Rysn Ftori

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Rysn Ftori
Profession Accountant,
Merchant (former)
Nationality Thaylen
Homeworld Roshar

Rysn is a young Thaylen woman on Roshar. She currently works in the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve, managing Queen Fen's personal finances. Previously she was an an apprentice merchant under her babsk, Vstim. She has a pet larkin whom she calls Chiri-Chiri.

Appearance and Personality

Rysn has the long, white eyebrows typical to the Thaylen, which she tucks behind her ears. She wears a glove on her safehand although she finds the practice of covering safehands a silly tradition resulting from Vorin cultural dominance. She usually prefers to wear vests over long-sleeved shirts and ankle-length skirts.[1]



I've heard of the grass. But it's just so odd.

—Rysn to Vstim[1]

Five months into her apprenticeship to Vstim, Rysn went to Shinovar with her babsk to trade Soulcast metal for chickens, cloths, and exotic dried meats. She found Shinovar very strange because of its ecology, lack of spren, and the Shin culture. After setting up an Alerter fabrial, they met with their contact Thresh-son-Esan. She was surprised to learn that soldiers are the lowliest of men among the Shin while farmers are lavished with attention and respect. Vstim and Thresh started bargaining, each one taking pains to explain how worthless their wares were, which Rysn found very uncharacteristic of her babsk. They eventually came to an agreement, and Vstim asked Rysn what she learned. She answered that the Shin are a humble people and remarked on their strange haggling style. Vstim told Rysn to get a pot of the Shin grass and care for it until she no longer found it odd, saying that would make her a better merchant.[1]

Reshi Isles

Despite what Rysn thought, the goods they bought from the Shin proved to be very profitable. This caused Rysn to name her pot of grass Tyvnk, meaning "sullen"--she refused to feel sullen over being wrong, so she let her grass be so. They eventually made their way to the Reshi Sea with a caravan of sixteen longboats laden with people and goods purchased cheaply in lands rimming the Purelake, guided by a Purelaker named Gu. Rysn acted as the trademaster because of Vstim's sickness.[2]

Rysn: "You will take the trade. You will trade with me."
Talik: "Oh? And what makes you say this?"
Rysn: "Because Relu-na approves of boldness."

―Rysn and Talik[2]
Rysn and Chiri-Chiri by Botanicaxu

Rysn was astonished to find out the "islands" that the Reshi lived on were the backs of greatshells called Tai-na, much to the amusement of her companions. Like in Shinovar, she found the locals to be primitives and was dismissive of them. Once they landed, Vstim told her that she would have to trade with the Reshi because his weakness would ruin the deal. He encouraged Rysn to be bold while dealing with the Reshi, for they would appreciate that. While Rysn, along with Kylrm and Nlent, was making her way to the meeting with the Reshi trademaster, she ran across people jumping from the top of the Tai'na into the sea. An Aimian named Axies the Collector, who was hanging upside down and tied by his feet to a shell nearby as a punishment for asking the king about the soul of his god, informed her that the Reshi did this as a sign of courage. They continued climbing all the way to the Tai-na's head to meet the King who, to the surprise of Rysn, was a woman. A man named Talik stepped forward and asked Rysn why Vstim was not attending. Rysn informed him she was authorized to handle the trade but Talik told her the deal was off. Rysn continued trying to convince Talik to take the deal, but he would not back down. Rysn, thinking the only way to gain the Reshi's respect was to show her boldness, jumped down from the head of the Tai-na, named Relu-na. Falling down, for a split second she saw the eye of Relu-na, then felt a rush of wind and crashed into the sea. She fell unconscious.[2]

They jump. To prove courage. I thought... I needed to be bold...

—Rysn to Vstim[2]

When she woke, Vstim told her that Relu-na had slowed her fall and saved her life. Rysn figured out that Talik was a former apprentice of Vstim, who wasn't as sick as he appeared to Rysn. He had set up the trade with the Reshi as a practice run for Rysn. Vstim told her she had both her legs shattere,d and he didn't know if she would walk again. He told her, however, that she would most definitely trade again, and that the other Reshi islands would line up to trade with them. He told her they had come to the island to trade for the corpse of a larkin. Rysn was also gifted with a live larkin by Relu-na.[2]

Thaylen City

This is my consequence—payment for a contract I entered into willingly the moment I climbed down the side of that greatshell.

—Rysn to Vstim[3]

Discouraged by a sense of uselessness that came with the paralysis of her legs, Rysn refused to continue traveling with Vstim after her apprenticeship was complete. Worried over the young girl's well-being, Vstim secured a distinguished position for Rysn at the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve, where she would manage Queen Fen's ledgers. Rysn took the job, leaving behind most vestiges of her former life besides her pot of Shin grass and her larkin, Chiri-Chiri. She excelled in her career, but did not enjoy it. When Renarin Kholin arrived in Thaylen City offering healing, Rysn approached the man hoping for a miracle. Her legs would not heal, however, and Rysn considered her plight a punishment for her brashness.[3]

On the day of the Battle of Thaylen Field, Rysn was preparing for an important auditor to visit when Vstim was brought into her office by a guard. Noting Rysn's apparent discontentment with her present situation, Vstim offered her the captain's cord to an expensive frigate--the Wandersail. Rysn declined the offer, though Vstim insisted that she take time to consider before revealing that he was the auditor. They proceeded with the audit--Rysn doing her part in opening the gemstone vault. She was carried by guards along to Vault Thirteen, which held the King's Drop. The party suddenly came under attack by one of the queen's guards, and Rysn was dropped to the ground. She pulled herself along the floor, tying the King’s Drop to her leg with the captain’s cord after the traitor dropped it while fighting with the other guards, and made her way towards the door--grabbing the crossbow of a fallen guard as she did. She tried to wield the crossbow when the traitor, a Fused, turned on her. Rysn was unable to cock the bow as she could not stand, so she tied the captains cord to the crossbow and her chair in a makeshift pulley. She watched as Chiri-Chiri fed on the Voidlight the Fused was holding, then shot the Voidbringer through the chin.[3]

Rysn was later found lying next to Vstim's injured body by Dalinar, after the Gemstone Reserve had come under further attack. She informed Dalinar that the enemy had stolen the King's Drop.[4]

Attributes and Abilities


Rysn is being trained as a merchant by her babsk, Vstim. She is a good observer of character, being able to guess the reasons for the way Vstim traded with Thresh for which Vstim lauded her wisdom.[1] She is determined while bargaining, perhaps too much so considering how she nearly crippled herself by jumping off the top of the Tai-na in the Reshi Sea.[2] Perhaps her biggest fault as a merchant is her prejudice against other nations and cultures. She constantly complains of being dragged to "backwater" places by her babsk and she usually considers cultural differences from the Thaylen that she sees in other people a sign of primitiveness. Vstim is trying to remedy her lack of an open mind by making Rysn care for plants and animals from the places they visit.


  • The writing process of one of Rysn's chapters in Words of Radiance were recorded and released as a series of YouTube videos.[5]


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