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Fused monochrome.jpg
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere

They are the spren of Parshmen long dead. They are their kings, their lighteyes, their valiant soldiers from long, long ago. The process is not easy on them. Some of these spren are mere forces now, animalistic, fragments of minds given power by Odium. Others are more … awake. Each rebirth further injures their minds.

They are reborn using the bodies of Parshmen to become the Fused.

The Fused are ancient singers who survived their death and are able to possess living singers during the Form bonding in the Everstorm. They are the highest authority in the singer society. They have powers similar to Surgebinding, although they have only nine Orders rather than ten.

Life Cycle

Fused exist almost like spren until they Bond with a singer. This Bonding is different from a normal bond and apparently obliterates the original mind of the singers that they inhabit. Each singer has a Gemheart; this is where a Fused exists inside the singer. When the singer inhabited by a Fused dies, the Fused returns to the Cognitive Realm. In the past they were returned to the prison on Braize; now each passing of the Everstorm allows the Fused to bond with a new singer. A singer can resist the bond with a Fused.[2] Due to their Invested nature, Fused do not require a spren to maintain a form and full sapience.[3] Every time a Fused returns they further injure their minds.[1]


by Jemma M. Young
A Fused with the power of Gravitation

The Fused use powers in ways similar to the Knights Radiant, but with a few notable differences. Like all Surgebinders, the Fused gain their abilities through manipulation of Roshar's fundamental forces, the Surges, though unlike them, each one of the Fused's nine forms only grants access to a single Surge. It is unknown whether a specific Fused can change forms (and thus, powers) during their current incarnation, nor is it clear whether they can change forms between rebirths, when they posses a new singer body. The only Fused whose death and rebirth has been shown so far, Lady Leshwi, has retained her control over the Surge of Gravitation.

Another difference between the Fused and the Surgebinders lies in the fuel they use to power their abilities. Where Surgebinders use Stormlight, the Fused rely on Voidlight - Investiture that does not appear to require a physical conduit, like gemstones, but instead can be directly supplied to the user. Voidlight does not provide the same healing abilities as Stormlight, however, it appears other healing methods may be accessible to those using Voidlight.[4][5]

Some Fused can manipulate their carapace to form tools, weapons, and armor, hinting to the existence of other powers and abilities.[6] it may that this is a manifestation of the Surge of Progression, as this Fused was shown to heal extremely quickly, more-so than other Fused.


Fused who can manipulate the Surge of Gravitation do so very similarly to how the Order of the Windrunners makes use of the Basic Lashing. Fused of this form are often seen manipulating the gravitation vector of both themselves and other bodies and objects, resulting in abilities such as flight, reduced weight, and sending their enemies flying off into the air. The Fused accelerate slower than Surgebinders when using Gravitation.[7] This is due to them expending less energy and does not have to do with the gravity of Braize.[8] Over a large span, Fused will go faster than Surgebinders.[9]


Fused who interact with the Surge of Illumination appear to mimic the Lightweavers' ability to change their own appearance by creating illusions.[5]


Fused who control the Surge of Abrasion have the ability to change the force of friction between objects and bodies, similar to Edgedancers.

Known Fused


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