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==== Disarming the Shardbearers ====
==== Disarming the Shardbearers ====
After a highstorm, glyphs mysteriously appear in Dalinar's rooms and during the inspection that follows, Dalinar notes Adolin's dislike of Kaladin. {{book ref|sa2|4}} Before the meeting with his generals, Dalinar also notices that Adolin mistrusts the head of their guards when he asks if Kaladin should be waiting outside. This makes Kaladin wonder if Adolin knows or suspects something about his Radiant powers, and comes to the conclusion that the prince is very spoiled.{{book ref|sa2|5}}
After a highstorm, glyphs mysteriously appeared in Dalinar's rooms and during the inspection that follows, Dalinar noted Adolin's dislike of Kaladin. {{book ref|sa2|4}} Before the meeting with his generals, Adolin asked Dalinar if Kaladin should be waiting outside. This made Kaladin wonder if Adolin knew or suspected something about his Radiant powers, and came to the conclusion that the prince is very spoiled.{{book ref|sa2|5}} During the meeting, Adolin brought up the idea of forming a coalition to counteract whatever one Sadeas forms, which would probably divide the kingdom in two. Dalinar countered that Alethkar as a kingdom hadn't existed in centuries and what existed now was mockery. Following up on this idea, Kaladin mentioned taking away the shards of the other highprinces' Shardbearers. Adolin, who until now had been banned from dueling, was tasked with this challenge.{{book ref|sa2|5}}

Before his duel against [[Salinor Eved]], Adolin went through his pre-dueling rituals. Alone in the meditation room, he talked with his Shardblade, where he confided that he wasn't as confident as he made it out to everyone else and thanked the Shardblade for all it had done for him. After Renarin made sure everything was in place, he headed out while Navani burned a prayer for Adolin. Adolin revealed he was worried about how late Jasnah was and the possibility of not meeting Shallan. He also mentioned that he was the one who had broken off the relationship with Danlan, citing that it had not been his fault and that she had said some things to her friends that had turned him off from their courting.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
During the meeting Adolin brings up the idea of forming a coalition to counteract whatever one Sadeas forms, which would probably divide the kingdom in two. Dalinar counters that Alethkar as a kingdom hasn't existed in centuries and what exists now is a mockery. Following up on this idea Kaladin mentions taking away the shards of the other highprinces' Shardbearers. Adolin, who until now was banned from duelling, is tasked with this challenge.{{book ref|sa2|5}}

During the duel, Adolin employed [[Ironstance]] in a brutal display, treating Salinor like a new recruit. He felt the Thrill during the duel, something that he hadn't felt before. He drew the ire of Highjudge [[Istow]] for using hand-to-hand combat techniques to break Salinor's helm and breastplate. He countered her by saying he had broken no rules. The Thrill faded from him after he wrapped his hand around Salinor's neck. After the duel, he gave the Shardblade to Renarin as a present. Navani speculated that he went for such a brutal and unskilled method as a way of masking his true skill and Adolin allowed her to believe this.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
Before his duel against [[Salinor Eved]] Adolin goes through his pre-duelling rituals. Alone in the meditation room, he talks with his Shardblade, where he confides that he isn't as confident as he makes it out to everyone else and thanks the Shardblade for all it has done for him. After Renarin making sure everything is in place before he heads out, Navani burns a prayer for him. Adolin reveals he is worried about how late Jasnah is and the possibility of not meeting Shallan. He also mentions that he had broken off his relationship with Danlan rather than the other way around, citing that it was not his fault and indicates she had said some things to her friends that had turned him off from their courting. {{book ref|sa2|14}}

During the duel Adolin employs [[Ironstance]] in a brutal display, treating Salinor like a new recruit. He feels the Thrill during the duel, something that he hasn't felt before. He draws the ire of Highjudge [[Istow]] for using hand-to-hand combat techniques to break Salinor's helm and breastplate. He counters her by saying he broke no rules. The Thrill fades from him after he wraps his hand around Salinor's neck. After the duel he gives the Shardblade to Renarin as a present. Navani speculates that he went for such a brutal and unskilled method as a way of masking his true skill and Adolin allows her to believe this.{{book ref|sa2|14}}

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At the training grounds Adolin and Kaladin's dislike for one another only grows. Adolin tells Kaladin he doesn't trust him and that even though Kaladin's job is to keep him alive, he can take care of himself and Kaladin should instead spend his time keeping Renarin safe. Adolin has brought Renarin to the training grounds to petition Zahel to train him.{{book ref|sa2|16}} When Zahel tests Kaladin's ability to protect Renarin, Adolin joins in, deliberately provoking Kaladin. The two fight and in the end, after he throws Kaladin off him, Zahel chews him out for fighting an unarmed sparring partner the way he did. {{book ref|sa2|18}}
At the training grounds, Adolin and Kaladin's dislike for one another only grew. Adolin told Kaladin he didn't trust him and that even though Kaladin's job was to keep him alive, he could take care of himself and Kaladin should instead spend his time keeping Renarin safe. Adolin had brought Renarin to the training grounds to petition Zahel to train him.{{book ref|sa2|16}} When Zahel tested Kaladin's ability to protect Renarin, Adolin joined in, deliberately provoking Kaladin. The two fight and in the end, after he threw Kaladin off him, Zahel chewed him out for fighting an unarmed sparring partner with such force.{{book ref|sa2|18}}

During a highstorm, Kaladin finds Adolin looking at a fashion magazine and questions why he would be when all he wears is uniforms. Adolin, annoyed, asks Kaladin if he really needs to be there and when Kaladin explains why, asks that he at least leave him and Renarin out of it. When Dalinar asks Adolin if he's made any progress in his duels, Adolin says that he thought others would want to challenge him after Salinor, but it seems that they're stalling instead. When Kaladin asks if he has tried anyone in Sadeas' camp, Adolin tells him the only Shardbearer is Amaram. Dalinar says Adolin wouldn't be duelling him because Amaram might be on their side and possibly willing to secede to the Kholin princedom. Adolin gives out his plan to challenge other half Shardbearers with the argument that this will make full Shardbearers see him as a challenge and that his father will help manoeuvre them to challenging him. When Kaladin points out the flaws of this, Dalinar agrees with him and tells Adolin he doesn't have to win every Shard in the warcamps. They simply have to undermine Sadeas and kill him in a duel if they can.{{book ref|sa2|23}}
During a highstorm, Kaladin found Adolin looking at a fashion magazine and questions why as all he wore was uniforms. Adolin, annoyed, asked Kaladin if he really needed to be there and when Kaladin explained , asked that he at least would leave him and Renarin out of it. Then Dalinar, Adolin and Kaladin discussed the plan to duel the Shardbearers. Adolin had expected the would want to challenge him after Salino, but they were stalling. Amaram was the only Shardbearer in Sadeas's camp, and they want ot leave if alone as Dalinar thought he could be brought over to their side. Adolin explains he planned to challenge other half Shardbeares in the hope this makes him look like a challenge to others. When Kaladin pointed out the flaws of this, Dalinar agreed with him and tells Adolin he doesn't have to win every Shard in the warcamps. They simply had to undermine Sadeas and kill him in a duel if they can.{{book ref|sa2|23}}

While the bridgemen learn how to ride horses, Adolin and Renarin are out exercising theirs. Adolin taunts Kaladin's difficulties with [[Spray]], the horse he's riding. He ends up goading Kaladin into riding [[Dreamstorm]] and calls him mad when Kaladin follows through and inevitably gets thrown from the horse's back. He later thanks Kaladin for not telling his father that he more or less dared Kaladin to do it.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
While the bridgemen learn how to ride horses, Adolin and Renarin were out exercising theirs. Adolin taunted Kaladin's difficulties with [[Spray]], the horse he's riding. He ended up goading Kaladin into riding [[Dreamstorm]] and called him mad when Kaladin followed through and inevitably got thrown from the horse's back. He later thanked Kaladin for not telling his father that he more or less dared Kaladin to do it.{{book ref|sa2|25}}

As part of the second phase of Dalinar's plan, Adolin arrives with a small strike force to help Jakamav and Roion's forces on a plateau to encourage the spirit of cooperation amongst the Warcamps. Once they get to the chrysalis, Adolin discovers the Parshendi have already harvested the gemheart. Adolin spots Eshonai and demands that she fight him. He is surprised when she calls him by name and asks if she be able to meet Dalinar. Fighting the Thrill, Adolin tells her Dalinar would want to speak with her and Eshonai tells him she will send a messenger to give the location of the meeting. Afterwards, he talks again with Jakamav, who warns Adolin that if he keeps duelling, he will end up losing his shards. Adolin invites Jakamav out for drinking, but is told being seen with him is bad for one's reputation. {{book ref|sa2|26}}
As part of the second phase of Dalinar's plan, Adolin arrived with a small strike force to help Jakamav and Roion's forces on a plateau to encourage cooperation between the Warcamps. Once they got to the chrysalis, Adolin discovered the Parshendi had already harvested the gemheart. Adolin spotted Eshonai and demanded that she fight him. He was surprised when she called him by name and asked if she would be able to meet Dalinar. Fighting the Thrill, Adolin told her Dalinar would want to speak with her and Eshonai replied she would send a messenger to setupthe meeting. Afterwards, he talked again with Jakamav, who warned Adolin that if he keeps dueling, he would end up losing his shards. Adolin invited Jakamav out for drinking, but is told being seen with him is bad for one's reputation.{{book ref|sa2|26}}

In his duelling bout with Eranniv, Adolin makes it appear as though he barely had the skill to beat his opponent in hopes that this will make other Shardbearers eager to fight him. He wins the duel and takes Eranniv's Shardplate. {{book ref|sa2|29}}
In his duelling bout with Eranniv, Adolin makde it appear as though he barely had the skill to beat his opponent in the hope that this would make other Shardbearers eager to fight him. He won the duel and took Eranniv's Shardplate.{{book ref|sa2|29}}

==== The Return of the Assassin in White ====
==== The Return of the Assassin in White ====

Revision as of 12:03, 16 August 2020

{/{character |image=Adolin.jpg |abilities=Shardbearer |family=House Kholin |ancestors=Dalinar's father, Sadees |parents=Dalinar, Evi |siblings=Renarin |relatives=Gavilar, Jasnah, Elhokar, Toh, Gavinor |spouse=Shallan |born=1150[1] |titles=Prince of Kholin (former), Highprince of Alethkar |residence=Urithiru |groups=Kholin army |nation=Alethkar |world=Roshar |universe=Cosmere |books=The Stormlight Archive }}

My father thinks I'm a better man than he is. Unfortunately for you, he's wrong.

—Adolin to Sadeas[2]

Adolin Kholin is a lighteyed Alethi prince and third in line to the throne of Alethkar[3]. He is considered to be one of the best swordsmen in all of Alethkar[4]. Adolin is the son of Dalinar Kholin, the elder brother of Renarin Kholin and husband of Shallan Davar[5] who are members of the Knights Radiant.[2] He is the current Highprince of the Kholin princedom.

Appearance and Personality

by taratjah
Adolin and Maya


Adolin's hair is mostly blond, with streaks of Alethi black running through it;[6] the blond color comes from his mother and is seen as a sign of his bloodline being impure by some Alethi.[7] His hair has been described as an unruly mop[8][9] and a stylish mess.[10] Adolin prefers to remain clean-shaven, but he does grow a beard after throwing himself in jail in protest of Kaladin's imprisonment. His beard was also blond speckled with black.[11] His eyes are blue[6] and have an epicanthic fold[12]. He has been described as handsome on numerous occasions[6][13][14] and, as he is Alethi, it can be surmised that his skin is tan in color. However, because he is half-Riran, his skin tone is lighter than his father's.[15] There is some inconsistency as to Adolin's height; he is described as both shorter[6] and the same height[9] as Dalinar. Shardplate adds a few inches to his height but still doesn't make him as tall as Kaladin.[16] He has a birthmark on the back of his left thigh.[17]


Adolin is incredibly loyal to his father, though he doesn't always see eye-to-eye with Dalinar and is unafraid to voice his opinions.[18] Despite his opposing views he remains steadfastly obedient, listening to his father and following the Alethi Codes of War[19] even if he does not necessarily believe in them or wish to obey them. He shows an unwillingness to become the highprince when Dalinar considers stepping aside in favor of him, still intensely loyal to his father.[20] His skepticism surrounding the Codes eventually changes and Adolin begins to understand their purpose. He grows to become a better leader as a result and at the same time he grows further away from the people he once considered to be friends.[10]

He deeply cares about his family and one of the few times Adolin admits to being frightened is seeing his father looking fragile and worn down.[8] Adolin even allows the four-on-one duel to continue when Relis Ruthar threatens to have Abrobadar "accidentally" kill Renarin.[21] He is also quick to defend Renarin when Sadeas insults his younger brother.[6] Adolin seems to have had a good relationship with his deceased mother as well, carrying a chain that once belonged to her for good luck during duels.[22]

He is impulsive, often having to be held back by Renarin or rebuked by his father.[23][6] Sadeas even refers to him as a "firebrand".[6] This impulsiveness of his has lead to him throwing Kaladin across the practice grounds while sparring,[24] accidentally allowing Relis Ruthar to set him up in a one-on-four duel[25] and contributed in some part to his snapping and murdering Sadeas.[2]

Adolin has a strong sense of right and wrong. In his first encounter with Kaladin he saves a prostitute from being beaten by one of Sadeas's officers.[13] He also throws himself in jail as a show of solidarity with Kaladin.[11]

He is shown to be very confident, charismatic and friendly, being on good terms with both lighteyes and darkeyes.[26] While Adolin likes to be familiar with a large number of people, calling them friends and acquaintances, he prefers to not be close with any of them.[10] Before he marries Shallan Davar, he's also infamous for his numerous, short-lived courtships.[19] Adolin admits to Kaladin that while he knows how to get women he is unsure of how to keep them.[26]

Adolin is observant, which has led to him being suspicious of those he does not trust. He absolutely does not trust Sadeas, even when his father asks him to, and is eventually proven right at the Battle of the Tower.[27] He is suspicious of Kaladin for a long time, being the only one to notice that the arm Szeth cut with his Honorblade miraculously healed itself.[28] He is the first person outside of Bridge Four to believe Kaladin's claims about Amaram, stating that he always felt the man was hiding something.[11]

Adolin is very tactically minded. Shallan notes that he is not as "brilliant" as Kaladin,[29] but this does not mean he is unintelligent. He even admits to sometimes feigning being dense.[14] He applies his knowledge in a more direct manner to win duels and battles and isn't quite as skilled in wit or rhetoric.[26] Adolin is compared to his father on various occasions, with Dalinar himself saying that Adolin is a better man than he is,[30] though Adolin believes differently.[2]

He doesn't seem to be particularly religious, something Dalinar points out.[18]

Attributes and Abilities

by User:Exmakina
Adolin wearing Shardplate.


He had a white stallion, a Ryshadium horse named Sureblood,[31] one of only a dozen Ryshadium in all the Alethi warcamps on the Shattered Plains. Adolin believed there was an undefinable bond between him and Sureblood, that he could read the Ryshadium's emotions, though it was more delicate than the bond between a man and sword.[32]

Sureblood died during the Battle of Narak.[33] Adolin felt regret for not having spent more time with the Ryshadium by being distracted by the duels and courting Shallan.[32]


Adolin was one of the few full Shardbearers in the Alethi warcamps.


Adolin inherited his Shardplate from his mother's side of the family on his 16th birthday.[1] The Iriali Queen considered the Kholins to be thieves and wanted the plate returned to Rira.[34]


Adolin won a then unnamed Shardblade from Tinalar in a duel during his youth. From the age of five Adolin insisted on winning his own.[35]

Adolin had practiced being able to throw his Shardblade into a target. This appeared to be a rather extraordinary feat given Hrdalm's amazement upon being saved by the technique.[36]

Adolin was able to learn Mayalaran's name and summon her in seven heartbeats rather than the typical ten heartbeats required of a dead Shardblade. He was even able to sense her resigned agreement to being loaned to another Shardbearer,[36] hinting at a stronger bond between a human and the bonded deadeye spren than usual.


This might be our last fight together […] I appreciate what you've done for me. I know you'd do it for anyone who held you, but I still appreciate it.

—Adolin to his Shardblade, Maya [22]

Adolin's Calling is duelling and he frequently resorts to challenging other lighteyes to settle disputes. Since arriving at the Shattered Plains, he has been unable to duel as much as he had previously due to his father's insistence that he follow the Alethi Codes of War, which state that needless duels should be avoided during times of war so that commanding officers are not wounded.[37] Once Dalinar becomes Highprince of War, he uses Adolin and his duelling as a key part in his plan to discipline the Highprinces by taking away their Shards in duels. [38]

Adolin has a series of traditions he performs before any duel he fights. While in the preparation room, which is used primarily for meditation, he talks to his unnamed Blade before continuing on to the staging room where his armorers help him into his Shardplate. Navani normally paints a glyphward for him though by his final duel he has moved to having Shallan paint them for him. Finally, Renarin will check to make sure Adolin has eaten chicken at some point before the duel and that he has their mother's chain on his person. [22] Navani passes these off as superstitions, which Adolin denies. However, before his final duel, when he forgot his mother's chain, both he and Renarin appear visibly shaken. Though by the time his armourers have finished, he seems mostly recovered. [21]

Adolin has employed various Shardblade Stances in his duels, though he relies most heavily on Windstance and diverse tactics. In the duel against Resi, which is disguised as a friendly match, Adolin implements the defensive and offensive forms of Windstance, his style described as dancing[10]. Against Salinor Eved he switches to using Ironstance as well as employing elements of hand to hand combat for a rather brutal display, much to the ire of Highjudge Istow. [22] While fighting against Eranniv, Torol Sadeas notes that Adolin is fighting far below his own capacity [39], making it seem like a close fight. Against Elit Ruthar, Adolin employs Windstance again, focusing on precision while implementing a tactic of exhausting Elit's plate of stormlight until it can no longer move. [25]

In the final duel against Elit, Relis Ruthar, Abrobadar and Jakamav Adolin relies most heavily on Windstance, as it is the most effective against multiple opponents. At one point he backs himself up against a wall to protect his back. [21] Once Kaladin joins the duel, he remarks that two opponents actually seem like an even match for Adolin. [40] By the end of the duel, Adolin is pinned beneath Jakamav and holding him in a wrestling grip.

It can be argued that Adolin is actually the most skilled duellist on the Shattered Plains, given that he is both capable of winning a fight while hiding his true level of skill and being an even match against two men. Sadeas remarks that Adolin is growing into the Blackthorn, a man who conquered Alethkar with his skill and power, and that thought terrifies him. [41]


Adolin has been trained in battlefield tactics since a young age and has employed these skills during the Battle of Narak, the Battle of Kholinar and the Battle of Thaylen City.


by Botanicaxu
Young Adolin and Renarin with their mother

Early Life (1150-1167)

Birth (1150)

Adolin was born earlier than expected with a full head of blonde and black hair. Dalinar, joyous of having been given a son, named him, using the components "Adoda", meaning "light", and the suffix "lin", meaning "born unto". He hoped that Adolin would have his father's strength and his mother's compassion.[42] On the same day Gavilar informed Dalinar that he would be put to use in the border skirmishes. Dalinar proceeded to spend much of Adolin's childhood away from Kholinar and his family.[42]


Adolin's early sense of morality was instilled in him by his mother[43]. Evi was fond of hugs and physical affection and this translated to Adolin easily reacquainting himself with personal displays of affection while betrothed to Shallan later in life.[44]

Age Five (1155)

Adolin visited Dalinar on the battlefront with his Mother and a very young Renarin. Dalinar had last seen Adolin a little over a year before. Already Adolin was showing an energetic personality, playing with wooden swords, crafting armor from rockbud shells and string and terrorizing the chulls. When presented to his father he saluted him but quickly shied away afterwards, and had to confirm Dalinar was his father. He told Dalinar that he and his mother offered prayers for him every night so that he would be safe. Adolin showed a desire to please his father even at such a young age. He told his father he didn't want Dalinar to give him a shardblade, he wanted to win one himself.[35]

Age Six (1156)

Adolin started training with the sword at the age of six. Renarin mentions that this makes him different in some way but there is no elaboration.[45].


Training with Zahel

He eventually started training with Zahel after stubbornly refusing to at first[24] some number of years before the present[46]. There are indications he was trained by his father in using Shardplate[24] which he inherited from his mother's side of the family[22]. When Adolin was young Dalinar also made him serve in a spearman squad for two months with the intention of teaching him what it was like to "serve in the shoes of his men."[47]

Adolin mentions that he became a soldier by circumstance rather than choice.[22]

Dalinar believes that Adolin was also brought up and trained to be a highprince in a manner that he himself was not[8] and that this will make him a fine highprince.

War of Reckoning (1167-1174)

The Chasmfiend Hunt

Adolin and his brother Renarin accompanied King Elhokar and the Highprinces Dalinar, Sadeas and Vamah on a chasmfiend hunt and Adolin spend the early part of the trip worrying about the state of his father's mind and his reputation. He worried that Sadeas would make a move against his father now that Dalinar was appearing weak to the eyes of Alethi society. Adolin had been given effective command of the Kholin army by his father and restrictions had been placed on his dueling as per the Alethi Codes of War. To make matters worse Dalinar revealed he is considering leaving the Shattered Plains, a plan Adolin knows will ruin his father's reputation.[1]

When the chasmfiend appeared on the wrong plateau, threatening unarmed attendants, guests and scribes, Adolin helped his father and Elhokar kill it. During the fight, Adolin was momentarily awed by seeing his father display the prowess that earned him the title of Blackthorn.[48] Afterwards Adolin oversaw the cleanup, happy to be doing something, while the other lighteyes on the trip relaxed leisurely. When Sadeas insulted his father, Adolin was quick to defend him, though his manner in doing so was brash and lead to a rebuke from his father and a gentle restraint from Renarin. Sadeas then turned his attention to his brother and Adolin nearly summoned his Shardblade but stoped when he is ordered to by Dalinar.[6]

Later Dalinar took Adolin aside to inspect the king's saddle as Elhokar had requested of them. Adolin quickly realized that Elhokar believes the girth was cut deliberately and pointed out his cousin's worsening paranoia and that he and his father seem to have become Elhokar's bodyguards to his annoyance. Despite the misgivings, both he and Dalinar agree that if the girth was cut there may be plot to kill the king as Alethi lighteyes are fond of their overly complicated plots. Dalinar assigned Adolin the task to investigate this further. Adolin wondered if Sadeas may be behind it but Dalinar shuts down the suggestion and showed Adolin that though they and Sadeas both have invested interest and desire to keep Elhokar safe and will work together to manipulate other highprinces for the King's benefit. Dalinar then revealed Gavilar's final words. Adolin connected this to his father's presumed delusions and assumed they are a product of guilt over Gavilar's death. Dalinar hoped Adolin would learn to see the importance of the Codes. He then asked Adolin to at least respect Sadeas. Adolin reluctantly agreed and at his insistence Dalinar agreed to consider that Sadeas might be playing them.[6]

Elhokar later queried them about their opinions on the strap. When Dalinar told him that while it may have been cut there is no definitive proof the king insisted that there was a plot to kill him and that perhaps someone on the hunt had planned it. Adolin caught the king giving them a suspicious look and when Elhokar left he asked his father if he saw it too. Dalinar cut him off and told Adolin he will talk to Elhokar about it later. When the bridges finally arrived, Adolin resumed control of the army, directing its movements back towards the camps.[6]

The Investigation

Adolin used a disastrous date with Janala to visit different leather workers (including Yis and Avaran) with the King's saddle strap. They all agreed it had been sliced, but did not agree on whether it was cut or an accident. During the date, they visited the temple where Adolin had a talk with Kadash, one of his fathers Ardents, about Dalinar's visions. Kadash was disturbed by the visions and dismissed them coming from the Almighty. He said the only one who could help Dalinar would be Adolin, as he is family.[37]

Two days later Adolin informed his father of his findings. Dalinar and Adolin agreed that the best action would be for Dalinar to talk with Elhokar that they found nothing. Adolin brought up the visions, but Dalinar ended the conversation as they arrived at one of the king's feasts. Before they part ways Dalinar orders Adolin and Renarin to restrict their drinking.[19]

During the feast, Adolin found his father once more and informed him that he had dueled three different men who had accused both Dalinar and House Kholin of being cowards and of asking the king to abandon the Vengeance Pact. Dalinar told Adolin to ignore what others say or think. He added that the rumors were true. Dalinar had told the king in confidence they needed to end the war and return to Alethkar. Dalinar asked for Adolin's trust and promises to talk later, but Adolin replied he was worried that the visions may be delusions. His father then acknowledged Adolin was right to be worried about their House's reputation. Dalinar thought that Elhokar would keep quiet about their conversation. He explained to Adolin he had suggested winning the war by striking the Parshendi directly.[37] Once the Vengeance Pact is fulfilled they would be able to go back home and stabilize Alethkar.[19] Adolin agreed with the his father's plan without objection, to Dalinar's surprise. Adolin explained he can support a strike, but that they would need a solid plan to get everyone on board with it. They planned to slowly get the highprinces to start working together with them to build trust. On the gossip, they disagreed with Adolin wanting to defend the house's honor. Dalinar countered saying that dueling others wouldn't change how they thought about the Kholins. He would publish an official refutation, which Adolin admitted is better than nothing.[19]

Just as Adolin was about to leave, his father spotted his aunt Navani and Adolin hugged her affectionately. She asked him how his courting is going, which Dalinar likened to a fast dance with changing partners. She told Adolin that was only old people who should have to be boring. Adolin thanked her and then left to tell Renarin that their aunt has returned. Later that evening Elhokar announced that he had named Sadeas as Highprince of Information and the investigation was no longer in House Kholin's hands.[19]

A House Divided

Days later, Adolin went to see his father at the Gallery of Maps. Adolin revealed that he was now courting Malasha Seveks. They discussed Dalinar's meeting with Highprince Roion, who declined to work together. So, Dalinar planned to approach the others. Adolin brought up that Sadeas asked permission to enter their warcamp for his investigation. Adolin was worried about Sadeas' motives, but Dalinar pointed out that denying Sadeas's authority would undermine the king's as well besides making the Kholins look guilty.

You aren't well, father, […] We need to stop tiptoeing around it! You need to stop making up increasingly irrational explanations to reason away your lapses! I know it's hard to accept, but sometimes, people get old. Sometimes, the mind stops working right.

—Adolin to Dalinar[49]

To Adolin's dismay, Dalinar stated he was trusting Sadeas because of the visions. Adolin then accused his father of betting their house's future on the visions.

I don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's your guilt over Gavilar's death. That book, the Codes, the visions—maybe they're all attempts to find escape, find redemption, something. What you see is not real. Your life now is a rationalization, a way of trying to pretend that what's happening isn't happening. But I'll go to Damnation itself before I'll let you drag the entire house down without speaking my mind on it!

—Adolin to Dalinar[49]

Dalinar attempted to reassure Adolin by stating he would not stand by idle to see their house fall, and dismissed Adolin.[49]

Dalinar and Adolin spoke to one another some days later when Dalinar called for the army to mobilize for a plateau skirmish. Adolin apologized for where and how he said his grievances to his father, though he was not sorry for voicing them. Just as they were about to set off, Sadeas demanded admittance to the war camp. Dalinar allowed him to accompany the plateau run to conduct the investigation, while Adolin was very suspicious of Sadeas intent.[31] Adolin, along with Dalinar lead the charge against the Parshendi. During the battle, when the Thrill left Dalinar, Adolin was quick to help and protect his father. When the battle was won Adolin harvested the gemheart.[31]

Later, Adolin and his father inspected the army, while discussing several topics like the purpose of Plate, the Thrill, the faith of the war camps, and the gemhearth economy. During the conversation, Adolin was worried about his father state of mind. At somepoint he got distracted and tought about Malasha and the new woman he was interested in Danlan Morakotha. Dalinar made Adolin inspect the Fifth Battalion for him, and afterwards his father praised him for his leadership. They went on to interview the men that were investigated by Sadeas. The men directly made clear they are loyal to Kholin and didn't tell anything to Sadeas. Adolin noted that if they had acted this way around Sadeas, it would have seemed incriminating. [8]

After the interview, Adolin confronted Dalinar about how he had been pushing him into a leadership position during the day. In response, Dalinar reminded Adolin of his comments earlier pertaining to his mental health. Moreover, Dalinar told he wad a difficult decision to make. At that moment, they were informed that Highprince Thanadal had cancelled their meeting, whowas the last one Dalinar had to approach except Sadeas. Thanadal had no intention of running a joint plateau assault, from which Dalinar inferred the other Highprinces never liked his influence over the king. They would rather wait and see Dalinar fall, than let him regain his footing. Dalinar then left the rest of the inspections for Adolin to complete.[8]

In the evening, before their talk with Jasnah, Adolin tried to talk to his father, but Dalinar isn't ready to discuss. Adolin then introduced Dalinar and Navani to Danlan, who he had helped get a position as one of Dalinar's clerks. Dalinar expressed incredulity that Adolin had a new woman calling on him even though she had only been in camp for a day. Jasnah asked Dalinar about his dealings with the Parshendi and inquired if they had ever mentioned the Voidbringers, which Dalinar denied. In response, Jasnah got Shallan to draw the picture they found in the Palanaeum, which Adolin identified as a chasmfiend or someone's attempt at drawing one. Jasnah noted that she did not believe the chasmfiends and the Voidbringers are the same thing and whomever made the picture probably drew the most terrifying thing they could think of. Dalinar asked for her to return, and hinted that there would be an upheaval soon in their family, but Jasnah could not promise when she would arrive. With the conversation finished, Dalinar dismissed his clerks and Adolin. Dalinar then confided in Navani that he was going to abdicate in favor of Adolin.[8]

A Chance Encounter

While walking in Sadeas's camp with the Cobalt Guard, Adolin interrupted one of Sadeas's officers as he physically assaulted a prostitute. He had to summon his shardblade before his cronies scatter. He then asked the prostitute what she had done to make the officer so angry. She told him she had insulted the officer's reputation after he gloated to her and had refused to pay. Adolin responded by suggesting to ask payment upfront, and to avoid Sadeas's camp. He continued that he would escort her to the border of the camp. When she offered to sleep with him free of charge, Adolin declined and said his father would kill him if he did. [13]

Adolin then turned to Kaladin who had been watching and was going to rush to help before Adolin showed up. He called him "bridgeboy" and told him to go to Brightlord Reral Makoram to inform him that Adolin Kholin would not be attending their planned meeting and will reschedule at a later date. He flipped an emerald chip to Kaladin and left. Kaladin didn't do what he was asked, annoyed with how Adolin treated him, and baffled that a lighteyed man would help someone of a lower rank.[13]

The Pending Abdication

While waiting for the coming highstorm, Renarin, Adolin and Dalinar discussed Dalinars intention to abdicate. Adolin found the plan insane, and went to fagoing to far, and that he didn't yet want ot be highprince. Dalinar and Renarin pointed out that Adolin had called this father crazy. Dalinar added that leaderhip is not about what one wants. He elaborated that the other highprinces will use the perceived weakness against house Kholin. When asked, he told his sons he planned to go back to Alethkar to help disuade foreign invaders. The conversation was cut short by the arriving highstorm and his sons reluctantly tied Dalinar to his chair. When the vision ended, Adolin untied his father. Both sons were looking uncomfortable from seeing their father trash about and speak gibberish. Dalinar felt strengthened in his decision to abdicate, while Adolin said the episodes where containable and Dalinar shouldn't use delusions as basis of important decisions. Dalinar expressed that he believed the visions to be real, although not necessarily from the Almighty, it might have been from the Old Magic. Adolin was shocked to learn that the Old Magic was real and that his father had searched it out.[20]

Renarin then suggested that they find a way to prove the visions are true and they send for Navani. While Renarin was gone Adolin asks his father what they will do if Adolin was proven right. Dalinar confessed that a part of him wished that Adolin was and that it might be better for Alethkar. Adolin then asked about Sadeas, who was nearly finished with his investigation. Dalinar gave Adolin leave to prepare for the worst, noting that if he and Sadeas went to war than Alethkar as a unified state would shatter.[20]

During another feast, Dalinar called for Adolin to stay close and to prepare for a worst case scenario. Wit had warned him that Sadeas was going to make a move tonight. Adolin informed his father that several members of the Cobalt Guard and the King's Guard are nearby. Adolin pointed out possible avenues of retreat in case they are needed due to his cousin's increasing paranoia but Dalinar does not believe it will come to that. When everything was set up they moved to the King's island where Dalinar directly asked Sadeas about the results of his investigation. Sadeas cleared House Kholin of any suspicion, completely blindsiding Adolin but vindicating Dalinar. Moreover, Sadeas agreed to try out a joint plateau assault.[50]

A Change of Heart

The Kholin Army's next plateau assault is run jointly with Sadeas. Dalinar went ahead and was nearly overwhelmed as he tried to save Sadeas from overwhelming numbers but Adolin and the rest of the army arrived just in time to save them. Adolin told Dalinar that he had given him quite a fright as he had had to punch through the entire Parshendi army to get to them. Dalinar explained to Adolin that he made the decision knowing that if anything had happened to him his son could handle the army.[51]

Maybe the Codes weren't just about protecting against the Parshendi. Maybe they were about something more—about giving the men commanders they could respect and rely on. About treating war with the gravity it deserved. Maybe it was about not turning a war zone into a festival. The common men had to remain on watch, vigilant. Therefore, Adolin and Dalinar did the same.

—Chapter 58[10]

A week after the plateau assault, Adolin went to a wineshop in the Outer Market with Danlan, Jakamav, Inkima, Toral and Eshava. Adolin complained about how he hated being proven wrong and wondered why Sadeas, who was in a position of strength, never used it to take out House Kholin. The group discussed Sadeas's motives, and the Kholin reputation, which made Adolin uncomfortable. After Danlan suggested it, Adolin told he had tried and failed to get his father to relax the restrictions on the camp from the Codes on the camp. He then excused himself as he had a duel to prepare for against Resi, who had been vocally insulting his father.[10]

As he moved through the Outer Market to the dueling grounds, he noticed the differences between the Kholin officers and those of other highprinces. Adolin found himself annoyed with the others,and was asking internally if they knew there was a war going on. It is at this point that he had a revelation.

After his victory in the duel with Resi[10], Adolin went to his father and told him that he understood why they followed the Codes now and that he absolutely must not abdicate. Dalinar, amused, told Adolin that he has convinced him and this shocked Adolin who is rarely winning arguments with his father. Dalinar continued that he would draft an order that gave Adolin the right to depose him if he grows mentally unstable. Adolin said he is alright with this so long as they do not tell Sadeas. Dalinar asked Adolin to at least try to believe Sadeas can change, even if he doesn't trust him. Adolin still believed Sadeas was manipulating his father. Dalinar also asked Adolin to make sure that it is only King's Guard soldiers loyal to him that are guarding Elhokar's rooms as he believed there is something fishy going on. They entered Dalinar's chambers for the highstorm, where Navani and Renarin are waiting. After the highstorm, Adolin and the rest of the Kholin's discovered that Dalinar's has been speaking the Dawnchant during his episodes which meaned the visions are absolutely not delusions.[52]

The Battle of the Tower

As they prepared to assault the Tower some days later, Adolin effected that he was happy he was proven wrong and resolved to trust his father. When he went out to meet his father, they found Sadeas, who should already have been moving as speed is imperative in assaulting the Tower. Sadeas said that they needed to confer given the particular difficulties the Tower presented. If they could trap and kill the ten thousand Parshendi they always committed to assaults they could change the tide of the war. Adolin found himself agreeing with Sadeas's assessment. Sadeas got Dalinar to commit eight thousand troops and to using his faster bridges now that he had a new method of using them.[53] When they arrived at the southern staging plateau, Adolin was the one who directed the troops.[27]

Part way through the battle, a second Parshendi army arrivesd Adolin noticed this before Dalinar and, he ran franticly to his father asking him what they were supposed to do. As Dalinar went to check for himself, he saw Sadeas leaving and taking all of his bridges with him, effectively leaving the Kholin army to be slaughtered with no way for retreat.[27] Adolin and Dalinar fought side by side against the Parshendi. Adolin berated their shared decision to trust Sadeas:

We walked right into this […] We let him take away our bridges. We let him get us onto the plateau before the second wave of Parshendi arrived. We let him control the scouts. We even suggested the attack pattern that would leave us surrounded if he didn't support us!

—Adolin to Dalinar[54]

As the battle continued however, he told his father that he did not blame him for what was happening and that he wished he had not fought Dalinar on every little thing. Adolin reflected that if he had trusted his father instead of distracting them both they might have seen Sadeas's betrayal. With that reconciliation they both prepared to die alongside their army, fighting to the last breath.[54]

When Kaladin made the decision to turn back to save the Kholin army, Dalinar noticed the returning bridge. Adolin at first thought it was a trick but they both decided to punch through the Parshendi with the army to have one chance of saving their men, no matter how slim that chance was.[55] When Kaladin found Adolin, he ordered him to make his soldiers retreat. Adolin stubbornly refused at first, desperate to save his father who was battling Eshonai but Kaladin told Adolin that if he fell his men would have nothing. Adolin could barely walk as it was. He finally ordered Captainlord Malan to go with Kaladin to save his father.[56] When returning from the battle, Adolin gave his father his gauntlet because Adolin is younger and if either of the two of them were to go without part of their Shardplate it should be him. When they arrived, Navani and Renarin were waiting for them in Sadeas's warcamp. Renarin huged his father and greeted Adolin by pounding on his Shardplate while grinning. The brothers were both a bit uncomfortable when Navani and Dalinar embraced. They were soon encountered by Sadeas's hostile troops. Dalinar told Adolin not to summon his blade, when Dalinar offers up his Shardblade in a trade for the bridgemen.[57]

by taratjah
Preparing for his duels

Disarming the Shardbearers

After a highstorm, glyphs mysteriously appeared in Dalinar's rooms and during the inspection that follows, Dalinar noted Adolin's dislike of Kaladin. [9] Before the meeting with his generals, Adolin asked Dalinar if Kaladin should be waiting outside. This made Kaladin wonder if Adolin knew or suspected something about his Radiant powers, and came to the conclusion that the prince is very spoiled.[38] During the meeting, Adolin brought up the idea of forming a coalition to counteract whatever one Sadeas forms, which would probably divide the kingdom in two. Dalinar countered that Alethkar as a kingdom hadn't existed in centuries and what existed now was mockery. Following up on this idea, Kaladin mentioned taking away the shards of the other highprinces' Shardbearers. Adolin, who until now had been banned from dueling, was tasked with this challenge.[38]

Before his duel against Salinor Eved, Adolin went through his pre-dueling rituals. Alone in the meditation room, he talked with his Shardblade, where he confided that he wasn't as confident as he made it out to everyone else and thanked the Shardblade for all it had done for him. After Renarin made sure everything was in place, he headed out while Navani burned a prayer for Adolin. Adolin revealed he was worried about how late Jasnah was and the possibility of not meeting Shallan. He also mentioned that he was the one who had broken off the relationship with Danlan, citing that it had not been his fault and that she had said some things to her friends that had turned him off from their courting.[22]

During the duel, Adolin employed Ironstance in a brutal display, treating Salinor like a new recruit. He felt the Thrill during the duel, something that he hadn't felt before. He drew the ire of Highjudge Istow for using hand-to-hand combat techniques to break Salinor's helm and breastplate. He countered her by saying he had broken no rules. The Thrill faded from him after he wrapped his hand around Salinor's neck. After the duel, he gave the Shardblade to Renarin as a present. Navani speculated that he went for such a brutal and unskilled method as a way of masking his true skill and Adolin allowed her to believe this.[22]

I owe you my life [...] That's the only reason I haven't yet thrown you through a window.

—Adolin to Kaladin[16]

At the training grounds, Adolin and Kaladin's dislike for one another only grew. Adolin told Kaladin he didn't trust him and that even though Kaladin's job was to keep him alive, he could take care of himself and Kaladin should instead spend his time keeping Renarin safe. Adolin had brought Renarin to the training grounds to petition Zahel to train him.[16] When Zahel tested Kaladin's ability to protect Renarin, Adolin joined in, deliberately provoking Kaladin. The two fight and in the end, after he threw Kaladin off him, Zahel chewed him out for fighting an unarmed sparring partner with such force.[24]

During a highstorm, Kaladin found Adolin looking at a fashion magazine and questions why as all he wore was uniforms. Adolin, annoyed, asked Kaladin if he really needed to be there and when Kaladin explained , asked that he at least would leave him and Renarin out of it. Then Dalinar, Adolin and Kaladin discussed the plan to duel the Shardbearers. Adolin had expected the would want to challenge him after Salino, but they were stalling. Amaram was the only Shardbearer in Sadeas's camp, and they want ot leave if alone as Dalinar thought he could be brought over to their side. Adolin explains he planned to challenge other half Shardbeares in the hope this makes him look like a challenge to others. When Kaladin pointed out the flaws of this, Dalinar agreed with him and tells Adolin he doesn't have to win every Shard in the warcamps. They simply had to undermine Sadeas and kill him in a duel if they can.[58]

While the bridgemen learn how to ride horses, Adolin and Renarin were out exercising theirs. Adolin taunted Kaladin's difficulties with Spray, the horse he's riding. He ended up goading Kaladin into riding Dreamstorm and called him mad when Kaladin followed through and inevitably got thrown from the horse's back. He later thanked Kaladin for not telling his father that he more or less dared Kaladin to do it.[59]

As part of the second phase of Dalinar's plan, Adolin arrived with a small strike force to help Jakamav and Roion's forces on a plateau to encourage cooperation between the Warcamps. Once they got to the chrysalis, Adolin discovered the Parshendi had already harvested the gemheart. Adolin spotted Eshonai and demanded that she fight him. He was surprised when she called him by name and asked if she would be able to meet Dalinar. Fighting the Thrill, Adolin told her Dalinar would want to speak with her and Eshonai replied she would send a messenger to setupthe meeting. Afterwards, he talked again with Jakamav, who warned Adolin that if he keeps dueling, he would end up losing his shards. Adolin invited Jakamav out for drinking, but is told being seen with him is bad for one's reputation.[45]

In his duelling bout with Eranniv, Adolin makde it appear as though he barely had the skill to beat his opponent in the hope that this would make other Shardbearers eager to fight him. He won the duel and took Eranniv's Shardplate.[39]

The Return of the Assassin in White

by Jules Aguimatang
Facing off with the Assassin in White

After Eshonai's messenger's arrival and confirmation of the meeting place, Kaladin wants to evacuate the palace, as he feels it is unsafe, even though the highstorm is just ending. As they move to do so, Szeth arrives. Dalinar sends Renarin with Elhokar to protect him while he, Adolin and Kaladin face off against the Assassin in White, not knowing that he is there to kill Dalinar. Adolin wants to take on the assassin himself, but Dalinar says they'll fight him together. During the fight Adolin gets Lashed to the ceiling by Szeth and later falls when the stormlight runs out, landing on his shoulder and is removed from the fight, appearing unconscious to Kaladin. [60] After the fight, Adolin seems to doubt Kaladin's account of how he survived. He is particularly curious as to why Kaladin's arm seems fine but the sleeve is cut after the arm had been cut by Szeth's blade. [28] The next day, Adolin reflects on the night's encounter more and finds Kaladin to have been suspiciously effective against Szeth. After watching the Soulcasters create a new windbreak he grills Kadash, the supervising ardent, about the Radiants and tells him to do more research into them. [46]

At the meeting of the Highprinces, Adolin worries about his effectiveness in protecting his father from the Assassin in White when he was useless the last time. While the meeting is on break he goes to Relis, current duelling champion, son of Highprince Ruthar and full Shardbearer, and tries to goad him into a duel. While Relis refuses, even with five of the Kholins' shards on the line, he manages to hook Relis's cousin Elit. Afterwards, he is cornered by Sadeas, who tells him that what he did at the Battle of the Tower was done as a kindness to Adolin's father. Adolin threatens Sadeas with a slow death and reflects that you can abandon an ally on the battlefield and leave them to die, but an offense in person is considered worse in the eyes of society. He almost punches Sadeas in the face, but is stopped by Amaram. Adolin tries to convince Amaram to secede, but Amaram says he must remain with Sadeas to help bridge gaps. He also says that he and Sadeas have an understanding. Adolin doubts Amaram's sterling reputation. He is distracted, however, by the arrival of Shallan and is struck by her beauty. When he approaches her, he overhears her informing his aunt and father of Jasnah's death.[61]

Adolin and Shallan meet and flirt for a while before Adolin is sent away by his father. Dalinar reveals to Shallan while Adolin is away that the reason he agreed to the causal betrothal of his son was to make Adolin seem unavailable to those who would manipulate him for political gain. She has to persuade him, Navani and Adolin to turn the causal into a full betrothal. At the meeting, Dalinar tells the gathered Highprinces that Adolin will win their shards from them, which they take to be a joke. [7]

While at the training grounds, Adolin and Kaladin come to a silent understanding that they both need to train harder if they were going to best the Assassin in White when he inevitably returns. When Shallan arrives, Adolin assumes she is there to watch him. After taunting Kaladin a little, Adolin reveals, when asked, that he doesn't mind being betrothed, hoping that the formality of the arrangement will keep it from falling apart. When Shallan ignores Adolin, it's Kaladin's turn to mock Adolin. When Adolin asks Shallan if she needs him to pose so she can sketch his plate and blade for her records she declines, saying his mother's sketches were more than adequate. [62] Later Adolin, leading the Kholin army, wins a plateau run alongside Bethab's army. [63]

by Shuravf
Adolin and Shallan

Courting Shallan Davar

For their first date, Adolin takes Shallan to one of the trendy winehouses that allow viewings of oncoming highstorms. Shallan asks him about plateau runs and feels as though she's filling an expected role in the conversation with Adolin until she asks him how he poops if he's in shardplate. Though embarrassed, Adolin reveals that he has defecated in his shardplate three times, all on purpose. From that point on, their interaction becomes more genuine.

They move on to discussing chasmfiends, gemhearts and sustainability. Adolin feigns ignorance for a while, saying he isn't good at anything that doesn't involve stabbing, but eventually says he's not as dense as he's pretending. Shallan suggests raising and harvesting chasmfiends as a solution to their dwindling population. Adolin, surprising Shallan, asks her what she needs to make it happen. She asks to be taken out onto the Shattered Plains to see an uncut chrysalis for herself. Adolin is hesitant about this but Shallan tells him she knows he'll protect her. Adolin reveals to Shallan his father's visions and Sadeas's betrayal. In turn, Shallan reveals Jasnah's suspicions of the Parshmen being related to the return of the Voidbringers. Adolin tells Shallan he'll talk to his aunt and try to smooth things over for her so Shallan can talk to Navani about Jasnah's research. Afterwards, they watch the approaching highstorm and are the last remaining spectators until Adolin has to drag Shallan indoors before the storm hits. Before they go to the gender segregated sitting rooms, Adolin promises to try and get her out onto the Plains. [14]

While waiting out the highstorm, Adolin encounters Sadeas. Sadeas tries to engage Adolin in conversation about fashion and Adolin thinks about how much he wants to kill the highprince, but knows that it would only lead to his own execution or exile. Sadeas reveals that he has renounced the title of Highprince of Information. Adolin interprets this as a rejection of the King's authority. Sadeas goes on to say that he is glad Adolin survived the Tower and that he will make a fine highprince in the upcoming months and goes as far as to say that in ten years he and Adolin will have a fine alliance. Adolin counters with saying he'll have killed Sadeas by then. When Adolin returns to his father's bunker, he finds the bridgemen around another mysterious message. Adolin has them summon Navani. Dalinar believes he might have made the markings during one of his fits because they were made with his knife but Adolin points out anyone could have taken it to do this. Dalinar and Navani are of a different opinion however. [64]

The next day, Adolin takes Dalinar's place at the meeting with Eshonai, pretending to be him by wearing Renarin's Shardplate. When he meets Eshonai, she tells him that the Parshendi have changed the rules of the conflict and that peace will be achieved when one of them is dead and that the gemhearts no longer matter. When Adolin reiterates the desire for peace, Eshonai tells him that the Alethi will have to destroy the Parshendi. When he asks why they killed Gavilar, she tells him that Gavilar told them his plans and thought they'd delight in the return of their gods. When Adolin returns to the camps, he finds Dalinar and his generals formulating a plan to take the fight to the Parshendi directly. [65]

Adolin continues with his father's plan of winning shardblades, and finally duels Elit. During the duel, Elit makes several moves to either injure or kill Adolin. Adolin wins the duel by completely draining Elit's plate of stormlight. Shallan visits Adolin after his duel and tells him that she has discovered a way to help him with his duels, but it requires he do something truly amazing. When Relis arrives, as Adolin suspected he would, he manages to convince him to duel him by saying he will fight Relis and whoever else he brings. When they leave, Shallan asks Adolin if he can beat two Shardbearers and Adolin says he isn't sure but he hopes it is spectacular enough for her plan. [25]

While taking Shallan on a date, Adolin is accompanied by Kaladin, much to his chagrin. He's further annoyed by Kaladin insisting he has to be in the carriage with them. While travelling to the menagerie, Shallan tells Adolin and the listening Kaladin the account of Sadeas's duel with Highprince Yenev eighteen years prior. Sadeas won the chance to duel and kill Yenev through the Right of Challenge and the King's Boon. Kaladin doesn't think Sadeas would agree to the Right of Challenge, but Adolin and Shallan tell him that Sadeas must obey it. They also explain to him that this is all about destroying reputation and image; Sadeas has formed a coalition against the king, thus implying he is stronger than the king. Everyone is playing a game and it's rules Sadeas is playing by, so defeating him within those parameters is possible. When there is a commotion at the gates of the menagerie, Adolin stays with Shallan while Kaladin goes to check things out. Dalinar has arrived, with Amaram in tow, announcing that the Knights Radiant have been reestablished with Amaram as their leader. [66]

The Duel

Welcome to the party.

—Adolin [40]
by Randy Vargas
Adolin and Kaladin during the duel

Before the duel, Adolin goes through his rituals, burning the prayer Shallan wrote for him and praying himself. Navani expresses her worry, particularly over the terms that the duel shall end with surrender rather than breaking the shardplate. When Renarin does his check that Adolin has followed his routine, they discover that Adolin's mother's chain is missing. This momentarily throws Adolin off balance, though he starts to recover as they put on his plate. When his opponents enter the ring, there are four of them rather than the two that Adolin had assumed. Instead of forfeiting, Adolin signals for the duel to commence. He recognizes the three Shardbearers Relis brought with him: Elit, Abrobadar and Jakamav. [21]

Adolin attacks, trying to minimize any attempt they have to assess and respond. He does alright for a while but eventually becomes overwhelmed. When he attempts to yield the Shardbearers stop him and Highjudge Istow doesn't, or chooses not to, hear him. Adolin realizes that if he leaves the duel alive he'd be doing so as a cripple. Renarin joins the duel with just his shardblade and Adolin tries to convince him to leave, but Renarin refuses. Relis tells him that so long as Adolin does not surrender or make his cousin end the duel, Abrobadar will not hurt Renarin but if Adolin does attempt any of those things Renarin will die. [21]

Kaladin joins the duel as well, keeping the duel still at a disadvantage. He gets to Adolin and the two form a plan: Kaladin will keep one distracted and keep an eye on Renarin if he can while Adolin takes on the other two. Adolin tells him that they might use Renarin as leverage against them, so they need to be prepared for it. Two-on-one actually seems to be an even match for Adolin. Adolin manages to break Elit's breastplate, incapacitating him, and Kaladin forces him to surrender. When Elit surrenders, Abrobadar abandons Renarin and joins Relis and Jakamav in fighting Adolin. When Kaladin runs to help, Relis and Jakamav abandon Adolin to take out Kaladin. When they do so, Adolin uses the opportunity to defeat Abrobadar and then jumps on Jakamav from behind and proceeds to wrestle him. His plate locks and they both tumble to the ground. [40]

Relis goes to attack Renarin and Kaladin manages to stop his blade. Relis, hearing the screams of his shardblade when Kaladin touches the blade, runs screaming from the arena, thus abandoning the duel. This leaves only Jakamav, who Adolin is pinned beneath, restraining him. Kaladin puts his knife to Jakamav and forces him to surrender. Adolin makes Kaladin help him out of his Shardplate. When Elhokar offers the King's Boon, Adolin requests The Right of Challenge against Sadeas. Before Elhokar can offer it, Kaladin interrupts by requesting The Right of Challenge against Amaram.[40] They are unable to pin down the duel and Sadeas responds that he will answer the challenge in a year's time, which is too late for House Kholin.[41]

Adolin locks himself up on the third day of Kaladin's imprisonment in protest. [67] He communicates with Shallan via spanreed, asking her to come visit him because he's bored. He uses an ardent rather than one of his father's scribes because he does not want Shallan to get jealous. Adolin tells her that his father is planning an expedition to eliminate the Parshendi once and for all and that he managed to convince Dalinar to bring Shallan along. [68]

Though he's wearing several weeks growth of beard on his face, Adolin had cold baths and even wore cologne while in prison. When Kaladin asks him why he locked himself up, Adolin said it didn't seem right that Kaladin was in there, especially after saving his life. When Kaladin apologizes for ruining the plan, Adolin tells him that it was Elhokar who did, not him. He even believes Kaladin about Amaram unquestioningly, stating the man seems too perfect and is thus hiding something. When they exit the prison, Bridge Four and Adolin's armorers are waiting. Adolin presents Kaladin with a Plate and Blade but Kaladin offers them to Moash instead. Pulling him aside Adolin asks him why and Kaladin tells him he doesn't want his life to change because he is lighteyed, he wants to change the lives of people like him and he cannot do that as a lighteyes. When Adolin presses that the Assassin in White will return, Kaladin tells him he'll be more useful without the shards.[11]

The Expedition

Adolin is present with Shallan at the feast when Navani's recordings of Dalinar's visions are exposed. [69] Adolin manages to roll out an entire strike force and his father to accompany Shallan so she can study a chasmfiend chrysalis. Adolin and Kaladin discuss the Assassin in White as they go, deciding that they can slow him with arrows if he attacks out here on the plains. Kaladin tells Adolin that Szeth can heal himself and thus he should always go for the kill when fighting him. Adolin also awkwardly tries and fails to get Kaladin to reveal his secret, but when Kaladin asks him if he trusts him, Adolin says he does.

When Shallan comes over to them, she kisses Adolin's cheek, much to his surprise, as Alethi are not so publicly affectionate. When she rhetorically asks why the moss is growing weird on a rock, he replies that it's because of alcohol in an attempt at being funny. Shallan asks Adolin to slay the moss for her and he bemusedly does so, cutting the top of the rock off with his Shardblade, then leaves Kaladin to watch over her as he goes to get something to drink. While he's gone he lets the darkeyed waterboys try on his Shardplate helmet. Later, when the carpenter destroys the bridge, Adolin ran to try to stop him and grabbed his father but was unable to save Shallan or Kaladin who fell into the chasms. [26]

When Adolin learns that Shallan is alive, he rushes to her apartments. Though he initiates the hug, the first time he's ever initiated any physical affection, Shallan is the one who initiates the kiss. When Shallan asks where he'd been, he tells her he was delivering his father's ultimatum to finish the Vengeance Pact to the other Highprinces. Dalinar thought it would keep Adolin occupied while grieving over Shallan. Adolin promises he'll never let anything happen to Shallan again and she tells him she appreciates his concern, but does not want that from him. While confused about this, he backs her up when Navani promises something similar. [70]

Setting out for the Parshendi's settlement, Adolin rides with Shallan and her guards. [71] Adolin purposefully gave her one of his slower horses to ride because she told him she had little experience riding. [29] He is also present at Dalinar's interrogation of Rlain, who reveals there is something wrong with the Parshendi, though he does not know their plans. [72]

The Battle of Narak

Adolin delivers the news that the Parshendi number at least ten thousand to the Highprinces before the battle. [73] At the start of the battle, Dalinar commands Adolin to take his force and stop the Parshendi's singing at all costs. He's accompanied by Skar and Drehy of Bridge Four as his guards. When Adolin crosses the bridge to engage the Parshendi, they summon up lightning and kill Sureblood, knocking Adolin from his saddle. He grieves for a moment over the Ryshadium before charging back into the battle and commanding his troops. He discovers that the Parshendi's lightning acts like naural lightning and will often miss targets by going into the ground. He also discovers that their lightning does not affect Shardplate. [33]

The Parshendi try to immobilize Adolin by lassoing him with ropes, but he manages to cut through them and fend the Parshendi off. The Parshendi are engaging Adolin in teams to keep him out of the battle where he'd be the most deadly. When Perel, the man he placed as field commander, calls for the flank's retreat, Adolin guards it in case the Parshendi pursue. Perel tells him neither side is making headway and that he is worried about the singing Parshendi reserves up against a rock formation in the middle of the plateau. Adolin can no longer feel the Thrill, which he passes off as just being tired. Adolin remembers what Shallan said about the rock formations being hollow and devises a plan to go through the formation with a battalion. [74]

Adolin and a thousand men go through the crem encrusted building to the wall the Parshendi singers are hiding against. He cuts two holes in the wall for his men to exit through, the first one going unnoticed because of all the chanting and rain, but the second was noticed. He charges into the Parshendi and starts cutting them down. He likens it to killing sleeping men and reflects on how attacking ordinary soldiers with Shards was doing dirty work. Despite winning the plateau, the Parshendi's expressions of horror haunt him as he cuts them down, feeling nauseated. Though he's caught unawares by Eshonai and her attack, he mentally thanks her for her arrival, glad to have an honest fight on his hands. [75]

Fighting Eshonai, Adolin senses the Thrill in her and uses this to his advantage in their duel, luring her to the edge of the plateau. Though Eshonai manages to break his vambrace, Adolin knocks her off the edge of the plateau and down into the chasms. This gambit breaks his helm and nearly topples him over the edge as well but he is caught and saved by Drehy and Skar.

While jogging across the bridge to find out what was going on with the rest of the army, Adolin grabs the arm of a man in a thick cloak who he assumes is delivering something and asks where his father is. When the hood falls off Adolin discovers the man is the Assassin in White. [76]

Szeth throws a badly beaten Adolin through one of the tents and Adolin lands near his father, most of his Plate broken or cracked. Dalinar cradles Adolin as Szeth approaches and tells him to be a better man than he was and to not play the games of the other lighteyes, before getting up and approaching Szeth. Adolin tries to stop him, but with so much of his Plate broken, he struggles to get up. He watches his father and Szeth fight and eventually manages to stand. Drehy and Skar help him remove his armor. Once it's off, he runs to save his father, who was knelt in defeat before Szeth, but Roion gets there before him and is Lashed upwards to the sky by Szeth. Wearing no Shardplate, Adolin engages Szeth. Dalinar and Adolin both rush Szeth, hoping to score a lucky blow, but Szeth flies out of the way. Szeth manages to land a hand on Dalinar in the fight and Lashes him upwards into the storm. Crying, Adolin begins to rush Szeth but the assassin points his Honorblade at Adolin and tells him it is finished and that he is done. Adolin moves to hit him but Szeth parries the blow, breaking Adolin's wrist. He hits him in the chest, knocking the air from Adolin's lungs, and says he can kill one more. Before Szeth can, however, Kaladin lands with Dalinar in his grasp, safe. [30]

Kaladin chases after Szeth into the storm and Adolin, upon confirming Kaladin is one of the Knights Radiant, laughs and exclaims that he knew there was something wrong with the man. Dalinar sends Adolin to help organize the army's move to Shallan's plateau. When he gets to the plateau, he meets up with Shallan and discovers she is a Radiant as well. They try using Adolin's Shardblade to open the Oathgate, but it doesn't work and they instead use Pattern in his Shardblade form. They both use their weight to work the mechanism, pushing the blade around the circle until it stood above the picture of Urithiru. When Shallan removes Pattern from the slot, the Oathgate activates. Once transported, they discover the entire plateau was the portal. [77]

The True Desolation (1174-)

Exploring Urithiru

Adolin took charge of the expedition of Urithiru, creating maps of the city.[78] Adolin and Shallan met, and Shallan said she will not let her status as a Radiant cause awkwardness between them. They kissed and Adolin promised to stop being awkward if she stopped being irresistible. When he left, he informed her that Pattern has chosen her room and told the guards that no one is to disturb her.[79]

While exploring, Adolin reflected on his relationship with Shallan and how it has changed with the revelation that she was a Radiant, which has shaken his sense of self. Getting too far ahead of the rest of his party, Adolin investigated some voices he heard and stumbled across Sadeas with a scouting party of his own. Adolin remained hidden until the others have left and tried to sneak away but his boot scraped the floor, drawing Sadeas's attention. As the two talked, Sadeas revealed his plan to undermine Dalinar by saying the Kholin's had contacted the Parshendi and the two had put on a convincing show. Sadeas didn't believe this but it was the lie he'll tell others.

by User:Botanicaxu
Adolin killing Sadeas

Adolin asked Sadeas why he was the way he was and Sadeas told Adolin that an army cannot have two generals and it had to be him or Dalinar who disappeared. Adolin said it didn't have to be that way, but Sadeas reiterated that it must and that he would take everything Dalinar had. Adolin finally snaped and attacked Sadeas. The two wrestle and Adolin managed to stab Sadeas through the eye and into his brain, killing him. Adolin ditched Oathbringer, which materialized as Sadeas died, out the window and into one of the planters. He cut his bloody cuffs off and erased the chalk marks that indicated he had been in the vicinity. He returned to his scouting party and pretended he had been with them the whole time.[2]

Adolin supervised the workforce that was unloading goods at Urithiru. They used a huge room, four stories high, to become the new market place. His wrist was still hurting from the Battle of Narak. He was summoned by his father when Sadeas' body was discovered.[80] Adolin kept quiet about his involvement and was put in charge of training the Alethi armies. Shortly after, he attended Dalinar's wedding.[81] Adolin was very disturbed when a second murder happened in exactly the same way a few days later. Dalinar then put him in charge of the investigation of both murders.[82]

The Kholin cavalry are housed on the ground floor of Urithiru with an outside field for Gallant, Dalinar's Ryshadium. Adolin went to visit the horse and talked with him, as Dalinar hadn't been giving his attention to his mount. Adolin reminisced about the good times he had with Sureblood, as he was still mourning the loss of his Ryshadium. At that moment, Renarin came by looking for Adolin. Renarin explained how he wanted to give his Shards back to Adolin as the sword screamed when he touched it. The Kholin brothers talked about Renarin's emerging Radiant powers. Renarin expressed his fear that he would hurt someone, which Adolin dismissed. In response Renarin healed Adolin's wrist.[32]

A little time later Adolin visited Shallan in her room bringing food. She was still in her underwear and had her safehand uncovered as she was recovering from her 'scouting' party and had slept in. After some commotion Shallan let Adolin into her room and formally introduced Pattern to him. They had a lengthy and flirty talk while Pattern acted as chaperone.[17] They discussed the murders Adolin was set to investigate, and Adolin offered Shallan to teach her how to use her Shardblade.[83]

At his next visit to Shallan, Adolin waited outside until he could enter. He quickly noticed the jug of Horneater white and wondered what Shallan had been up to. While they walked to Ialai Sadeas to speak about the murders, Adolin advised Shallan to find a purpose for her 'honor' guards. It turned out that, Ialai had no useful information but pointed Adolin to the Kholin troops. She asked him to send a report of his findings to her investigator, Meridas Amaram.[84]

Adolin attended a big conference with Dalinar, Kaladin, Elokhar, the highprinces, and other dignitaries. When Ialai entered and named Amaram the regent to the Sadeas princedom, Adolin got very angry. Dalinar sent Adolin away and Shallan followed him. During the conversation that followed, Adolin revealed to Shallan that it was Kaladin who killed her brother Helaran.[85]

The Midnight Mother

When Shallan discovered where Re-Shephir was hiding in Urithiru, she had Pattern find Adolin to accompany her. Adolin gathered a group of Bridge Four soldiers, including his brother Renarin, and led them down into the tower. When they came to a locked metal door, Adolin used his Shardblade to cut the lock and find a library filled with decayed books. Adolin ordered his men to retreat when they found Re-Shephir, standing at the front with Renarin to fight her. Initially he tried to convince Shallan to run away, but he trusted her judgement when she claimed to understand the spren and wanted to fight it. Adolin led the charge against Re-Shephir trusting that Shallan could defeat her.[86] After the battle, Adolin tried to convince Shallan to rest.[87]

Siege of Kholinar

Kaladin flew the small expedition to Kholinar, including Elhokar, Shallan and Adolin. Adolin supported Kaladin when he advised the king to approach the city with caution. The team landed outside the city and approaches the city using lightwoven disguises. The Wall Guard was not letting anyone in, but the team used a moment of distraction to sneak in. Adolin lead the team to his suggested hide out: his tailor's.[88] Adolin and Elhokar attended several parties to contact the remaining local lighteyes and gain the support of their private house guards. When Kaladin was infiltrating the Wall Guard, Adolin acted as his handler, signaling to Kaladin to continue undercover.[4] During the next highstorm, Adolin, Shallan, and Kaladin sheltered in a wine-house where they planned their next moves. Afterwards, Shallan and Adolin shared an intimate moment, and he got to browse through her sketchbook.[44]

After all their reconnaissance, the group decided their only option is to storm the palace with the help of the Wall Guard and private house guards. While preparing for the assault, Adolin talked again to his sword about how he needed her, and how she used to be alive and his intention to use her for something good this day. Adolin, Azure, and Elhokar lead the charge on the front steps of the palace and used their Shardblades to cut open the doors into the palace. When alerted by an officer, Adolin found and freed the remaining loyal Palace Guard troops, who were locked up. After they secured the eastern gallery, Adolin lead the group that cleared the way for Shallan towards the Oathgate platform.[89] After Ashertmarn fled, Adolin left Shallan to open the Oathgate, and went to the Sunwalk with Skar and Drehy to rescue Kaladin and Elhokar; they arrived after Elhokar's death, but were able to save Kaladin.[90] As he returned to the Oathgate, he got a good look at Kholinar, realized that the city—his home—was lost, and ordered a retreat. When Shallan told him that the Oathgate was trapped, Adolin realized they had no other options and ordered her to engage it anyway,[91] resulting in them being transported to Shadesmar.[92]

Trip through Shadesmar

Adolin, Shallan, Kaladin, Azure, Syl, Pattern, and the deadeye representing Adolin's sword found themselves in Shadesmar.[92] Shallan used a lot of Stormlight to create makeshift platforms in the bead ocean to get the group to land representing the river near Kholinar in the Physical Realm. Adolin felt useless, as he had no skills to help the group.[93] The next morning, Adolin woke up and started a morning kata, which Kaladin and Azure both joined.[94] They followed the peninsula to the lighthouse at the end, from where they caught a ship sailed by Reachers to Celebrant.[95] Just before disembarking in Celebrant, Adolin had a conversation with Azure about duty, royalty, and Azure's view that sometimes the best way to do your duty is to let someone else carry it.[96]

The group split in Celebrant; Adolin went with Kaladin and Syl to change money and buy supplies. The group soon discovered that the city was under control of the Fused. They narrowly escaped when Syl surrendered herself to a ship of honorspren.[97] The honorspren sailed south-west, letting the group move freely on deck except Syl who was kept captive. During the trip, Adolin had a long talk with Shallan and they both revealed some of their secrets; Adolin confessed to her that he was the one who killed Sadeas and Shallan talked about her problems with her other identities. Shortly thereafter, they spoted eight Fused in pursuit of the ship.[98] They were close to Longbrow's Straits, here a land area, with Thaylen City on the other side. Using the bead of a room, Adolin, Shallan, Kaladin, and their spren snuck into the bead ocean while the honorspren and Azure held off the Fused. The group had an exhausting hike across the land to get to the Thaylen City Oathgate, only to find it guarded.[99][100]

The group attacked the Oathgate in an attempt to get back to the Physical Realm.[101] Adolin lead Pattern, Syl, Maya and twenty of Shallan's illusions to distract two of the guarding Fused. He acted randomly to blend in with the illusions, but one of the Fused spotted him anyway. Adolin fought the Fused and got rammed through by a lance to the stomach. He only survived because Maya suddenly attacked the Fused allowing Adolin to flee.[102] Dalinar then opened Honor's Perpendicularity, allowing Adolin, along with Shallan and Kaladin, to return to the Physical Realm.[103]

Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath

Something tickled his mind, very faint, like a sigh. A single word: Mayalaran. A … name?

—Adolin hearing Maya for the first time[36]

After he stepped through Honor's Perpendicularity, Renarin healed Adolin's wound.[103] Not having gotten a specific task from Dalinar, Adolin decided to try and help the soldiers within the city. He teamed up with Kdralk to free Navani on the wall and informed her of Elhokar's death. He helped organize the city's resistance, then went to go help fight the thunderclasts. During the fight he heard Maya speak to him, telling him her name and her approval of his actions. Adolin stopped to rescue a boy in a building during the fight. Hrdalm found him and helped distract the thunderclast by taking hits with his Shardplate. The thunderclast nearly killed him, but he managed to summon Maya in seven heartbeats instead of the usual ten, saving his life. Renarin found Adolin, healed him again and forced him to leave because he didn't have Plate, so Adolin gave Maya to Hrdalm to temporarily use instead.[36] After the battle, he found Shallan to make sure she was all right. She was, and he offered to step aside for Shallan and Kaladin to be together. Shallan said she was choosing him instead. She told him she could be anyone for him, but Adolin replied insistently he doesn't want anyone, he wants Shallan.[104]

Soon after the battle, Dalinar approached Adolin about becoming king of Alethkar, with Gavinor named as his heir. He refused and admitted to Sadeas' murder, though he did agree to become the new Kholin highprince. Adolin and Shallan decided to quickly get married, which they do shortly after.[5]


by taratjah
Adolin and Shallan


He continues to change partners like he's in a dance that involves particularly quick music.

—Dalinar [19]

Adolin is considered to be a notorious flirt by his family and those in the warcamps, having courted many of the available women. He is somewhat afraid of being good at relationships, which has lead to him unconsciously sabotaging all his courtships.[105]

Adolin dated two women between Rilla and Deeli and while their names are not mentioned, Jenet and Melali are most likely the two women he courted. Other women that he has courted include Janala, Malasha, and Danlan.


Through the machinations of Jasnah and Navani, the first steps towards a betrothal between Adolin and Shallan Davar are taken. Jasnah set it up as a way to help save House Davar for Shallan, as she would need powerful allies. Navani's involvement stems from Adolin having offended every lighteyed lady of rank in the warcamps.[3] Adolin was causally betrothed to Shallan, though the revelation that she was a Radiant made him wonder about the new dynamics of their relationship.[2] He still worried about this and was willing to let Shallan go when she showed interest in Kaladin.[98][104]

Shallan told him his insecurities about his place were good for him. She made jokes that he was getting three betrotheds instead of one and he told her he only wanted her which she said she could do with some help from him.[104] They marry soon after.[5]


Adolin is the first son of Dalinar[1] and Evi,[42] and his younger brother is Renarin.[37] Gavilar is his uncle, Dalinar's brother. Navani, Gavilar's widow, is his aunt, and Gavilar's children, Jasnah and King Elhokar, are his cousins.[52]


I brought out [Dalinar's] son, who hero-worships his father, who could then say 'my father is going mad. I love this man, I have to protect him. But he's also going mad, what do I do?'

—Brandon Sanderson[106]

In the first draft of The Way of Kings (known as The Way of Kings Prime), Adolin was named Aredor, and was Dalinar's second son after Sheneras (since removed from the plot). At the start of the book, Sheneras died while protecting Elhokar, making Aredor the heir.[107] Throughout the book, Aredor serves a guide to Merin (Kaladin), introducing him to the world of the nobility.[108] He died at the end of the story; while Brandon doesn't quite remember the circumstances, he believes it was in a highstorm. His death was not considered particularly relevant, as Renarin was always the most important of the three siblings.[109]

When Brandon began writing The Way of Kings proper, Aredor was retooled as Adolin. Originally, he did not have any viewpoints; this changed when Brandon shifted Dalinar's doubts about his own sanity to his son. This gave Adolin an internal conflict of what he should do about his father, a man he highly respects and who seems to be going insane, which in turn made both of them stronger characters.[106]


  • Adolin's name is derived from Alethi words adoda (light) and lin (suffix meaning "born unto").[110]
  • Were they to exist on Roshar, he'd prefer onion rings over french fries.[111]
  • Adolin has some level of interest in men and would be comfortable being in a poly triad with Kaladin and Shallan.[112]


  1. a b c d The Way of Kings chapter 12#
  2. a b c d e f Words of Radiance chapter 89#
  3. a b Words of Radiance chapter 1#
  4. a b Oathbringer chapter 73#
  5. a b c Oathbringer chapter 122#
  6. a b c d e f g h i j The Way of Kings chapter 15#
  7. a b Words of Radiance chapter 38#
  8. a b c d e f The Way of Kings chapter 28#
  9. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 4#
  10. a b c d e f g The Way of Kings chapter 58#
  11. a b c d Words of Radiance chapter 66#
  12. /r/fantasy AMA 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-04-15#
  13. a b c d The Way of Kings chapter 46#
  14. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 49#
  15. General Reddit 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-07-13#
  16. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 16#
  17. a b Oathbringer chapter 13#
  18. a b The Way of Kings chapter 24#
  19. a b c d e f g The Way of Kings chapter 22#
  20. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 52#
  21. a b c d e Words of Radiance chapter 56#
  22. a b c d e f g h Words of Radiance chapter 14#
  23. Words of Radiance chapter 12#
  24. a b c d Words of Radiance chapter 18#
  25. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 53#
  26. a b c d Words of Radiance chapter 68#
  27. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 65#
  28. a b Words of Radiance chapter 33#
  29. a b Words of Radiance chapter 77#
  30. a b Words of Radiance chapter 85#
  31. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 26#
  32. a b c Oathbringer chapter 10#
  33. a b Words of Radiance chapter 81#
  34. Oathbringer chapter 16#
  35. a b Oathbringer chapter 52#
  36. a b c d Oathbringer chapter 120#
  37. a b c d The Way of Kings chapter 18#
  38. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 5#
  39. a b Words of Radiance chapter 29#
  40. a b c d Words of Radiance chapter 57#
  41. a b Words of Radiance chapter 58#
  42. a b c Oathbringer chapter 42#
  43. General Signed Books 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-09-01#
  44. a b Oathbringer chapter 77#
  45. a b Words of Radiance chapter 26#
  46. a b Words of Radiance chapter 35#
  47. Words of Radiance chapter 41#
  48. The Way of Kings chapter 13#
  49. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 25#
  50. The Way of Kings chapter 54#
  51. The Way of Kings chapter 56#
  52. a b The Way of Kings chapter 60#
  53. The Way of Kings chapter 64#
  54. a b The Way of Kings chapter 66#
  55. The Way of Kings chapter 67#
  56. The Way of Kings chapter 68#
  57. The Way of Kings chapter 69#
  58. Words of Radiance chapter 23#
  59. Words of Radiance chapter 25#
  60. Words of Radiance chapter 32#
  61. Words of Radiance chapter 37#
  62. Words of Radiance chapter 44#
  63. Words of Radiance chapter 46#
  64. Words of Radiance chapter 50#
  65. Words of Radiance chapter 51#
  66. Words of Radiance chapter 55#
  67. Words of Radiance chapter 59#
  68. Words of Radiance chapter 63#
  69. Words of Radiance chapter 67#
  70. Words of Radiance chapter 75#
  71. Words of Radiance chapter 76#
  72. Words of Radiance chapter 79#
  73. Words of Radiance chapter 80#
  74. Words of Radiance chapter 82#
  75. Words of Radiance chapter 83#
  76. Words of Radiance chapter 84#
  77. Words of Radiance chapter 86#
  78. Words of Radiance chapter 87#
  79. Words of Radiance chapter 88#
  80. Oathbringer chapter 2#
  81. Oathbringer chapter 4#
  82. Oathbringer chapter 9#
  83. Oathbringer chapter 15#
  84. Words of Radiance chapter 22#
  85. Oathbringer chapter 27#
  86. Oathbringer chapter 29#
  87. Oathbringer chapter 32#
  88. Oathbringer chapter 61#
  89. Oathbringer chapter 83#
  90. Oathbringer chapter 84#
  91. Oathbringer chapter 85#
  92. a b Oathbringer chapter 87#
  93. Oathbringer chapter 89#
  94. Oathbringer chapter 93#
  95. Oathbringer chapter 97#
  96. Oathbringer chapter 101#
  97. Oathbringer chapter 102#
  98. a b Oathbringer chapter 108#
  99. Oathbringer chapter 110#
  100. Oathbringer chapter 112#
  101. Oathbringer chapter 115#
  102. Oathbringer chapter 117#
  103. a b Oathbringer chapter 119#
  104. a b c Oathbringer chapter 121#
  105. Calamity Austin signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-25#
  106. a b Episode 7.24 - Project in Depth: Way of Kings
    Writing Excuses - 2012-06-10#
  107. The Way of Kings Prime chapter 1#
  108. Stormlight Three Update #4
    Arcanum - 2016-10-09#
  109. WorldCon 76
    Arcanum - 2018-08-18#
  110. Oathbringer chapter 49#
  111. YouTube Livestream 5
    Arcanum - 2020-03-16#
  112. General Twitter 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-10#

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