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Groups Unmade
Species Spren
Homeworld Roshar

Nergaoul is an Unmade involved with the Thrill.[1] It is described as an "ancient, evil spren" in Taravangian's internal monologue.[2]

Appearance and Behavior

When visible in the Physical Realm, Nergaoul appears in the form of red mist. The mist would often form images of battle, of soldiers fighting and dying, among other things.[3][4] However Nergaoul can affect people even without being in this visible state, and his influence can be felt in an area big enough to span nations.

The Thrill

The Thrill is the term used to describe the effect of Nergaoul's presence on people. It manifests as a strong competitive urge accompanied by increased focus and the ability to ignore things like pain or morality that might distract from the goal of victory. This effect can be felt during any competition, whether violent or non-violent, although it is much more keen during battle.[5] It is a phenomenon experienced by many on Roshar, most of whom aren't aware of its Unmade origin.

The Thrill is thought to generally grow stronger the closer someone is to Nergaoul's location.[2] It could affect anyone from both sides of a battle[6], though someone feeling its urge may choose to refuse its embrace.

Odium, being the source of Nergaoul's Investiture, can more easily control anyone embracing the Thrill.


According to Hessi's Mythica, the signs of Nergaoul's presence, namely the Thrill and the red mist, have been known since ancient times.[7]


The Thrill caused Alethkar to be a more warlike nation. Most Alethi soldiers, lighteyed or not, felt the Thrill. It was embraced heavily by Dalinar Kholin while fighting battles for his brother Gavilar, who wanted to unify Alethkar under his rule. At one point, the Thrill consumed Dalinar to the point that he wanted to keep fighting even after winning a battle and almost attacked Gavilar.[8] Later on, surrendering himself to a blind rage stoked by the Thrill, he orders the slaughter of everyone in a city, which led to the death of his own wife Evi.[9]

This tragedy broke Dalinar's spirit. Later he journeyed to the Valley to seek help from the Nightwatcher, but Cultivation herself intervened and took all the memories of Evi away from Dalinar's mind, allowing him to recover.[10] Dalinar would still use the Thrill throughout most of the War of Reckoning until he found himself more and more repulsed by the idea of senseless killing. Later on, without knowing its origins, Dalinar concluded that there was something wrong about the Thrill.[11]

Jah Keved

Later on, Nergaoul moved to Jah Keved, which was recovering from a series of assassinations that killed off most of the nation's Highprinces. It is believed that the Unmade's presence worsened the civil war that resulted, causing much destruction until Valam became victorious.[2]


During the Battle of Thaylen Field, Odium used Nergaoul to control Sadeas's soldiers and attack Thaylen City.[4] Later on, with the help of Szeth and Lift, Dalinar Kholin manages to coax Nergaoul into a perfectly cut ruby gemstone, trapping it the same way spren are caught. This ends the battle, as Sadeas's soldiers are freed from Odium's influence.[12]


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