Meridas Amaram

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Meridas Amaram
Abilities Shardbearer
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
This page or section contains spoilers for Words of Radiance!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.

You can't begin to understand the weights I carry, spearman. I can't worry about the lives of a few darkeyed spearmen when thousands of people may be saved by my decision.

—Amaram after killing Kaladin's men and taking his Shards.[1]

Brightlord Meridas Amaram is a lighteyes General for Sadeas princedom in Alethkar on Roshar.[2]

Head of defense in northern Alethkar

He is a highmarshal in service of Highprince Torol Sadeas,[3] and has to watch over northern Alethkar while his highprince fights in the Vengeance Pact on the Shattered Plains. Because of the continuous skirmishes at Alethkar's borders he is in permanent need of new soldiers. Eventually he comes through Hearthstone for recruitment. Hearthstone's citylord Roshone -- apparently Amaram's distant cousin -- commits Tien to be a recruit, which results in Kaladin volunteering for service in order to protect Tien; though Amaram promises Lirin to stint Tien's duty to be a messenger boy.[2] Amaram doesn't keep his promise, and Tien dies in his very first battle,[4] leaving Kaladin in a bitter grief.

Shardplate and Shardblade

Years later, shortly before the four years tour of Kaladin's duty ended, an unidentified Veden Shardbearer (later revealed to be Helaran Davar) attacks Amaram during one of these border skirmishes. Kaladin fights and kills this Shardbearer, but refuses to claim his Shards and gives the the Shardplate and Shardblade to his men.[5] Amaram, however, kills the survivors of Kaladin's squad before his eyes and take the Shardplate and Shardblade for himself. He tells Kaladin that, as a mercy, he will not kill him but brand him as slave and sell him, claiming Kaladin was a deserter.[1]

When Kaladin is a bridgeman in Sadeas's warcamp rumors say that "Amaram the Shardbearer" is on his way to the Shattered Plains.[6]

'Were you with him when he won his Shards?' 'No,' Kaladin said softly. 'Nobody was.'

—Kaladin's answer to Skar's question[6]

Honor is Dead

During Adolin's duel with Elit Ruthar, Relis Ruthar, Abrobadar and Jakamav, Highprince Dalinar requests that Amaram step in to help Adolin and Renarin, but Amaram does nothing, ignoring his friend's son in need. Kaladin proceeds to jump in and assist.

After the fight is won, Kaladin uses his boon to accuse and challenge Amaram to a duel. Elhokar demands Kaladin be executed for his insult.[7]


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