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Shallan's Sketchbook - Peakspren.jpg
Type Spren
Abilities Nahel bond, Stoneward magic, Splinters
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Peakspren are a subset of spren that exist on Roshar. They are capable of forming a Nahel Bond, granting people the abilities of the Order of Stonewards.[1]


Peakspren share some culture, speech patterns, and mannerisms with the Unkalaki[2], though they do have different nations in Shadesmar, such as the Kasiden peakspren.[1]

Known Peakspren


Ua'pam is a Peakspren bonded to Zu. [1]


Unativi is Ua'pam's cousin, and the captain of the barge that takes Shallan, Adolin, and their party from Urithiru to Nameless.[3]


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