First Dreams

Revision as of 18:18, 12 November 2020 by Extremepayne (talk | contribs) (Stargazer linked Rsyn above so I'll remove it down here)

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First Dreams
Type Ship
Captain Vazrmeb
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere

First Dreams is a ship on Roshar that sails to the island of Akinah in Aimia.[1]


The ship is captained by Vazrmeb and helmed by Droz. Vazrmeb hires a Soulcaster named Kaza to accompany them on the trip. The rest of the crew is made up of sailors hired in Steen. The cook is Reshi in appearance.[1] It is not clear if the ship is owned by Vazrmeb or if it was chartered.

Vazrmeb and Droz both seek gemhearts that they believe to be on the island. Kaza hopes to find a cure to her Soulcasting savanthood that is slowly killing her.[1]


After the scouring of Aimia, few people tried to approach Akinah due to exceptionally dangerous conditions in the area; the Sleepless also warned mankind against any attempts to travel there.[1] However, Vazrmeb and Droz were determined to become rich by retrieving gemhearts that they believed to be on the island. Vazrmeb somehow knew a few things about the perils of approaching Akinah, since he was aware that a Soulcaster would be needed to breach a wall of stone spikes that encircled the island.[1]

The ship departed from Liafor on the mainland and sailed north along the coast of Shinovar.[1] It then crossed the Aimian Sea, passing through an intense, unusual storm. Upon approaching Akinah, the crew boarded the ship's dinghies and Kaza was able to Soulcast holes in the spikes surrounding the island.[1] The crew suddenly started to drop dead, but Kaza managed to reach the shore. She saw a larkin and the remains of a lanceryn, including its gemheart. The cook revealed that she was Sleepless and that she poisoned the crew in order to protect a secret on the island. Kaza Soulcasted herself into smoke before succumbing to the poison.[1]

The ship was sabotaged and left to sink by one of the Sleepless obedient to Yelamaiszin.[2] Despite this sabotage, it didn't sink and was instead discovered by Captain Smta and her crew.[3] Yelamaiszin believed that Arclomedarian may have been responsible for the ship's unusual survival,[2] but Rysn thought that the person who tried to scuttle it simply wasn't aware of how hard it is to sink modern Thaylen ships.[4]

Yalb and some other sailors from Smta's crew inspected the ship and found no crew or ship's log. After it was affixed it with an extra sail, Yalb was tasked with sailing the vessel back to port in Thaylen City.[3][5][4] The ship underwent repairs there. Queen Navani Kholin decided to send out a request for another ship to sail to Akinah, to find out what happened to the ship and potentially secure the Oathgate.[5] Rysn then toured First Dreams to help her determine whether to take a Navani's offer.[4]


This page is probably complete!
This page contains most of the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
It has yet to be reviewed.