Summary:The Lost Metal

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Summary pages have spoilers through the end of the book they summarize. However, they also have links to the rest of the Coppermind, which has full spoilers. To safely browse non-summary pages, consider using the Time Machine.

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of The Lost Metal. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.


Plot Summary

An eleven year old Wayne sits on a stool in he and his mother's house, playing with a stolen deck of cards and waiting for his mother to return from the mine. Wayne sees the light of his mother's lantern approaching, and quickly hides his cards and pretends to be asleep. She spots a card, however, and Wayne admits to having stolen the cards. Wayne's mother lectures him on stealing, then asks him if he wants to hear a story. She tells him a story about Allomancer Jak defeating three infamous bandits, with Wayne frequently interrupting with comments. The next day, there is a collapse at the mine, and Wayne's mother does not return home.

Part 1

Chapter 1

Plot Summary
Twenty-nine years later

Marasi and Wayne trudge through a sewer beneath Elendel, tracking a group of criminals. Wayne brings up the subject of MeLaan, saying that she's going to break up with him soon. They come across a large locked door, and Marasi uses a knife to undo the bar holding the door closed on the other side. They dim their lantern and continue forward.

Chapter 2

Plot Summary

Steris helps Wax prepare for his speech before the Elendel senate, Wax's son giving him two drawings to take with him. Wax enters into the chamber to give his speech, arguing against a bill that would give the Elendel governor more power, especially over the Outer Cities. Wax argues that the bill is a stupid idea, saying that it will only make the Outer Cities more furious with Elendel, and incite civil war in the Basin. He presents the senate with sixty letters from Outer City politicians, who want to work with Elendel peacefully, without conflict. When Melstrom stands to argue, Wax presents the chamber with a letter from Houses Hasting and Erikell, bribing him to support the bill. Though he had the goal of delaying the vote by having Melstrom investigated, the vote on the bill proceeds anyways with Melstrom, Hasting, and Erikell excluded from the voting. The bill passes, with 122 for and 118 against.

Chapter 3

Plot Summary

Marasi and Wayne move down the tunnel, finding old footprints. They come across a few guards playing cards. They sneak past the guards and find a natural gap in the rock, which lets them see into the cavern where the majority of the criminals are. Marasi counts thirty-seven armed men and women in the cavern, including the two guards. Wayne identifies the leader of the group, a Cycle in the Set. Marasi wants to get backup and return, but Wayne argues that they should go ahead and go in. Wayne agrees, but as they head back, they stumble across one of the guards relieving himself in the tunnel. He cries out right before Wayne takes him down, and Wayne and Marasi are forced to go with Wayne's plan.

Chapter 4

Plot Summary

Marasi shoots the first few enemies who rush in through the main tunnel, and then goes up to the gap in the rock above the cavern to cover Wayne from above. Marasi uses two Malwish Allomantic grenades, trapping eighteen enemies in speed bubbles. Wayne enters the main cavern to fight, and Marasi follows shortly after. The Cycle attempts to flee the cavern, and Marasi decides to go after him and let Wayne finish up in the cavern.

Chapter 5

Plot Summary

Wax returns to his chambers in the Senate building, frustrated with himself. Steris tries to comfort him, telling him they did all that they could. Wax finds an envelope, with an earring inside. It's accompanied by a note from Harmony, which tells him that he'll need to make a second earring once "the proper metal arrives". Wax is annoyed, wanting Harmony to leave him alone. Max comes up to Wax, speaking in an accent that Wayne taught him. Max asks Wax if they can go flying, and Wax agrees. He straps Max into a custom harness on his back, and takes off into the sky.

Chapter 6

Plot Summary

Marasi catches up to the Cycle in an underground cavern with a ravine running through it. He shoots at Marasi, but she uses a Allomantic grenade that Wax had charged to repel his bullets. As she approached him, his pistol was also flung away. She tells him to surrender, but he just smiles and taps Feruchemical strength, growing larger and stronger. He says that Trell wants her specifically, and thanks her for coming to him. She stabs him in the arm with a glass dagger, but he heals immediately. Marasi realizes that he's using Hemalurgy to grant himself extra abilities. The Cycle's eyes start glowing red, and he tells Marasi that Trell is choosing hosts to bestow his power on. Marasi manages to shoot the Cycle three times in the head, though he starts to heal. She frantically uses her knife to remove one of the four spikes from his chest, as his eyes grow a more vivid red. He tells her that the end is coming, either from ash or the men of gold and red. Marasi pulls the spike out, killing him.

Chapter 7

Plot Summary

Wax travels across the city to the top of Ahlstrom Tower, where he and his family live. Max happily busies himself with dropping twirly-seeds off the side of the tower. They play a kind of fetch that Max invented, involving a wicker ball with a metal weight at its center. Wax gets distracted, however, by a Malwish warship above the city. With Max still strapped to his back, Wax heads towards the ship to investigate.

Chapter 8

Plot Summary

Marasi finds a book of numbers and shipping dates on the Cycle's person, and removes the other spikes. One of them is a Trellium spike, which pulls away from the other spikes when near. She returns to the main cavern, where Wayne is playing cards with several tied-up criminals. Wayne had to tie up the criminals with shoelaces, which won't hold long. Marasi stays behind with the captives, subtly trapping them in a speed bubble while Wayne runs off to get backup. She sees a blurred figure wearing a cloth mask approach the perimeter then run off. Shortly after, Wayne arrives with a multitude of constables, and they decide to go talk to Wax about what happened.

Chapter 9

Plot Summary

Once the Malwish on the ship notice Wax, they send a skimmer down to collect him and bring him up to the warship. They are greeted by Admiral Daal, the new ambassador from the Malwish Consortium. Wax cordially welcomes Daal to the Basin, whose response borders on hostile. Max interrupts by saying he needs to use the bathroom. An annoyed Daal leads them to the restroom, and him and Wax continue talking. Daal makes it clear that he thinks the Bands of Mourning belong to his people, and Wax says that he isn't the person to discuss the matter with. He and Max leave the ship, and head back to their home. Steris gives Wax a note from Marasi, saying to meet her at the mansion.

Chapter 10

Plot Summary

Marasi is warmly welcomed at the constabulary office. She debriefs Reddi; while doing so, Reddi reports several complaints about Wayne and adds them to a file (he then thanks her for keeping Wayne in check). Two men are searching for Wayne, presumably debt collectors. Marasi gives Reddi the Cycle’s book, which details shipping manifests and outlines ways of smuggling supplies into Elendel. She outlines a plan to fake the next weapon drop as a sting operation, using MeLaan and the Cycle's corpse. She shows Reddi the spikes, and gives him the regular three. When she meets Wayne again in the lunch room, he steals her sandwich and reveals that he does know about the two men looking for him. He promises to take care of them, and they leave to go meet Wax.

Chapter 11

Plot Summary

Allik is staying in Ladrian Manor, while Wax is in a penthouse suite. He does have a lab set up in the manor though, and everyone meets there. Allik makes tea and cookies for everyone. Marasi debriefs everyone, and suggests that the Trellium spike is the reason the Cycle could have 4 spikes and not be controlled. Wax theorizes that the Trellium is the 2nd metal Harmony wanted him to make an earring out of. MeLaan reveals she cant go on the mission as she is on a mission for Harmony Off World (The first Kandra to do so). This does mean she will be dropping Wayne as her romantic partner after 6 years (Wayne had for warning of this and isnt taking it well). Wayne ducks out to go to another "appointment" while Marasi, Steris, and Wax commence their Metallurgy experiments.

Chapter 12

Plot Summary

MeLaan tells Wayne that she has to leave him. She admits that she asked Harmony for this particular mission, but is genuinely very excited about exploring the cosmere and visiting Shadesmar. Wayne reveals that she is his first heart break, but he understands. MeLaan compliments Wayne as her "best lay ever." She departs, leaving Wayne feeling depressed.

Chapter 13

Plot Summary

Wax leads the way into the basement of Ladrian Mansion, where he and Steris get kitted up to run some experiments on the trellium spike. They use a spectroscope on it, determining that it is indeed a God Metal by its full spectrum at maximum plus a spike above maximum in the red. They then move to the safe box to perform tests with various acids. Marasi discovers from their notes that they have been trying to split harmonium into atium and lerasium. So far, however, the university has discovered everything Wax has and more, making his contributions seem minimal. Steris sees that the trellium is repelling harmonium.

Chapter 14

Plot Summary

Wayne dodges the debt collectors on his way to the Drunken Spur, where he meets up with Ranette and her girlfriend Jaxy. They reminisce and console him over losing MeLaan. The conversation eventually moves to his monthly money delivery to Allriandre, and the girls convince him that he is being selfish and cruel to deliver the money in person each month. Outside the restaurant, Wayne is finally cornered by the two men, who turn out to be investment counselors there to talk to Wayne about his finances. They drag him off to Call and Son and Daughters Accounting and Estate to talk investment strategy.

Chapter 15

Plot Summary

Wax and Steris discover that trellium and harmonium repel each other just like magnets do; it is repelled by Allomancy as well. Allik brings the group biscuits, and then VenDell arrives and delivers a note for Marasi from the Ghostbloods. VenDell explains to Marasi about LeeMar, asks Allik for a mask, then joins the discussion on trellium. Wax shows everyone how you can almost split harmonium by melting and stretching it. They set up an experiment in the safe box to do the same to some trellium, then try to split it by forcing a chunk of harmonium right at the thinned center. Deciding to be cautious, they set the equipment on a timer and retreat upstairs. While they are waiting, Marasi shows Wax her note, and VenDell tells them that he has been forbidden by Harmony to explain it. A blast shakes the building, and the group heads downstairs.

Chapter 16

Plot Summary

Wayne has made a series of high risk investments, including in Tarcsel Electric and an affordable housing project, in an attempt to go bankrupt, but accidentally ended up becoming one of the richest men. He dons Garisel Daring's hat, then proceeds to invent professional noseball as a controlled environment in which the citizens of Elendel can express rage. Wayne brushes off several questions about how he could be spending or making more money, buys shares in a new car company, and changes the rules of noseball to let each team have three metalborn. He then arranges for the bank to handle his monthly money drops to Allriandre, and the bankers misinterpret this as child support.

Chapter 17

Plot Summary

Wax, Steris, Marasi, and VenDell go down to check the experiment only to find the lab basically destroyed. The safebox was completely destroyed, and all the equipment was broken. The harmonium appears to be unchanged, albeit highly distributed now. Wax sets to work gathering it up, and VenDell suggests that the explosion must have caused some matter or Investiture to turn into energy. VenDell returns upstairs to talk with Harmony. Steris and Wax separately intuit that the Set might already know how to achieve this level of destructive force, and Marasi admits that she feels intimidated by how quickly the world seems to be changing. Wax gets hit by a secondary explosion from the trace amounts of harmonium contacting humid air.

Chapter 18

Plot Summary

The group discuss the meaning of the new Ambassador, and Wayne arrives. Harmony is worried. Wayne lectures VenDell about impersonation techniques. Wax decides not to join the Sting.

Chapter 19

Plot Summary

Night of the Sting, Wax and Steris are poring over headlines looking for accidental explosions. They then realize they should be looking for disguised explosions and earthquakes, so they pivot. They quickly discover Bilming is working on a new subway system, and has for about 5 years, with very little progress. Wax realizes the Set is building a city destroying Harmonium-Trellium "nuclear" bomb, and that is what they need to smuggle into the city. Wax decides to talk to Harmony. Harmony gives him an info dump. Trell has blinded Harmony's detail and future sight (temporarily (for a shard, could be years)). The danger is close. Harmony can see and hear what Wax does through their Connection. Trell is Autonomy, and is trying to capture Scadrial via an Avatar. The leader of the Set (Telsin) is the Avatar candidate. Wax decides he can’t have that. Harmony confirms that Telsin is in Bilming, and she plans to destroy Elendel. Harmony confirms the 2nd earring is supposed to be Trellium, wearing it will connect Wax to Telsin. Harmony is playing for time against Autonomy, but has a way out. She will let him quit Scadrial peacefully if he chooses (he does not plan to). Harmony is not hiding information. After the vision, Wax gets a delivery of 16 Allomancer vials as replacements for his regular ones. One vial is corked with a red cork and labeled "For emergencies only." Wax gears up with Aluminum and 2 Aluminum-Ceramic Explosive Anti-hemalurgist rounds designed to forcibly remove a spike from a body. He also took some regular ammo that he can boost by pushing. He has an aluminum lined metals pouch and took 8 of the new vials. He leaves Steris in charge of their Senate vote, and runs off towards Bilming.

Part 2

Chapter 20

Plot Summary

Marasi wakes up after riding all night in a truck toward Bilming. She muses on how much the city has grown since the Southern Continent was discovered. The center of the city has many skyscrapers being built, and the suburbs around the city are expanding. When the truck driver strikes up a conversation with Marasi, something about it strikes her as odd. The driver identifies herself as Moonlight, and shows Marasi a red tattoo on her forearm. Marasi identifies her as the woman wearing a black mask in the cavern (in Chapter 8). Moonlight identifies herself as being from a different planet. A beggar hands her a small note directing her to go to Biggle Way. While on the way, Marasi is surprised to see that Hoid is the driver of Wayne's truck. Moonlight says they both tend to keep watch on the same people. Moonlight uses art as an analogy about the Shards, stating that Harmony holds two pieces and Autonomy is jealous. She then states that Autonomy plans to use Telsin as an avatar after taking over Scadrial. Moonlight states she's telling Marasi this information because Moonlight's organization is impressed with Marasi. They reach Biggle Way where they receive further directions to a warehouse across a large highway. Moonlight finishes by stating she's only here to watch. They have to wait for all 21 trucks to arrive so they can begin their sting.

Chapter 21

Plot Summary

Wayne finishes telling Hoid about pickled vegetables, and Hoid requests his harmonica back. Wayne shows him the white rat he gave Hoid in exchange for the harmonica, and Hoid accepts the trade. They arrive at the warehouse and Wayne and VenDell pretend to be Franis and the Cycle (Granks). They are met by at least forty gangsters in the warehouse, including Embrier. Wayne sweet-talks Embrier into bringing out the Sequence, and VenDell complains about Wayne's disguise and imitation abilities. As Embrier returns with the Sequence, Bilming city constables flood into the building.

Chapter 22

Plot Summary

Marasi parleys with Bilming Captain Blantach. Marasi attempts to brook common ground as law enforcement professionals despite jurisdiction conflict and squabbles among the political leadership. Blantach asserts authority, and Marasi alludes to the manipulation of the Set. Blantach allows that authorization of the Bilming force raid may have seemed too easy. The gang’s “Sequence” leader appears to have expected the Bilming constables, and is momentarilly puzzled by the presence of Elendel officers, but then smiles. Marasi realizes that additional mayhem would work toward sowing conflict beteen the outer cities and Elendel.

Chapter 23

Plot Summary

Marasi takes cover as the Sequence (Dumad) performs a mega steel push in all directions, revealing that the gang has aluminum weaponry. The degree of chaos convinces Marasi that Dumad must have duralumin. Inside a speed bubble, Marasi conferences with Wayne and Vendell, explaining the gang was prepared to surrender to local constables but with Elendel officers present they will fight back to perpetuate a scandal. Vendell says he doesn't fight like Melaan and TenSoon, and Marasi says he can use his invulnerability to get her an aluminum gun at least. Getruda, whose powers profile is like Wayne's, reveals herself and Wayne gets tied up fighting her. Marasi searches for her allomantic grenades, finding only one. When she fails to catch Dumad, she realizes they are outgunned and convinces Kellen they should retreat. Marasi is coordinating with Blantach when the gang reveals a mini-gun. Wax arrives in the nick of time, turning the tide.

Chapter 24

Plot Summary

Wayne is fighting Gertruda, who is practicing Wayne's accent. He calls this an unfair theft, considering his internal ethic of what isn't okay to steal. She monologues about her preparations to destroy him until she notices Wax has arrived. Wayne is able to neutralize her with a wrestling hold, which her training had overlooked. Dumad (who besides being a coinshot, dresses like Wax) redirects her and the gang starts to retreat. Dumad leads Wax out of the building, and Marasi is able to seal the deal with a Cadmium charged grenade.

Chapter 25

Plot Summary

Wax chases Dumad across the Bilming skyscape. Dumad crushes a bystander car, and Wax realizes his quarry has duralumin. Wax stashes his steel weapons and brings his hazekiller revolver "Vindication", now crafted of aluminum which has become more available. Dumad's metals vial, which he must drink from between duralumin bursts, is aluminum. Dumad collapses a building over Wax, and then continues shooting at him through the wall. Was realizes Dumad uses bronze, and must have more than the 3 hemalurgic spikes his previous adversaries bore. More alarming, Dumad can sense feruchemy. Wax engages in hand to hand combat, and briefly gains the advantage until Dumad blasts them into the sky, leeches Wax's reserve and scatters Wax's metal vials. Wax only evades bullets because his metalminds can change his rate of falling. He's able to eke out enough steel from recaptured vials to land, but Dumad disappears. Hoid pulls up in a car, but not before the press capture a picture of Wax for the broadsheets.

Chapter 26

Plot Summary

Marasi, Wax and Vendell are in custody back at the Bilming station. Marasi mourns 2 constables killed in the failed sting. Wax explains that Harmony is blinded, and puts the casualties in perspective of the Set's power and threats. The number of hemalurgic spikes in use is particularly concerning. Vendell explains Harmony might be masking his decline, and is manifesting a dark shadow figure. Blantach and Mayor enter.

Chapter 27

Plot Summary

Wax recalls the mayor insulting Steris in the past. Wayne insults the mayor. When they argue jurisdiction, Entrone points out that if he ignores Bilming's sovereignty it will make Wax a hypocrite. Vendell tries an appeal as a faceless immortal but Entrone calls him a puppet and leaves. Blantach is apologetic. Wax contemplates the threat of the bomb, and decides to try the other earring. In his head he hears Telsin who sounds panicked over technical problems with the bomb delivery system. They are able to converse through their connection. Telsin says she is saving the world, and Wax pulls the earring. Vendell says additional help from Harmony is here. They look out and see Death (Marsh) has arrived.

Chapter 28

Plot Summary

Wax takes in Marsh's appearance, who looks relatively haggard. The Bilming personnel are dumbstruck. Wax goes to Marsh and escorts him into the headquarters. One officer pulls a gun and Marsh crumples the barrel. The Mayor sputters half an objection and Marsh strongly suggests Entrone cooperate. Behind closed doors, Wayne compliments Marsh's accent. Marasi asks if he's well, and Marsh says that without atium he will wither and die. Marsh says he's concerned about Trell but Marsh is growing weak. He says he's in Bilming tracing efforts to split harmonium into atium and lerasium (which he says is more dangerous) and gives them the name Tobal Copper. He is not sure why the Trellists can have more than 3 spikes, but mentions they can't compound due to identity contamination. Marasi assures him they will fight on, and asks him about the 3 diamond sign. Marsh confirms it is Kelsier's symbol, and Wax observes it resembles a marewill flower. Vendell stays with Marsh and the injured, while Wax, Wayne and Marasi gear up and depart discussing ghosts as opposed to cognitive shadows.

Chapter 29

Plot Summary

Blantach catches the trio on their way out and says it would be easier to contain the governor if they accepted a Bilming constable while in the city. When it turns out to be Moonlight, Marasi agrees, prevaricating about how it is they have met before. They go to the records office for information on Mr. Copper and Marasi is able to talk privately with Moonlight. She pitches Ghostblood benefits and responsibilities to Marasi, who has been wanting more substance in her work life. But the requirements of secrecy are not something she's ready to accept. Tobol Copper's records align with the crew's theories except for ending in the world becoming turtles (instead of dead). Is address is there but he vanished 2 weeks prior.

Chapter 30

Plot Summary

Wayne is puzzled at why Moonlight is pretending to be earnestly bumbling. Arriving at Copper's apartment building, Wayne reminisces about the story his mother told him (from the prologue) and whether they are now at The Canyon. The apartment is neat and tidy, and they find several chump traps which they disarm, with an increasing suspicion that Mr. Copper was dealt with by the Set. As Wax and Marasi hunt for clues, Wayne explains to Moonlight how Marasi is the brains and Wax is the guts of their opperation. Moonlight asks Wayne's role, and he says he's comic relief, but then uses his hat wearing thing to perform a character study of Mr. Copper concluding that their next step should be a bottom feeding broadsheet's office. Marasi finds a perfect correlation to the broadsheet's address and a scrap of numbers they uncovered.

Chapter 31

Plot Summary

Steris wonders if she's doing her relaxation breathing correctly in preparation for her first session as acting senator in Elendel. The botched sting in Bilming is debated and Steris requests a select council with Reddi, which the governor has to consult with his vice governor to see if its proper. It is (or Steris would never have asked!) The governor invites 3 cronies, but not Steris (she berates herself for not thinking of this). Admiral Dal speaks up offering access to a pleasure cruiser if he can attend. The governor fails to see a problem with this, to the chagrin of the vice governor.

Chapter 32

Plot Summary

The crew find the broadsheet office padlocked, and Marasi dissuades Wax and Wayne from breaking in. Moonlight and Wayne share an guilty pleasure in Allomancer Jack serials, which sometimes namedrop Wax. Wax tries the roof while the others try the back entrance. Wax meets the proprietor, who recognizes him as "Dawnshot" and asks if he can get in touch with Allomancer Jack. They meet up with the others. Wayne is eating a wrap he calls chouta. Wayne gets Wax to play along with the Maraga's obsession. With regard to Tobal Copper, Maraga asks if this is about the fairies, and Marasi explains about the bomb, passing Maraga's misdirection test. She ushers them into her basement, where she has plates of metal inscribed with information from Tobal Copper.

Chapter 33

Plot Summary

Maraga explains what kind of stories she normally does and Wax debates with her about whether they're lies and whether her audience understands that they are for entertainment. She mentions her funny shaped vegetables feature which Wayne goes to look at. Then Mr. Copper brought his story and she talked extensively with him but didn't dare publish it. Maraga shows a letter implicating many Elendel senators with the Set. While Wax believes some are corrupt, he is surprised at some of the names who are people he trusts. Moonlight takes rubbings of the metal plates on the walls. Some depict trajectories and the military claims they can shoot projectiles up to 20 miles. Copper worked on development of a self propelled rocket that was even longer range. The attack was to have happened 2 weeks prior which is when Copper disappeared. Finally Maraga shows them an evano type of appears to be Elendel destroyed by bombs with ash falling in the sky. Marasi is taking in the enormity of the situation when they hear someone enter which turns out to be Telsin.

Chapter 34

Plot Summary

Telsin states disbelief that the number leading the heroes to the broadsheet office was an address, as her team had been trying transit locker combinations. She says they only have 2 days in which to try to stop her. Wax, Wayne and Marasi have a speed bubble conference, and agree that if she says they have 2 days, the definitely have less than that, and she is here to stall them. Marasi proposes they split the team, with Wax and Wayne starting with Telsin, and Marasi and Moonlight checking out the Bilming underground caverns. Wayne warns Marasi that Moonlight is not what she appears, and Marasi says they've had other conversations and Marasi trusts Moolight. Wax tells Marasi he trusts her to do whatever is needed to stop the invasion or bomb. They drop the speed bubble and Wax goes to talk to Telsin. Marasi asks Wayne if he's alright and he remarks on how this will be the first time in 6 years going into action without each other.

Part 3

Chapter 35

Plot summary

Telsin leads Wax to the roof of the building and pleads for Wax to take his family and flee to the Roughs. Wax asks where her familial concern was when she shot him at the Sovereign's Temple. Telsin apologizes and continues to try to persuade him, discussing their childhood and claiming that their parents were killed by agents of Harmony to get to her. She talks about Autonomy's dual strategies to take control of Scadrial, either the bombing of Elendel or invasion by the men of red and gold. Wax senses she is only trying to delay him. He also realizes he is not the person she claims to know. He determines to question Entrone instead, and departs stealthily.

Chapter 36

Plot Summary

Still in the broadsheet basement, Marasi and Moonlight advise Maraga to seek refuge with family. Maraga's only family are in Elendel or Bilming, and Marasi asks Moonlight if there is anywhere else that would be safe, given the aid Maraga has given their quest. Moonlight gives Maraga an address that while still in Bilming, would be safe from the Set. Moonlight asks what their next move is, and Marasi hails a cab and requests to go to the same address. Moonlight addresses the cabbie by name (Darkwater) and says she allowed Marasi this information as an audition. Marasi asks if this is some kind of game to Moonlight, since for Marasi it's the end of the world. Moonlight says that even thought this isn't her world, she does work with her organization because her world needs allies. She shares a little more about what she knows of Autonomy. Moonlight had alluded to maps she knew of but didn't have on her, and they are going to see what these can tell them about the caverns under Bilming. Moonlight isn't sure how her mentor will feel about agents of Harmony.

Chapter 37

Plot Summary

Wayne passes some time while Wax is talking to Telsin. He has read time travel stories where someone changes something small in the past and big things are different when they return to the present. He considers that people should be more concerned about what they are doing in the present for a better world in the future. He's taken unawares by Wax, who pulls him out of Telsin's pathway, and Wax let's him know about the plan to interrogate Entrone. There's also a bit about Wayne's love life with Melaan for the last six years which prompts Wax to actually grin for a change. Wayne suggests they ransack (in so many words) Entrone's house rather than accost him personally, since Wax is about as low key "as a pallbearer in pink shoes."

Chapter 38

Plot Summary

Steris obtains entrance to the governor's select council by contracting (for a nominal amount) with Reddi as a paid subject matter expert. She perceives that Adawathyn, more than the governor, wanted to exclude her. Before Reddi's arrival, the politicians concluded war was necessary. A draft of constables as soldiers is laid out, and Reddi asks who will arrest them if they don't comply. Southern Admiral Daal does not speak up, and Steris wonders if he could be with the Set. She further suspects the most moderate of senators. Steris gains the floor by threatening to induce vomiting. She also reveals a faceless immortal in the Constabulary contingent. Ten Soon corroborates her suspicions. A radio operator interrupts with a message from Wax confirming the existence of a cataclysmic bomb.

Chapter 39

Plot Summary

Marasi takes in how the upscale neighborhood reflects Autonomy's individualism forged in competition, so that things are similar while striving to be more than. At the Ghostblood safehouse they meet Codenames, who is translating a letter written in Thaylen, and TwinSoul, a symbiote humanoid with something like a type 1 invested entity that forms items ranging from furniture to 3 D maps. They identify a few sites for infiltration, the least prominent of which is Tobal Copper's former workplace. The ratio of shipments taken in to goods produced indicates that goods the Set has been stealing could be funneled in there. Moonlight shares that Elendel's destruction is imminent, and they decide to let Marasi collaborate with them even though she isn't a Ghostblood yet. They prepare to communicate with Kelsier, who is off site.

Chapter 40

Plot Summary

Codenames introduces her invested companion who is able to connect them with Kelsier, including a likeness, which she's surprised is recognizable. She was raised Survivorist, adding extra texture to the meeting for her. They update Kelsier on what they can surmise of Autonomy's plans, though Kelsier puzzles over the looming time-frame. TwinSouls explains that Autonomy's plan A is invasion by the men of red and gold, and the Set is trying to bomb Elendel as a gambit, comparing it to an amputation, which overwhelms Marasi. Kelsier exhibits godly graciousness to Marasi. Their network of operatives is mostly in Elendel, so the the team will be limited. Kelsier authorizes them to access a secret weapon. They gear up to go, and Marasi is curious about Moonlight's abilities.

Chapter 41

Plot Summary

At Entrone’s mansion, Wayne improvises some kind of distraction while Wax enters Entrone’s office on the upper floor. he locates a calendar that mentions a lab nearby, a distant testing site, and that today “they arrive”. Ominously, there are no appointments beyond this. He finds two letters from Senator Hasting, one with bland pleasantries, the other reeking of conspiracy. Wax finds it odd things escalated so quickly. He tries Entrone’s safe, but it requires iron as well as steel abilities. He can hear that Wayne is being very distracting, and then smells smoke. He locates a trap door under the carpet which leads to a ladder between walls on the first floor into an underground tunnel.

Chapter 42

Plot Summary

Marasi, Moonlight and TwinSoul are on the high speed train to the tire factory. TwinSoul clarifies that his abilities, outside the safe house, are limited to creating objects he is touching, and no intricate moving parts. He has a bud of an entity bound to others, and the entity is pre-shattering (if not pre-Adonalsium). Marasi asks more about Moonlights ability. Moonlight has 2 soul stamps (instant door and I-can-fix-it) as well as an essence mark she would only use under greatest peril. They also have the 3 jars of liquid investiture. They also have a lot of guns. As they exit the train, they see smoke from the Mayor's mansion. There is more Set activity at the factory than they hoped for, but they will try putting a back door on the freight elevator.

Chapter 43

Plot Summary

Back in Elendel, the select council hangs on each word as Steris reads Wax's message about the bomb and photos of ash falling. Ten Soon, who is in immediate contact with harmony, confirms the danger, but the time-frame is sooner than Harmony was expecting, because another god is involved. The select council wants to move immediately, but only to save their loved ones, before alerting the public. Adawarhwyn suggests stopping the bomb with allomancy, but the others say even a team of coinshots is unlikely to work. The bands of mourning are suggested, which Admiral Daal warns would break their treaty and the bands would have to be surrendered. The governor asks if Harmony would want them to keep the bands, unused, or face destruction. Tensoon says he will fetch the bands.

Chapter 44

Plot Summary

Marasi, Moonlight and TwinSoul approach the factory and observe Mayor Entrone arriving with his security detail, muttering about Wax. They sneak around back and Moonlight soul stamps a door, which emerges from the parting brick. Marasi and Moonlight discuss whose investiture is magic. They find themselves in a photo development lab, and beyond that a theater. Marasi finds the on switch and there is a projected image of the city in ashfall. Then the images start moving.

Chapter 45

Plot Summary

Moonlight and TwinSoul are awestruck by the projected images, but Marasi had seen projected stills from Vendell for the Bands of Mourning mission. He said Harmony hinted at moving picture technology. In the next room they find a miniature model of a ruined city. Marasi realizes its part of a hoax. They seek out an elevator going down. TwinSoul is able form a ladder they climb down toward the caverns.

Chapter 46

Plot Summary

Wax follows the underground passage to a stromdrain. He has a flashback to Bloody Tan's gallery but quickly reorients to his current mission. He meets up with Wayne at a predetermined place (bar), but they quickly move back to exploring the storm drain. Wayne explains his distraction, "flaming bunny", which involves engaging people in saving animals, not setting them on fire. He then asks about Wax's behavior in regard to Entrone's fancy chair, and what Wayne would do in that situation. Wax asks if Wayne ever did that to Wax's good chair, and Wayne scolds him for losing focus with the city in danger and all. They are interrupted by gunfire, as Dumad and Getruda come into view.

Chapter 47

Plot Summary

The Cavern team reaches the bottom of the elevator shaft, and TwinSoul is able to spy on a pair of guards, then lower Marasi from the ceiling. She uses an allomantic grenade to freeze them in time and the trio sneaks past, retrieving the device with fishing line. They travel a ways, and TwinSoul is more cooperative than Moonlight in sharing the 3 tenets of Kelsier's Ghostblood crew: perservation of Scadrial, keeping secret, and trustful collaboration. Like Moonlight, TwinSoul is motivated by dangers to their home planet. The secrecy appeals to Moonlight, and Marasi is interested in trustful collaboration. Her ability to work with a team is why they are recruiting her (and not Wax). However, Marasi is troubled by the secrecy. They come upon Mayor Entrone's body guards, and observe the Mayor talking to a group of scientists who demonstrate extraction of investiture from a group of non-metalborn. However, the technique is not ready to impress Autonomy, so Entrone resigns himself to facilitating the arrival of the red-eyed/ gold-skinned army. He orders the execution of the group of non-metalborn and departs. Marasi decides to try to save them.

Chapter 48

Plot Summary

Waiting for Ten Soon to return with the Bands of Mourning, Steris theorizes that they have time if the Set's mole, Gardrel, is still in the council. Then Gardrel excuses herself. Ten Soon arrives and Daal demands the bands be turned over to the Malwish if they are used. The Governor and Ten Soon agree, but Harmony is too preoccupied to endorse this. Adawathwyn takes on the bands, only to find them drained. Daal asserts that this still meets his terms for exchange, and Ten Soon agrees. Most of the council accepts Daal's invitation to flee by air, but the governor is persuaded to assist Steris in evacuating Elendel.

Chapter 49

Plot Summary

Wayne stops a bullet for Wax and they take cover. He's been able to store a lot of healing while partnered with Marasi and learned to shape his time bubbles. But he also hasn't trained as hard as the not-Wayne. Wax reminds him that not-Wax has leeching and pulsing as well as duralumin. They plan to see if they can throw Dumad out of Wayne's speed bubble, and attack. The time bubble spans the tunnel, and each doppelganger keeps their match busy. Getruda stabs Wayne with a glass knife, but her accent is even worse. Wax is thrown out of the bubble, and the coinshot turns on Wayne. He's able to push on the coins embedded in Wayne's flesh, like Vin was rumored to. Wayne's health stores are flagging, and he starts bantering with Getruda about whether she really knows him. Shifting gradually to Death's accent, he captivates the doppel duo and tells them now that Wax is out of hearing, he can show them who he really is. As the coins rip out the back of his body, he sees Wax take aim at them. He dropped the speed bubble during his monolog. Wax hits each with an explosive hemalurgist- killer round. Dumad is still able to move, probably with pewter, while Getrudas head is half blown off. They retreat through a street grate. Taking a breather, Wax asks to speak with Wayne about how he's really doing. Wayne shrugs him off and says they need to get ready for the next part of the story his mom told him the night before she died.

Chapter 50

Plot Summary

Marasi catches two of the scientists (and TwinSoul, inadvertently) in a speed bubble, and she and Moonlight struggle with two guards and a third scientist. They had hoped not to use firearms, but Moonlight is being overwhelmed so Marasi shoots a guard. The scientists starts burning their notes, but Moonlight saves it, planning to use the repair soulstamp on it. They tie up the last two scientists and release the non-metalborn captives. Marasi recognizes a few of them, including a broadsheet editor who provides notes on where they should look for Entrone. Moonlight explains that Autonomy's invasion force will probably come through Shadesmar. While the usual access from Shadesmar would be to the south, Autonomy has some ability to open other perpendicularities. They are interrupted by more guards.

Chapter 51

Plot Summary

TwinSoul forms a wall to shield them, and asks Moonlight for additional investiture. They discuss him taking the captives to the surface. He's able to form a stone armored suit. He offers the guards a chance for mercy, then proceeds. Marasi and Moonlight travel inward. Then they hear something following them.

Chapter 52

Plot Summary

Wax and Wayne proceed down the storm drain and find the lab. There is some gunfire and a convoy of trucks speed away. Wax pursues them, only to find three decoys. From high above he spots a fourth truck with documents but no bomb.

Chapter 53

Plot Summary

Marasi and Moonlight are pursued by hemalurgic abominations. Moonlight makes doors to evade them. They come up on a room where they can see the community, a synthesized town with people living in it, through one way glass. Moonlight warns Marasi about the limitations of using her essence mark to transform herself so she can vanish.

Chapter 54


Confronted by Set soldiers, Moonlight uses a soulstamp to rewrite her history and become an Elantrian. She does not recognize Marasi, nor does she remember where she is. Using purified Dor, she reinforces the wall beyond which she and Marasi are hiding before Marasi enters the Community. Moonlight (now calling herself Shay-I) remains behind.

Chapter 55

Plot Summary

Wax searches the fourth truck and finds they were in the process of document destruction. One of the Set operatives is still breathing, and Autonomy takes possession of her and talks to Wax about how imminent death uncovers greatness. Wax leaves the truck and looks around the startled citizens. He spots an old timey Roughs beer behind a shattered window.

Chapter 56

Plot Summary

Marasi walks into The Community trying to look non -suspicious, but people notice her. Two women in particular have the look of tattlers, so she follows them and finds herself at the home of Armal Harms, a distant cousin of hers abducted by the vanishers.

Chapter 57

Plot Summary

Armal wants to talk to her before she is taken away, as most outsiders are, in what Marasi recognizes as a ploy by the Set to control the unwitting captives. They have also been exposed to hemalurgic abominations, which the Set calls metal mutants which sniff out metal, discouraging the captives from keeping metal. The captives explain they were chosen by lottery to survive the return of ash. But this group retain a desire to return to the surface and find family members, or at least help survivors. They resent their mayor, none other than Gave Entrone. Even so, they consider Marasi to have Ash-sickness, or delusions about everything being fine on the surface. There is some aluminum in use for a public address system, and Entrone makes an announcement that there is an ash sick woman everyone needs to be cautious of.

Chapter 58

Plot Summary

Wax picks up Wayne from the lab, and they take a beer break (which Steris foresaw to pack sandwiches for). They talk about Wayne's issues. Wax reviews a notebook from the truck which hadn't been destroyed. It has more information about the missiles, and problems with delivering the bombs. He finds Max's wicker wrapped steel ball, and in tossing it, realizes that if there is a bomb in bilming, it would be at the highest point: the Shaw tower.

Chapter 59

Plot Summary

The group of captives lead Marasi to Entrone's underground Mansion. She tries to trick Entrone into admitting his schemes over the PA system, but he spots her ploy and they fight and debate philosophy. He uses gold and pewter and almost kills her, but she's able to knock off his aluminum lined hat. Armal's group finds Kelsier's investiture fluid. They are able to soothe like the Lord Ruler.

Chapter 60

Plot Summary

Marasi is caught in the allomantic crossfire of the overwhelming soothing. She struggles with feelings of shame and nothingness, but having dealt with these throughout life she's still able to function, while Entrone is immobilized. The mansion conceals a glowing pool through which she can sense Autonomy's forces. Marasi thinks of a way to neutralize the portal. They send for all the metalborn to burn up the power.

Chapter 61

Plot Summary

Wax and Wayne steeljump from the next highest building, reaching the middle of the Shaw. A welcoming party of aluminum arms and floodlights is waiting. Wayne impersonated Wax, while Wax shoots people and crushes them under the floodlights. He embraces becoming Harmony's sword, and puts in the Trellium earring, drawing Telsin's attention. She tells him there are hundreds of allomancers guarding the 30 stories between them.

Chapter 62

Plot Summary

Wax ascends the tower, which has a steel spiral staircase up the center. He uses grenades and his oversized guns as well as increasing amounts of shrapnel to deal with the Set's soldiers, though he does take some damage to one arm. While he at times embraces being Harmony's sword, as he nears the top he asks that this never be required of him again. Though not connected directly to Harmony, he sees a memory of Harmony having fought at a city wall surrounded by death. Wayne catches up to him, and they see another cluster of guards, but Wayne points out they are not "into it". They are not free of incidental metals, and are not hungry for a challenge.

Chapter 63


Wayne says to the last group of guards "I know you" and describes their dread knowing what has happened to the soldiers below, and how if they're lucky they'll be injured and if they're unlucky they might kill someone, and that is a weight they'll have to carry their whole lives. He invites them to leave and they do, to Wax's surprise. The go up one more level and are confronted by Dumad and Getruda. They decide that rather than fight their doubles, they will fight each other's doubles.

Chapter 64


Chapter 65


Chapter 66


Chapter 67


Chapter 68


Chapter 69


Chapter 70


Chapter 71


Chapter 72


Chapter 73


Chapter 74



Epilogue 1


Epilogue 2


Epilogue 3

Plot Summary
5 days after the detonation

Allriandre returns to her apartment to Miss Coussaint scolding Allriandre’s daughter, Ruri. While Allriandre was working at the forges, Miss Coussaint was watching Ruri, and the child painted on the walls in toothpaste. Allriandre calms her daughter before answering a knock at the door. While Allriandre assumes the guests are there for her debts, she discovers that she inherited Wayne’s wealth following his death. She considers her feelings on the man who killed her father, and thinks optimistically for the future of her family.

Epilogue 4

Plot Summary
3 weeks after the detonation

Epilogue 5

Plot Summary
6 months after the detonation

Epilogue 6

Plot Summary
Nineteen months after detonation

MeLaan and her guide, Jan Ven, sit in a boat off a coast in Shadesmar. An invested entity from the Silverlight Mercantile delivers MeLaan a letter from Harmony telling her of Wayne's death. Despite the news, MeLaan decides to continue her task to save the people on the land ahead.

Epilogue 7

Plot Summary
2 years after the detonation


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