
Revision as of 21:57, 14 March 2024 by Stargazer (talk | contribs)

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This page or section needs to be updated with new information for Rhythm of War!
Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.
Abilities Splinter of Odium
Titles The Envoy
Species Voidspren
Homeworld Braize
Universe Cosmere

Our leaders know exactly what they’re doing. Them I obey. But I am the one who escaped, the spren of redemption. I don’t have to listen to you.

— Ulim to Venli[1]

Ulim is a Voidspren who worked with Venli to bring about the Everstorm and the True Desolation. Among the Fused he is known as the Envoy for his role in ushering their Return.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Ulim appears in a red, human form. Venli describes his eyes as odd, suggesting a Shin ethnicity, or possibly non-Rosharan. He has long hair that ripples as if being blown by wind, and his size is typically small enough to fit on the palm of a hand. When particularly passionate, his form seems to electrify. When moving across surfaces, Ulim appears as rolling lightning. He can move through the air in a sudden bolt of lightning but seems to require a surface of some kind to rest on.[1] Ulim can render himself invisible at will, and used that capability to hide from most Listeners for years.[3]

Ulim often speaks with an arrogant, spiteful attitude marked by human mannerisms, as noted by Hariel.[2] He has little compassion or respect for the listeners, despite having worked closely with Venli for many years. He addresses them as children, mocks their war against the Alethi, and treats Venli's mourning over the loss of Eshonai with derision.[1] In contrast, Ulim speaks with deference when in the presence of the Fused, for whom he has great fear and respect.[1][2]


Well, do you want to guess how long we’ve been fighting this war? Go ahead. Guess. I’m waiting.

—Ulim to Venli[1]

Ulim had a history with the Herald Nale, although they were not friends. Ulim appeared to be somewhat fearful of Nale, to the point that he stopped talking when Nale told him to quiet.[4]

Ulim somehow managed to escape from Braize to Roshar. Over eight years prior to the Fused capture of Urithiru, Ulim met Venli while she was trying to discover new forms for her people.[5] Venli received a gemstone from Axindweth which contained him.[6] He convinced her that they should work together to bring about the return of her people's gods.[2] The pair collaborated secretly to capture stormspren and make the discovery of stormform. Though Venli took credit for the research, Ulim was primarily responsible for the work performed.[7]

After the summoning of the Everstorm, Ulim revealed himself to the surviving listeners and became somewhat of a leader to them. He directed Venli and others to search in the chasms for Eshonai's body in order to claim her Shardblade and Shardplate before pressing them to meet up with the Fused.[1] He instructed Venli, Demid, and seven other listeners on how to prepare themselves to be taken by the souls of the Fused at the coming of an Everstorm.[2]


This article is still missing information. Please help The Coppermind by expanding it.
This article was complete and reviewed prior to Rhythm of War, but now needs to be updated.