to return, but Venli says that is a moot point since the Alethi now have surgebinders, though Eshonai isn't sure about this. Demid, Venli's former mate, agrees that they should risk using stormform to protect their people from being wiped out. Venli says she wants to raise the issue with the Five, and Eshnonai says she will consider supporting it.

Interlude I-2: Ym

  • Ym (Point of view)
  • Nale
  • An unnamed boy
Plot summary

Ym is in his shop trimming a small block of wood. The cobbler had been taught to make the wooden forms himself, so he does. It's the way it's been done for centuries, which is good enough for him.

A spren moves in the dimness to his right. It has been coming around more often lately, and Ym had never seen one like it before. As it moves it looks like specks of light, like those from a piece of crystal suspended in a sunbeam. When it stops, light creeps upward from it, like small plants growing, which withdraw when it starts moving again.

They talk briefly about the shoes, and that Ym finds himself needing more shoes for children lately. The spren shakes suddenly, and warns "He Comes." Anxious, Ym stands up looking for "the watcher," a man in a military coat, but finds only a child peering through the door.

Ym invites the urchin in, who's feet are dirty and scraped. The boy is Iriali, with their characteristic golden skin and hair, and walks with a limp. Ym offers the him a pair of shoes in exchange for his story. As the boy speaks, Ym cleans his feet to fit the shoes. One of the feet has a nasty cut on the bottom, infected and crawling with rotspren. Ym cleans it and puts on antiseptic, then subtly uses some stormlight to heal the cut. They speak of Ym's religious beliefs, and the boy leaves after receiving the shoes.

The spren whispers "He's still here," and Ym spins as he hears a rustling behind him. A dark-skinned man with a crescent scar on his cheek steps out of the shadows in the back of the shop. The man accuses Ym of commiting a murder in his youth. Ym tells the man that it wasn't intentional, but the man says he is guilty nonetheless, then summons a Shardblade. Ym runs, but he is old and quickly tires. He stops, trying to pull out a sphere for some Stormlight, but the dark-skinned man slams him against a wall and stabs him in the chest with the Shardblade.

Interlude I-3: Rysn

Plot summary

Rysn is traveling with Vstim to the Reshi isles to do trading, but Vstim is very sick. Gu, the flotilla's guide, takes them there, guiding them since the islands move. Rysn is quite shocked and amazed when she realizes that the moving islands are huge great shells. The group lands on one of the islands, and Vstim tells Rysn that she must go and trade with the Reshi, as he is too ill to do so. He tells her to be bold, and although Rysn is nervous, she agrees to do so. Kyrlm and Nlent, two of the guards, accompany her as she ascends the island. While Rysn is observing the island, she sees Axies hanging upside down. They talk for a bit, and then Rysn and the guards continue their way up the island.

They make it to the King, and as Rysn approaches to speak with her, Talik comes and speaks on behalf of the queen. Talik, the Reshi trader, is disappointed that Vstim himself did not come to trade, and initially turns her away. Rysn is insistent in her trade, wishing to prove herself to Vstim, and the king eventually relents so that Rysn is speaking to the king, and not to Talik. The Reshi are opposed to trading with Rysn since they do not yet respect her and do not know if they can trust her. The king eventually dismisses Rysn, telling her that she did very well.

Rysn, worrying that Vstim is dying, instead insists on talking to the great shell that is the island, Relu-nu. She slides down the side of the head on a rope and begins to talk with it, pleading her case. Talik attempts to bring her back on top of the island, but Relu-nu takes a bite of the fruit at the bottom of the rope and breaks it, causing Rysn to fall. As she crashes into the water, Relu-nu cushioned her fall, and Rysn fell unconscious.

Rysn wakes up in a hut on the island with her legs paralyzed. She sees Vstim, a Reshi healer, and Talik around her. They scold her for her stupidity, but Rysn insists that it was boldness, to allow for the trade. Rysn realizes that it was all a test that Vstim had set up for her to trade, and feels foolish. Vstim reveals that the trade was for a larkin corpse, but that Rysn has been granted a live larkin by the island itself. Vstim and Rysn will stay on the island while Rysn's legs heal.

Interlude I-4: Last Legion

Plot summary

Eshonai, Thude and Bila examine the gemstone with the Stormspren inside that will allow for a new form. Bila thinks that anything that will help in the war against the Alethi is worth it, but Eshonai worries about the old gods. They depart, and Eshonai decides that she will see her mother. On her way, she sees a group of Parshendi that have chosen the dull-form, the form most like the Parshmen. Eshonai questions them on the cause of their transformation, and they respond that they do it so the Alethi will not kill them when they come.

Part Two: Winds' Approach

Chapter 13: The Day's Masterpiece

Warform is worn for battle and reign,
Claimed by the Gods, given to kill.
Unknown, unseen, but vital to gain.
It comes to those with the will.

—From the listener Song of Listing, 15th stanza

Plot summary
Tanatakah 1173

Shallan travels towards the Shattered Plains on one of Tvlakv's wagons. She sits next to Bluth, one of the stoic mercenaries hired by Tvlakv, who drives the wagon. She distracts herself by studying their surroundings - the flora of the southern Frostlands is completely unfamiliar to her.

When they stop at midday for a meal, Shallan asks Tvlakv to set up one of the empty slave wagons as a carriage for her. Wooden sides, typically used as protection for the slaves during highstorms, are hooked onto the sides of the cage to provide her some privacy. She also gets the cage's key from Tvlakv, though he seems hesitant to give it to her.

She crawls across the newly enclosed wagon - her feet are injured and standing on them is painful enough to make painspren appear - and opens the lid to Jasnah's trunk. Pattern, who had been instructed to stay hidden, waits inside. Shallan tells him that the notes need to reach the Shattered Plains, and that she intends to finish Jasnah's work of finding Urithiru and convincing the Alethi that the return of the Voidbringers is imminent. Pattern confirms that the threat from the Voidbringers is real and that they are the reason he was sent to her. As she continues to go through the contents of the trunk, Shallan finds a sketch she had done of Jasnah and is overcome with grief over her mentor's death, as well as the loss of the rest of her sketches. She also laments the loss of the broken soulcaster, which is at the bottom of the ocean, and speculates that the attackers could have been from the same group as Kabsal and her father (The Ghostbloods).

  • Pattern speaks briefly of his type of spren (Cryptic) and what drew them/him to Shallan: " One was sent. Me." When Shallan asks "Why to me?", Pattern repies "Because of lies... You. Your Family... I know...little of humans. They break. Their minds break. You did not break. Only cracked... It is the lies that save you. The lies that drew me."
  • Pattern also confirms that the Voidbringers are going to return: "Yes. Spren...spren of him. They come."

Chapter 14: Ironstance

Mateform meek, for love to share,
Given to life, it brings us joy.
To find this form, one must care.
True empathy one must employ.

—From the listener Song of Listing, 5th stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatatah 1173

Adolin mentally prepares for his first duel under Dalinar's plan by speaking inspirationally to his shardblade. He leaves the preparation room and walks to a staging room, where Renarin and Navani are waiting, to equip his shardplate. Navani burns a prayer glyph for safety and glory. Adolin inquires about Jasnah, and Navani replies that her daughter has likely gone missing due to a change of plans, and would reappear at a later time. Renarin verifies that Adolin finished his lucky pre-duel rituals, and Navani scoffs at their superstitions. Adolin tells Renarin that he has suspicions about Kaladin.

Adolin enters the arena to duel Salinor. A large crowd attends as this is the first formal duel at the Shattered Plains for more than a year. Adolin begins in Windstance, but thinks of his father's words and switches to Ironstance and aggressively battles his opponent into submission, winning despite protests from the highjudge BrightLady Istow that Adolin did not follow proper duel protocols. Salinor protests that Adolin cheated and Adolin threatens to choke him until he surrenders his blade, which Salinor then does, and Istow proclaims Adolin as the official victor. Renarin praises Adolin's victory, and Adolin gifts his new weapon to Renarin, who reluctantly accepts it with a frown. Navani praises Adolin for winning without putting his full ability on display in order to deceive future opponents into underestimating him and accepting duels.

Chapter 15: A Hand with the Tower

Workform worn for strength and care.
Whispering spren breathe at your ear.
Seek first this form, its mysteries to bear.
Found here is freedom from fear.

—From the listener Song of Listing, 19th stanza

Plot summary
Tanatatah 1173

Shallan comments about Tvlakv wearing different shoes than on the first day they met, but Tvlakv lies and says he only owns one pair. Shallan asks Pattern to spy on a conversation between Tvlakv and Tag, and Pattern records and replays the chat for Shallan in secret, revealing that Tvlakv intends to protect Shallan, but also to profit from her rescue to try to escape a debt. Shallan uses this information to keep Tvlakv off-balance and to gain the upper hand in their dealings, warning the trader not to play games after Tvlakv expresses doubt over Shallan's story about her betrothal and pending wealth. As she gets up to leave Tvlakv flinches away from her, and she notices that she is glowing faintly with stormlight and has a majestic appearance, which she hopes that Tvlakv misinterprets as a trick of the darkness and campfire light. She returns to her wagon and notices that the pain in her infected feet has lessened.

Bluth returns to the camp in a panic, putting out their campfire. Bluth tells them that he spotted a likely caravan of army deserters who may have turned to banditry nearby. They quickly pack up the wagons and travel east to try to escape notice. Bluth explains to Shallan that they probably would not be able to bribe their way past the bandits, since desertion makes them very desperate people.

Chapter 16: Swordmaster

Nimbleform has a delicate touch.
Gave the gods this form to many,
Tho' once defied, by the goods they were crushed.
This form craves precision and plenty.

—From the listener Song of Listing, 27th stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Kaladin leads a bodyguard patrol, along with Moash and Drehy, through the lighteyes training ground as they scout the area while waiting for Adolin and Renarin. Kaladin converses with an ardent who explains the Alethi tradition of allowing lighteyes to train with royal shardblades so they are ready if needed in battle.

Moash asks about Kaladin's feelings toward Amaram, and says that the two of them will get their revenge on the lighteyes who have wronged them in the past.

Syl asks Kaladin to tell her what is troubling him, and Kaladin says that Dalinar is tainted by his association with Amaram. After Syl warns Kaladin not to lie, he admits that he thinks Dalinar is honorable and has been deceived by Amaram. Syl advises Kaladin to tell Dalinar how Amaram really got his shardblade, but Kaladin demurs, thinking that he would not be believed.

On the arrival of Renarin and Adolin, Kaladin reports to them that the area is relatively secure. Adolin confronts Kaladin over his insolence and mentions his suspicions as well, but Kaladin retorts that his place is only to protect Adolin.

Syl tells Kaladin she does not like either Adolin or Renarin, and it is implied this is because they carry shardblades, though Syl says the blades did not use to be the abominations she now considers them to be.

Kaladin surveys the area and sees someone who appears to be suspicious and goes to investigate. Kaladin speaks with Zahel, an ex-soldier ardent, who is observing Adolin and Renarin train, and who tells Kaladin that he isn't going to harm either of the brothers. Zahel says the two Kholins need to be chosen by a master, and as he speaks, he is summoned by Adolin to join the other gathered ardents. Kaladin asks if Zahel seems odd to Syl, and she replies that all humans seem odd to her except for Rock.

Chapter 17: A Pattern

Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.
The lowest, and one not bright.
To find this form, one need banish the cost.
It finds you and brings you to blight.

—From the listener Song of Listing, final stanza

Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Shallan sits next to Bluth who is guiding their wagon, and distracts herself from worry by talking about plants that she found. She also draws some sketches of a leaf, the santhid, and Bluth in one of Jasnah's old notebooks, to try to recreate her lost sketch collection. The caravan stops, and Shallan sees smoke on the horizon, which indicates that the deserters are following them and not worried about being seen. Tvlakv says the deserters will give up the chase eventually as long as they keep moving with few stops.

To distract herself further, Shallan chats with the two parshmen but they are unforthcoming. Shallans sketches more plants, then notices a column of smoke along their current path. Tvlakv says that indicates another caravan if they are lucky. They discuss whether to go toward the new group or take a detour east while hoping the deserters run into the second group. Shallan orders Tvlakv to try to intercept the new group and he complies. As she rides along, she draws more sketches, including various sketches of women with Shallan's face. She then moves into the covered wagon to use knobweed sap on her feet and notices they have healed significantly. She asks Pattern if it healed her but it seems ignorant of how to cause or heal injuries to humans. Shallan and Pattern converse about Lightweaving and the Knights Radiant. Shallan asks how to use stormlight but Pattern doesn't know, so she figures it out on her own and breathes it in, though she is unable to make it do anything. She notices that her wounds heal noticeably however. Pattern reveals that it is a scholar and is excited to learn about humans before it is killed by Shallan, as it believes will eventually happen due to the Knights Radiant somehow killing their spren. Shallan denies that she is a Knight Radiant, but Pattern refutes this by saying that she spoke oaths and is on a possible path to joining one of the Orders.

She leaves the wagon and notices a lot of smoke ahead, and realizes that it is from burning wagons.

Chapter 18: Bruises

Scholarform shown for patience and thought.
Beware its ambitions innate.
Though study and diligence bring the reward,
Loss of innocence may be one's fate

—From the listener Song of Listing, 69th stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Kaladin and Lopen guard Adolin and Renarin as they take instruction from Zahel. Lopen leaves to carry out some orders and Kaladin patrols the grounds and stops to observe Zahel and Renarin. Zahel tells Renarin to jump off the roof of the arena to practice being comfortable with his shardplate. Kaladin criticizes Renarin's clumsiness but Zahel dismisses this and praises Renarin's attitude. Zahel offers to train Kaladin but Kaladin declines. Zahel tests Kaladin's abilities with a blunted shardblade to make sure he is ready to protect Adolin and Renarin. Zahel defeats Kaladin in a mock duel, though Kaladin did enough simulated damage to slow down the weapons master, and believes he would have given enough protection for Renarin to escape. Adolin makes an insulting comment which enrages Kaladin, and he attacks Adolin. Adolin smashes Kaladin with a plate enhanced punch, and Kaladin is stunned and severely injured as Zahel berates the prince for his carelessness. Kaladin surreptitiously heals himself with stormlight and tries to attack Adolin again but runs out of strength and collapses. Zahel compliments Kaladin on his tenacity and quick-thinking but says it won't be enough against shardbearers, and says he won't force Kaladin to train. Kaladin asks Syl why he lost strength suddenly and Syl observes that Kaladin was not protecting anyone when it happened.

Chapter 19: Safe Things

Plot summary
Five and a half years ago

Shallan is wearing a new silk dress, a gift from her father. The dress is that of a woman as she is now old enough to cover her safehand. She starts to think of her mother, then stops, like a candle suddenly snuffed. Two maids bustle past, getting ready for guests. Shallan overhears one softly whisper "She saw. Poor thing was in the room when it happened. Hasn't spoken a word in five months. The master killed his own wife and her lover." Shallan thinks that because she does not speak, apparently the maids do not think she can hear either. At times, she wonders if she is invisible or not real.

The door suddenly slams open and her brother Helaran enters. Grinning wide, he gives her a gift of charcoal pencils and thick, expensive paper. He has missed her drawings and asks her to practice more. He tells her she needs to be strong and that he needs her to look after the other brothers for him. The door slams open again, this time admitting her father, Lin Davar. Her father and brother start arguing, and Helaran calls their father a murderer and summons a Shardblade. Lin cuts off, putting his hands up and says "you don't know what you think you know. Your mother-", but Helaran cuts him off. Shallan manages to say "No" to Helaran, stopping him from killing Lin. Helaran leaves, saying that he has important work to do, but warns their father the he will be checking in on the house.

Chapter 20: The Coldness of Clarity

Artform applied for beauty and hue.
One yearns for the songs it creates.
Most misunderstand by the artist it's true,
Come the spren to foundation's fate.

—From the listener Song of Listing, 90th stanza

Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Shallan's caravan arrives at the source of the smoke and they find burned wagons and the aftermath of a battle with corpses and some survivors. As Shallan and Tvlakv debate whether to approach the burning wagons or flee, a woman from those wagons confronts them, and notes the deserters chasing Shallan. Shallan offers the woman her protection but she laughs and says Shallan can join her caravan to die as they now face two possible enemy groups. Shallan sends Tvlakv to the woman's caravan while she has Bluth drive her with a wagon toward the deserters to confront them. Using stormlight to weave a disguise to make her appear noble, she speaks to the deserters, asking them for help against the other bandit group and offering amnesty and a fresh start. Vathah, the leader of the deserters, scoffs at her offer but many of his followers are enticed and charge toward the battle to fight the bandits. Shallan then convinces Vathah and the rest to help out. Shallan used all her stormlight so she stays out of the fighting. Pattern compliments Shallan on her ability to use words to transform people without using soulcasting. Shallan draws a prayer glyph for hope and awaits the outcome of the battle.

Chapter 21: Ashes

Mediationform made for peace, it's said.
Form of teaching and consolation.
When used by the gods, it became instead
Form of lies and desolation.

—From the listener Song of Listing, 33rd stanza

Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Shallan says a prayer for Bluth, who died fighting the bandits, though the bandits ended up being defeated. Shallan speaks with the caravan owner, Macob, and the lead guard, Tyn. Shallan explains that she got the deserters to work for her and asks the caravan to accompany them to the Shattered Plains. Macob agrees to Shallan's request.

Vathah forcefully confronts Shallan and asks why she doesn't look majestic anymore, and Shallan dissembles about his conscience tricking him. Shallan tries to reassure Vathah that she will protect him from prosecution for desertion but he does not believe her, and Pattern tricks Vathah into letting Shallan go.

Tvlakv confronts Shallan with a conspiracy theory about Bluth being a bandit but Shallan disproves it and demands the non-parshmen slaves in compensation for saving his life. Shallan frees the slaves but offers to hire them as servants. Shallan watches as one of the women from the caravan offers a paper with a glyph of thanks written on it to the one-eyed deserter, who accepts it and burns it as the rest of the caravan folks observe.

Chapter 22: Lights in the Storm

Stormform is said to cause
A tempest of winds and showers,
Beware its powers, beware its powers.
Though its coming brings the gods their night,
It obliges a bloodred spren.
Beware its end, beware its end.

—From the listener Song of Winds, 4th stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Kaladin sees a reddish glow through the shutters during a highstorm while in King Elhokar's quarters but it vanishes before he can investigate it. Adolin peruses a catalog while Renarin idly opens and closes a small box. Dalinar and Navani are nearby in a small side-room. Kaladin studies a ruby heating fabrial which Renarin says was developed by Navani. Kaladin makes a brusque comment on Adolin's reading material and they argue over whether Kaladin needs to be there to protect them during a highstorm, with Elhokar taking Kaladin's side. After the storm ends, Dalinar and Navani exit the side-room and Dalinar reports that no mysterious numbers have appeared on the wall. Dalinar talks to Renarin about his visions but stops when he notices Kaladin listening. Dalinar asks Adolin about his progress in setting up more duels and Adolin says that he is only getting refusals now. Dalinar speaks of the situation with Sadeas, and of trying to convince Amaram to secede from Sadeas' princedom, and of Amaram trying to make peace between Kholin and Sadeas. Kaladin states that the shardbearers may be boycotting Adolin's requests to duel and Dalinar agrees and says they have to focus on undermining Sadeas.

Kaladin speaks to Dalinar in private about Amaram's betrayal of Kaladin and about how he actually got his shardblade. Dalinar asks for proof of the serious accusations and Kaladin mentions witnesses present at the scene. Dalinar tells Kaladin to not speak of the incident and pledges to investigate it, and dresses down Kaladin over his insubordination.

Kaladin and Syl discuss the conversation with Dalinar, and Kaladin states that Dalinar will not do anything and he will take matters into his own hands. Syl replies that Kaladin isn't a Skybreaker and that she worries about him.

Kaladin returns to his barracks and notices a new Herdazian crew member there who is a cousin of Lopen's that abandoned Brightlord Roion's army and allows him to stay. Shen confronts Kaladin over his prohibition on being armed, and says he is being treated like a slave, which upsets Kaladin. One of the guards from the palace, Natam, suddenly appears at the barracks, speaking of an assassin going after the king.

Chapter 23: Assassin

Nightform predicting what will be,
The form of shadows, mind to foresee.
As the gods did leave, the nightform whispered.
A new storm will come, someday to break.
A new storm a new world to make.
A new storm a new path to take, nightform listens.

—From the listener Song of Secrets, 17th stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Tanatishes 1173

Kaladin returns to the king's quarters to find that everyone is ok and that there is no pending danger. Kaladin and Moash go out to the balcony and find one of the railings tore loose where Elhokar had leaned on it and almost fallen to his death, barely being rescued by a guard. Kaladin finds a joint that had been cut clean through and discusses his findings privately with Dalinar. Kaladin says this was an incompetent or cowardly attempt on the king's life, and that the cut was made by a shardblade which helps them narrow down the possible suspects. Dalinar says it must be an inside job, and puts Kaladin in charge of guarding Elhokar effective immediately. Kaladin hears Elhokar's complaints about not being protected adequately and thinks the king does not display proper composure, then decides that he should focus on guarding the king and not on judging him.

Chapter 24: Tyn

Decayform destroys the souls of dreams.
A form of gods to avoid, it seems.
Seek not its touch, nor beckon its screams, deny it.
Watch where you walk, your toes to tread,
O'er hill or rocky riverbed
Hold dear the fears that fill your head, defy it.

—From the listener Song of Secrets, 27th stanza

Plot summary
Tanatishan 1173

Shallan listens to Gaz' and Red's stories of how they were recruited into the Alethi army and how they ended up deserting due to the lack of progress on the Vengeance Pact because of the greed of the Highprinces and because of their service oaths binding them to virtual slavery. Vathah derides Gaz for being overly solicitous of Shallan, but Shallan defends Gaz and argues that the deserters have redeemed themselves and insults Vathah to the point that he leaves. Shallan asks about Gaz' debt but he refuses to discuss it and leaves.

Shallan studies Jasnah's notes about the Shattered Plains and Urithiru. Shallan complains to Pattern about how the historians weren't as factual and objective as she would like but Pattern says that truth is subjective. Shallan and Pattern discuss spren and voidbringers, which disturbs Pattern, and Pattern describes what spren are, mentioning three shards: Honor, Cultivation and Odium, speaking in a high-pitched tone when mentioning the latter name.

One of Shallan's slaves delivers a summons to visit Tyn, and the two get together to eat dinner. Tyn asks about Shallan's identity and says that she has sent inquiries about Shallan Davar and deduced that her story is so improbable that Shallan is really a con artist and impersonator trying to pull off a scam. Tyn offers to help Shallan with her con and Shallan plays along, implying that she has dangerous secrets about Dalinar.

Chapter 25: Monsters

Smokeform for hiding and slipping between men.
A form of power, like human Surges.
Bring it 'round again.
Though crafted of gods,
It was by Unmade hand.
Leaves its force to be but one of foe or friend.

—From the listener Song of Secrets, 127th stanza

Plot summary
Tanatishah 1173

Dalinar orders Kaladin and Bridge Four to learn how to ride horses so they can travel more quickly around the camp. Moash advises against trusting Dalinar but agrees eagerly to learn to ride for the battlefield advantage that horses give. Jenet, the stablemaster, is displeased but lectures Bridge Four on horsemanship. Adolin appears but is chased off as Jenet tries to hit him with some rocks. After the lecture, Kaladin and the others practice riding the horses, which is difficult for Kaladin at first though he gains a small amount of proficiency. Kaladin questions one of the bridgemen, Natam, about the night that Elhokar almost fell off the balcony. Kaladin realizes the sabotage must have happened after the highstorm. Adolin taunts Kaladin into abandoning his training horse to ride an untamed horse, though Kaladin gives a different reason to Syl, saying it is to get over his fear. Kaladin mounts the new horse, Dreamstorm, using stormlight to adhere himself to the saddle. The horse tires itself out trying to buck Kaladin from the saddle, and eventually succeeds when the stormlight runs out. Dalinar orders Kaladin to start patroling outside the camps using the horses. Kaladin further questions Natam who says that he saw Moash go onto the balcony after the storm but Kaladin dismisses him as a suspect. Kaladin seethes with anger as he sees Dalinar have a friendly chat with Amaram.

Chapter 26: The Feather

They blame our people
For the loss of that land.
The city that comes once covered it
Did range the eastern strand.
The power made known in the tomes of our clan
Our gods were not who shattered these plains.

—From the listener Song of Wars, 55th stanza

Plot summary

Adolin and Jakamav lead an Alethi charge against the Parshendi to capture a gemheart on a pyramid shaped plateau. Jakamav mentions that Adolin isn't supposed to be there and observes that Dalinar is trying to increase cooperation between the highprinces. Adolin and Jakamav reach the crysalis but they are too late as Eshonai already retrieved the gemheart and gave it to other parshendi who escaped with it. Eshonai tells Adolin that she wants to parlay with Dalinar. Adolin agrees to tell Dalinar and Eshonai says that a messenger will be sent.

Adolin checks on Renarin and finds out from a guard that Renarin intended to join battle at one of the bridges but had one of his fits after he summoned his shardblade.

Jakamav comments that Adolin will eventually lose a duel but Adolin complains that he is having difficulty getting anyone to accept a duel. Jakamav reveals that Sadeas has been bribing people to refuse duels but says that Adolin should try challenging Eranniv. Adolin asks to talk about his relationship problems at a winehouse that evening but Jakamav declines, stating that it is not popular to be seen around Adolin due to Dalinar's proclamations.

Adolin stalks off, frustrated, to ride his horse. Renarin tells Adolin that he didn't have a fit when he froze on the battlefield and that it was simply fear. Adolin notices Renarin isn't wearing his glasses. Renarin comments cryptically that they need to be ready for the coming storm.

Chapter 27: Fabrications to Distract

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Five years ago

Shallan is outside in the gardens of their estate sketching. She longs to stay out there, where people do not scream at each other, where there is peace. Unfortunately, it was a fake peace, cultivated like the garden itself. She hears shouts from the nearby manor house, which cause her to tense up and ruin the sketch she's working on. She thinks of her brother Helaran, who brings her the fine sketching paper. His returns home are unpredictable and short, and no one knows where he goes when he leaves. She stares at a blank piece of paper, and loses track of time.

Eventually noticing the sky has darkened, Shallan packs up her things and heads inside. Her father has been throwing feasts regularly, and it is almost time for the one tonight. She turns up the stairs to get ready. There would be a new dress for her to wear as she sits quietly. She suspects her father doesn't like that she has begun speaking again. Perhaps he does not want her to be able to speak of things she has seen. Her mind goes blank.

Her brother Jushu finds her on the stairs, staring at the wall. Jushu's jacket is undone and askew, and his cheeks are flush with wine. He has no cuff links or belt, having gambled them away. When asked, Jushu tells Shallan that he heard the yelling. Balat has been starting fires again, and nearly burned down the servants building. Jushu says that he is the only one left in the family with any sense. They pass their father's quarters. It is being tidied with the door open, which allows Shallan to see the far wall. She stumbles. Though hidden behind a painting, she can see the outline of the strongbox glowing, blazing like fire. Jushu asks what she is staring at, but when she tells him, he thinks she is crazy. Shallan continues to stare at the light, thinking a monster hides there. That her mother's soul hides there.

Chapter 28: Boots

The betrayal of spren has brought us here.
They gave their Surges to human heirs,
But not to those who know them most dear, before us.
'Tis no surprise we turned away
Unto the gods we spent our days
And to become their molding clay, they changed us.

—From the listener Song of Secrets, 40th stanza

Plot summary
Ishanach 1173

Tyn guides a chull wagon and gives friendly advice on being a con artist and impersonator to Shallan. Tyn explains how carefree she is and how fleeting personal belongings and missions are to her, and that her most recent mission ended without a positive resolution, though Shallan senses some tension when Tyn says this.

The caravan encounters four uniformed horse riders, and Tyn and Shallan separate from the group to meet with them. Tyn speaks with the riders, and proclaims Shallan to be a Horneater Princess, and Shallan attempts to play the role. One of the riders, Kal, inquires if they have seen any bandits and Tyn replies that they had and asks why he cares. Kal replies that they represent the Alethi King and want to patrol the area to clear it of bandits, and presses for more details on the attack. Kal then comments that Shallan looks too thin to be a Horneater, and she acts offended and demands Kal's boots in compensation, which he gives up reluctantly before their patrol departs. Tyn compliments Shallan on her impersonation but criticizes her for being overly emphatic as that is not a good quality in a con artist.

Chapter 29: Rule of Blood

Artform for colors beyond our ken;
For its grand songs we yearn.
We must attract creationspren;
These songs suffice 'till we learn.

—From the listener Song of Revision, 279th stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary

Sadeas rests after a prolonged battle against the parshendi, reveling in the Thrill before the feeling fades away and contemplating how it grows less sweet as he dwells on the pointlessness of the fights for gemhearts and the lack of progress toward his ultimate goals of conquest. Amaram tells Sadeas that his ploy of carelessness in going on the raid out of turn failed since the correct armies showed up before he left with the gemheart, but Sadeas replies that he doesn't care. Amaram expresses disapproval of Sadeas and says he wants peace with Elhokar and Dalinar, but Sadeas says that he knows how ruthless Amaram really is. Amaram acknowledges this, but says that there is a bigger picture to be concerned with. Amaram asks if Sadeas ever worries about the costs of war, and Sadeas replies that a realistic viewpoint is necessary to achieve anything in life. Hatham confronts Sadeas, who concedes the gemheart and proclaims that he was bored, and then leaves to return to the warcamp.

Sadeas sits at the dueling arena, contemplating that his fashionable clothes are very uncomfortable and wishing that he could wear a simple uniform like Dalinar's if that didn't send the wrong message. Sadeas thinks about aging and desire to achieve a form of immortality through conquest. Ialai shows up and praises Sadeas' stratagem of giving away the gemheart to undermine Dalinar's accusations of greed. Sadeas says he is not pleased that Eranniv accepted the duel despite his efforts to block Adolin from having any dueling opponents, and that he wants Dalinar's plan to fail so that he can rebuild their kingdom to his own specifications. As Adolin duels with Erraniv, Ialai described the failed assassination attempt on Elhokar, and they debate the ramifications of it, as Sadeas ponders that Elhokar must die and Dalinar must be dealt with so that he can wipe the slate clean. Sadeas and Ialai decide to expose Dalinar as a hypocrite since he didn't involve Sadeas in the assassination investigation which would be only proper as Sadeas is the Highprince of Information. Sadeas says he will renounce his post as protest when it will cause the most harm to Dalinar's strategy. Sadeas realizes that Adolin is toying with his opponent and that he is very skilled and clever to win while appearing to be losing. Sadeas tells Ialai to stop from interfering with Adolin's dueling aspirations to try to take advantage of Adolin's hotheadedness, and to invite Ruthar on his next gemhunt.

Chapter 30: Nature Blushing

'Tis said it was warm in the land far away
When Voidbringers entered our songs.
We brought them home to stay
And then those homes became their own,
It happened gradually.
And years ahead 'twil still be said 'tis how it has to be.

—From the listener Song of Histories, 12th stanza

Plot summary
Ishanev 1173

Shallan is excited to see a small naturally occurring diverse ecosystem of plants and small animals protected by a rock overhang, and has their caravan diverted to investigate it. Shallan settles down to draw sketches of the small garden and is joined by Gaz, who requests that she draw a sketch of him, to which she replies that she will. Shallan draws a quick portrait with slight modifications from reality to make Gaz appear more impressive and Gaz is very appreciative. Vathah tells Shallan they are stopping for the night and Pattern tells Shallan there will be trouble, and Shallan agrees. Shallan draws a bunch of sketches of the thicket, then draws whatever floats into her mind, including a rocky ocean shore with some indistinct figures of which one reminds her of Yalb and a woman taking a hammer and chisel to a statue, though Shallan does not know why she drew the last picture.

Tyn tells Shallan she has artistic talent but should practice forgery instead of drawing, and that she wants to introduce Shallan to some friends in the Shattered Plains. She also claims Shallan needs a dose of realism in order to be ready for the real life of a criminal. Tyn asks if Shallan wants to back out of their criminal enterprise, but Shallan says she is committed and that her planned scam is to impersonate the betrothed of Adolin Kholin. Tyn gives Shallan some advice on carrying out her love scam. As they talk, Shallan worries about the state of the betrothal even though it is secondary to her research on Urithiru and the Voidbringers, and about what to do with Tyn when the fake scam falls through, though she is also excited as well.

Chapter 31: The Stillness Before

Smokeform for hiding and slipping 'tween men.
A form of power—like Surges of spren.
Do we dare wear this form again? It spies.
Crafted of gods, this form we fear.
By Unmade touch its curse to bear,
Formed from shadow—and death is near. It lies.

—From the listener Song of Secrets, 51st stanza

Mentioned only
Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

Kaladin, along with forty bridgemen from bridge seventeen, returns to Bridge Four's barracks for evening stew. Pitt, one of those bridgemen, apologizes to Kaladin for being glad when Bridge Four went on gemhunts instead of seventeen, and says he will do his best to motivate his crew. Rock chases off a man trying to draw sketches of the bridgemen. Kaladin eats his dinner quickly in anticipation of going to protect Dalinar during the upcoming highstorm.

Tyn watches Shallan practice sleight-of-hand tricks and inquires about her practice with accents and lectures her on how she needs to overcome her prudishness. Their caravan reaches the outskirts of the war camps and they decide to stop for the day. Tyn tells Shallan the Veden king is dead, along with six highprinces, all killed by Szeth, and that she expected to learn more via spanreed later that evening. Macob agrees with the decision to stop the caravan due to the upcoming highstorm that night.

Chapter 32: The One Who Hates

The spren betrayed us, it's often felt.
Our minds are too close to their realm
That gives us our forms, but more is then
Demanded by the smartest spren,
We can't provide what the humans lend,
Though broth are we, their meat is men.

—From the listener Song of Spren, 9th stanza

Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

Kaladin falls asleep during the highstorm and dreams he is the storm and speaks to the Stormfather about Syl. The Stormfather says that Kaladin will betray and kill Syl and that he is already beginning to do so. As they speak, a second larger storm with red lightning appears and the Stormfather says he is sorry and that He comes. Kaladin wakes up as Adolin and Renarin are discussing the upcoming meeting with the Parshendi envoy. Kaladin goes to the balcony to check on the weather but only sees the diminishing of the winds as the highstorm passes.

Pattern whimpers during the highstorm and ignores Shallan as the highstorm passes over.

Syl tells Kaladin something is wrong and that the One who Hates is coming, and that something bad is going to happen. Heeding Syl's warning, he goes into Dalinar's and Navani's small room to tell them they need to take the king and leave the palace and head into the warcamp. Kaladin explains that his instincts sense danger and Dalinar agrees to trust his senses and leave the palace despite Elhokar's dissent. Kaladin sends Beld and Hobber to scout their way out and leaves Moash and Ralinor to guard their rear while Mart and Eth stay with the king. As they flee through the palace, they find a dark hallway where the spheres were drained of light and a hole cut into the palace through the rock wall. Szeth appears, stormlight leaking from his body.

Dalinar orders Renarin to take the king and flee. Dalinar, Adolin and Kaladin stay to fight Szeth, Dalinar and Kaladin armed with spears and Adolin with his shardblade. The three rush Szeth but he eludes them using a lashing, then binds Adolin to the ceiling. Kaladin and Dalinar both stab Szeth with their spears, but he chops the weapons in half with his blade and smacks down Dalinar as he heals using stormlight. Adolin falls to the ground when the lashing runs out, and he stays down. Kaladin uses his spear like a quarterstaff and with Syl flying around him attacks Szeth, hitting him a few times and forcing him to draw in more stormlight. Szeth is able to dodge a strike and stab Kaladin through his arm with the shardblade, causing it to go numb and lifeless, and Kaladin then is kicked into a wall, and slumps in frustration as Szeth goes to chase down his prey.

Syl tells Kaladin that Szeth is not a radiant but something worse and pleads for Kaladin to get up. Dalinar confronts Szeth and says he won't let the king die but Szeth says he is there to kill Dalinar instead. Dalinar catches the shardblade as Szeth swings it at him for a killing blow, and Kaladin arrives and knocks both himself and Szeth through the hole in the wall into open air.

Chapter 33: Burdens

But it is not impossible to blend
Their Surges to ours in the end.
It has been promised and it can come.
Or do we understand the sum?
We question not if they can have us then,
But if we dare to have them again.

—From the listener Song of Spren, 10th stanza

Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

As Szeth and Kaladin plunge toward the ground, Szeth starts glowing more brightly and Kaladin uses Szeth's gemstones to draw in some stormlight before he loses his grip on the assassin. Kaladin lands hard but the stormlight quickly heals him, though his right arm is still grey and lifeless although he has some slight sense of feeling in his arm. Szeth is shocked at Kaladin's survival and thinks that he accidentally lashed Kaladin to slow his fall. As Szeth pauses in confusion, Kaladin uses his stormlight to bring his right arm back to life, and Szeth cries out in surprise. Szeth jumps back in shock and asks what Kaladin is and Kaladin replies that he is a windrunner, the same as Szeth. But Szeth denies this, angrily shouting that he was named Truthless, and asks if the Radiants are all back. Kaladin says yes and Szeth flees. Kaladin collapses in exhaustion.

Kaladin wakes up with Syl hovering nearby and expresses surprise at his ability to heal the shardblade wound, which Syl did not expect either. Syl tells him there are dead at the battle scene and goes with Kaladin back inside the palace. Kaladin tracks down the king's entourage. Dalinar is shocked at Kaladin's survival and Kaladin says that he held onto Szeth as they fell and somehow lived due to Szeth's abilities, which the others believe. Kaladin wants to tell Dalinar about his abilities but not Adolin or Elhokar so he says nothing. Kaladin says that Szeth escaped and that he saw a light in the darkness which earns a glance from Syl though it wasn't a complete lie. Elhokar says that Szeth came for him and no one corrects him on his mistake. Kaladin leaves to do something and tells the others to stay there.

Adolin ponders the strangeness of Kaladin apparently healing from a shardblade wound and surviving a great fall but dismisses his suspicions as paranoia. Elhokar goes to get more wine and they find a series of glyphs carved into the wood and Renarin says that in thirty-eight days, it will be the end of all nations.

Kaladin finds Beld's corpse and laments that he failed the bridgeman, but Syl says that he died protecting and that was Beld's choice. Kaladin asks about how skilled the assassin was and if Kaladin has more words to speak, but Syl says that though there are more words, he is not ready yet to speak them. Kaladin asks how the assassin could have found a spren to bond and yet still slaughter without honor and compares that to his killing of Parshendi, and Syl says the two situations are totally different since Kaladin is protecting, and that Szeth's shardblade is somehow different and that he uses the wrong amount of stormlight.

Kaladin finds Hobber still alive, but with both legs disabled, and says he will stay with Bridge Four as a cook, and brings him back to get medical attention.

Chapter 34: Blossoms and Cake

Our gods were born splinters of a soul,
Of one who seeks to take control,
Destroys all lands that he beholds, with spite.
They are his spren, his gift, his price.
But the nightforms speak of future life,
A challenged champion. A strife even he must requite.

—From the listener Song of Secrets, final stanza

Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

Shallan reads a dispatch on Tyn's spanreed about the political situation in Jah Keved and dwells on the consequences for her family if there is a succession war. Tyn asks if Shallan personally knows any of the important players for the Veden throne but Shallan says she wasn't important enough. Tyn says they might want to go to Jah Keved to take advantage of the chaos once they are done in the Shattered Plains. The spanreed report continues with information about the deserters and reward bounties from their former leader, Sadeas. Shallan is angered that Tyn wants to turn them in and says that she promised them amnesty but Tyn scoffs at this and says that a con artist can't afford to believe their own lies and that Shallan has no chance to get Sadeas to forgive the deserters. Shallan is upset at this and worries that she will soon get caught up between the truth and Tyn's misguided notions over who Shallan really is. Tyn continues reading the spanreed and gleefully announces that there is good news and Shallan reads the printout about Jasnah being dead and the Wind's Pleasure being lost with all hands. Tyn confirms that this was her job to the south.

The spanreed also mentions about Jasnah taking a new ward, a girl named Shallan. Tyn reacts immediately, slamming Shallan to the ground and asking if Jasnah somehow survived. Shallan says no. Pattern distracts Tyn briefly but it is not enough for Shallan to break free. Tyn draws her sword to kill Shallan, but Shallan uses stormlight to create an illusion to distract Tyn long enough for her to summon her shardblade and kill her.

Vathah, Gaz and the other deserters appear at the tent, saying they heard a voice saying to help Shallan, then heard Shallan's screams and had to fight their way through Tyn's soldiers to help Shallan. Vathah sees the shardblade and says that Shallan could have killed all the bandits on her own, and Shallan tells them that the voice they heard was her spren and that Tyn was an assassin and that they are to search Tyn's tent for any documents for Shallan to read. Shallan watches as the spanreed continues to write that Tyn's employers, who happen to be the Ghostbloods, want to hire her for another job and inquires if she would like to have a meeting arranged in the warcamps. Shallan realizes that the city the Ghostbloods are investigating is Urithiru, and replies yes.


Interlude I-5: The Rider of Storms

Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

As a highstorm approaches the city of Narak, Thude reports to Eshonai that they have a meeting in seven days with the Alethi and that he didn't see either Dalinar or the Surgebinder when he arranged the meeting. Eshonai attunes Resolve and brings her captive spren into the highstorm to transform. Eshonai stands in the storm, with a shield braced against a rock to protect her from the winds, to face the Stormfather head on, rather than sheltering in rocks. The wind blows her shield away and leaves her unsheltered though she is able to hold onto some rocks to keep from being blown away. The eye of the storm reaches her and the Stormfather asks if this is really what she wants. The red spren breaks from its crystal and shoots out red lightning. Eshonai has a bad premonition and says no and tries to elude the spren but it hits her in the chest shooting out red tendrils, and the Stormfather says that this was inevitable and that he cannot protect Eshonai and is sorry. Eshonai begins to transform.

Interlude I-6: Zahel

Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

Zahel wakes up suddenly, as his life sense alerts him that someone is approaching. He opens the door, feeling the aftermath of the highstorm, as Kaladin is about to knock. Zahel comments on how bad Kaladin looks, and Kaladin explains that he just stopped an assassination attempt on Elhokar a couple of hours previously. Kaladin asks if Zahel's offer to train him is still open and Zahel says no and to come back and ask again at a more reasonable hour and to have a good attitude. Zahel goes back to sleep missing the voice that he used to hear in his head years ago.

Interlude I-7: Taln

Plot summary

Bordin speaks to Elhokar and Dalinar of his journey with Wit to transport a seeming madman to the Shattered Plains, as the madman listens on and thinks of various torments that he has undergone. The madman identifies himself as Talenel'Elin, Herald of War, and speaks of the desolations wiping out past knowledge and of the other Heralds helping to prepare the world for the Time of the Return and Desolation, though his audience can barely understand him since he is speaking inaudibly with a northern Alethi accent. Bordin says the madman just dropped his shardblade and that his eyes were always dark. Bordin suggests sending the madman to the ardents to take care of him. The madman comments that the coming days will be difficult but humanity will survive, and that he must be brought to their leaders. Dalinar says he has a use for the shardblade and needs Bordin's assistance as well. The madman comments that he thinks he is late this time and asks himself how long had it been.

Interlude I-8: A Form of Power

Plot summary
Ishanah 1173

Eshonai returns after the highstorm to Narak to a large crowd who were curious about her transformation. Eshonai feels energetic, and sees tiny red lightning bolts when she flexes her fist, and has lost her bulky warform in favor of small ridges in her skin. She is able to leap a chasm by crouching and throwing herself into the air, with less effort than warform required. Venli confronts her, saying her eyes are red which is something referenced in the songs but Eshonai cuts her off, saying that with the Stormform that she can move in the highstorm unimpeded and that she can feel a storm building beyond the rhythms, a highstorm that they can guide to use against their enemies. Eshonai addresses the crowd, saying that she saw the betrayal in the Storm Rider's eyes, and that he intends to help humans against the Parshendi, but that they can now fight back using this new form, and the crowd hums to Awe in appreciation. Eshonai glories in the praise but a voice inside her screams in horror.

Part Three: Deadly

Chapter 35: The Multiplied Strain of Simultaneous Infusion

They also, when they had settled their rulings in nature of each bond's placement, called the name of it the Nahel bond, with regard to its effect upon the souls of those caught in its grip; in this description, each was related to the bonds that drive Roshar itself, ten Surges, named in turn and two for each order; in this light, it can be seen that each order would by necessity share one Surge with each of its neighbors.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 8, page 6

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

Adolin paces about on a plateau, wearing his shardplate, dwelling on the assassination attempt the prior evening. Adolin tries to practice throwing his shardblade but loses focus often since he did not get any sleep because he was guarding his fathers quarters throughout the night. Adolin thinks that his three bridgemen guards are useless, but reflects that Kaladin was unusually effective in protecting Dalinar, though he is also very unlikable and strange. Adolin succeeds in throwing his shardblade, and returns to the warcamp with his bodyguards, and notices a procession of soulcasters that usually aren't seen during daytime. Adolin converses with the main ardent soulcaster Kadash and learns that their services are in high demand and that they have to increase their training and work shifts. Adolin watches as a group of soulcasters working behind a silk screen for concealment use their fabrials in concert to create a stone windbreak. Adolin questions Kadash about the old Radiants and Kadash answers noncomittally at first until Adolin expresses that he needs information urgently due to the fact that the assassin had Radiant-like abilities and Kadash then agrees to do research for Adolin.

Navani stands on an observation platform in the engineering grounds and supervises an experiment to use a fabrial to cause a platform to be raised into the air. After extensive preparations and careful implementation, their attempt to cause a round wooden parapet to float in the air without support succeeds. Adolin joins Navani and they talk in private, with Navani explaining in technical terms how she arranged fabrials in tandem to act like levers to produce the desired results. Adolin realizes the military application for this, but Navani says there are more practical applications than raising archers in a battlefield. Adolin confronts Navani over her relationship with Dalinar and the awkward position that his father is in regarding violating social customs that he lectures other highprinces about following, but she scoffs at those traditions, and tells Adolin that he is free of his betrothal for the time being due to Jasnah's disappearance. Adolin and Navani leave for a meeting with Dalinar and Elhokar.

Chapter 36: A New Woman

And when they were spoken of by the common folk, the Releasers claimed to be misjudged because of the dreadful nature of their power; and when they dealt with others, always were they firm in their claim that other epithets, notably "Dustbringers," often heard in the common speech, were unacceptable substitutions, in particular for their similarity to the word "Voidbringers." They did also exercise anger in great prejudice regarding it, though to many who speak, there was little difference between there two assemblies.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 17, page 11

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

Pattern opens a lock on one of Tyn's trunks for Shallan and she examines the contents, finding clothing and spheres among other useful items.

Vathah reports to Shallan that he has burned all the bodies of Tyn and her guards, and she says that she will deal with the skeletons to avoid uncomfortable questions. Macob sends a servant to retrieve a palanquin for Shallan, then goes his own way.

As Shallan enters the warcamp, accompanied by Vathah and his deserter guards, and her slaves, she frets over her betrothal and plans to continue Jasnah's research. She learns that Dalinar is in conference with Elhokar, and orders her palanquin to be brought to the meeting. As she travels to the palace, she draws a sketch of herself confidently confronting Dalinar to try to boost her own morale. At the palace, Shallan enters with Vathah and Gaz as attendants. They reach the conference room at the top of the palace, and Kaladin spots her, and asks her if Adolin is betrothed to a Horneater princess and she replies that she was trying to travel incognito. Kaladin has Gaz seized, and says that Shallan is an impostor since Adolin's real betrothed was lost at sea, but Shallan gives a spanreed printout to Kaladin to have Navani authenticate her claims. Shallan becomes upset at Kaladin's lack of accommodation and they have a heated argument. Kaladin stalks away angry, but Shallan feels that the disturbance will lead to the desired result of her receiving an audience with Dalinar. Gaz mentions that Kaladin was a slave in the lumberyards recently and is very dangerous.

Kaladin enters the chamber with the paper, and returns after a short time, summoning Shallan to enter.

Chapter 37: A Matter of Perspective

Now, as each order was thus matched to the nature and temperament of the Herald it named patron, there was none more archetypal of this than the Stonewards, who followed after Talenelat'Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of War: they thought it a point of virtue to exemplify resolve, strength, and dependability. Alas, they took less care for imprudent practice of their stubbornness, even in the face of proven error.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 13, page 1

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

During a break two hours after the meeting started, Adolin ponders on the lack of consensus on how to deal with the threat that Szeth poses to the kingdom and how dangerous he is even with the number of shardbearers that are available to protect Elhokar and Dalinar, based on the reports of Szeth's other attacks. Adolin drinks some wine and taunts Relis over his boasts about wanting to duel Szeth to try to bait him into a duel. Adolin then directly challenges Relis but Relis says that Adolin has to rise in the rankings according to protocol before he can fight Adolin. Relis declines despite Adolin offering to wager five shards against one, but Elit accepts a duel for the same proceeds. Relis is upset that Elit accepted the duel and tries to taunt Adolin to a violent comeback and possible voiding of the duel agreement but Adolin restrains himself. Sadeas taunts Adolin more effectively, causing Adolin to come near to punching him before he is restrained by Amaram who counsels him to ignore Sadeas. Adolin tells Amaram to abandon Sadeas for Dalinar but he refuses and says that he is able to keep the kingdom from falling apart further by bridging the gap between Sadeas and Dalinar. Adolin's mind wanders as Amaram speaks about how Sadeas' and Dalinars goals are the same despite the different means they use, and he sees Shallan and is drawn to her immediately. Amaram comments on his flightiness and need to settle down and comments that the girl is probably from Jah Keved, and Adolin realizes who she is and goes over to meet her, as she speaks with Dalinar and Navani about Jasnah being lost at sea.

Chapter 38: The Silent Storm

Now, as the Windrunners were thus engaged, arose the event which has hitherto been referenced: namely, that discovery of some wicked thing of eminence, though whether it be some rogueries among the Radiants' adherents or of some external origin, Avena would not suggest.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 38, page 6

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

Shallan offers her condolences on Jasnah's loss to Dalinar and Navani, reflecting on her own grief but using her sketch to project strength and suppress her emotions, and Dalinar thanks her. Shallan mentions that she also brought some of Jasnah's belongings and has information on Jasnah's research, which Navani scoffs at. Shallan notices Adolin looking at her and feels some attraction toward him. Shallan gives a detailed account of the attack on the Wind's Pleasure at Navani's demand, and Navani berates Shallan for saying she set the ship on fire despite Jasnah's apparently already fatal wound but Dalinar defends Shallan's action and Navani apologizes and leaves. Shallan tells Dalinar an abbreviated version of her journey via caravan from the Frostlands to the warcamps and about being rescued by deserters to whom she pledged clemency in reward for their service, and Dalinar promises pardons from the king for them. Shallan then brings up the betrothal and Adolin joins them, smiling. Shallan and Adolin flirt awkwardly and Adolin offers to maintain the betrothal, but Dalinar asks Adolin to get some wine so he can talk privately with Shallan. Dalinar inquires about Shallan's family and her interest in Adolin, and she explains the situation as Jasnah described it to her. Dalinar allows the betrothal to stand temporarily based on Jasnah's implied endorsement of Shallan pending further developments, and offers her a position as a clerk, but Shallan declines so as to not be too dependent on the Kholins. Their discussion is abruptly interrupted by Highprince Sebarial who gets Dalinar to return to the conference table to resume the meeting.

Shallan mentally notes the attendees of the meeting, realizing that there are three primary factions with Elhokar and Dalinar opposing Sadeas, Ruthar and Aladar, and Hatham leading a group of mediators, and Sebarial as an outsider excluded from the factions. Shallan dissects the meaning behind the arguments until she is drawn into the discussion. Shallan says that she has little knowledge about the events in Jah Keved since she wasn't there at the time of the assassination and that she is there as Jasnah's ward and has personal business, and Aladar realizes she is Adolin's betrothed. Several highprinces want to get her own testimony about events in her home country but she doesn't want to be used, so she lies and says that she took a job to work for her supposed distant relative Sebarial and he plays along with her ploy. Shallan speaks privately with Sebarial, saying that their arrangement will be mutually beneficial. Dalinar disrupts the discussion and says that the war is failing and that they will change their strategy to either make peace with the Parshendi or march in full force and wipe them out. Hatham expresses disdain and Sadeas insults Dalinar, which upsets and provokes Adolin momentarily. Dalinar mentions the Parshendi envoy who offered an olive branch right before the assassination attempt and wonders at the coincidence and if the Parshendi are still controlling Szeth as they claimed to have when Gavilar was killed. Dalinar outlines his plans to scout the plains and outfit a major expedition to the center of the plains and choose and train new shardbearers to use the armor and weapons that he thinks Adolin will win through duels, then brings the meeting to a close.

Sebarial leaves and Shallan says she will meet him, and goes to speak to Elhokar personally about his sister. She then brings a writ of pardon to Vathah, which amazes him, and tells him that they all have a place to stay.

Chapter 39: Heterochromatic

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
Four years ago

Shallan's father is having a feast, trying to pretend that their family hasn't grown impoverished. The guests are Brightlord Tavinar and his wife and daugher. They don't seem like they want to be there, and conversation is terse and stunted. Eventually, Shallan's father calls for a toast and announces that he has found a new wife, Malise Gevelmar, who will be coming to the estate soon. The response is subdued, which makes him angry, but he gives celebratory gifts to his children anyway. The boys receive fine daggers, and Shallan gets a silver necklace.

The door to the feast hall slams open, and a man walks in. The man is Redin, bastard son of Highprince Valam, and he has come to investigate rumors about Shallan's mother's death. Lin says that his wife was murdered by her lover, but Redin says that others tell a different story. They speak alone for a while, and Lin eventually slams his hand down on the table in anger. Calmy, Redin stands up and announces that any lighteyes of high birth can provide witness, and asks if any of the children will come with him to do so. Balat grabs the sides of his chair as if to stand, but seeing Lin's face stops and whispers that his father will kill him. Shamespren stir among the children, then Redin states that if any of them remember something they want to tell, they will find willing ears. After Redin leaves, Shallan's rather shrinks down in his seat with his head in is hands.

  • The chapter title, Heterochromatic, refers to Redin's eyes. One is intense blue, the other is dark brown. This is the first time we see such a character in the series.

Chapter 40: Palona

That they responded immediately and with great consternation is undeniable, as these were primary among those who would forswear and abandon their oaths. The term Recreance was not then applied, but has since become a popular title by which this event is named.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 38, page 6

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

Sebarial and Shallan return to his warcamp after the meeting. Sebarial explains that he profits from manufacturing and farming and selling his goods to the other highprinces, greatly offsetting his fines for not participating in gemhunts. They arrive at Sebarial's manor and Shallan is introduced to Palona, his mistress. Palona helps Shallan settle into her living quarters.

Chapter 41: Scars

This act of great villainy went beyond the impudence which had hitherto been ascribed to the orders; as the fighting was particularly intense at this time, many attributed this act to a sense of inherent betrayal; and after they withdrew, about two thousand made assault upon them, destroying much of the membership; but this was only nine of the ten, as one said they would not abandon their arms and flee, but instead entertained great subterfuge at the expense of the other nine.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 38, page 20

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

Kaladin gives orders for Teft to train bridge seventeen in the chasms. There are thirty-seven days remaining before the mysterious glyph countdown reaches zero. Syl asks Kaladin what his goal is now that his bridgemen are relatively safe. Kaladin says he wants to beat Szeth but Syl scoffs at Kaladin's explanation that he is trying to protect Dalinar. Kaladin encounters Sigzil who is speculating with Rock and Lopen about Szeth's motivations and true employer as he was trained by his master to ask questions. Kaladin tries to duplicate Szeth's feat of walking on walls but fails. Sigzil wishes he could see Syl and she appears to him. Kaladin asks both Syl and Sigzil about Windrunners so he can be better prepared to battle Szeth but neither is able to give any information. Sigzil, Rock and Lopen discuss the attempt to make Elhokar fall off his balcony but Kaladin ignores them and suddenly has an insight and a vision of another world that allows him to walk on the wall of the chasm.

Kaladin tells Syl that he protects Dalinar so that he can know if Dalinar lives up this reputation as being honorable, and Syl says that honor lives in people and spren like her. Kaladin says that if he trusts Dalinar that he will share the knowledge of his abilities with him. Kaladin says that he will kill Amaram for his betrayal. Kaladin falls from the chasm wall and lands in the chasm with stormlight aided strength. Kaladin explains his theory about the shardbearer slicing the balcony after the highstorm. Kaladin notices gouges from where a chasmfiend passed and is concerned that it will be dangerous to train here.

Kaladin and the others return to their barracks and find a tense dinner gathering. Renarin asks to join bridge four to become a warrior like Dalinar and Adolin and to be glorified in the Tranquiline Halls. Renarin eventually persuades Kaladin to allow him to provisionally join bridge four as a new recruit, and shows a good attitude even when given menial tasks to do. Moash expresses doubt but Kaladin says that Renarin is different from most lighteyes and could fit in with them. Kaladin ponders how to confront Moash over suspicion of him helping to assassinate Elhokar. Moash advises Kaladin to try to get a duel against Amaram to deliver his own justice. Moash and a few bridgemen leave to go drinking and invite Kaladin but he declines and stays to eat dinner.

Chapter 42: Mere Vapors

But as for Ishi'Elin, his was the part most important at their inception; he readily understood the implications of Surges being granted to men, and caused organization to be thrust upon them; as having too great power, he let it be known that he would destroy each and every one, unless they agreed to be bound by precepts and laws.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 2, page 4

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173

Shallan wakes up in her new quarters in the evening. Shallan and Pattern converse and Shallan teaches her spren some figures of speech. Shallan opens her trunk and finds the spanreed blinking an alert light, and sets it up to receive messages. Shallan reads Tyn's old correspondence regarding Jasnah, House Davar and the Ghostbloods. Pattern points out a code that he detects in the messages. Shallan frets that she will not be able to infiltrate the Ghostbloods, but then uses her sketching ability and lightweaving to create an illusionary disguise for herself. Shallan receives a message on the spanreed that indicates the Ghostbloods want to meet with Tyn that evening, but Shallan says that she is not well and that she will send an apprentice in her (Tyn's) place. The intermediary eventually replies that the Ghostbloods will meet the apprentice and gives a map and time for the meeting. Shallan wears Tyn's clothing, Bluth's hat, and a darkeyes disguise and leaves to go to the rendezvous.

Chapter 43: The Ghostbloods

And thus were the disturbances in the Revv toparchy quieted, when, upon their ceasing to prosecute their civil dissensions, Nalan'Elin betook himself to finally accept the Skybreakers who had named him their master, when initially he had spurned their advances and, in his own interests, refused to countenance that which he deemed a pursuit of vanity and annoyance; this was the last of the Heralds to admit to such patronage.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 5, page 17

Plot Summary
Ishaches 1173


Chapter 44: One Form of Justice

But as for the Bondsmiths, they had members only three, which number was not uncommon for them; nor did they seek to increase this order was in continual accompaniment of Urithiru and its thrones. Their spren was understood to be specific, and to persuade them to grow to the magnitude of the other orders was seen as seditious.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 16, page 14


Chapter 45: Middlefest

Mentioned only
Plot Sumary
Three and a half years ago

Shallan and her family are attending the Middlefest Fair on her father's estates, which draws people from hamlets and villages all around. A Shin merchant has a colorful show chicken on display, and Shallan thinks it bizarre. She follows her father to their box at the dueling arena, where they are soon approached by Brightlord Revilar. Revilar tries to force her father into an unfavorable business deal, noting his popularity with Highprince Valam and House Davar's declining status. Eventually her father bows his head and they send Shallan away.

She is excited to see the fair unchaperoned but forces herself to do work first. After finding Eylita Tavinar, who gives her a note, she sets off to find brother Balat. While searching she thinks of her mother and her mind goes blank. Jix, one of her house's guards, eventually finds her and agrees to accompany her. Balat is at the Axehound fights in the gambling pavilion, watching intensely, fixated on the animals killing each other. Shallan gives him the note, and he's surprised and excited by the meeting she's arranged. After he leaves, shallan sits on a rock, relieved to be out of the pavilion and happy she was able to help Balat, even in a small way.

When she returns to her father's box, he's in a meeting with a man she doesn't recognize. The man, dressed in black, seems startled when he sees Shallan and almost drops his glass. Malise tells her that the man claims to have brought word from her brother Helaran. When asked what news the man brought, her father commands her not to speak her Helaran's name and declares him disinherited.

Shallan leaves and seeks out their carriage. Wikim is within, depressed and despondent. He asks whether their father sent her, or whether she came on "one of her new little missions of mercy". He tells her that she can't fix their family, and that he won't be around to see their collapse because he'll be dead by then. Feeling like a fool, she gives him the gift she had prepared, a set of math problems, then hastens away from the carriage fighting back tears.

Sitting on a rock and trying to compose herself, the messenger in black starts talking with her. The man, unbeknownst to Shallan, is Wit. He tells her that the message sent by Helaran to her father is that he "has eyes nearby, and is watching." Wit then asks her if spren talk to her, which causes her to think about "twisted symbols the eye should not see" and "her mother's soul in a box". She tells him that of course they don't and that she should be returning to her father. Wit tells Shallan that Helaran was right, her father is destroying their family, but wrong about everything else. He points out that Wikim is engrossed in the math problems that she had given him. He asks her to tell her the most beautiful thing she can imagine, and she describes a scene with her family happily living in together. As she talks, Wit pulls out some spheres and wisps of Stormlight hang in the air before between them. When she notices, she draws back and the light fades. Wit tells her that she will need to understand the nature of lies and see truth before she can expand upon it.

  • At the meeting with Lin Davar, Wit dumps a pouch of powder into his own cup and drinks it. It's possible that this are Allomantic metals.
  • Shallan is able to vividly see what she is describing to Wit, which is similar to Kaladin's experience speaking with Wit. This is likely one of Wit's abilities.
  • Wit mentions that the "Shards here are very strict," refering to the Shards on Roshar. This is one of few instances when they have been mentioned directly in the books.

Chapter 46: Patriots

When Simol was informed of the arrival of the Edgedancers, a concealed consternation and terror, as is common in such cases, fell upon him; although they were not the most demanding of orders, their graceful, limber movements hid a deadliness that was, by this time, quite renowned; also, they were the most articulate and refined of the Radiants.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 20, page 12

Plot Summary
Ishachah 1173


Chapter 47: Feminine Wiles

Yet, were the orders not disheartened by so great a defeat, for the Lightweavers provided spiritual sustenance; they were enticed by those glorious creations to venture on a second assault.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 21, page 10

Plot Summary
Isheves 1173


Chapter 48: No More Weakness

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
Three years ago

Shallan, Balat and Wikim are relaxing in the gardens when they hear a carriage arriving at their house. Balat goes to see who it is, and Wikim tells Shallan that what she's been doing has been helping their family. He gives her a bag of dried blackbane that he's been carrying for over a year, indicating that he no longer wants to kill himself, then jogs off to the house. Though unsettled by the blackbane, she returns to her drawing.

A short time later she is interrupted by shouting. When she reaches the house, she finds three men standing before her father and Jushu kneeling on the floor with his hands tied behind his back. Lin says he won't pay Jushu's gambling debts, despite his son's pleas, and tells the men that they can have him. Shallan begs Ballat to do something as Jushu is dragged away, but he doesn't know what he can do.

Shallan follows her father into his study. The house's ledgers are open and she can see that they are in staggering debt. Her father tells her that he doesn't have the spheres to pay the men, and commands her confined to her rooms.

Crying, she runs back into the feast hall, asks Balat and Wikim for the daggers their father had given them, then chases after Jushu and the men. She manages to convince the men to take the daggers and her necklace in payment of Jushu's debt, though they are only worth about of it. She tells Jushu, who's been beaten and can't hear well, that Balat and Wikim saved him.

She returns to her rooms and waits, hearing the inevitable shouts. Eventually her father opens the door to her room. She can see the crumpled form of Minara, their serving maid, in the hall. Her arm is broken and she leaves a streak of blood on the wall as she tries to crawl away. Her father tells Shallan that he's found a way to control himself, he just needs to let his anger out, and that his anger is created when people disobey him. He tells her that he would never hurt her, and so he wouldn't want to have to punish others because she defied him again.

Chapter 49: Watching the World Transform

These Lightweavers, by no coincidence, included many who pursued the arts; namely: writers, artists, musicians, painters, sculptors. Considering the order's general temperament, the tales of their strange and varied mnemonic abilities may have been embellished.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 21, page 10

Plot Summary
Isheves 1173


Chapter 50: Uncut Gems

And now, if there was an uncut gem among the Radiants, it was the Willshapers; for though enterprising, they were erratic, and Invia wrote of them, "capricious, frustrating, unreliable," as taking it for granted that others would agree; this may have been an intolerant view, as often Invia expressed, for this order was said to be most varied, inconsistent in temperament save for a general love of adventure, novelty, or oddity.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 7, page 1

Plot Summary
Isheves 1173


Chapter 51: Heirs

In short, if any presume Kazilah to be innocent, you must look at the facts and deny them in their entirety; to say that the Radiants were destitute of integrity for executing one of their own, one who had obviously fraternized with the unwholesome elements, indicates the most slothful of reasoning; for the enemy's baleful influence demanded vigilance on all occasions, of war and of peace.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 32, page 17

Plot Summary
Ishevan 1173


Chapter 52: Into the Sky

Now, as the Truthwatchers were esoteric in nature, their order being formed entirely of those who never spoke or wrote of what they did, in this lies frustration for those who would see their exceeding secrecy from the outside; they were not naturally inclined to explanation; and in the case of Corberon's disagreements, their silence was not a sign of exceeding abundance of disdain, but rather and exceeding abundance of tact.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 11, page 6

Plot Summary
Ishevan 1173












Chapter 53: Perfection

As to the other orders that were inferior in this visiting of the far realm of spren, the Elsecallers were prodigiously benevolent, allowing others as auxiliary to their visits and interactions; though they did never relinquish their place as prime liaisons with the great ones of the spren; and the Lightweavers and Willshapers both also had an affinity to the same, though neither were true masters of that realm.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 6, page 2

Plot Summary
Ishevach 1173


Chapter 54: Veil's Lesson

There came also sixteen of the order of Windrunners, and with them a considerable number of squires, and finding in that place the Skybreakers dividing the innocent from the guilty, there ensued a great debate.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 28, page 3

Plot Summary
Ishevach 1173


Chapter 55: The Rule of the Game

The considerable abilities of the Skybreakers for making such amounted to an almost divine skill, for which no specific Surge or spren grants capacity, but however the order came to such an aptitude, the fact of it was real and acknowledged even by their rivals.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 28, page 3

Plot Summary
Ishevev 1173


Chapter 56: Whitespine Uncaged

Twenty-three cohorts followed behind, that come from the contributions of the King of Makabakam, for though the bond between man and spren was at times inexplicable, the ability for bonded spren to manifest in our world rather than their own grew stronger through the course of the oaths given.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 35, page 9

Plot Summary
Ishevah 1173








Chapter 57: To Kill the Wind

Malchin was stymied, for though he was inferior to none in the arts of war, he was not suitable for the Lightweavers; he wished for his oaths to be elementary and straightforward, and yet their spren were liberal, as to our comprehension, in definitions pertaining to this matter; the process included speaking truths as an approach to a threshold of self-awareness that Malchin could never attain.—From Words of Radiance, chapter 12, page 12

Plot Summary
Ishevah 1173



Chapter 58: Never Again

So Melishi retired to his tent, and resolved to destroy the Voidbringers upon the next day, but that night did present a different stratagem, related to the unique abilities of the Bondsmiths; and being hurried, he could make no specific account of his process; it was related to the very nature of the Heralds and their divine duties, an attribute the Bondsmiths alone could address.
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 30, page 18

Plot Summary
Ishevah 1173





Interlude I-9: Lift


Interlude I-10: Szeth


Interlude I-11: New Rhythms

Plot Summary
Ishashes 1173


Part Four: The Approach:

Chapter 59: Fleet

I'll address this letter to my "old friend," as I have no idea what name you're using currently.

Plot Summary
Ishahach 1173


Chapter 60: Veil Walks

Have you given up on the gemstone, now that it is dead? And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master? I am told that in your current incarnation you've taken a name that references what you presume to be one of your virtues.


Chapter 61: Obedience

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
One and a half years ago

Shallan has become the perfect daughter. She keeps quiet now, particularly around her father, and spends most of her days in her rooms. Her father had proven several times that he wouldn't hurt shallan if she angered him, but would beat others in her name. The only time she drops her mask now is with her brothers, making jokes to try to drive back the darkness in their home.

She is also more involved in keeping House Davar's accounts, and their fortunes seem to have improved. Her father has shrewdly stopped being bullied by the other lighteyes and has started playing them off each other. New marble deposits have been discovered, which provide resources to keep up with his promises, bribes, and deals. Shallan hopes this will improve her father's temperament, but it doesn't.

Lin and Balat are arguing about who he will marry. Balat wants to marry Eylita Tavinar, but his father thinks she's of too low a status. He wants Balat to marry Sudi Valam, daughter of of Highprince Valam, who is a widow in her fifties. Their argument escalates and Balat calls his father a murderer. In response, Lin coldly orders one of his new guards to kill Balat's new axehound pups. Balat is outraged and tells his father that Helaran is back, and that they had met only two days past. They lock eyes, then Balat stalks out of the room.

Shallan finds Balat in the kennel, where his new pod of axehound pups were dead in a pool of violet blood. She'd encouraged him to breed them and he'd been making progress with his demons over the years, rarely hurting anything larger than a cremling now. They discuss fleeing their house, and balat tells her he wants to go to live in Vedenar with Eylita. Shallan says she can't go but will try to think of a way for them to escape, and returns to the house.

While passing her father's door Shallan overhears him talking to Rin, one of the house's new guards. Her father tells Rin to find Helaran, ambush him, and bring back his head. He offers Helaran's Shardblade as payment. Melise, having also apparently overheard this, is shocked that her husband would order the murder of his own son. A violent, angry argument breaks out, and Rin leaves.

  • When Lin and Balat lock eyes at the mention of Helaran, Shallan "counted ten beats of her thumping heart" before Balat looks away. This brings to mind the summoning of a Shardblade, though it doesn't appear to be related.

Chapter 62: The One who Killed Promises

This is, I suspect, a little like a skunk naming itself for its stench.

Plot Summary
Ishashev 1173


Chapter 63: A Burning World

Now, look what you've made me say. You've always been able to bring out the most extreme in me old friend. And I do still name you a friend, for all that you weary me.

Plot Summary
Ishashah 1173


Chapter 64: Treasures

Yes, I'm disappointed. Perpetually, as you put it

Plot Summary
Ishashah 1173



Chapter 65: The One who Deserves It

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
One and a half years ago

Shallan is in her room. Not two hours have passed since her father ordered Helaran's assassination, and a pair of guards have been stationed outside in the hallway. She suspects the guards are there to keep her stepmother from trying to flee, though she doesn't even know whether Malise is still alive. She quietly slips from her room and walks toward the guards, hands trembling. She doesn't know them, all of the guards she'd grown up with have been replaced. One of the men puts his hand up to stop her, but she keeps walking, insisting that her father will need her. As she passes her father's door, she can hear Malise softly weeping.

Shallan finds her father slumped at the high table in the feast hall, but slips into the kitchen before he notices her. She mixes his favorite drink; deep violet wine warmed and spiced with cinnamon. When she returns to the feast hall and gives it to him, she looks into his eyes. She doesn't see the darkness there, which is very rare these days. Lin complains that no one listens to him, and that his house should support him. Shallan tells him that she'll speak with them and goes outside into the night air.

She finds Balat laying on a bench in the gardens. He's been ripping the claws off of cremlings again. Shallan tells him that their father can't control himself anymore, and that he ordered the assassination of Helaran. They make a plan for Balat and Malise to escape with a letter from Shallan to warn their brother.

Shallan then returns to the house and goes to her father's sitting room. The guards stop her, but she holds her ground despite her fear, and they eventually let her pass. This is the first time she's entered this room in years, and she has to raise a hand to shade her eyes against the light coming from behind the painting. It is blinding to her and she wonders how anyone can stand it. Malise, curled up in a chair with her lip split and her arm broken, says that Lin will kill them all. Shallan starts treating the wounds, and tells her stepmother about the escape plan. As shallan is about to leave, Malise asks her "If I go, and Balat with me, who will he hate? Who will he hit? Maybe you, finally? The one who actually deserves it?" Shallan just replies, "Maybe."

  • In the beginning of the chapter we see Shallan reading one of Jasnah's books. It is about women in the modern world and the roles society tries to place them in.

Chapter 66: Stormblessings

Is not the destruction we have wrought enough? The worlds you now tread bear the touch and design of Adonalsium. Our interference so far has brought nothing but pain.

Plot Summary
Ishabev 1173


Chapter 67: Spit and Bile

My path has been chosen very deliberately. Yes, I agree with everything you have said about Rayse, including the severe danger he presents.

Plot Summary
Ishakan 1173


Chapter 68: Bridges

However, it seems to me that all things have been set up for a purpose, and if we—as infants—stumble through the workshop, we risk exacerbating, not preventing, a problem.

Plot Summary
Ishakach 1173


Chapter 69: Nothing

Rayse is captive. He cannot leave the system he now inhabits. His destructive potential is, therefore, inhibited.

Plot Summary
Ishakach 1173



Chapter 70: From a Nightmare

Whether this was Tanavast's design or not, millennia have passed without Rayse taking the life of another of the sixteen. While I mourn for the great suffering Rayse has caused, I do not believe we could hope for a better outcome than this.

Plot Summary
Ishakach 1173



Chapter 71: Vigil

He bears the weight of God's own divine hatred, separated from the virtues that gave it context. He is what we have made him to be, old friend. And that is what he, unfortunately, wished to become.

Plot Summary
Ishakev 1173



Chapter 72: Selfish Reasons

I suspect that he is more a force than an individual now, despite your insistence to the contrary. That force is contained, and an equilibrium reached.

Plot Summary
Ishakev 1173



Chapter 73: A Thousand Scurrying Creatures

Mentioned only
Plot Summary
One year ago

Shallan and Jushu are in Balat's room helping him prepare to leave. They talk about the valuable deposits of stone recently found on their land, and how they find it strange to be wealthy all of a sudden. Despite the family's wealth, their father's mood has continued to grown darker.

Shallan unfolds and reads a letter. Their contacts haven't been able to find Helaran, who seems to have disappeared. Balat is jumpy, worried that their father will discover that he intends to leave. His plan is to escape with Eylita, and if he can't find Helaran, they'll go to Highprince Valam and Redin, who years ago told them he'd listen to anyone willing to testify against their father. Jushu is scepticle, saying that their father is in favor now, and that the highprince is nearly dead.

Wikim slams the door open, telling them that Eylita is in the feast hall, that their father had summoned her. Balat and Wikim rush to find out to find out whats happening. Shallan follows slowly, overwhelmed with panic, but she feels pulled forward. Somehow she knows that this has been coming, that it was inevitable. She collects the pouch of blackbane that Wikim had given her years ago, and heads downstairs.

Balat is arguing with their father about Eylita. Lin reveals that he knows about their plan to leave. Shallan enters the room and heads walks along the walls toward the kitchens. She notices something on the floor, blocking the kitchen doors from closing. Lin tells them that Helaran is dead, he died on a battlefield in Alethkar. Shallan reaches the bundle on floor and realizes it's a body. It is Malise, she'd been killed by several blows to the head. Shallan concludes that he'd discovered the plan, sent for Eylita and waited for her to arrive, and then killed his wife. It was a calculated punishment, not commited in a moment of passion. She moves to where servants had left a pitcher of wine with cups.

Balat unsheathes his sword, followed by Lin. They clash brutally, and Lin is able to swat the Balat's sword out of his hand. Lin tells them that he's always despised Balat, and of his sons only Helaran wasn't worthless. Shallan hands him a cup of wine, which he gulps down. Balat grabs his sword and tries to stab their father, but hits something metalic through his coat, which stops the blade. Lin tosses his sword aside and gets an iron poker from the fireplace. He slams it into Balat's leg over and over, berating him about being useless.

Lin's hands start shaking and the poker slips to the ground. Lin is surprised, and he stumbles and falls to his knees, then to his side. Shallan, feeling cold, tells Eylita to bind Balat's wounds, then kneels next to her father. Lin is motionless, staring at the ceiling. She tells them that she poisoned him with the blackbane. Jushu pulls a soulcaster out Lins pocket, which had apparently been broken while blocking Balat's last strike. Just then, their father starts twitching, and his eyes focus on Shallan. She realizes that the poison has only paralyzed him, and says that they need to finish the job. Everyone else shies away, so she thanks her father for everything he did for her, then wraps her necklace around his neck. She twists the necklace around the handle of a fork for leverage, crying and whispering the lullaby that he'd sung to comfort her in her childhood as he dies.

  • That Helaran was killed in battle in Alethkar is another piece of evidence indicating that he was the shardbearer killed by Kaladin in Way of Kings.

Chapter 74: Striding the Storm

You, however, have never been a force of equilibrium. You tow chaos behind you like a corpse dragged by on leg through the snow. Please, hearken to my plea. Leave that place and join me in my oath of nonintervention.

Plot Summary
Ishakev 1173


Chapter 75: True Glory

The cosmere itself may depend upon our restraint.

Plot Summary
Ishakev 1173




Interlude I-12: Lhan


Interlude I-13: A Part to Play


Interlude I-14: Taravangian


Taravangian awakes on a ship with stiff muscles, but noting that he doesn't feel stupid, which he considers a good sign. He notes that his ship has moored on time, when his servants arrive. Maben brings him his morning meal, but is stopped by Mrall, one of the Kings testers. He wants Taravangian to take the test first since it is an important day and he want to know what to expect. Taravangian agrees with him and Mrall lets the testers approach. The three stormwardens give the King some paper on which some math-problems are put down with in figures and glyphs. Taravangian made these him self on one of his better day's and even though he knows he is not a complete idiot, he finds that he is only average on this day. After checking the papers the stomwardens judge: “He is fit to serve,” one proclaimed. “He may not change the Diagram, but he may interact outside of supervision, may change policy, and pass judgment.” Mrall after getting Taravangian's acceptance lets Maban bring him his breakfast. Taravangian considers that even though it always takes up one hour of every day the test is the best way for a man who wakes up every morning with a different level of intelligence. He contemplate that life can be tricky especially when the world might depend of him.

Part Five: Winds Alight

Chapter 76: The Hidden Blade

They will come you cannot stop their oaths look for those who survive when they should not that pattern will be your clue.
—From the Diagram, Coda of the Northwest Bottom Corner: paragraph 3

Plot Summary
Ishakah 1173







Chapter 77: Trust

One danger in deploying such a potent weapon will be the potential encouragement of those exploring the Nahel bond. Care must be taken to avoid placing these subjects in situations of powerful stress unless you accept the consequences of their potential Investiture.
—From the Diagram, Floorboard 27: paragraph 6

Plot Summary
Ishakah 1173



Chapter 78: Contradictions

AhbuttheywereleftbehindItisobviousfromthenatureofthebond ButwherewherewhereSetoffObviousRealizationlikeapricity TheyarewiththeShinWemustfindoneCanwemakeaTruthless

—From the Diagram, Floorboard 17: paragraph 2, every second letter starting with the first

Plot Summary
Ishatev 1173


Chapter 79: Toward the Center

Q: For what essential must we strive? A: The essential of preservation, to shelter a seed of humanity through coming storm. Q: What cost must we bear? A: The cost is irrelevant. Mankind must survive. Our burden is that of the species, and all other considerations are but dust by comparison.
—From the Diagram, Catechism of the Back of the Flowered Painting: paragraph 3

Plot Summary
Ishatah 1173


Chapter 80: To Fight the Rain

You must become king. Of Everything.
—From the Diagram, Tenets of Instruction, Back of the Footboard: paragraph 1

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173



Chapter 81: The Last Day

The Unmade are a deviation, a flair, a conundrum that may not be worth your time. You cannot help but think of them. They are fascinating. Many are mindless. Like the spren of human emotions, only much more nasty. I do believe a few can think however.
—From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Desk Drawer: paragraph 14

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173






Chapter 82: For Glory Lit

There is one you will watch. though all of them have some relevance to precognition, Moelach is one of the most powerful in this regard. His touch seeps into a soul as it breaks apart form the body, creating manifestations powered by the spark of death itself. But no, this is a distraction. Deviation. Kingship. We must discuss the nature of Kingship.—From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Desk Drawer: paragraph 15

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173





Chapter 83: Time's Illusion

Obviously they are fools The Desolation needs no usher It can and will sit where it wishes and the signs are obvious that the spren anticipate it doing so soon The Ancient of Stones must finally begin to crack It is a wonder that upon his will rested the prosperity and peace of a world for over four millennia.
—From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Ceiling Rotation: pattern 1

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173





Chapter 84: The One Who Saves

1118251011127124915121010114102151171121011121713 44831110715142541434109161491493412122541010125 1271015191011123412551152512157551112341011129151

—From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Ceiling Rotation: pattern 15

This has been decoded to create the following message: Hold the secret that broke the Knights Radiant. You may need it to destroy the new orders when they return.[1]

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173




Chapter 85: Swallowed by the Sky

But who is the wanderer, the wild piece, the one who makes no sense? I glimpse at his implications, and the world opens to me. I shy back. Impossible. Is it?.
—From the Diagram, West Wall Psalm of Wonders: paragraph 8 (Note by Adrotagia: Could this refer to Mraize?)

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173







Chapter 86: Patterns of Light

One is almost certainly a traitor to the others.
—From the Diagram, Book of the 2nd Ceiling Rotation: paragraph 27

Plot Summary
Ishishach 1173











Chapter 87: The Riddens

Chaos in Alethkar is, of course, inevitable. Watch carefully, and do not let power in the kingdom solidify. The Blackthorn could become an ally or our greatest foe, depending on whether he takes the path of the or not. If he seems likely to sue for peace, assassinate him expeditiously. The risk of competition is too great.
—From the Diagram, Writings upon the Bedstand Lamp: paragraph 4 (Adrotagia's 3rd translation from the original hieroglyphics)





Chapter 88: The Man Who Owned the Winds

1173090605 1173090801 1173090901 1173091001 1173091004 1173100105 1173100205 1173100401

1173100603 1173100804
—From the Diagram, North Wall Coda, Windowsill region: paragraph 2 (This appears to be a sequence of dates, but their relevance is as yet unknown)




Chapter 89: The Four

TherehastobeananswerWhatistheanswerStopTheParshendi OneofthemYestheyarethemissingpiecePushfortheAlethitodestroy

—From the Diagram, Floorboard 17: paragraph 2, every second letter starting with the second

Plot Summary
Jesesach 1174




Epilogue: Art and Expectation



Ars Arcanum


  1. [[17s-6398-wor-chapter-84-code:{{{2}}}|Chapter 84 Decoded!]]
    17th Shard forums - March 13 2014[[Special: WhatLinksHere/Cite: 17S-6398-wor-chapter-84-code/{{{2}}}|#]]