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(→‎History: (Update 10) Included information on chasm training and the plan to escape. Buildup to the battle at the tower to come next)
(→‎History: (Update 11) Included end of bridgemen training, battle at the tower, and everything up the the end of The Way Of Kings.)
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Rock was present when Dunny died on a plateau run, as well as helping to save wounded members from other bridge crews.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
Rock was present when Dunny died on a plateau run, as well as helping to save wounded members from other bridge crews.{{book ref|sa1|53}}

Rock participated in the first joint plateau assault between [[Dalinar]] and Sadeas. After the battle went quickly and successfully, Bridge Four was sent back to chasm duty, where they found an [[Spheres|emerald broam]] as well as various lesser spheres worth 200 days of bridgeman pay, on the dead body of a lighteyed officer. Rock demonstrated his proficiency with a bow to attach the pouch of lesser spheres to the underside of a bridge, to be collected on the next plateau run. He insisted that he would shoot bridges but would never use the weapon in battle. {{book ref|sa1|55}}

Rock continued to train the bridgemen in carrying bridge drills when Kaladin was learning about the [[Knights Radiant]] from Teft. {{book ref|sa1|59}}

====The Battle at The Tower====
====The Battle at The Tower====
Rock was present at the assault on [[Tower (Roshar)|The Tower]], when every member of Bridge Four wore the carapace armour crafted by [[Leyten]] to serve as an added distraction for the Parshendi. {{book ref|sa1|64}} He witnessed the betrayal of Dalinar by Sadeas and agreed with Kaladin to return to save Dalinar's men after Kaladin was persuaded by Syl. He witnessed Kaladin say the [[Order of Windrunners#The Second Ideal|Second Ideal]] of the Knight's Radiant and explode with stormlight {{book ref|sa1|67}}, and subsequently save Adolin and Dalinar from the Parshendi.{{book ref|sa1|68}} He helped carry the bridge escorting the remnants of Dalinar's army back to the warcamps, where Dalinar offered his shardblade [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] in exchange for the lives of all of Sadeas' bridgemen.{{book ref|sa1|69}}

Rock cooked a nightly stew for Bridge Four after the events of The Battle at The Tower, and joined in talking to Kaladin about his abilities and what they meant for the crew going forward. The bridge crew decided to start doing experiments to test the limits of Kaladin's powers.{{book ref|sa1|73}}

====Dalinar's Army====

This history section is very incomplete, requires all of the training of bridge four in the chasms, the battle at the tower, becoming a free man under Dalinar, training and enjoying free life, the battle of narak. Likewise, future sections require information on his time at urithiru, being a victim of the unmade, and the battle of Thaylen city.
This history section is very incomplete, requires all of the training of bridge four in the chasms, the battle at the tower, becoming a free man under Dalinar, training and enjoying free life, the battle of narak. Likewise, future sections require information on his time at urithiru, being a victim of the unmade, and the battle of Thaylen city.

Revision as of 13:03, 23 December 2022

Rock Shuravf.png
Lunamor's family
Spouse Tuaka
Children Gift, Cord, Rock, Star, Kuma'tiki, Beautiful Song
Relatives Kef'ha, Sinaku'a, Tifi
Abilities Radiant squire for Order of Windrunners, Sighted
Aliases Lunamor, Rock
Profession Chef
Groups Bridge Four, Sadeas army (formerly), Kholin army
Residence The Horneater Peaks
Nationality Unkalaki
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere
This page or section needs to be updated with new information for Oathbringer and Rhythm of War!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.

Airsick lowlanders.


Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor, shortened to Lunamor or simply Rock, is an Unkalaki on Roshar. He was the fourth born son in his family and received combat training per Unkalaki customs; however, one of his brothers died, making him the third son and a craftsman instead of a warrior.[1][2] He calls himself Rock because he doesn't believe others can pronounce his real name, which is actually a poem about a very special rock his father discovered the day before Rock's birth.[3] The poem roughly translates to "I saw a beautiful wet stone that no one is paying attention to, but it was really cool because of the water pattern on it".[4]

Appearance and Personality

Rock is a large, well-built man standing at nearly seven feet tall with thick limbs and a powerful torso. He is a few inches taller than Kaladin and nearly twice as broad.[5]

He has tan skin and deep red hair[6] When he can shave, he leaves long, red-blond sideburns, but shaves his chin and lip.[7] He also keeps his hair cropped close, and shaved entirely from directly above his eyebrows up the center of his head. [8]

The same as all of Bridge Four, Rock has a set of glyphs tattooed on his forehead, signifying his freedom and membership to the bridge crew.[9]

Rlain, is okay to throw things at Eth.

—Rock to Rlain[10]

Rock is very outwardly emotional, often being as quick to laugh as he is to show sadness. He is very supportive, with various members of Bridge Four speaking to him for advice.[2][citation needed] He is very loyal to those who have shown him trust and kindness, being one of the first to follow Kaladin after he takes his place during a bridge run.[11] His love and trust for those close to him was enough for him to go against his position and commit violent acts if he sees it as necessary, killing Amaram to save Kaladin, even knowing he would be punished for it.[1][12][13]

He expresses great pride at his abilities to cook, refusing to allow anyone to alter his stew for Bridge Four.[citation needed] He is extremely respectful to spren, to Syl's delight and Kaladin's annoyance.[14]

Attributes and Abilities

He can see spren, or mafah’liki in the Unkalaki tongue, in the Physical Realm even when they do not want to appear to him. Horneaters call people with this ability alaii’iku. It is implied there are other people like him. Rock has given conflicting reports on the origin of his blessing, saying that he was born with it but also that the waters of life are involved with him having this ability.[15][5] In addition, he can slightly perceive the form of spren in the Cognitive Realm, as when he perceives the larger aspect of anticipationspren in Shadesmar.[2]

His alaii’iku condition doesn't grant him a privileged position within Unkalaki culture, as Rock is still bound to his duty towards his nuatoma, and it didn't prevent him from having to do the work of a fourth son, and later that of a third son.[2] He is quite proficient in archery due to his birth status as a fourth son, though he no longer considers himself a soldier since the death of his brother.[2] He refuses to fight because being a soldier is not considered an esteemed profession in Unkalaki culture.[1]

Take everything you have, and put him in pot. Don't let anyone airsick touch seasonings.

—Rock's stew recipe

Rock is an exceptional cook, having always shown an interest in cooking even before his elevation to third son, making bread with his mother as soon as he could reach the countertops.[2] He cooks stew every day for Bridge Four as part of Kaladin's efforts to bring life back to the crew.[3] He is capable of preparing Horneater drinks, making Shiki for Bridge Four.[2] He is able to eat various harder foods due to his Horneater heritage, possessing extra jaw pieces that allow him to eat shells.[16]

Rock is incredibly strong even considering his large and powerful frame, as he was able to use a Shardbow with proficiency without wearing Shardplate.[12] These bows are described as having draw weights so huge that only men in Shardplate could use them. His daughter mentions that in the past, spren "strengthened his arm when he drew the Bow of Hours in the Peaks," which may provide an explanation;[17] it is unclear which spren were responsible for this.

Rock can also listen to a faint beat his mother used to sing to, an ability reminiscent of singer Rhythms but of unknown relation. It is also unknown if this is a consequence of him being alaii’iku.[2]

Along with Lopen and Huio he is one of the only members of Bridge Four that can swim.[18]


Early Life

Rock was born in the Horneater Peaks as the fourth son of his family. He was trained in combat with both the spear and bow. He expressed an early affinity for cooking, joining his mother in making bread from a young age. Rock met his future wife Tuaka as a child where they built snow forts together, although Rock believes hers were always the best. Prior to Rock's departure to Alethkar and the Shattered Plains, they married and had six children.

At some point one of his elder brothers died, elevating him to third son and allowing him to follow his passion as a craftsmen, with specific regards to cooking.

The Shattered Plains

Challenge for Shards

He traveled to the Shattered Plains with Kef'ha, his nuatoma, in the hopes of gaining Shardplate and Shardblade for his people. Kef'ha challenged Torol Sadeas to a duel because he believed it would be easier to first gain the Shardplate, then try for a Shardblade. After Sadeas won and killed Kef'ha, Rock and his entourage became servants to Sadeas.

Sadeas used Rock as a cook. Rock prepared one meal for him in which he put chull dung in the soup and the bread, used it as a garnish on the pork steak, and made a chutney out of it for the buttered garams because he was angry about Kef'ha's death. He was then sent to the bridge crews[14] and became a member of Bridge Four.

by Derek Murphy
Rock the cook

Early Bridge Four

Rock joined the bridge crews in early 1173 and spent several months there before Kaladin was appointed his new bridgeleader.[19][6] The next morning when Kaladin claimed that Bridge Four would never lose another man, Rock laughed at Kaladin and refused to practice carrying the bridge.[6] Rock bet the other bridgemen a few chips that Kaladin was carrying a lightweight board to practice and was surprised when he was proven wrong. Later that day on a bridge run, Kaladin took Rock's place at the deathpoint of the bridge during the final approach. Rock was surprised by Kaladin's decision, but accepted. After the bridge was placed, Rock took shelter behind a rock formation. When Kaladin struggled to save an injured Dabbid, Rock followed and carried the man back to shelter himself. He and Teft went out again to save a badly wounded Leyten as well. After Kaladin had treated them, Rock warned Kaladin that injured bridgemen who could not walk must be left behind and that Gaz would not allow them to save Leyten and Dabbid.[11]

Later he offered some of his food to feed the wounded and assisted Kaladin and Teft with collecting knobweed sap, utilising his ability to see Syl to quickly find more stems to gather. Syl tricked Rock by leading him to a pile of chull dung during this exercise, which he didn't understand due to his reverence of spren. [14] They sold some of the knobweed sap they gathered, in return for bandages and a skymark per bottle. That same day Bridge four was assigned to chasm duty, where Rock helped to build rapport with the other members of the bridge crew and successfully brought Dunny into the conversation, having discovered he can sing. With the help of Syl, Rock and Dunny discovered more bodies in the caverns, being those of the Parshendi. They discovered that their armour is part of their bodies. That evening, Rock and Kaladin bought a cauldron and food with the money they gained, and Rock cooked a stew of which every member of the bridge crew partook. After this, most of the bridgemen started training with Kaladin.[3]

Side Carry Maneuver

Rock and Teft helped influence the last members of the bridge crew to fall under Kaladin's leadership. They joined in doing exercises from Kaladin's time in the military, before practicing carrying the bridges as strength training. Kaladin suggested carrying the bridge on it's side as a way to train more muscles and Rock participated in attempting the maneuver. [20] Bridge Four gained a new member with Lopen, a one-armed Herdazian. Alongside Dabbid, he carried a stretcher with several water canteens for the bridge crew to use on a run. With the three of them, the start of the non-combative section of the crew was started. Immediately after Loped had joined, Bridge Four was sent on the next plateau assault, arriving after the Parshendi were fully set up. Kaladin ordered the crew to attempt the side carry maneuver, which resulted in no loss of life to Bridge Four, causing Rock to celebrate. However, the maneuver unerminded the other bridges assaulting the plateau and caused the retreat of Sadeas' army. Rock steps up to defend Kaladin from the lighteyes that came to arrest up, but was ordered to step down and allow it to proceed. Rock watches as Kaladin is beaten.[21]

Syl brought Rock, Teft and Moash to the outside of the barracks to see Kaladin once he had regained consciousness. He witnessed Kaladin telling them that he would survive, and to check on his body after the highstorm has passed. [22] Rock was the first to leave the barracks to see Kaladin, initially dismayed to find him apparently dead before expressing his delight that he had survived. Rock called for other members of the crew to assist in cutting Kaladin down and bringing him inside. [23]

While Kaladin was recovering from being strung up in a highstorm, Rock was made the bridgeleader of Bridge Four. However, the crew just called Rock squadleader and called Kaladin their captain. On the day that Kaladin first stepped outside after healing, Rock stated that Kaladin must have bones of granite to have survived the highstorm and healed in only ten days. Bridge Four went on a plateau run that same day, with no casualties. That evening to thank him for his cooking, Bridge Four bought him a razor, which made Rock actually grow teary-eyed. He was very grateful for it,[7] and he started shaving the beards of all the members of Bridge Four.[24]

Training For Escape

After Kaladin's recovery, Bridge Four was assigned to chasm duty permanently. Rock questions Kaladin as to their next steps toward fighting, but Kaladin shot him down, stating that the fight is over. After persuasion from Teft and Syl, Kaladin informed the bridge crew that their only chance to survive was to escape. Rock was the only member of the bridge crew to refuse spear training, becoming the official cook of the bridge crew.[24]

Rock holds Kaladin down after he experiences visions during a highstorm. He was finally able to give Kaladin a shave during the riddens and revealed that Sigzil is a Worldsinger.[8] Bridge Four gained another new member, a parshman named Shen. During the next chasm duty, Kaladin took Rock aside, where he explained why he would not fight alongside the other members of the crew. Rock then took Lopen, Dabbid and Shen to collect salvage while the other members train with the spear. Rock noted that they could not do the work of a whole bridge crew, so Kaladin asked Syl to reveal herself to them to aid in locating salvage. [1]

Rock was present when Dunny died on a plateau run, as well as helping to save wounded members from other bridge crews.[25]

Rock participated in the first joint plateau assault between Dalinar and Sadeas. After the battle went quickly and successfully, Bridge Four was sent back to chasm duty, where they found an emerald broam as well as various lesser spheres worth 200 days of bridgeman pay, on the dead body of a lighteyed officer. Rock demonstrated his proficiency with a bow to attach the pouch of lesser spheres to the underside of a bridge, to be collected on the next plateau run. He insisted that he would shoot bridges but would never use the weapon in battle. [26]

Rock continued to train the bridgemen in carrying bridge drills when Kaladin was learning about the Knights Radiant from Teft. [27]

The Battle at The Tower

Rock was present at the assault on The Tower, when every member of Bridge Four wore the carapace armour crafted by Leyten to serve as an added distraction for the Parshendi. [28] He witnessed the betrayal of Dalinar by Sadeas and agreed with Kaladin to return to save Dalinar's men after Kaladin was persuaded by Syl. He witnessed Kaladin say the Second Ideal of the Knight's Radiant and explode with stormlight [29], and subsequently save Adolin and Dalinar from the Parshendi.[30] He helped carry the bridge escorting the remnants of Dalinar's army back to the warcamps, where Dalinar offered his shardblade Oathbringer in exchange for the lives of all of Sadeas' bridgemen.[31]

Rock cooked a nightly stew for Bridge Four after the events of The Battle at The Tower, and joined in talking to Kaladin about his abilities and what they meant for the crew going forward. The bridge crew decided to start doing experiments to test the limits of Kaladin's powers.[32]

Dalinar's Army


Windrunner Squires

We take to the skies, Stormblessed.


After the Battle of Narak, the members of Bridge Four gained the ability to Invest stormlight. Following Kaladin's departure to Hearthstone, however, this ability was lost. Upon his return, Kaladin took Bridge Four to the Shattered Plains to practice using their Radiant ablities. Hobber, Rock's assistant, was able to restore his Shardblade-cut legs and walk. Shortly after, they investigated a pillar of smoke in the distance. The pillar was revealed to be flames from a Voidbringer attack on a caravan whose uninjured members were revealed to be Rock's family: his wife, referred to as "Song", his son Gift, daughter Cord, son Rock (whom he noted was named for a different kind of rock and told Bridge four to call Little Rock), a third son, Star, a daughter named Kuma'tiki (a kind of shell on the Horneater Peaks), and his last daughter, Beautiful Song.[2]


I made that choice because you are worth that sacrifice. But it is no sacrifice unless I now go, as is right, to seek justice from my people. I would leave with your blessing. But I will leave either way.

—Rock to Kaladin before leaving[13]

After letting his family have some time to rest, Rock departed back for the Horneater Peaks with part of his family, taking his wife and younger children with him. He told Kaladin that he had broken the ways of his people, and must face justice for his actions. He asked for Kaladin’s blessing, and Kaladin gave it. Skar and Drehy went with Rock and his family as an honor guard, as well as to fly and protect them on their journey. When Kaladin asked if he’d see Rock again, Rock told him that when they next saw each other, it would not be in this life.[13]


  • It is unclear whether the brother that Rock lost was the member of his family that died facing Sadeas in a duel for Shards, as nuatoma is also not defined as to whether it is the oldest family member, an inherited position, or a position that is fought for and won. When Kaladin asks about the brother that died, Lunamor responds that it is a sad story and is not suitable for telling at the current time. Rock also comments that other members of his family died during the time with Sadeas, and it is also unclear as to their relation to Rock.[2]
  • Rock believes the best part of a chull is it's head. [citation needed]


  1. a b c d The Way of Kings chapter 49#
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k Oathbringer chapter 37#
  3. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 27#
  4. Barnes & Noble B-Fest 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-06-11#
  5. a b Words of Radiance chapter 46#
  6. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 14#
  7. a b The Way of Kings chapter 40#
  8. a b The Way of Kings chapter 46#
  9. Words of Radiance chapter 2#
  10. Oathbringer chapter 55#
  11. a b The Way of Kings chapter 17#
  12. a b Oathbringer chapter 120#
  13. a b c Rhythm of War chapter 12#
  14. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 23#
  15. The Way of Kings chapter 21#
  16. General Reddit 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-11-16#
  17. Dawnshard chapter 16#
  18. Dawnshard chapter 3#
  19. The Way of Kings chapter 11#
  20. The Way of Kings chapter 30#
  21. The Way of Kings chapter 32#
  22. The Way of Kings chapter 34#
  23. The Way of Kings chapter 35#
  24. a b The Way of Kings chapter 43#
  25. The Way of Kings chapter 53#
  26. The Way of Kings chapter 55#
  27. The Way of Kings chapter 59#
  28. The Way of Kings chapter 64#
  29. The Way of Kings chapter 67#
  30. The Way of Kings chapter 68#
  31. The Way of Kings chapter 69#
  32. The Way of Kings chapter 73#
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