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{{shard info
{{shard info
|image=Cultivation by Ari Ibarra.jpeg
|vessel=[[Koravellium Avast]]
|status=Alive and whole{{wob ref|2785}}{{wob ref|1555}}
|perpendicularity=[[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]]
|magic=[[Surgebinding]],{{wob ref|1640}} [[Old Magic]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|1={{small caps|I control all things that can be grown, nurtured.<br />
That includes the thorns.}}
|2=Cultivation to [[Dalinar]]{{book ref|sa3|114}}
'''Cultivation''' is one of the sixteen [[Shard|Shards of Adonalsium]].{{book ref|twok|75}} It is unknown who the Shard's Vessel is, but Cultivation is female.{{book ref|twok|75}} She is located on [[Roshar]], and originally came to that planet with [[Honor]], before [[Odium]] arrived there.{{17s ref|post|42213}} She is still alive,{{qa ref|985|5}} and was romantically involved with [[Honor]].{{qa ref|985|6|Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?|date=May 22nd, 2013}} [[Hoid]] mentions to [[Adolin]] that she is the only woman on [[Roshar]] who is anywhere close to his own age, and that she never liked him.{{book ref|sa2|55}} Though it is not the Vessel's real name, Hoid calls her '''Slammer'''.{{17s ref|post|450112}}

'''Cultivation''' is one of the sixteen [[Shard|Shards of Adonalsium]].{{book ref|sa1|75}} Her Vessel is a [[dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] named [[Koravellium Avast]],{{file ref|Alethi Glyphs Page 2.jpg}}{{wob ref|14441}} though [[Hoid]] has referred to her as '''Slammer'''.{{wob ref|9472}} Cultivation resides on [[Roshar]], having originally come there with [[Honor]] before [[Odium]]'s arrival.{{wob ref|1169}} Cultivation's [[Investiture]] is typically associated with the color green.{{wob ref|13074}}
== Abilities ==
[[Honor]] says that Cultivation is much better at seeing the future than he was.{{book ref|twok|75}}

== Influence ==
== Intent ==
Cultivation's intent as a Shard appears to be related to transformation. According to Odium, all she wishes to see is change, regardless of where it leads.{{book ref|sa3|57}} In her own view, on the other hand, she wishes to grow things and people, and prune them if need be, to shape them in a desired form, even if she accepts that there will always be a degree of uncertainty.{{book ref|sa3|114}}{{book ref|yumi|12}}
[[Spren]] are either of Cultivation, of [[Honor]], or a combination of the two.{{17s ref|post|35866}}

== Associated Magics ==
In Words of Radiance, mankind is referred to by some spren as 'sons of Honor'. This could suggest that Spren are not part of Honor.
{{image|Cultivation by Gar_leyva.jpg|side=left|width=250px}}
=== Lifelight ===
Cultivation has her own form of gaseous Investiture, [[Lights#Lifelight|Lifelight]], that is comparable to the Scadrian [[mist]]s,{{wob ref|12207}} [[Stormlight]], and [[Voidlight]].{{wob ref|10578}} When visiting the [[Nightwatcher]], Dalinar sees Cultivation surrounded by green mist,{{book ref|sa3|114}} which is likely Lifelight.{{wob ref|12207}} It can both be captured in gems and serve as a power source much like the other two Lights. In fact, [[Lift]]'s Investiture that she generates by transmuting consumed food is Lifelight and not Stormlight. The power that the [[Sibling]] uses, [[Towerlight]], is a mixture of Lifelight and Stormlight.{{book ref|sa4|69}}

Lifelight takes up the middle note on the Rosharan [[wikipedia:Tritonic scale|tritonic scale]].{{book ref|sa4|69}}
It has been theorized that Cultivation is the reason why [[Shinovar]] is so strange compared to the rest of Roshar.

=== God Metal ===
Something about her presence on Roshar, be it intentional or otherwise, makes it easier for animal life there to attain a degree of sentience.{{ref|name=kogiopsis}}
[[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]] are both made out of a mixture of the unnamed God Metals of Honor and Cultivation. The precise proportion of the two differs depending on the type of [[spren]] that forms the Blade, or the order to which the Plate belongs; as such, there are at least ten alloys.{{wob ref|11211}}{{wob ref|11949}}{{wob ref|2541}}

=== Surgebinding ===
== Theories and Speculation ==
=== Old Magic and the Nightwatcher ===
With the lack of information on Cultivation, speculation runs rampant of what her influence may be. With Honor dead and Splintered, as well as Odium's influence in the [[Voidbringer]]s, it is possible Cultivation or one of her servants is the [[Nightwatcher]], and that she is responsible for the [[Old Magic]]. As the Nightwatcher is referred to as both male{{book ref|twok|47}} and female,{{book ref|twok|27}} its gender cannot be used to prove a connection to Cultivation.

Surgebinding is a magic system derived from both Cultivation and [[Honor]].{{wob ref|1640}} To Surgebind, a person must bond a [[spren]], which grants them the ability to inhale [[Stormlight]] and use it for various purposes, chief among them self-healing and manipulating [[Surge]]s, the fundamental forces of Roshar.{{wob ref|7663}} Some Surges are more inclined towards Cultivation, while others are closer to Honor. Additionally, some of the Radiant spren appear to be closer to Cultivation than others.{{wob ref|10649}}
Further support for this connection is found in Interlude 9 of Words of Radiance Lift. Wyndle specifically refers to her going to the old magic and receiving his mother's blessing. In chapter 3 of Words of Radiance, the dichotomy of spren is discussed. Honor is connected to spren of emotion. Cultivation is connected to spren that represent forces. The conclusion can be made that the Nightwatcher is the Cognitive Realm manifestation of Cultivation.

The spren capable of forming the Radiant bonds are likewise a mix of Cultivation and Honor's [[Investiture]]s; as such, a [[Shardblade]] is a mix of her and his metals.{{wob ref|11949}} She is able to acknowledge the oaths of [[Knights Radiant]]s.{{book ref|sa4|60}}{{book ref|sa4|115}}
=== Name of Holder ===
It was speculated that [[Reya]], who was said to have shed a single tear and had [[Tear|a star]] named after it, may be the name of Cultivation's holder, however Brandon and Peter confirm that she is important for a different reason.{{17s ref|topic|6568}} Hoid calls her "Slammer", albeit this is also not what she's called{{17s ref|topic|54750}}, and would call her very unflattering names if asked about it.{{cite|JordanCon 2016 Q&A session}}

== Notes ==
=== Old Magic ===
{{for|Old Magic}}

Old Magic is a magic "system" that appears to be usable only by Cultivation and the [[Nightwatcher]].{{book ref|sa3|114}} It allows for granting another person a boon and a curse based on their request. The boons and curses can range from physical objects, such as money or swords, to mental alterations, such as making a person see upside-down for the rest of their life, or erasing memories.{{book ref|sa3|114}}{{book ref|sa1|i|7}} It even permits [[Realmatic Theory|Realmatic]] changes, such as granting a new and unique way of acquiring Investiture.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
{{17s ref|topic|6568|Cultivation's real name|date=08 March 2014}}
{{17s ref|post|35866|Spren composition|date=02 June 2012}}
{{17s ref|post|42213|They came together|date=25 Sept 2012}}
{{17s ref|post|450112|text=Hoid calls her SLAMMER... but that's not her real name|date=June 9th, 2016}}
{{17s ref|topic|54750|Cultivation's captivation to Odium|date=09 June 2016}}

Although the Nightwatcher has no known agenda in her boons and curses, Cultivation occasionally intervenes when she can further her plans.{{book ref|sa4|i|5}} These include granting [[Taravangian]] the capacity to Ascend to [[Odium]] and [[Dalinar]] the emotional fortitude to avoid becoming Odium's champion.{{book ref|sa3|114}}{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}{{wob ref|13097}}{{book ref|sa1|61}}
{{qa ref|985|5|Is Cultivation's holder still alive?|date=May 22nd, 2013}}
{{qa ref|985|6|Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?|date=May 22nd, 2013}}

There is more to Old Magic than just boons and curses; however, there is no person currently known to make use of that.{{wob ref|10819}}
{{url ref|name=kogiopsis

{{image|Koravellium Avast by paintweaver.jpg|side=right|width=250px}}
|site=Kogiopsis' Tumblr

|text=They're one of a few Rosharan animals with a degree of sentience. It's easier on Roshar for this to happen. (Kayla, to clarify: Because of Cultivation? Brandon: Yes.)
=== Other ===
|date=Oct 7th, 2015
Cultivation is capable of seeing the future, with [[Honor]] mentioning that she is much better at it than he ever was.{{book ref|sa1|75}} While certainly one of the better users of future sight in the [[cosmere]], she herself admits that she cannot truly predict everything.{{book ref|sa3|114}}

She is capable of creating [[spren]] of herself, the chief example of this being the [[Nightwatcher]].{{wob ref|9207}} This being said, the Nightwatcher is not very humanlike, and so Cultivation keeps her in the [[Valley]] to hold court, and grants her the use of the Old Magic.{{book ref|sa3|114}} [[Cultivationspren]] are also likely tied to Cultivation herself, as they refer to her as "Mother".{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}{{book ref|sa3|118}}

Something about her presence on Roshar, whether intentional or otherwise, makes it easier for animal life there to attain a degree of sentience, with both [[Ryshadium]] and [[santhid]]yn being far more intelligent than their peers for this reason.{{wob ref|2792}}

[[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]] is located in the [[Horneater Peaks]], and forms either one or all of the [[Horneater Oceans]], the giant lakes at the top of the mountains. Until the [[True Desolation]], where it was overtaken by the [[Fused]], it was the main way for [[worldhopper]]s to travel to and from Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|93}}{{book ref|sa3|102}}

Cultivation appears to have the ability to kill or at least seriously wound [[Odium]], as he refrained from killing the [[Stormfather]] out of fear of leaving himself exposed to her counterattack.{{book ref|sa3|111}}

== History ==
{{image|The Roshards by jurassicpencil.jpg|side=left|width=200px|Cultivation, [[Honor]] and [[Odium]]}}
{{for|Koravellium Avast#History|the history of the original Vessel}}

=== Shattering and ancient Roshar ===
|I think there's only one [woman of my age] around these parts, and she and I never did get along.
|Hoid{{book ref|sa2|55}}
The Shard of Cultivation was created during the Shattering, and was subsequently taken up by [[Koravellium Avast]]. She and [[Honor]], with whom she was romantically involved, departed the site of the Shattering, [[Yolen]], and ended up on Roshar.{{wob ref|2786}} There, they became the gods of a local sentient species known as the [[singer]]s. However, following [[Odium]]'s arrival in the [[Rosharan system]], the two Shards ended up siding with human newcomers instead.{{book ref|sa3|111}}

At an unknown point in time, she created the [[Nightwatcher]], who became both infamous and deeply sought after for her ability to grant banes and boons with the [[Old Magic]].{{book ref|sa3|114}} She also created the [[Sibling]] alongside Honor, who became vital in the functioning of [[Urithiru]] and the fight against the [[Voidbringers]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|67}}

Although Cultivation assisted Honor in fighting Odium, Honor still perished.{{wob ref|2729}} Following his death, Cultivation withdrew in grief, and appeared to have lost all interest in aiding mankind any longer.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} This was not entirely correct, however -- rather than hiding, she was planning.{{wob ref|8669}}

Cultivation also briefly spent time on [[Ashyn]].{{wob ref|15171}}

=== Era of Solitude ===
In the late [[Era of Solitude]], Cultivation used the [[Old Magic]] at least thrice. She granted [[Taravangian]] fluctuating amounts of compassion and intelligence, ultimately grooming him to take up the [[Shard]] of [[Odium]], which required compassion, and to master its [[Shard|Intent]], which required the intelligence.{{wob ref|13097}} She altered [[Lift]]'s Surgebinding so it was powered by Lifelight, rather than Stormlight, though Lift's boon and curse are not known.{{book ref|sa4|i|5}}{{book ref|sa4|60}} She also intervened when [[Dalinar Kholin]] came to see the Nightwatcher and begged for forgiveness. Instead of this, she erased all memories of [[Evi|his wife]], which served as both a boon and a curse.{{book ref|sa3|114}}

Unlike with all other boons and curses, Dalinar's memories gradually returned after the arrival of the [[Everstorm]].{{book ref|sa3|24}} This was deliberately engineered by Cultivation to give him time to come to terms with his past before [[Odium]] would try to use it to turn Dalinar into his champion.{{book ref|sa3|121}}

== Influence ==
{{image|Cultivation by Heatherly.png|side=right|width=300px}}
|Storming Mother of the World and Father of Storms above!
|[[Lift]]{{book ref|sa2.5|15}}

Cultivation has been honored on [[Roshar]] for a long time, at least since the era of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa3|29}} In the present day, however, her worship is limited to the western part of the continent, where she is considered an embodiment of nature and nature [[spren]].{{book ref|sa2|3}} There, she is sometimes referred to as '''Mother of the World'''.{{book ref|sa2.5|15}} Even in the east, people sometimes make references to Mother Cultivation, though typically as a joke.{{book ref|sa3|21}} In [[Vorinism]], belief in her and her cohorts, such as the [[Nightwatcher]], is considered pagan superstition and usually dismissed.{{book ref|sa3|114}}{{book ref|sa3|29}}

Cultivation is also highly revered by [[cultivationspren]]. Though the precise relation between them and her is unclear, they often call her Mother or Blessed Mother, and only sometimes by her proper name.{{book ref|sa3|118}}{{book ref|sa2.5|4}}{{book ref|sa2.5|13}} "Mother's vines" appears to be a particular curse related to Cultivation.{{book ref|sa2.5|11}}

== Trivia ==
* Cultivation is one of the only five characters who have spoken in <span style='font-variant: small-caps'>small-caps</span>, the other four are: [[Odium]],{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}{{book ref|sa3|119}}{{book ref|sa4|i|4}} [[Syl]],{{book ref|sa2|84}}, [[Dalinar]],{{book ref|sa4|107}}{{book ref|sa4|108}} and the [[Stormfather]].{{book ref|sa1|46}}
* In ''[[wikipedia:Magic: The Gathering|Magic:The Gathering]]'' colors, Cultivation would be green.{{wob ref|11057}}
* Cultivation has never really gotten along with [[Hoid]].{{book ref|sa2|55}}

== Notes ==
[[category: notable articles]]

Latest revision as of 16:59, 25 April 2024

This page or section needs to be updated with new information for Rhythm of War and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
Cultivation by Ari Ibarra.jpeg
Vessel Koravellium Avast
Slivers None
Splinters Spren
Status Alive and whole[1][2]
Perpendicularity Cultivation's Perpendicularity
Magics Surgebinding,[3] Old Magic
Residence Roshar
Universe Cosmere

I control all things that can be grown, nurtured.
That includes the thorns.

—Cultivation to Dalinar[4]

Cultivation is one of the sixteen Shards of Adonalsium.[5] Her Vessel is a dragon named Koravellium Avast,[6][7] though Hoid has referred to her as Slammer.[8] Cultivation resides on Roshar, having originally come there with Honor before Odium's arrival.[9] Cultivation's Investiture is typically associated with the color green.[10]


Cultivation's intent as a Shard appears to be related to transformation. According to Odium, all she wishes to see is change, regardless of where it leads.[11] In her own view, on the other hand, she wishes to grow things and people, and prune them if need be, to shape them in a desired form, even if she accepts that there will always be a degree of uncertainty.[4][12]

Associated MagicsEdit


Cultivation has her own form of gaseous Investiture, Lifelight, that is comparable to the Scadrian mists,[13] Stormlight, and Voidlight.[14] When visiting the Nightwatcher, Dalinar sees Cultivation surrounded by green mist,[4] which is likely Lifelight.[13] It can both be captured in gems and serve as a power source much like the other two Lights. In fact, Lift's Investiture that she generates by transmuting consumed food is Lifelight and not Stormlight. The power that the Sibling uses, Towerlight, is a mixture of Lifelight and Stormlight.[15]

Lifelight takes up the middle note on the Rosharan tritonic scale.[15]

God MetalEdit

Shardblades and Shardplate are both made out of a mixture of the unnamed God Metals of Honor and Cultivation. The precise proportion of the two differs depending on the type of spren that forms the Blade, or the order to which the Plate belongs; as such, there are at least ten alloys.[16][17][18]


Surgebinding is a magic system derived from both Cultivation and Honor.[3] To Surgebind, a person must bond a spren, which grants them the ability to inhale Stormlight and use it for various purposes, chief among them self-healing and manipulating Surges, the fundamental forces of Roshar.[19] Some Surges are more inclined towards Cultivation, while others are closer to Honor. Additionally, some of the Radiant spren appear to be closer to Cultivation than others.[20]

The spren capable of forming the Radiant bonds are likewise a mix of Cultivation and Honor's Investitures; as such, a Shardblade is a mix of her and his metals.[17] She is able to acknowledge the oaths of Knights Radiants.[21][22]

Old MagicEdit

Old Magic is a magic "system" that appears to be usable only by Cultivation and the Nightwatcher.[4] It allows for granting another person a boon and a curse based on their request. The boons and curses can range from physical objects, such as money or swords, to mental alterations, such as making a person see upside-down for the rest of their life, or erasing memories.[4][23] It even permits Realmatic changes, such as granting a new and unique way of acquiring Investiture.[24]

Although the Nightwatcher has no known agenda in her boons and curses, Cultivation occasionally intervenes when she can further her plans.[25] These include granting Taravangian the capacity to Ascend to Odium and Dalinar the emotional fortitude to avoid becoming Odium's champion.[4][26][27][28]

There is more to Old Magic than just boons and curses; however, there is no person currently known to make use of that.[29]


Cultivation is capable of seeing the future, with Honor mentioning that she is much better at it than he ever was.[5] While certainly one of the better users of future sight in the cosmere, she herself admits that she cannot truly predict everything.[4]

She is capable of creating spren of herself, the chief example of this being the Nightwatcher.[30] This being said, the Nightwatcher is not very humanlike, and so Cultivation keeps her in the Valley to hold court, and grants her the use of the Old Magic.[4] Cultivationspren are also likely tied to Cultivation herself, as they refer to her as "Mother".[24][31]

Something about her presence on Roshar, whether intentional or otherwise, makes it easier for animal life there to attain a degree of sentience, with both Ryshadium and santhidyn being far more intelligent than their peers for this reason.[32]

Cultivation's Perpendicularity is located in the Horneater Peaks, and forms either one or all of the Horneater Oceans, the giant lakes at the top of the mountains. Until the True Desolation, where it was overtaken by the Fused, it was the main way for worldhoppers to travel to and from Roshar.[33][34]

Cultivation appears to have the ability to kill or at least seriously wound Odium, as he refrained from killing the Stormfather out of fear of leaving himself exposed to her counterattack.[35]


Cultivation, Honor and Odium

Shattering and ancient RosharEdit

I think there's only one [woman of my age] around these parts, and she and I never did get along.


The Shard of Cultivation was created during the Shattering, and was subsequently taken up by Koravellium Avast. She and Honor, with whom she was romantically involved, departed the site of the Shattering, Yolen, and ended up on Roshar.[37] There, they became the gods of a local sentient species known as the singers. However, following Odium's arrival in the Rosharan system, the two Shards ended up siding with human newcomers instead.[35]

At an unknown point in time, she created the Nightwatcher, who became both infamous and deeply sought after for her ability to grant banes and boons with the Old Magic.[4] She also created the Sibling alongside Honor, who became vital in the functioning of Urithiru and the fight against the Voidbringers.[38]

Although Cultivation assisted Honor in fighting Odium, Honor still perished.[39] Following his death, Cultivation withdrew in grief, and appeared to have lost all interest in aiding mankind any longer.[24] This was not entirely correct, however -- rather than hiding, she was planning.[40]

Cultivation also briefly spent time on Ashyn.[41]

Era of SolitudeEdit

In the late Era of Solitude, Cultivation used the Old Magic at least thrice. She granted Taravangian fluctuating amounts of compassion and intelligence, ultimately grooming him to take up the Shard of Odium, which required compassion, and to master its Intent, which required the intelligence.[27] She altered Lift's Surgebinding so it was powered by Lifelight, rather than Stormlight, though Lift's boon and curse are not known.[25][21] She also intervened when Dalinar Kholin came to see the Nightwatcher and begged for forgiveness. Instead of this, she erased all memories of his wife, which served as both a boon and a curse.[4]

Unlike with all other boons and curses, Dalinar's memories gradually returned after the arrival of the Everstorm.[42] This was deliberately engineered by Cultivation to give him time to come to terms with his past before Odium would try to use it to turn Dalinar into his champion.[43]


Storming Mother of the World and Father of Storms above!

Cultivation has been honored on Roshar for a long time, at least since the era of the Knights Radiant.[45] In the present day, however, her worship is limited to the western part of the continent, where she is considered an embodiment of nature and nature spren.[46] There, she is sometimes referred to as Mother of the World.[44] Even in the east, people sometimes make references to Mother Cultivation, though typically as a joke.[47] In Vorinism, belief in her and her cohorts, such as the Nightwatcher, is considered pagan superstition and usually dismissed.[4][45]

Cultivation is also highly revered by cultivationspren. Though the precise relation between them and her is unclear, they often call her Mother or Blessed Mother, and only sometimes by her proper name.[31][48][49] "Mother's vines" appears to be a particular curse related to Cultivation.[50]



  1. Rithmatist Albuquerque signing
    Arcanum - 2013-05-22#
  2. Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-06#
  3. a b Boskone 54
    Arcanum - 2017-02-18#
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k Oathbringer chapter 114#
  5. a b The Way of Kings chapter 75#
  6. Alethi Glyphs Page 2.jpg
  7. General Reddit 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-11-22#
  8. General Signed Books 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-01-01#
  9. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  10. ICon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-15#
  11. Oathbringer chapter 57#
  12. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter chapter 12#
  13. a b Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-12-29#
  14. Read For Pixels 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-01#
  15. a b Rhythm of War chapter 69#
  16. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-12#
  17. a b Skyward Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-15#
  18. Arcanum Unbounded signing Hoboken
    Arcanum - 2016-12-03#
  19. Stormblessed.com interview with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2010-12-25#
  20. FanX 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-06#
  21. a b Rhythm of War chapter 60#
  22. Rhythm of War chapter 115#
  23. The Way of Kings interlude I-7#
  24. a b c Words of Radiance interlude I-9#
  25. a b Rhythm of War interlude I-5#
  26. Words of Radiance interlude I-14#
  27. a b Tel Aviv Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-10-18#
  28. The Way of Kings chapter 61#
  29. Legion Release Party
    Arcanum - 2018-09-19#
  30. JordanCon 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-04-23#
  31. a b Oathbringer chapter 118#
  32. Shadows of Self Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-06#
  33. Oathbringer chapter 93#
  34. Oathbringer chapter 102#
  35. a b Oathbringer chapter 111#
  36. a b Words of Radiance chapter 55#
  37. Rithmatist Albuquerque signing
    Arcanum - 2013-05-22#
  38. Oathbringer chapter 67 epigraph#
  39. Idaho Falls Signing
    Arcanum - 2015-11-28#
  40. Oathbringer London signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-28#
  41. Mini-Con 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-11-23#
  42. Oathbringer chapter 24#
  43. Oathbringer chapter 121#
  44. a b Edgedancer chapter 15#
  45. a b Oathbringer chapter 29#
  46. Words of Radiance chapter 3#
  47. Oathbringer chapter 21#
  48. Edgedancer chapter 4#
  49. Edgedancer chapter 13#
  50. Edgedancer chapter 11#
  51. Oathbringer interlude I-6#
  52. Oathbringer chapter 119#
  53. Rhythm of War interlude I-4#
  54. Words of Radiance chapter 84#
  55. Rhythm of War chapter 107#
  56. Rhythm of War chapter 108#
  57. The Way of Kings chapter 46#
  58. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-05#
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