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Children Vai
Died Siege of Kholinar ? 1174[1]
Species Singer
Homeworld Roshar

Sah is a singer freed from a village near Hearthstone when the Everstorm first passed. He had a mate, who was sold away, and a daughter, Vai.[2] He captures Kaladin when the Radiant first surrendered to the singers, and died during the Siege of Kholinar.[3][1]

Appearance and Personality

Sah has red on white marbled skin, like most singers from Alethkar. He usually wears workform, with hair strands and dark red beard strands.[4] He is introspective but also deeply angry at humanity for keeping himself and his people enslaved, as well as scared they will take away his newfound freedom again.[2][3]


Sah was a household slave at a brightlord's manor somewhere in Sadeas princedom in Alethkar,[3] within a few days journey from Hearthstone.[5] His job included serving drinks at dinner.[3] He had a mate, but she was taken from him and sold to be a breeder when she gave birth to his daughter, Vai.

I have spent my entire life living in a fog, every day knowing I should say something, do something to stop this! Every night clutching my daughter, wondering why the world seems to move around us in the light--while we are trapped in shadows. They sold her mother. Sold her. Because she had birthed a healthy child, which made her good breeding stock.

Do you understand that, human? Do you understand watching your family be torn apart, and knowing you should object—knowing deep in your soul that something is profoundly wrong? Can you know that feeling of being unable to say a single storming word to stop it?
They may have taken your freedom, but they took our minds.

— Sah to Kaladin[2]

He escaped along with his daughter during the Everstorm, when his [[Connection] and Identity were restored and he was freed from slaveform. He joined a group led by the singer Khen and the voidspren Yixli. They traveled to Revolar by the guidance of Yixli,[6] and captured Kaladin along the way.[4] Kaladin frees himself from his bonds but stayed with the group and taught them how to survive while on the run and formed a particular friendship with Sah.[3]

After Kaladin left, Sah's group was blamed for harboring a spy, enslaved with the humans,[7] and put to work hauling lumber.[8] Sah was angry over their treatment, including his daughter being taken away, but didn't know what to do about it when Khen berated him.[7] Moash, captured by the Fused, defended Sah and his group from overzealous overseers. Later, he taught them how to fight, for as part of their punishment they would be among the first to assault Kholinar.[8][7]

At the Siege of Kholinar, Sah and his group of singers assaulted the palace, where he and Kaladin recognized one another. In the ensuing melee, Sah killed Beard a member of the Kholinar Wall Guard, and was killed by Noro in turn.[9]


He had a mate which was taken from him, and who bore him a daughter, Vai. He joins Khen's group on the journey to Revolar and is enslaved with them when the group is blamed for bringing Kaladin.


I don't have traditions, Or society. But still, my 'freedom' is that of a leaf. Dropped from the tree, I just blow on the wind and pretend I'm in charge of my destiny.

— Sah[2]


This page is probably complete!
This page contains most of the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
It has yet to be reviewed.