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|introduced=[[Words of Radiance]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]

|I want to help! I want to do something other than stand around, waiting for the enemy to come to us!
|We need to remember what we passed through to get here. We need to take care not to forget ourselves.
|Jaxlim to Venli on learning all stanzas to perfection{{book ref|sa4|45}}
|Lyn on why she wants to become a [[Windrunner]]{{book ref|sa3|46}}
'''Lyn''' is an [[Alethi]] scout and, later, a [[Windrunner]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa3|46}}

== Appearance and Personality ==
'''Jaxlim'''{{book ref|sa4|45}} is a [[listener]] who lives on the [[Shattered Plains]] on [[Roshar]]. She is the mother of [[Eshonai]] and [[Venli]] and has the important role of Keeper of Songs.{{book ref|sa4|52}}
{{image|Lyn by Shuravf.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
==Appearance and Personality==
At a younger age, Jaxlim projected Confidence, even when doing something as simple as weaving. Her complex skin pattern of wavy red and black lines was among the most beautiful in the camp—like true marbled stone.{{book ref|sa4|45}} She was strong, with a fit and powerful body.{{book ref|sa4|45}}
There was something amazing about her Jaxlim’s voice. It wasn’t powerful or bold, but it was like a knife—thin, sharp, almost liquid.{{book ref |sa4|45}}

Lyn is a short, "solid-looking" [[darkeyes|darkeyed]] [[Alethi]] woman with long black hair, which she wears in a ponytail or a braid.{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa4|3}} She's usually dressed in the blue [[House Kholin|Kholin]] uniform.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
At an old age, Jaxlim has still a solid build, although she sometimes seems frail.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She has a neat round face, and wears her hair strands in a braid tied with a ribbon given to her by [[Eshonai]].{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She prefers [[workform]] and stays in that form even as new ones are discovered, believing that her people should not place value on any particular form in order to avoid social stratification.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She once had one of the best memories in the city.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She sings often and has a calming, sonorous voice.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She had some conflicts with Eshonai while raising her, but Eshonai always respected her.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}

She's interested in pursuing the masculine arts, and dislikes being treated as incapable of fighting just because she's a woman. She's disappointed when [[Shallan]] informs her that a [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] can be feminine, and when Kaladin suggests that Lyn can serve as a secretary, she's furious with him.{{book ref|sa3|8}}{{book ref|sa3|35}} She's impatient and eager, and wants to take the fight to the enemy rather than wait for it to come to her.{{book ref|sa3|35}}{{book ref|sa3|46}} She's also good at making friends, sliding into the [[Bridge Four]] group without any problems, and appreciates good art.{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|8}} She can keep a cool head in stressful situations, and take charge when necessary.{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa3|i|14}}
=== Narak ===
Jaxlim was a Keeper of Songs, possibly the most important job in the family. She was not required to have any other job but learn and pass the knowledge, but she always sought to keep busy. She said working her hands kept her body strong, while going over songs worked her mind.{{book ref|sa4|45}}
She had trained both her daughters the songs, but Eshonai had given up and so she focused on Venli. Jaxlim was the one taking to the Five the option of finding warform and spoke on behalf of her daughter to support the research.{{book ref|sa4|45}}
Shortly after the listeners and the humans started to meet, her memory started to fail. At the beginning it was only forgetting some parts of the stanzas, something that had never happened before.{{book ref|sa4|52}} In the beginning, only Venli really knew about this, and Jaxlim started to send people to her for reciting the songs.{{book ref|sa4|52}}
It was in part her sickness what urged Venli to find and use warform. Because each form changes the mind somehow, they were hoping it would save her mother’s mind. On the other hand, Jaxlim seemed to be getting worse by the day, making her sickness obvious to everyone, and she agreed with Venli’s plan to try the new form.{{book ref|sa4|62}}
Eshonai was the one who accompanied her into the storm to try the form. The lifespren, however, seemed not to be interested on someone her age, she couldn’t attune the needed rhythms and was unable to transform. Jaxlim did enjoy the experience and was happy for a little while.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
But the sickness progressed fast. As it got worse, Jaxlim did feel sad and cried for her own loss. Venli was there by her side. {{book ref|sa4|73}} She would then suffer from episodes where she would believe Eshonai and Venli were young children.{{book ref|sa4|73}}
=== War of Reckoning (1167 - 1174)===
She could be seen in her shack on the outskirts of Narak tending to her [[shalebark]] gardens.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} She appeared to be senile, as she did not always recognize her daughter and sometimes seemed to hallucinate.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} Eshonai said that she had not heard wise words from her mother in years.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}
Jaxlim could sometimes remember some of the old songs.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} Eshonai asked her about the Listeners leaving the "dark home" and her mother sang a song to a [[Singer#Rhythms|Rhythm of Remembrance]] that revealed tidbits of Parshendi history.{{book ref|wor|i|4}} Eshonai's mother saved some maps of the former kingdom of [[Natanatan]] that Eshonai made in her youth, and she gave them to Eshonai.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}
She was rounded up with the Parshendi who refused to adopt [[Parshendi#Forms|Stormform]] when Eshonai began to take control of [[Narak]]. She escaped into the chasms with [[Thude]] and the rest of the dissenters.{{book ref|wor|i|11}}
=== After the “True Desolation” ===
After the Everstorm the listeners with whom Jaxlim had escaped with did manage to survive. And they hid on some chasms. When Venli returned to the remnants of the listeners, Jaxlim had lost all ability to recognize her daughter.{{book ref|row|115}} However, Venli held out hope that a Radiant bond could still heal her mother's mental afflictions.{{book ref|row|115}}

== Attributes and Abilities ==
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Her people were the First-Rhythm family, and had a noble heritage. Jaxlim is one of the few who knew all the Songs of the Listeners. She taught them to her daughers [[Eshonai]] and [[Venli]]. With her knowledge of Songs of Making Paper she and helped Eshonai to perfection the technique, making her daughter the first scout to map the place.{{book ref|row|45}}
|I could [stab Amaram a little]. I've only started training with a spear. We could claim it was an accident.
|“Daring was the challenge made,” Mother sang, “when the Last Legion abandoned thought and power in exchange for freedom. They risked forgetting all. And so songs they composed, a hundred stories to tell, to remember. I tell them to you, and you will tell them to your children, until the forms are again discovered.”
|Jaxlim to Eshonai{{book ref|wor|i|4}}
|Lyn on her own combat ability{{book ref|sa3|111}}
Lyn is a [[Windrunner]], allowing her to heal herself with [[stormlight]], as well as use the [[Surge]]s of [[Gravitation]] and [[Adhesion]].{{book ref|sa3.5|3}} While she's not shown using the latter, she is capable of flying by the time of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]].{{book ref|sa3|120}} As a scout, she was armed with a knife, and presumably knew how to use it.{{book ref|sa3|70}} After joining Bridge Four, she begins to use a spear, although she is, by her own admission, only a beginner.{{book ref|sa3|111}} She's also capable of drawing what she'd scouted from memory, although her artwork prioritizes speed over quality.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
The old songs recounted by Jaxlim include information about the Parshendi that is not widely known. According to her songs, the Listeners, then known as the [[Last Legion]], were warriors who were sent to fight in a shattered nation. The people were not free, because the [[Regal|Forms of Power]] had been forced upon them, bending them to the will of their gods. During a storm, the Last Legion decided to abandon the dark home and adopt a form that would allow them to escape the influence of the gods. They knew this form would cause them to lose most of their mental faculties, so they composed songs to try and preserve their history. They decided to spread out into small tribes to avoid conflict.{{book ref|wor|i|4}}

== History ==
{{image|Lyn by Lizarazo.png|side=right|width=150px}}
=== Scout and Messenger ===
Lyn was one of the scouts who accompanied [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s expedition into the center of the [[Shattered Plains]]. She, along with [[Shim]] and [[Felt]], aided [[Shallan]] with mapping out the central plateaus during the [[Battle of Narak]], providing illustrations.{{book ref|sa2|81}}

Following the [[Alethi]] moving to [[Urithiru]], Lyn started working as a messenger. She was the one to report the murder of [[Vedekar Perel]] to Dalinar, as well as the one to fetch him when [[Bridge Four]] found [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]].{{book ref|sa3|8}}{{book ref|sa3|28}} At the same time, she began to hang out around Bridge Four, even going with them to investigate what turned out to be [[Re-Shephir]]. There, Lyn was the first to notice [[Midnight Essence]]. During the ensuing battle, she provided first aid to the wounded.{{book ref|sa3|29}}

{{image|Joining the Windrunners by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Asking [[Kaladin]] if she can join the Windrunners}}
=== Windrunner Squire ===
When [[Kaladin]] returned and Bridge Four began to recruit [[squire]]s, Lyn attempted to join. Kaladin initially thought she wanted to be a scribe, but after the situation was cleared up, he allowed her and four other scout women to join.{{book ref|sa3|35}} Lyn initially had problems breathing in [[Stormlight]], but with [[Skar]]'s help, managed to do so, becoming a proper squire.{{book ref|sa3|46}} Eventually, the rest of her squad joined her.{{book ref|sa3|55}}

From then on, Lyn easily slid into Bridge Four's structure, becoming fast friends with other members. Shortly before the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], she was on good enough terms to know their history with [[Amaram]], even suggesting that she could "stab him a little" for them.{{book ref|sa3|111}} When [[Jezrien]]'s [[Honorblade]] was stolen, she was present, and ordered another scout to fetch [[Renarin]] to help with [[Rock]]'s wounds.{{book ref|sa3|i|14}}

After [[Teft]] managed to swear his Third Ideal, Lyn came to [[Thaylen City]] along with the rest of Bridge Four, carrying Rock until he was close enough to Kaladin to start healing himself with Stormlight. Afterwards, she participated in the fighting.{{book ref|sa3|120}} She survived the battle, and was last seen listening to [[Lopen]]'s story of how he lost his arm.{{book ref|sa3|121}}

=== Windrunner ===
Lyn was on one of the missions initially sent to [[Akinah]] to scout prior to [[Rysn]]'s [[Expedition to Akinah|expedition]]. Although this expedition was a failure, she and [[Sigzil]] rescued [[Leyten]] after his Stormlight was sucked away by a [[Sleepless]].{{book ref|sa3.5|3}}
She swore her third ideal and is now a full Windrunner. {{book ref|sa4|10}}

She was part of the team that went back to Hearthstone and rescue its people including Kaladin’s family.{{book ref|sa4|5}}

Lyn left with Dalinar to fight the [[Emul]] campaign. There she led scouting to [[Urithiru]]. She talked to the soldier that was sent by the Fused pretending to be from the queen, who used the correct passwords and had the correct language. Urithiru’s soldiers had to hike for hours to meet them and the scouts were only able to see through spyglasses and saw what they thought were Windrunners flying over the tower trying to ask for patience.{{book ref|sa4|50}}

She did try to approach the tower herself, but due to Urithiru’s barrier she fell unconscious. The tower’s soldier dragged back her to the others.{{book ref|sa4|50}}

Lyn is one of the most trusted Windrunners, this is proven by the fact that she was given the responsibility of lashing Dalinar to meet the Herald [[Ishar]].{{book ref|sa4|107}} Later, she was part of the five windunners that fought the Herald who easily disabled them by only defending himself.{{book ref|sa4|111}}

Lyn also participated on the scouting team that came back after [[Ishar]] and his army left to the cognitive realm. There she found a killed cultivationspren, along with the other killed spren found by the other members of team.{{book ref|sa4|111}}

== Relationships ==
== Relationships ==
=== Venli ===
=== Kaladin ===
Kaladin was able to understand that Lyn had been running messages to Bridge Four because she wanted to be part of the team, however he assumed she would be a scribe and offered her that role. She spoke her mind and was then invited by him to join the tryouts.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
|For reminding me, of what I am practicing to become.
|Venli to Jaxlim after listening to her sing{{book ref|sa4|45}}
Jaxlim spent many hours helping Venli to learn all the stanzas of the Listener’s songs to perfection. Venli used to get annoyed at being corrected, but did respect her mother.{{book ref|sa4|45}}
She also supported her daughter on finding new forms and pushed her when she thought she was being too afraid of failure.{{book ref|sa4|45}} Jaxlim also suggested Venli to learn the human language.{{book ref|sa4|52}}
Venli was with her throughout all the progression of her sickness and even wearing her new forms, it broke her heart. Venli was there by her side right until her transformation to stormform.{{book ref|sa4|73}}
When they reunited, Venli felt joy and hope on her becoming a Radiant and healing her mind It was this bond and selflessness that helped Venli reach her next radiant ideal.{{book ref|sa4|115}}

=== Eshonai ===
When young, Jaxlim taught Eshonai the Songs of the Listeners. The latter, however, was more interested on explorations and gave up on becoming a keeper or songs.{{book ref|sa4|45}}
|Their relationship hadn’t been right. He knew that as well as she did, and the pain he felt wasn’t for the end of that. Not specifically.
|Eshonai has a bold heart. She merely needs to learn that her family is more important than counting the number of hills outside the camp
|Jaxlim to Venli on Eshonai{{book ref|sa4|45}}
|Kaladin to himself on breaking up with Lyn.{{book ref |sa4|5}}

Before meeting the humans, Jaxlim didn’t think much of her work as scout, calling it silly and calling her unreliable and prone to fancy. But after the discovery she spoke of her daughter in praise and with respect.{{book ref|sa4|57}}{{book ref|sa4|68}}
Adolin and Syl conspired on getting Kaladin to date Lyn. Though the relationship hadn’t worked out, they’d both grown because of it. They went together to Skar’s wedding shortly before they broke up.{{book ref|sa4|38}} She still cared about him and showed she had genuine concern.{{book ref|sa4|5}}

== Trivia ==
* Lyn was named after [http://www.lyndseyluther.com Lyndsey Luther], who made a post in a Reddit thread asking what fictional world people would want to live in, replying with ''[[The Way of Kings]]''. Brandon asked her to send him her information so he could insert her as a character in the next book, ''[[Words of Radiance]]''. She was also chosen to be a beta reader.{{reddit ref|date=2014-05-07|Fantasy|24yegw|text=Reddit announcement}}{{book ref|sa3|part=ack}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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Latest revision as of 03:32, 24 May 2024

Lyn Shuravf.jpg
Abilities Windrunner[1]
Groups Knights Radiant (Windrunner)
Bridge Four, Kholin army
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere
Introduced In Words of Radiance

I want to help! I want to do something other than stand around, waiting for the enemy to come to us!

—Lyn on why she wants to become a Windrunner[2]

Lyn is an Alethi scout and, later, a Windrunner on Roshar.[2]

Appearance and Personality[edit]

Lyn is a short, "solid-looking" darkeyed Alethi woman with long black hair, which she wears in a ponytail or a braid.[3][4][5] She's usually dressed in the blue Kholin uniform.[6]

She's interested in pursuing the masculine arts, and dislikes being treated as incapable of fighting just because she's a woman. She's disappointed when Shallan informs her that a Radiant can be feminine, and when Kaladin suggests that Lyn can serve as a secretary, she's furious with him.[7][6] She's impatient and eager, and wants to take the fight to the enemy rather than wait for it to come to her.[6][2] She's also good at making friends, sliding into the Bridge Four group without any problems, and appreciates good art.[8][7] She can keep a cool head in stressful situations, and take charge when necessary.[4][9]

Attributes and Abilities[edit]

I could [stab Amaram a little]. I've only started training with a spear. We could claim it was an accident.

—Lyn on her own combat ability[8]

Lyn is a Windrunner, allowing her to heal herself with stormlight, as well as use the Surges of Gravitation and Adhesion.[1] While she's not shown using the latter, she is capable of flying by the time of the Battle of Thaylen Field.[10] As a scout, she was armed with a knife, and presumably knew how to use it.[11] After joining Bridge Four, she begins to use a spear, although she is, by her own admission, only a beginner.[8] She's also capable of drawing what she'd scouted from memory, although her artwork prioritizes speed over quality.[3]


Scout and Messenger[edit]

Lyn was one of the scouts who accompanied Dalinar Kholin's expedition into the center of the Shattered Plains. She, along with Shim and Felt, aided Shallan with mapping out the central plateaus during the Battle of Narak, providing illustrations.[3]

Following the Alethi moving to Urithiru, Lyn started working as a messenger. She was the one to report the murder of Vedekar Perel to Dalinar, as well as the one to fetch him when Bridge Four found Oathbringer.[7][12] At the same time, she began to hang out around Bridge Four, even going with them to investigate what turned out to be Re-Shephir. There, Lyn was the first to notice Midnight Essence. During the ensuing battle, she provided first aid to the wounded.[4]

Asking Kaladin if she can join the Windrunners

Windrunner Squire[edit]

When Kaladin returned and Bridge Four began to recruit squires, Lyn attempted to join. Kaladin initially thought she wanted to be a scribe, but after the situation was cleared up, he allowed her and four other scout women to join.[6] Lyn initially had problems breathing in Stormlight, but with Skar's help, managed to do so, becoming a proper squire.[2] Eventually, the rest of her squad joined her.[13]

From then on, Lyn easily slid into Bridge Four's structure, becoming fast friends with other members. Shortly before the Battle of Thaylen Field, she was on good enough terms to know their history with Amaram, even suggesting that she could "stab him a little" for them.[8] When Jezrien's Honorblade was stolen, she was present, and ordered another scout to fetch Renarin to help with Rock's wounds.[9]

After Teft managed to swear his Third Ideal, Lyn came to Thaylen City along with the rest of Bridge Four, carrying Rock until he was close enough to Kaladin to start healing himself with Stormlight. Afterwards, she participated in the fighting.[10] She survived the battle, and was last seen listening to Lopen's story of how he lost his arm.[14]


Lyn was on one of the missions initially sent to Akinah to scout prior to Rysn's expedition. Although this expedition was a failure, she and Sigzil rescued Leyten after his Stormlight was sucked away by a Sleepless.[1] She swore her third ideal and is now a full Windrunner. [15]

She was part of the team that went back to Hearthstone and rescue its people including Kaladin’s family.[16]

Lyn left with Dalinar to fight the Emul campaign. There she led scouting to Urithiru. She talked to the soldier that was sent by the Fused pretending to be from the queen, who used the correct passwords and had the correct language. Urithiru’s soldiers had to hike for hours to meet them and the scouts were only able to see through spyglasses and saw what they thought were Windrunners flying over the tower trying to ask for patience.[17]

She did try to approach the tower herself, but due to Urithiru’s barrier she fell unconscious. The tower’s soldier dragged back her to the others.[17]

Lyn is one of the most trusted Windrunners, this is proven by the fact that she was given the responsibility of lashing Dalinar to meet the Herald Ishar.[18] Later, she was part of the five windunners that fought the Herald who easily disabled them by only defending himself.[19]

Lyn also participated on the scouting team that came back after Ishar and his army left to the cognitive realm. There she found a killed cultivationspren, along with the other killed spren found by the other members of team.[19]



Kaladin was able to understand that Lyn had been running messages to Bridge Four because she wanted to be part of the team, however he assumed she would be a scribe and offered her that role. She spoke her mind and was then invited by him to join the tryouts.[6]

Their relationship hadn’t been right. He knew that as well as she did, and the pain he felt wasn’t for the end of that. Not specifically.

—Kaladin to himself on breaking up with Lyn.[16]

Adolin and Syl conspired on getting Kaladin to date Lyn. Though the relationship hadn’t worked out, they’d both grown because of it. They went together to Skar’s wedding shortly before they broke up.[20] She still cared about him and showed she had genuine concern.[16]


  • Lyn was named after Lyndsey Luther, who made a post in a Reddit thread asking what fictional world people would want to live in, replying with The Way of Kings. Brandon asked her to send him her information so he could insert her as a character in the next book, Words of Radiance. She was also chosen to be a beta reader.[21][22]


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