
Revision as of 16:17, 7 December 2020 by Truthwatch3r (talk | contribs) (Added detail from RoW 3)

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Profession Barmaid
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Ka is a barmaid who works at the Ornery Chull, a tavern in the Kholin warcamp on the Shattered Plains of Roshar during the Era of Solitude.[1] She later marries Peet and becomes a scribe for a squad of Windrunners.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Ka is a pretty darkeyed woman.[1]

Ka is good-natured, willing to tease and banter with the men of Bridge Four.[1] She seems to particularly enjoy poking fun at Rock, rolling her eyes at his attempts to flatter her. She gives them special attention at the tavern as well, serving them drinks at their table when others have to go to the bar to order. She and Peet are very close; he sometimes helps her clear tables while she is at work. She is at least somewhat well-educated, able to read the women's script.[3]


Ka moved to the Shattered Plains sometime after the Alethi highprinces swore the Vengeance Pact, beginning the War of Reckoning against the listeners. She began working at a tavern in the Kholin warcamp called the Ornery Chull.[1] Sometime after the Battle of the Tower, Ka began a relationship with Peet, a member of Bridge Four. Their relationship was serious, and by the end of 1173 seemed to be nearing the point of marriage. Peet often came to the tavern to see Ka, sometimes bringing his companions from Bridge Four. Ka became friendly with them, particularly with Rock, who she teased about his fondness for strong Horneater lagers.

The evening that Kaladin and Moash met with Graves and the other conspirators at the Ornery Chull, Ka brought them to a private table and served drinks to them, as well as Peet, Lopen, and Rock.[1] When Kaladin met her, he considered potentially using her as a scribe and clerk for Bridge Four. It is possible that Kaladin went through with this plan, as after transcriptions of Highprince Dalinar Kholin's visions became available, Kaladin resolved to have Ka read them to him.[3]

She and Peet had become engaged by the time Kaladin arrived back from his trip to Hearthstone. Sigzil reminded Kaladin to ask about family housing after bringing up their betrothal, as Bridge Four had not been assigned any family accommodations in Urithiru.[4]

After Shallan had opened her wedding present from Kaladin and Bridge Four, she thought Ka looked embarrassed by the gift.[5] Ka later became a scribe for, presumably, the Windrunner squad Peet belonged to. She accompanied the group who took the Fourth Bridge to Hearthstone to evacuate the town and ran a spanreed, acting as an intermediary between the Fourth Bridge and the group in Urithiru running the gemstone lattice that raised and lowered the flying ship.[2]



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