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Vedel Endpage.jpg
Abilities Cognitive Shadow, Shardbearer (formerly)
Titles Herald of the Almighty, Patron of the Edgedancers
Aliases Vedeledev
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Vedel, also known as Vedeledev in Vorinism, is one of the ten Heralds of the Almighty on Roshar, and the patron Herald of the Order of Edgedancers.[1] Like the other Heralds, Vedel protected mankind during the Cycle of Desolations.

Appearance and Personality

Vedel would appear as Alethi to modern Rosharans.[2]


An image of Vedel by Isaac Stewart

Vedel was born on Ashyn and made the trip to Roshar during the Expulsion.[3] She was sort of queen, scholar, or general at the time of the creation of the Fused. She, along with the other Heralds, approached Honor and formed the Oathpact. She suffered torture on Braize and broke at least once, starting a Desolation.[4] She would train surgeons in anticipation of the incoming Desolation, [5] and it's likely she was the one to teach surgeons to always wash their hands.[6] The Honorblade she fought with gave her the Surges of Abrasion and Progression. Once the Knights Radiant formed, she admitted patronage of the Order of Edgedancers. At the time of the Last Desolation, Vedel decided with the other Heralds to give up the Oathpact and leave Taln alone on Braize.[4] It is not known where she went or what she's been doing during the Era of Solitude.

Attributes and Abilities

Vedel is most likely a capable swordswoman and Surgebinder. Her Honorblade gives her access to Abrasion and Progression. As a Herald, Vedel is a Cognitive Shadow and ages differently from other humans.[7] She has medical knowledge and trains new surgeons before a Desolation.[8]


Like all the Heralds, Vedel's name has become part of culture. A Kharbranthian oath swearing by Vedeledev's golden keys is used to express astonishment.[9] The name shortens to vev, is used to denote the number four, and is often found in dates such as Vevevev , the fourth day of the fourth week of the fourth month. It is also used as an expression.[10]

Within the context of the Ten Essences Vedel is traditionally associated with the Loving and Healing Divine Attributes[11], the diamond gemstone, and the essence of lucentia.



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