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Child of Peace by Vladora.png
Parents Lirin, Hesina
Siblings Kaladin, Tien
Relatives Aesudan,[1] Gavinor
Born 1172 or 1173[2]
Birthplace Hearthstone
Residence Hearthstone (former), Urithiru
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Oroden is an Alethi toddler on Roshar. He is the youngest child of Lirin and Hesina and Kaladin's baby brother.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Oroden seems to be a happy child. He takes quickly to both Kaladin and Rlain, and enjoys playing with toys.[3][4]



Oroden was born in Hearthstone in late 1172 or early 1173, around three years after his older brothers Kaladin and Tien left home to serve in the Alethi armies. Hesina was around forty years old when she gave birth to Oroden. His name means 'child of peace'.[2]

Kaladin had very little contact with his parents after leaving home; by the time Oroden was born, they thought Kaladin was dead.[5] He learned of Oroden's existence when he returned to Hearthstone in early 1175. Although he was somewhat shocked by his aging parents having another child, Kaladin wept upon meeting his brother, who was around a year old at the time.[2]

Oroden, along with the rest of the people of Hearthstone, sheltered in Roshone's manor when the Everstorm hit Hearthstone during the True Desolation.[2]

Having his height measured by Hesina


Oroden remained in Hearthstone as it was occupied by singer forces, but he and the rest of the town were soon evacuated to Urithiru on the Fourth Bridge.[6] In Urithiru, he lived on the sixth floor with his parents. His crib was in a small room that was more like a closet. He and Kaladin started to become closer, and they sometimes played together.[6][3] Sylphrena always made herself visible to Oroden, and would entertain him by shapeshifting into different animals.[6] Laral and her governess sometimes watched Oroden alongside Laral's children.[7]

When Urithiru was assaulted by Odium's forces, Oroden was initially taken care of by a 'village girl', presumably from Hearthstone.[8] Oroden was present when soldiers came to take fallen Radiants from Lirin's care into custody. After Kaladin killed a Regal in protection of Teft, Oroden was heard crying, likely because the nearby commotion disturbed his sleep.[4]

Lirin, Hesina, and Oroden were subsequently imprisoned in the clinic, held by Lezian's guards, and later by Leshwi's after Venli intervened.[9] Rlain made sure to ask after Oroden when he learned of Venli's actions.[10] Venli was able to get Rlain assigned to the clinic, and he quickly developed a rapport with the family, including Oroden.[11][12] The family stayed together when Lirin and Hesina began looking after the fallen Radiants.[12]

When Moash came to the clinic to set a trap for Kaladin, he had Oroden, Lirin, and Hesina bound and gagged.[13] After his plans were interrupted by Teft and Lift, Moash focused on Lirin, telling Lezian to kill him if needed in order to agitate Kaladin; Lirin was moved to a different part of the tower.[14] Oroden and Hesina remained in the infirmary and were present during a skirmish involving singers loyal to Lezian fighting a group of humans and some singers loyal to Leshwi. Hesina survived the ordeal shaken but unharmed, and Oroden presumably did as well.[15]


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Big Smooth (talk) 17:25, 16 February 2024 (UTC)