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The Pursuer by rspixart.png
Died 1175, killed by El[1]
Abilities Fused
Titles The Pursuer
Species Singer
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere
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Lezian, The Pursuer is one of the nex-im, a rare Fused brand which has access to the Surge of Transportation.[2]

Appearance and Personality


Lezian is described as being easily seven feet tall. He has hair the color of dried blood, and it seems to meld into his clothing, which is woven out of his hair. His skin is pure black, with lines of red marbling around his softly glowing red eyes. He also has a markedly wicked-looking jagged carapace, with a strange pair of carapace fins/horns rising above his ears.[3]

It is unknown which of these characteristics (other than his skin color and patterning) are uniquely his, over being shared with other nex-im.


Lezian - like many of the Fused - prefers not to speak Alethi (or any other modern human language) though he is proficient enough to be able to understand and speak it if he wants/needs to.[3]

Leshwi notes that while he is respected for his determination, he is also reckless, having endangered plans and ruined many missions.[2]

Attributes and Abilities


As one of the nex-im, Lezian has access to the Surge of Transportation. This allows him to leave his body behind and shoot out of it as a spren-like flying ribbon of red-violet light, which can then expand to re-form a new body elsewhere. The old body collapses as if it was a dead corpse, and disintegrates into ash within minutes.[4] This effectively allows Lezian to teleport, using the ribbon of light to transfer between locations. Lezian can do four such "jumps" before completely running out of voidlight, and typically uses three of them in battle, using the fourth to retreat and resupply.[4]

Once Lezian leaves a body, the "corpse" that he leaves behind starts turning dry and fragile, with colors fading. The flesh turns to a light and porous stone, and the whole body (including the carapace) disintegrates into ash soon after.[4]

Combat Skills

Lezian uses a fighting style based around forms of grappling, and is extremely proficient at fighting Surgebinders. He can break off his sharp and jagged carapace spurs to use as improvised daggers.[4]


Previous Desolations

Lezian was the first Fused to have ever been killed by a human. To avoid the shame that came from this, he started a tradition of hunting down those that had previously killed him and claiming their life, which leads into him being given the title "The Pursuer".[2][5] He was so dedicated to this that he would even kill himself once the Heralds returned to Braize, to avoid being killed by a human he couldn't later Pursue.

The True Desolation

Lezian first appears at Hearthstone in 1175, just before the Knights Radiant and the forces of the Coalition land the Fourth Bridge there in an effort to evacuate the village.[3] Lezian is leading a small squad of Warforms, and appears to be looking for a radiant spy, which turns out to be Kaladin, who had been spotted while he flew ahead.[3]

Lezian engages Kaladin immediately, and his novel powerset and his brutal and expert fighting style give Kaladin a hard time.[4]

The two fought, and eventually Lezian retreated, warning Kaladin to watch for him.[4] Later, the Pursuer reappears and Kaladin confronts him. He then used a Voidlight fabrial that suppressed Kaladin's powers. Lezian laughs and says that Kaladin relies too much on his powers in combat, but Kaladin attacks anyway, and kills the Pursuer, becoming Lezian's next target.[6] Kaladin fought the Pursuer multiple times during Raboniel's occupation of Urithiru, ultimately killing him again just prior to the restoration of the Sibling and naming him "Defeated One". When Lezian returns after this death, El annihilates him with a dagger charged with anti-Voidlight in order to test whether the inverse Light functions as Raboniel theorized. It does, and Lezian permanently dies.[1]


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