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This page or section contains spoilers for Oathbringer!
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World of Origin Roshar

The Heralds are servants of the Almighty worshipped in Vorinism. There are ten Heralds, and each is associated with one of the Ten Essences. The Heralds are also known as Kadasixes in Azir[1], and the suffix "'Elin" is often appended to their Vorin names, presumably signifying "Herald" or some other honorific.[2][3][4][5][6]

The Heralds wield the Honorblades, which predate and are more powerful than Shardblades.[7]

The appearance of the Heralds is known to announce the coming of a Desolation. Between Desolations, the Heralds are trapped in Braize, or Damnation, being tortured by voidspren. Heralds that die during a Desolation are sent back to Braize; those that survive are supposed to go back voluntarily. The Heralds being there, as established by the Oathpact, prevents the voidspren from returning to Roshar and inhabiting the parshmen, turning them into Voidbringers.

Heralds are cognitive shadows and not Slivers.[8]

They were alive during humanity's exodus from Ashyn, though they were not Heralds yet at that point.[9]

Some of them are more Cosmere-aware than others.[10] A few of them are aware of AonDor, but only on a conceptual level.[11]

Heralds of the Almighty


Also known as Jezerezeh in Vorinism and Yaysi in the Iriali and Riran religion[12] and as Yaezir, Kadasix of Kings in Azir.[13] He is associated with the number Jes, the essence Zephyr, and the attributes Protecting and Leading. He is patron of the Order of Windrunners.

Status: deceased; killed by Vyre on Odium's command.


Also known as Nalan in Vorinism and Nin-son-God in the West, or as Nakku the Judge[14]. Nale is the Herald of Justice. He is associated with the number Nan, the essence Vapor, and the attributes Just and Confident. He is patron of the Order of Skybreakers.

Status: alive; sworn to Odium along with most other members of the Order of Skybreakers.


She is often referred to by her nickname, Chana. Also known as Chanaranach in Vorinism. She is associated with the number Chach, the essence Spark, and the attributes Brave and Obedient. She is patron of the Order of Dustbringers.

Status: unknown.


Also known as Vedeledev in Vorinism. She is associated with the number Vev, the essence Lucentia (Light), and the attributes Loving and Healing. She is patron of the Order of Edgedancers.

Status: unknown.


Her nickname is Pali. She is associated with the number Palah, the essence pulp, and the attributes Learned and Giving. She is patron of the Order of Truthwatchers.

Status: unknown.


Shalash is the Herald of Beauty. Her nickname is Ash. She is associated with the number Shash, the essence Blood, and the attributes Creativity and Honesty. She is patron of the Order of Lightweavers, and may have been the Lightweaver who first captured the Midnight Mother, Re-Shephir.

Status: alive; likely in Urithiru with Talenel.


Also known as Battah in Vorinism. She is associated with the number Betab, the essence Tallow, and the attributes Wisdom and Care. She is patron of the Order of Elsecallers.

Status: alive; likely in Kharbranth.


Also known as Kelek in Vorinism and Kellai in the Iriali and Riran religion.[12] He is associated with the number Kak, the essence Foil, and the attributes Resolute and Builder. He is patron of the Order of Willshapers.

Status: unknown.


Also known as Talenelat in Vorinism, Talenel is the Herald of War. He has the nickname Taln. He is associated with the number Tanat, the essence Talus, and the attributes Dependable and Resourceful. He is patron of the Order of Stonewards.

Status: alive; likely in Urithiru with Shalash.


Also known as Ishi in Vorinism, Ishar is the Herald of Luck. He is associated with the number Ishi, the essence Sinew, and the attributes Pious and Guiding. He is patron of the Order of Bondsmiths.

Status: alive; currently ruling Tukar as God-Priest.


The Heralds glow like the sun, wield the Honorblades, and speak with the voices of a thousand trumpets. They could cast down buildings with a command, force the storms to obey, and heal with a touch.

Shallan's recollection on what she was taught about the Heralds.[15]

Almighty above, Kalak thought. You’re broken too, aren’t you? They all were.

Kalak's more realistic view on the Heralds.[16]



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