Order of Bondsmiths

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Order of Bondsmiths
Ishi glyph.svg
Herald Ishar
Spren Nightwatcher, Stormfather, Sibling
Surges Tension & Adhesion
Plate spren Unknown
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere

The Order of Bondsmiths is an order of the Knights Radiant on Roshar.[1]

The Bondsmiths are Surgebinders who use the Surges of Tension and Adhesion[2], and they are associated with the heliodor polestone. Adhesion gives the power known to Szeth as a "full lashing."[2] They form a Nahel Bond with one of three unique spren: the Stormfather, the Nightwatcher[3], and presumably the Sibling.[3] The exact nature of the Nahel Bond that Bondsmiths share with their specific spren is unclear; it may or may not be similar to other orders of the Knights Radiant.


While each order of Radiants contains a variety of personalities within it, those who join the Bondsmiths generally subscribe to a philosophy of peace and unity.[4] They seek unity at all levels, from unity the highprinces of a single kingdom in one purpose,[5] to uniting the kingdoms of the world in the face of the True Desolation.[6] This philosophy is reflected in their Ideals, which are generally themed around unity.[4] Bringing people together is their highest calling and this is their most important duty as Radiants. Among the other orders, the Bondsmiths are generally the most respected and celebrated of Radiants. The role of the Bondsmiths serve as the heart and soul of the Radiants makes them some of the most respected and celebrated of the Knights, making their protection and safety a paramount concern.

Ideals of the Bondsmiths

The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, also known as the Immortal Words, are a set of rules by which the Radiant lived. The First Ideal is shared by all of the orders, and is used as a motto for the Knights Radiant as a whole.[7] Each of the order then has an additional four Ideals that are unique to that order. The Ideals of the Order of Bondsmiths all focus on uniting people.[4] However, the uniqueness of the Bondsmith spren means that each individual's specific Ideals may take various forms depending on the spren they are bonding and the situation.

The First Ideal

Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

—The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant.[7]

The Second Ideal

I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together.

—The Second Ideal of the Bondsmiths, as sworn by Dalinar Kholin.[8]

The Third Ideal

I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.

—The Third Ideal of the Bondsmiths, as sworn by Dalinar Kholin.[9]

The main focus of this oath is about becoming a better person over time.[10]


No Radiant is capable of more than you. Yours is the power of Connection, of joining men and worlds, minds and souls. Your Surges are the greatest of all, though they will be impotent if you seek to wield them for mere battle.

The Bondsmiths have access to Tension, the Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection, and Adhesion, the Surge of Pressure and Vacuum. While they are capable of performing the same mundane abilities they share with their adjacent orders, the powers of the Bondsmiths are generally used in very different ways.[3] Their ability to manipulate Connection[3] gives them great influence over the nature of oaths, bonds, and power.[4] Their access to raw levels of Investiture is the greatest among the orders of Radiants.[11]


Full Lashing

Using the Full Lashing, a Surgebinder can pool Stormlight into an area. All objects that subsequently touch this area will be bonded to the object, sticking them there and hindering their movement. The bond ends when the Stormlight runs out.

Spiritual Adhesion

Using the Surge of Adhesion to manipulate spiritual, rather than purely physical forces, a Bondsmith can touch another person and forge a spiritual connection between them. This allows the Bondsmith to temporarily speak whatever languages this other person can speak. Whether the Surgebinder must remain physically close to this other person for the ability to be continually used or if it can transfer any other skill or knowledge is unknown. The power bears a great similarity to other applications of Connection such as duralumin Feruchemy on Scadrial.


The Tension Surge can be manipulated by the Surgebinder to alter the stiffness of an object.[2]

Other abilities

Spren and Shardblades

Each Bondsmith shares a Nahel bond with one of three unique spren: the Stormfather, the Nightwatcher[12], and an unnamed third who slumbers.[1][8][12] These spren are all sort of the same type,[13] but obviously have substantial differences between them as well. The sheer power of the various Bondsmith spren allows them to behave in ways that differ from the true spren bonded to other orders. The Bondsmith spren are more omnipresent and can be located great distances from their Radiants while still granting them powers and communicating, as they are much more widely Connected than other Radiant spren.[14] Bondsmiths typically do not have access to a Shardblade,[15] although it is possible to force their bonded spren into a shape of power that allows them to activate Oathgates.[16] However, like typical Radiant spren, Bondsmith spren are still vulnerable if their bonded Radiant betrays their oaths.[17]

Synergy with other Radiants

Another power unique to the Bondsmiths is their ability to work jointly with other Radiants to create effects that neither could manage independently. A Bondsmith has a unique interaction with the Radiants of each order,[18] and it may even be that the specifics of these joint abilities vary between each Bondsmith spren. When a joint power may be used, both Radiants feel a tugging or leaping sensation towards one another.[19] These joint powers only appear to be active when the Radiants are physically together, although there may be some way around this requirement.[20] It is uncertain where this power comes from, although it may be the Resonance of the Bondsmiths. Only one such specific synergy is known; the Stormfather's Bondsmith may work in tandem with a Lightweaver to create a three-dimensional projection of Roshar as it appeared to the Stormfather the last time a highstorm passed over the continent.[19] This map behaves like any other illusion that is created by a Lightweaver, its appearance may be altered[21] and it may collapse if the Radiant is distracted[21] or if the illusion is touched.[19]

Repairing inanimate objects

Bondsmiths may be able to feel and hear the cognitive aspects of certain broken objects around them. With some combination of physical effort, Tension and Adhesion, they can fix them. It has been suggested that this ability may have similarities to Progression-based healing - it is easier for users of Progression to heal those who are recently wounded, and it gets harder as the "soul" becomes accustomed to the wound. [22]


Historical Bondsmiths

This order was founded by the Herald Ishar during the cycle of Desolations, who also served as the order's patron.[3] The Bondsmiths along with the other orders helped in the fight each Desolation against the Voidbringers. As becoming a Bondsmith is contingent on convincing one of only three species of spren to bond with a person,[4] the Bondsmiths commonly had no more than three full members, making them the smallest of the orders.[1] Additionally, this number varied over the centuries and there have been times where there was only one Bondsmith.[23] That is not to say that there were no others who considered themselves to be Bondsmiths.[4] Bondsmiths could have squires themselves, although this may not have been the norm. Additionally, the Bondsmiths were surrounded by attendants and protectors, who were generally considered to be members of the order. Some even swore Bondsmith oaths as well, despite the fact that this would grant them no powers. Some considered this to be the purest form of Radiance, for the oaths were sworn for the love of the oaths themselves.[citation needed]

The Bondsmith's focus was generally on unity and peacemaking, presumably during and between Desolations.[4] Instead of using their powers in an active combat role,[3] they helped resolve disputes between nations and set up functioning governments in regions where none existed.[4] Bondsmiths also helped keep the peace between the various orders of Radiants, who often clashed and squabbled with one another.[24] The Bondsmiths persisted following Aharietiam, but their post-Desolation role is unclear. They likely continued to help in the struggles against the remaining singers.[25] By the time of the False Desolation, only one true Bondsmith, Melishi, was sworn to an unknown spren.[23] As a part of the plan to defeat Ba-Ado-Mishram, Melishi used his powers to imprison the Unmade in a Perfect gemstone,[26] and likely did the same to Re-Shephir.[27] The events of the Recreance followed shortly thereafter, and the fate of Melishi is uncertain. It is known however that the order of Bondsmiths was disbanded at this point.[28]


No known Bondsmiths were sworn for centuries, although the Stormfather was given the task in Honor's final days of choosing a new Bondsmith.[29] It is uncertain how often this happened, but by 1167 Gavilar Kholin had begun seeing visions[30] and had developed at least a tentative bond with the Stormfather.[31] This bond ended when the king was assassinated by Szeth on the orders of the listeners.[32] At some point in the intervening years, his brother Dalinar was chosen by the Stormfather and by 1173 he had begun receiving visions of his own.[33] At the start of 1174 he swore the first two Ideals and formally bonded the Stormfather.[8] Over the next several months Dalinar spent his time acting very similarly to historical Bondsmiths, uniting a coalition of monarchs against the Voidbringer threat, bringing together the Vorin monarchs with the Azish and their surrounding countries.[12] While there were some challenges to his authority,[12] Dalinar managed to successfully coordinate the defense of Thaylen City[34] by swearing the third Ideal and learning to open Honor's Perpendicularity[9] and trap Nergaoul using his Bondsmith abilities.[34]

Known Bondsmiths


But as for the Bondsmiths, they had members only three, which number was not uncommon for them; nor did they seek to increase this by great bounds, for during the times of Madasa, only one of their order was in continual accompaniment of Urithiru and its thrones. Their spren was understood to be specific, and to persuade them to grow to the magnitude of the other orders was seen as seditious.

So Melishi retired to his tent, and resolved to destroy the Voidbringers upon the next day, but that night did present a different stratagem, related to the unique abilities of the Bondsmiths; and being hurried, he could make no specific account of his process; it was related to the very nature of the Heralds and their divine duties, an attribute the Bondsmiths alone could address.

Theories and Speculation

This page or section deals with theories or speculation.
Please read carefully and note that this is not necessarily canonical.
Destruction of the singers

We are uncertain the effects this will have on the parsh. At the very least, it should deny them forms of power. Melishi is confident, but Naze-daughter-Kuzodo warns of unintended side effects.

—Drawer 30-20, fifth emerald[36]

It is possible that a Bondsmith's powers are responsible for the act that robbed nearly every singer of their minds.[35] During the False Desolation a strike team of Radiants attacked the Unmade Ba-Ado-Mishram, who had Connected with the singers centuries after Aharietiam. The Bondsmith Melishi's goal was to use his abilities to imprison Ba-Ado-Mishram within a perfect gem to deny the enemy forms of power and Voidlight.[26] This attack was apparently successful at imprisoning the Unmade,[37] but perhaps inadvertently[36] the singers Connected to the Unmade had a piece of their soul ripped out, rendering them into the servile parshmen.[38]

Nature of Bondsmith spren

Are there others, though? Spren like you, or the Nightwatcher? Spren that are shadows of gods?

—Dalinar Kholin to the Stormfather[12]

As Bondsmith spren have been described as shadows of gods, some hold that these spren are in some way be directly related to or associated with the Shards worshiped as gods on Roshar. This might explain why Bondsmiths are said to only bond specific spren, and also why there is a maximum total of three Bondsmiths at any given time, due to the the three Shards relevant to Roshar. Indeed the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher are Bondsmith spren[12] that are associated with Honor[39] and Cultivation[40] respectively. It has been suggested that the third Bondsmith spren may be the mysterious Sibling,[12] but even still the nature of this unknown spren remains unclear. As Odium is the third Shard with significant influence on Roshar, it is possible that this third Bondsmith spren is associated with Odium in some way, even perhaps symbolically. However the concept of a Bondsmith that represents or is related to the enemy of the Knights Radiant is somewhat self-contradictory. Alternatively, it may be a spren that represents a balance between Honor and Cultivation.


  1. a b c d Words of Radiance chapter 44 epigraph#
  2. a b c Words of Radiance Ars Arcanum#
  3. a b c d e f g Oathbringer chapter 64#
  4. a b c d e f g h The Ten Orders of Knights Radiant
    Arcanum - 2020-06-09#
  5. The Way of Kings chapter 69#
  6. Oathbringer chapter 1#
  7. a b The Way of Kings chapter 59#
  8. a b c d Words of Radiance chapter 89#
  9. a b Oathbringer chapter 119#
  10. ICon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-16#
  11. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-19#
  12. a b c d e f g Oathbringer chapter 111#
  13. General Reddit 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-03-03#
  14. Shadows of Self San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-09#
  15. Leipzig Book Fair
    Arcanum - 2017-03-24#
  16. Oathbringer chapter 100#
  17. Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-21#
  18. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-19#
  19. a b c Oathbringer chapter 8#
  20. Oathbringer chapter 27#
  21. a b Oathbringer chapter 122#
  22. Oathbringer chapter 59#
  23. a b Oathbringer chapter 79 epigraph#
  24. Oathbringer chapter 67 epigraph#
  25. Oathbringer chapter 56#
  26. a b Oathbringer chapter 80 epigraph#
  27. Oathbringer chapter 30#
  28. Words of Radiance chapter 41 epigraph#
  29. Oathbringer chapter 28#
  30. Words of Radiance interlude I-14#
  31. Arcanum Unbounded Hoboken signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-03#
  32. The Way of Kings prologue#
  33. The Way of Kings chapter 12#
  34. a b Oathbringer chapter 120#
  35. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 58 epigraph#
  36. a b Oathbringer chapter 81 epigraph#
  37. Oathbringer prologue#
  38. Oathbringer chapter 17#
  39. Oathbringer chapter 108#
  40. Oathbringer chapter 114#
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