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Moash portrait.png
Abilities Shardbearer
Groups Bridge Four
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
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Moash is an Alethi Shardbearer on Roshar. Originally a bridgeman in Bridge Four,[1] he becomes a soldier and bodyguard under Kaladin's transformation of Bridge Four. He becomes such a talented spearman that he rises first to become one of Kaladin's subsquad commanders, later to lieutenant of all the bridgemen, and is eventually gifted a full set of Shards by Kaladin.[2] Moash eventually betrays Bridge Four and Kaladin, abandoning his duties in an attempt to assassinate King Elhokar.

Appearance and Personality

Moash is a lean Alethi and a strong, hawk-faced man.[1][3] He has brown eyes, which turn to light tan after he receives a full set of Shards.[citation needed]

He is also mentioned to be a narrow-faced man with dark green eyes and brown hair specked with black.[2]


Moash joined the war assuming he would be made a spearman but ended up in Bridge Four.[4] When Bridge Four started training down in the chasms, Moash was one of the first who changed into a fighting man.[5] Later, on the bridgerun where Dunny died, Moash probably saved Kaladin's life by keeping him from reaching Dunny's body and later told Kaladin that he was wrong about him.[6]

Moash's grandparents, the only family he ever knew, died in a dungeon in Kholinar in what is called the Roshone Affair by Dalinar Kholin. Moash blames Elhokar Kholin, the king of Alethkar, for their death.[7]

When Adolin tries to give Kaladin the gift of Shardblade and Shardplate, Kaladin instead gives it to Moash, instantly making him a lighteyes in rank[8], and his eyes do start to lighten[8], though he doesn't consider himself one.

Moash becomes involved in a plot with Graves to assassinate Elhokar Kholin, which is ultimately thwarted by Kaladin. Moash takes the sword and plate with him when he flees the war camps with Graves after their failed attempt, and considers himself a traitor for having tried to kill Kaladin. Graves takes Moash to meet the Diagram.[9]


  • Though Moash's name is similar to Moshe Feder (Brandon's editor) it is not actually a cameo.[10]
  • Moash's eye color is initially (and erroneously) written as dark green in The Way of Kings. In Words of Radiance, his eyes are said to be brown. Peter Ahlstrom has confirmed that Moash's eyes are brown and that the first book is incorrect.[11]


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