Balat Davar

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Balat Davar
House Davar
Parents Lin, mother
Siblings Helaran, Wikim, Jushu, Shallan
Born 1150[1]
Residence Urithiru
Nationality Veden
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Balat Davar is a lighteyed Veden on Roshar.[1] He is the second oldest child of Lin Davar and his mother and one of Shallan Davar's older brothers. As the second heir in the line of House Davar, he is originally known as Tet Balat Davar. He becomes known as Nan Balat Davar after his father disowns his older brother Helaran and strips him of his position as first son and heir.[2] He is betrothed to Eylita Tavinar.[3]

Appearance and Personality

Balat is a young man, twenty-three years old as of 1173. He has a round face and a haunted look. [4] He is the tallest among his surviving siblings.

Balat walks with a cane and suffers from pain in his bad leg. [1] The injury was caused by Balat's father smashing his leg with a poker. [5].

It is implied that as a boy, he liked starting fires, one of which almost burned down the servants' building. [6] He also had a habit of cruelty towards animals.[7]

As an adult, he still likes killing animals, but never people. The pain of whatever he kills seems to lessen his own pain. He does so cruelly, for example, ripping the legs off of a cremling one by one.[1]

He is close to and fond of Scrak, his pet axehound. [1]

He believes that House Davar is deeply damaged and a "family of cripples" as a result of the death of his mother and the following events. He sees himself as the only one who is normal and unscathed by these events.[1]



Balat is Lin Davar's second son. Because of this, he grows up as Tet Balat. He grows up bitter towards his father, believing he killed Balat's mother and her lover. [8] His anger seems to be relieved by torturing animals. It's likely he abused an axehound pup that his older brother Helaran gave him as a gift. [7]

Becoming Nan Balat

Nan Helaran confronts Lin Davar, and leaves the house. Though there is no immediate change for Balat or his brothers, they seem to constantly grieve his absence, and no one else dares to openly challenge Lin. When asked for evidence against Lin by a representative of the highprince, Balat wants his father to be taken, but does not dare speak.[8]

At one of his father's feasts, Balat meets Eylita Tavinar, the daughter of a Brightlord of lower dahn than his father. [9] With the help of Shallan, they start writing and later dating. [2]

Several years later, due to Helaran and Lin growing further apart, Lin starts calling him Nan Balat, as if he was the eldest son of the family. When Lin receives a threatening message from Helaran on Middlefest Fair, he officially disinherits Helaran and changes the title of Tet Balat to Nan Balat. [2]

Confrontation with Lin Davar

The first time Balat confronts his father is when Lin decides to forbid Balat's engagement with Eylita, who he disapproves of because of her lower station. Lin Balat prefers that Balat marry the Highprince's daughter, who is in her fifties. Balat mentions to his father that he saw Helaran, which makes Lin even more angy. As punishment, Lin sends a servant to kill Balat's beloved axehound pups. [10]

Looking at his dead pups, Balat confirms to himself that he is not as strong as Helaran and isn't capable of taking care of his family. Shallan helps him make a plan to escape with Eylita with Helaran's help, under the condition that they take their stepmother Malise with them. [11] When they can't contact Helaran, Balat decides to only take Eylita and go to the Highprince and testify against his father for his mother's death. Though his father had gained much more power, and the accusation might not be as well received, Balat decides that he has to take the risk, as he can't be a coward anymore. [5]

On the day Balat was to go to the Highprince, Malise reveals Balat's plan, and is beaten and killed by Lin. Lin summons Eylita before she and Balat escape, and he sends a guard to kill Helaran. [5]

Lin's Death and Aftermath

When Balat finds out his father called for Eylita, he confronts him again. This time, however, his father is cold and aggressive. The confrontation turns to violence. Balat is not skillful enough to hurt Lin, but he breaks his father's hidden Soulcaster. Lin injures Balat's leg, but before he can hurt him further, he is tricked into drinking poisoned wine by Shallan, paralyzed, and strangled with her necklace. [5]

Nan Balat runs the affairs of House Davar in Lin's place while Shallan pursues Jasnah Kholin for a wardship. He communicates with Shallan via Spanreed. They barely manage economically, and they know someone will discover their father's death before long. Some men visit Balat and demand the return of his Father's Soulcaster. [3]

Jasnah Kholin steps in to help House Davar [12] but everything is lost during the upheaval in Jah Keved. By order of Mraize, Balat and his brothers are saved and taken to Urithiru as a "gift" to Shallan for her services to the Ghostbloods. [4]

Attributes and Abilities

Balat has no magical ability and no particular strength in politics, finance, social skills, or dueling.[4] His animal cruelty is magically enhanced by a moving force on Roshar.[13]


Shallan and brothers

In the past, Balat resented Shallan for being untouched by the brutality of his father, but he also knew he couldn’t truly hate her. He considered her shy, quiet and delicate. [1] Shallan tries to help Balat, along with the rest of her brothers. She helps him get closer to Eylita[2] and later encourages him to plan an escape with her. [10] She potentially saves his life by stopping their father. [5] After Shallan leaves, they keep in touch via spanreed. Balat and his other brothers are used by Mraize to keep Shallan on his side. [14]

Though Balat seems to care for his brothers, he doesn’t step up to protect or help them. This is shown when Jushu is taken by debtors. However, Balat gives Shallan his knife to help get Jushu back. [15]


When Helaran leaves the house the first time, he doesn't think Balat is ready to lead their brothers.[7] However, several years later, before leaving for the war in Alethkar, Helaran asks Balat to watch over the family. Balat considers Helaran to be strong and brave and doesn't consider himself to be as good.[10]

Lin Davar

Balat is sure his father killed his mother and her lover. He resents his father's cruelty, to the point where he wishes for the Highprince to take him. [8] Balat is always afraid of stepping up to him. It is only Lin's disapproval of Eylita that pushes Balat to confront him. Lin cripples Balat with a poker.[16]


“Am I a coward, Scrak?”

— Balat to his axehound [1]


  • His cruelty to animals, which he uses for soothing aches, is being magically enhanced by unspecified forces on Roshar.[13]


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