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Helaran Davar
House Davar
Parents Lin, mother
Siblings Balat, Wikim, Jushu, Shallan
Died Ishi 1172
Abilities Shardbearer
Nationality Veden
Homeworld Roshar

Helaran Davar is a Veden Shardbearer[1] on Roshar. Helaran is the oldest child of House Davar, with four younger siblings: Balat, Wikim, Jushu, and Shallan. Originally known as Nan Helaran Davar, identifying him as the first son and heir of House Davar, he is stripped of the title Nan when his father disowns him.

Appearance and Personality

Helaran is tall, muscular, and square-chinned, although his father is taller than he is.[1]

Of all the Davar children, he is considered to be the most responsible and the only true adult, even after his younger brother Balat comes of age. Along with Shallan, Helaran was one of his father's favorite children.[2]

Helaran is resentful and angry at his father, who he believes murdered his mother and her lover in cold blood.


Around 1168 or shortly before, Helaran acquires a Shardblade from an unnamed group.[1]

Later that year, he visits Shallan and brings her sketching tools from Northgrip as a present. He had also given Balat a new axehound pup, but Balat had abused and possibly killed it. During the visit, he tells Shallan and his father that he must leave to attend to affairs, but his father disagrees and confronts him. Helaran summons his Shardblade, threatens his father, and leaves, but promises to return and check on the family.[1]

After this confrontation with his father he would visit the Davar estate sporadically and for short visits, bringing Shallan more drawing supplies but avoiding his father.[2]

Of all the Davar children, he knows the most about his father's secrets and plans and stands up to him the most. He has some connection to Wit, whom he asks to deliver the message that "he has eyes nearby and is watching." At hearing this, his father declares him disinherited.[3] He vanishes before Shallan's father's death, causing his father to proclaim him dead.[4]

In 1172, he appears on a battlefield in Alethkar with a full set of Shards. Helaran's goal is to kill Highlord Meridas Amaram, but he is killed by Kaladin during the battle. Although it is Kaladin's right to claim Helaran's Shards, Amaram betrays Kaladin and claims the shards instead.[5][6][7][8].

Helarans grin was so wide, it practically glowed.It was hard to frown in a room where he was smiling ---

Shallans thoughts on her brother.[1]


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