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This page or section contains spoilers for Words of Radiance!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
Heralds of the Almighty

The Heralds are servants of the Almighty worshiped in Vorinism. There are ten Heralds, and each is associated with one of the Ten Essences.

The Heralds wield the Honorblades, which are more powerful than Shardblades and will disappear (instead of materialize) when the wielder dies.[1]

The appearance of the Heralds is known to announce the coming of a Desolation. Between Desolations, the Heralds are trapped in an unknown place, apparently being tortured and/or fighting to keep the next from coming. If a Herald dies during a Desolation, they are sent back to this place, and if they survive, they are also supposed to go back.

Heralds are not Slivers.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content

Heralds of the Almighty


Also known as Jezerezeh in Vorinism, as well as the Stormfather. Also known as Yaezir, Kadasix of Kings in AzirCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content. He is associated with the number Jes, the essence Zephyr (Wind), and the attributes Protecting and Leading.


Also known as Nalan in Vorinism and Nin in the West, Nale is the Herald of Justice. He is associated with the number Nan, the essence Vapor, and the attributes Just and Confident.


She is often referred to by her nickname, Chana. Also known as Chanaranach in Vorinism. She is associated with the number Chach, the essence Spark, and the attributes Brave and Obedient.


Also known as Vedeledev in Vorinism. She is associated with the number Vev, the essence Lucentia (Light), and the attributes Loving and Healing.


Also known as Pailiah in Vorinism. Her nickname is Pali. She is associated with the number Palah, the essence pulp, and the attributes Learned and Giving.


Shalash is the Herald of Beauty. Her nickname is Ash. She is associated with the number Shash, the essence Blood, and the attributes Creativity and Honesty.


Also known as Battah in Vorinism. She is associated with the number Betab, the essence Tallow, and the attributes Wisdom and Care.


Also known as Kelek in Vorinism. He is associated with the number Kak, the essence Foil, and the attributes Resolute and Builder.


Also known as Talenelat in Vorinism, Talenel is the Herald of War. He has the nickname Taln. He is associated with the number Tanat, the essence Talus, and the attributes Dependable and Resourceful.


Also known as Ishi in Vorinism, Ishar is the Herald of Luck. He is associated with the number Ishi, the essence Sinew, and the attributes Pious and Guiding.


  1. Prelude to The Stormlight Archive
