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Ba-Ado-Mishram by Connor Chamberlain.jpg
Abilities Splinter of Odium
Groups Unmade
Species Spren
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

I find Ba-Ado-Mishram to be the most interesting of the Unmade. She is said to have been keen of mind, a highprincess among the enemy forces, their commander during some of the Desolations. I do not know how this relates to the ancient god of the enemy, named Odium.

—From Hessi's Mythica, page 203[1]

Ba-Ado-Mishram, sometimes called just "Ado" or Mishram,[2] is one of the Unmade,[1] an ancient and terrible spren of Odium.[3] She is a sapient Unmade[1] and is crafty and conniving.[4] She was a primary instigator of the False Desolation, leading to her imprisonment by the Knights Radiant,[5][6] which put the vast majority of singers into slaveform,[7] and affected all spren on Roshar.[8][2]

She is unique among the Unmade for having two hyphens in her name, whereas others only have one or zero.

Mythology and Lore

There is very little information about Ba-Ado-Mishram in more modern times. I can only assume she, unlike many of them, returned to Damnation or was destroyed during Aharietiam.

—From Hessi's Mythica, page 226[9]

In modern times, Hessi believed Ba-Ado-Mishram to be a highprincess of the Voidbringers, and was their commander in some Desolations.[1] There was no record of Ba-Ado-Mishram in the present day, and so Hessi suspected that she returned to Damnation or was destroyed in Aharietiam.[9]

However, the reason why Ba-Ado-Mishram is absent in the modern era is because she was imprisoned during the False Desolation, around the time of the Recreance.[5] It is also possible that the reason why there are legends of her being the commander of the enemy is because of her role in the False Desolation as well, rather than actually being a commander during actual Desolations with the Fused.

Attributes and Abilities

Ba-Ado-Mishram has some of the most powerful capabilities of individuals outside of Shards. She was able to Connect with singers on a massive scale, Connecting with all of them (except the listeners) across the entirety of Roshar,[5] which suggests that it was not a short-ranged, local process near Ba-Ado-Mishram--like Moelach or Nergaoul's effects--but a continent-wide display of power.

Ba-Ado-Mishram was able to supply the singers with Voidlight and forms of power, making singers into Regals.[5][10][6] This shows she has access to a huge quantity of Investiture on a scale other Unmade lack. This ability was compared to Odium in previous Desolations, which likely means that Ba-Ado-Mishram could not supply infinite Voidlight to the Regals, as the Fused in Desolations did not have access to infinite Voidlight either.[11] It is unknown whether her Connection let Ba-Ado-Mishram speak to singers directly as Odium does, or command the conflict directly.

The Knights Radiant did not know Ba-Ado-Mishram could Connect with the singers, and did not know how she managed to do it.[5] She had not done this prior to the False Desolation.[6]

Her other abilities are unclear aside from this Connection. If she was in fact a highprincess of the Voidbringers, or a commander of the enemy during actual Desolations,[1] she would likely need to be powerful or fearsome for Fused to follow her. However, it is said that the Radiants feared Sja-anat most of all Unmade,[12] not Ba-Ado-Mishram, so it is possible she was not the biggest threat to the Radiants.

She is currently imprisoned, and she would not fade in her gemstone like a Herald would.[13]


Early History

Like all Unmade, Ba-Ado-Mishram's true origin is unknown. Her role during the Desolations is unclear, but she was said to be a highprincess of the enemy, and a commander in some Desolations.[1] Her relationship with the Fused during the Desolations is unclear.

After the Last Desolation, Ba-Ado-Mishram continued to exist on Roshar. Little is known as to her influence on events during this period of the Era of Solitude.

The False Desolation

Ba-Ado-Mishram has somehow Connected with the parsh people, as Odium once did. She provides Voidlight and facilitates forms of power. Our strike team is going to imprison her.

—Drawer 30-20, fourth emerald[5]

About 2,500 years after Aharietiam,[14] Ba-Ado-Mishram Connected with the vast majority of singers on Roshar--all except the listeners. She granted the singers forms of powers--making them into Regals--and provided them with Voidlight.[5] This created a new war, and a different kind of Desolation, one without the Fused. Scholars would later term it the False Desolation.[14] It's unclear what Ba-Ado-Mishram's motives were in starting this new war, nor is it obvious if she was acting at Odium's wishes.[6]

The Knights Radiant of the era felt that the singers fought with zeal,[15] and did not know how Ba-Ado-Mishram could Connect with the singers.[5] The fighting was particularly intense during this period.[16] At some point, the singers pressed towards Feverstone Keep, though the Radiants did not understand why the area interested the singers--or perhaps Ba-Ado-Mishram--so much. Some speculated that it had been part of a plan to capture the city of Rall Elorim.[17]

The Radiants sought an edge in combat with the singers, and made a coalition of scholar Radiants with the goal of denying the singers their Voidlight.[18] They had a theory that an Unmade could be captured like regular spren, but it would require a special prison--likely a perfect gemstone--and Melishi,[19] the Bondsmith of that generation.[20][21] So, the Radiants formed a strike team to imprison Ba-Ado-Mishram. Melishi was confident in the plan, but other Radiants were uncertain on the effects this would have on the singers. Still, they hoped this would finally lead to the end of the war with the singers, once and for all.[22]

Several Heralds, including Nale and Kalak, were present at Ba-Ado-Mishram's binding, though their role there is unknown.[23][24] Ultimately, the strike team was successful and Ba-Ado-Mishram was captured.[8][25][2]

Effects of the Binding

Thousands of years ago, something happened that changed the singers. It hurt me too. [...] That terrible act touched the souls of all who belong to Roshar. Spren too.

—The Sibling to Navani[8]

Ba-Ado-Mishram's binding had massive effects on Roshar. It ripped out both Connection and Identity from the singers, which prevented them from being able to act independently.[7] This Spiritual damage persisted even through the singers' offspring. The few singers that were not part of the False Desolation--the listeners--termed these singers as slaveforms; singers with no form. Humans used these singers as slaves for two thousand years, until the Everstorm arrived and healed them.[7] The singers were furious at humanity for this act of enslavement, and this became a rallying cry for them to fight against humanity in the True Desolation.

Trouble is, spren can get stuck in gemstones, and the humans figured this out. End result: Ba-Ado-Mishram got a really cramped prison, and everyone’s souls got seriously messed up.

Ulim explaining to Venli[6]

Fighting in the False Desolation occurred near Feverstone Keep,[17] and since that is the site of many Windrunners and Stonewards abandoning their oaths,[26][14] it is possible that Ba-Ado-Mishram's imprisonment precipitated the Recreance. It may have been the final thing that made the Radiants feel they were on the wrong side.

Mishram's binding damaged more than the singers, and according to the Sibling, touched the souls of "all who belong to Roshar," including the spren.[8] Deadeyes did not exist prior to the Recreance, so the Unmade's binding could be why the Radiants and spren in the Recreance caused the spren to unexpectedly transform into deadeyes.

The damage to the Sibling disabled Urithiru. The Sibling lost their ability to produce Towerlight en masse, and the tower city stopped working.[8] They could only create small quantities of Towerlight to power a few of the tower's basic fabrials. The Sibling lost their power because they could no longer hear the two tones of Roshar, Honor and Cultivation's tones. Navani Kholin thought this could be because Odium's tone became a tone of Roshar as well.[27]

Ba-Ado-Mishram's binding made the Fused realize that spren could be trapped in gemstones, and a Fused named She Who Dreams came up with the idea that a Herald's soul could be trapped this way.[25] This led to the creation of knives with raysium, one of which bound Jezrien's soul, killing him.[28]

True Desolation

Why do you want the gemstone that holds Ba-Ado-Mishram, Mraize? What are you intending to do with it? What power do the Ghostbloods seek with a thing that can bind the minds of an entire people?

—Shallan confronting Mraize[29]

In 1175, during the True Desolation, the location Ba-Ado-Mishram's gemstone prison remained unknown, but the Ghostbloods sought it. Ialai Sadeas's journal which Shallan acquired at Ialai's death described the Ghostbloods being "obsessed" with Ba-Ado-Mishram. Shallan suspected Mraize thought that Ba-Ado-Mishram would be in Urithiru, but Shallan realized this must have been wrong, because if that was true, Re-Shephir would have freed Mishram. Shallan wondered that since Mraize wished to move Stormlight off Roshar that perhaps Ba-Ado-Mishram could be used for this purpose.[23]

Kalak believed this was why the Ghostbloods hunted him. Shallan confronted Mraize using her seon Ala, and demanded to know what the Ghostbloods' plan was with a spren which could bind minds of an entire people. Mraize didn't respond, and Shallan declared that she would find Ba-Ado-Mishram's gemstone before they would.[29]

In Kalak's journal, which he wrote as he hid in Lasting Integrity, he urged Ba-Ado-Mishram to be found and freed.[2]



Eventually the Unmade decided to start a war without us. That turned out to be exceedingly stupid. In the past, Odium granted forms of power, but Ba-Ado-Mishram thought she could do it. Ended up handing out forms of power as easily as Fused give each other titles, Connected herself to the entire singer species. Became a little god. Too little.

Ulim to Venli[6]

Ulim thinks that Ba-Ado-Mishram's actions in the False Desolation were extremely stupid. He belittles her actions, calling her a "little god" and that she was just an oversized spren which they relied on.[6]


As one who has suffered for so many centuries . . . as one whom it broke . . . please find Mishram and release her. Not just for her own good. For the good of all spren.

For I believe that in confining her, we have caused a greater wound to Roshar than any ever realized.

Kalak on Ba-Ado-Mishram[2]

The Herald Kalak is the only known individual to refer to Ba-Ado-Mishram as simply "Mishram." This is one of only two instances of an Unmade's name being shortened to just one part of their hyphenated name.[2] It's unclear why this is, or if Kalak had familiarity with Ba-Ado-Mishram in the past. In Kalak's journal, he appears to have some caring for Ba-Ado-Mishram's own well-being, and urges someone to find and free her, both for her sake and Roshar's.


Another Unmade, Sja-anat, did not believe herself to be the most clever of the Unmade. She compares herself to Ba-Ado-Mishram, and refers to Ba-Ado-Mishram as crafty and conniving. This could indicate that Sja-anat believes Ba-Ado-Mishram is actually the most clever of all the Unmade.[4]

It is unclear what Ba-Ado-Mishram's relationship was with the Fused. Though Hessi thinks Ba-Ado-Mishram was a commander during the Desolations,[1] it's unknown if the Unmade ordered Fused around directly.

Odium's relation with Ba-Ado-Mishram is unknown. She may or may not have started the False Desolation at Odium's behest.


  1. a b c d e f g Oathbringer chapter 106 epigraph#
  2. a b c d e f Rhythm of War chapter 97 epigraph#
  3. Oathbringer chapter 62#
  4. a b Rhythm of War interlude I-2#
  5. a b c d e f g h Oathbringer chapter 80 epigraph#
  6. a b c d e f g Rhythm of War chapter 73#
  7. a b c Oathbringer chapter 17#
  8. a b c d e Rhythm of War chapter 49#
  9. a b Oathbringer chapter 107 epigraph#
  10. Oathbringer interlude I-7#
  11. Skyward San Diego signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-07#
  12. Oathbringer chapter 97 epigraph#
  13. Rhythm of War chapter 96 epigraph#
  14. a b c Oathbringer chapter 56#
  15. Oathbringer chapter 77 epigraph#
  16. Words of Radiance chapter 41 epigraph#
  17. a b Oathbringer chapter 84 epigraph#
  18. Oathbringer chapter 78 epigraph#
  19. Oathbringer chapter 79 epigraph#
  20. Words of Radiance chapter 58 epigraph#
  21. Oathbringer chapter 67 epigraph#
  22. Oathbringer chapter 82 epigraph#
  23. a b Rhythm of War chapter 24#
  24. Rhythm of War chapter 94 epigraph#
  25. a b Rhythm of War chapter 84#
  26. Words of Radiance chapter 52#
  27. Rhythm of War chapter 69#
  28. Rhythm of War chapter 93 epigraph#
  29. a b Rhythm of War chapter 115#
This page is complete!
This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Chaos2651 (talk) 19:32, 17 November 2020 (UTC)