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Lopen's family
Relatives Lopen
Abilities Windrunner, Shardbearer
Bonded With Caelinora
Groups Knights Radiant (Windrunner), Bridge Four, Kholin army
Nationality Herdazian
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Is not my recipe. Huio has changed this thing. I now have to either promote him or push him off side of plateau.

Lunamor serving shiki to Kaladin[1]

Huio is a Herdazian member of Bridge Four on Roshar during the Era of Solitude.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Short joke? Be glad not short temper.

—Huio to Lopen[3]

Huio is one of Lopen's cousins. He is a short,[3] beefy man with thick arms.[2] He is known among Bridge Four for his propensity to visit prostitutes.[4] His lack of fluency in Alethi is a source of embarrassment to him,[5] though he gets a sense of satisfaction and pride out of his cooking skill.[1]

Abilities and Attributes

Huio is a Windrunner, quick to pick up on how to draw in Stormlight. This allows him to use Stormlight and access the Surges of Gravitation and Adhesion when in Kaladin's proximity.[1] He is also fairly skilled in field medicine--at least, more so than Teft--and a more than adept cook.[6][1]


Late in 1173, Lopen brought Huio and another of his cousins, Rod, to join Bridge Four.[2] He ended up often being on kitchen duty with Rock, requesting the duty more and more as the others became squires. Huio once added a handful of lazbo to some shiki he was stirring for Rock, much to Rock's horror. When Rock tasted it, however, he realized Huio had improved on the original recipe. He even began to ask Huio's advice on some recipes.[1]

Huio also pulled shifts guarding the Kholins with the rest of Bridge Four.[7] He was part of the group that went with Dalinar to Thaylen City to check on Amaram's progress helping rebuild the city from the damage from the Everstorm and to attend a conference with Queen Fen and the other monarchs who had joined their coalition. The soldiers from Bridge Four were with Dalinar in the conference, so they heard the translation of the Eila Stele; this demoralized the group enough that they left Dalinar behind and returned to Urithiru on their own.[3] When they returned to the Bridge Four barracks, they discovered the aftermath of Taravangian's plot to steal back Jezrien's Honorblade: Rock and Bisig were gravely injured, and Eth was dead. Huio, the best at field medicine present, attended to Rock until they could get him to Renarin.[8]


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It has yet to be reviewed.