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Type Shardblade
World of Origin Roshar
This page or section contains spoilers for Oathbringer!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.

This Blade would continue after Adolin died. He didn’t own it. He was borrowing it for a time.

—Words of Radiance[1]

Mayalaran is a deadeye spren who was bonded to an Edgedancer before the Recreance.[2] She is currently the Shardblade of Adolin Kholin, who nicknames her Maya.[3]


Adolin in Shardplate holding MayalaranShardblade.

Maya's appearance in Shadesmar is that of a woman[4][5][6] with scratched out eyes[4][6], though the appearance of this is similar to a painting with the features scratched out and not simply empty sockets.[5] She also has features that seem to be made of ashen brown cords the thickness of hair,[4] giving the appearance of rough cloth[5], string[7] or brown vines[8]. She is described while attacking as having long nails.[8]

In the Physical Realm she appears as a Shardblade. The blade itself is shaped like a larger version of a standard longsword and bears some resemblance to the enormous two handed broadswords traditionally wielded by Horneaters. The cutting edge is smooth and sinuous, like an eel, while the back has ridges of crystal.[9]. When summoned, the mist it forms from is in the shape of vines.[2]


Not much is known about Mayalaran's personality. Her face is void of emotion at all times[7][8] and she mostly communicates via screeching.[5][8] She always follows Adolin unless prevented, though this is probably because he bonded her. However she did, of her own volition, protect him from a Fused. During the Battle of Thaylen City, after Adolin talks to her, she tells him her name but no more than that and even appears in his hand in seven heartbeats instead of the usual ten.[3] This indicates at least some level of deeper connection to Adolin.


The Recreance

Mayalaran was killed by her bonded Edgedancer when they abandoned the oath that bound them, believing the Nahel Bond would bring about the destruction of Roshar the way it had humanity's homeworld.[10]

At a point before the War of Reckoning Adolin dueled a lighteyes named Tinalar. Against everyone's expectations he won the duel and secured Mayalaran as his own. At the time her name was unknown to anyone living, and believing it to be pretentious to give her one that wasn't her's Adolin left her unnamed. [9]

The War of Reckoning (1167-1174)

Adolin often speaks to Mayalaran and imagines that she listens to him. He believes that something that feels like an extension of the soul itself is impossible to wield without feeling as though it too is alive.[9]

Mayalaran was one of the shards placed on the line in Adolin and Dalinar's dueling campaign to disarm the Shardbearers of the Highprinces[11]. The most important duel of these duels being the one against Relis, Elit, Abrobadar and Jakamav[12][13]. She was also present at many battles, including the Battle of the Tower[14][15] and the Battle of Narak[16][17][18][19].

The True Desolation (1174-)

Adolin talks with Mayalaran before he Kaladin, Shallan and Elhokar storm the palace at Kholinar. He acknowledges that she is a dead spren and that he is sorry there is nothing he can do to fix it. He thanks her for all the years they've fought together and promises to try and use her only to do good.[20]

Mayalaran and Adolin met for the first time when he crossed over into Shadesmar[4][5] with Shallan, Kaladin, Vivenna, Pattern and Sylphrena from the corrupted Oathgate in Kholinar.[21] Pattern informs them all that Mayalaran is quite dead. Usually she will trail after Adolin but otherwise remain motionless[5][6] and to go elsewhere must be lead by the hand.[22]

When travelling with the Reachers Mayalaran is locked in a small room in the cargo hold by Captain Ico who calls her a deadeye. He tells Adolin that deadeyes do not watch where they're going and he couldn't have her on deck. Ico tells Adolin that he should not pretend that Mayalaran is his friend, that she is only a tool to him.[7]

At the Thaylen City Oathgate in Shadesmar Mayalaran protects Adolin from one of the Fused without prompting. She is stabbed through with a sword but doesn't react beyond screeching.[8] Later, once they make it into Thaylen City, she and Adolin face the Thunderclast. Adolin believes she was made to fight them, being overly long for dueling, and that she wants to fight the Thunderclast because it reminds her of when she was alive. In response she tells him her name.[3] During their fight Adolin is able to summon her with only seven heartbeats after he pleads with her to appear before the Thunderclast catches him.[3]


  1. Words of Radiance chapter 89#
  2. a b Does this mean that the Radiant that the blade was originally bonded to was an Edgedancer?
    17th Shard forums - 2 February 2015#
  3. a b c d Oathbringer chapter 120#
  4. a b c d Oathbringer chapter 87#
  5. a b c d e f Oathbringer chapter 89#
  6. a b c Oathbringer chapter 93#
  7. a b c Oathbringer chapter 101#
  8. a b c d e Oathbringer chapter 117#
  9. a b c Words of Radiance chapter 14#
  10. Oathbringer chapter 113#
  11. Words of Radiance chapter 5#
  12. Words of Radiance chapter 56#
  13. Words of Radiance chapter 57#
  14. The Way of Kings chapter 66#
  15. The Way of Kings chapter 67#
  16. Words of Radiance chapter 81#
  17. Words of Radiance chapter 82#
  18. Words of Radiance chapter 83#
  19. Words of Radiance chapter 84#
  20. Oathbringer chapter 83#
  21. Oathbringer chapter 85#
  22. Oathbringer chapter 102#
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