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This page or section contains spoilers for Dawnshard!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
Leyten portrait.png
Abilities Windrunner[1]
Groups Knights Radiant (Windrunner)
Bridge Four, Kholin army, Sadeas army (formerly)
Residence Urithiru
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Leyten is a member of Bridge Four on the planet Roshar.

Appearance and Personality

Leyten is thick-bodied and has an oval-shaped face.[2][3] He is tall, stout, and has light, curly hair.[4] He has an affable nature, finding it easy to talk to people no matter their rank.[5]


Bridge Four

Leyten was an apprentice armorer prior to becoming a bridgemen. The armor of a lighteyes broke, allowing an arrow to hit in the shoulder, and the blame fell on Leyten. As a result, he was demoted to work on the bridge crews.[3]

On the first bridge run after Kaladin's promotion to bridgeleader, Leyten dropped after taking two arrow wounds in his shoulder and the opposite arm. Another arrow grazed his stomach and his left leg was trampled by a horse. Teft and Rock carried Leyten to Kaladin, who insisted on treating his wounds. Leyten fell unconscious and Kaladin feared he wouldn’t make it. However, he still pulled the arrows free from his arms and cauterized the wounds, then splinted Leyten’s leg using the arrow shafts and cauterized that wound as well, saving the man’s life. The crew brought him back to the barracks by tying him to the top of their bridge while they ran and then quickly untying him before the army crossed.[6]

Leyten’s wounds soon became infected, causing Kaladin to enlist Rock and Teft to help collect knobweed sap for its antiseptic qualities. The knobweed sap worked, and soon Leyten was up and about, though he initially had a lot of trouble walking due to his crushed leg.[7][8][9]

Leyten’s condition continued to improve, even joining the rest of Bridge Four in the chasms for spear training and harvesting.[10] After the success of using the Parshendi carapace armor, Leyten was tasked with crafting additional sets for every man in Bridge Four.[3] He expertly crafted it to fit on their current leather jerkins and caps, along with arm and shin guards to match. Leyten insisted on ornamenting the helms with ridges and cuts, as well as cutting the breastplates and guards in toothlike patterns.[11]

Dalinar's Army (1173—)

After the Battle of the Tower, Leyten joined Dalinar’s army along with the rest of the bridgemen.[12] He continued working on armor, fixing issues as gear arrived from the quartermaster.[13] He also assisted in guarding the various members of House Kholin.[14] In the mornings, Leyten trained with Natam and a few others. When Kaladin gave Shen a spear, he encouraged the parshmen to train with Leyten and Natam, who were willing to teach him.[15] When Renarin joined Bridge Four, Leyten helped teach him how to carry a bridge.[16]

Leyten was one of the bridgemen were was guarding Dalinar when Rlain surrendered himself to the Alethi.[17] He survived the Everstorm and the preceding battle.[18] At Urithiru, he was among the members of Bridge Four who accompanied Shallan Davar when she confronted Re-Shephir.[19] He was shaken by the event and had nightmares about it for some time.[2][20]

He became a Squire to Kaladin Stormblessed at some point during their training, and so he participated in the running competition that Sigzil held to test the benefits of Stormlight. He was one of the slowest due to stopping for food during the run.[21] Alongside his training, he kept on handling the supply, but as organization of the bridge crews was a mess, he couldn't deal with all the requisition orders.[22]

Leyten presumably fought in the The Battle of Thaylen Field and the preceding battle in defence of Urithiru along with the rest of Bridge Four present.[23][24]

Leyten went on a mission to Akinah. He reported a strange weather pattern around the island as well as swarms of strange small shadows (later discovered to be hordelings that had bred with larkin) hovering in the clouds, but was unsure if they were alive or were spren. One came from behind and drained him of his Stormlight. He subsequently fell in the ocean and had to be rescued by Lyn and Sigzil.[25][1][26]


  • Leyten is based on a friend of Brandon Sanderson in his writing group.[27][28][29]


  1. a b Dawnshard chapter 3#
  2. a b Oathbringer chapter 37#
  3. a b c The Way of Kings chapter 63#
  4. The Way of Kings chapter 14#
  5. Oathbringer chapter 28#
  6. The Way of Kings chapter 17#
  7. The Way of Kings chapter 23#
  8. The Way of Kings chapter 27#
  9. The Way of Kings chapter 32#
  10. The Way of Kings chapter 49#
  11. The Way of Kings chapter 64#
  12. Words of Radiance chapter 2#
  13. Words of Radiance chapter 5#
  14. Words of Radiance chapter 22#
  15. Words of Radiance chapter 46#
  16. Words of Radiance chapter 68#
  17. Words of Radiance chapter 78#
  18. Words of Radiance chapter 87#
  19. Oathbringer chapter 29#
  20. Oathbringer chapter 55#
  21. Oathbringer chapter 46#
  22. Oathbringer chapter 35#
  23. Oathbringer chapter 115#
  24. Oathbringer chapter 119#
  25. Dawnshard chapter 2#
  26. Dawnshard chapter 11#
  27. Oathbringer release party
    Arcanum - 2017-11-13#
  28. Skyward Anchorage signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-12#
  29. MisCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-05-26#
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