Cobalt Guard

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Cobalt Guard
Founders Gavilar and Dalinar Kholin
Leader Fisk[1]
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere
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The Cobalt Guard is the honor guard of some members of House Kholin in Alethkar on Roshar.

We are the Cobalt Guard ... our duty is to protect Brightlord Adolin.

—Captainlord Malan of the Cobalt Guard to Kaladin [2]


Post: Battle of the Tower[edit]

After the betrayal at the Battle of the Tower, The Cobalt Guard was nearly wiped out. After bolstering their numbers with the members of Bridge 4, Dalinar augmented the King's Guard with the remaining men of the Cobalt Guard to secure King Elhokar's life. Dalinar took the men from Bridge Four as his new bodyguards. He gave his cloak to Kaladin to show that he was the new head of his personal guard.[3]

The remaining members of the Cobalt Guard accepted Kaladin as their leader without a word of complaint.[4] Shortly after Kaladin becoming Captain of the Cobalt Guard, a few remaining original members, all darkeyed, had started eating meals with Bridge Four and requested to have the new Bridge Four patches, but were ordered to keep their original patches on at least one shoulder, as a mark of pride.[4]

Even with the added numbers from the leftover members of the original Cobalt Guard, Kaladin felt as if he did not have enough men to adequately guard the members of the Kholin family.[5]

Battle in Emul[edit]

The Cobalt Guard defended Dalinar during the battle in Emul. This group, along with Cord fended off an attack from Nale and the Skybreakers.[6] They were later used to create a perimeter around Dalinar's tent after the duel between Jasnah and Ruthar.[1]

Notable Members[edit]


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