
Revision as of 02:21, 14 July 2015 by TSMagus (talk | contribs)

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Abilities Shard of Odium
Homeworld Roshar

Rayse is the original and current holder of the Shard Odium.[1]

By his own admission, the author of The Letter (presumably Hoid) holds a grudge against him and describes him as "among the most loathsome, crafty, and dangerous individuals I have ever met" and as a massive threat to the well-being of the entire cosmere.[2] If this is true, Rayse's original personality is a close match to the Intent of his Shard.

Rayse seeks to become the most powerful being in the cosmere, which he plans to achieve by Splintering the other Shards. In pursuit of this goal, he has Splintered Devotion, Dominion, and Honor. Harmony, who holds more raw power than Odium, terrifies Rayse.

He is currently bound to Greater Roshar, which makes him largely impotent in the eyes of the First Letter's recipient. However, he continues to trouble Roshar with his Voidbringers and Desolations.

