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Titles Herald of the Almighty,
Patron of the Dustbringers
Aliases Chana, Chanaranach
Homeworld Roshar

And Chana help the man or woman who stood between Navani and one of her own

Dalinars thoughts when Navani acts protectively.[1]
Chan-a-rach's Symbol

Chanarach is one of the ten Heralds of the Almighty on Roshar. Also known as Chanaranach in Vorinism. Her nickname is Chana. She is associated with the number chach, the essence Spark, and the divine attributes of Brave and Obedient.[2] She is the patron of the Order of Dustbringers.

Appearance and Personality

Chanarach has not yet been shown in person but appears to have been a young woman when she became a herald.


At some point in the past she met with The Almighty and agreed to act as one of his Heralds in the Oathpact.At Aharietiam she abandoned her oath along with 8 other heralds, leaving her honourblade left in the ground at the location of the final battle and departing for parts unknown.[3]

It is not known how she has spent her time after but it is highly likely that she is still alive, as it has been confirmed that at least 3 other heralds have survived this long.[4][5]


Chanarach is likely a capable swordswoman and surgebinder, having survived Aharietiam.In the story told to Kaladin about Fleet it is mentioned that he had won a foot race against Chana at some point, and this was used to indicate his incredible speed.This makes it likely that she was known for her speed.[6]

It is likely that she is unable to age like the other Heralds, thus granting a functional immortality of sorts.


As the herald associated with the Releasers it is likely that she could bind the surges of division and abrasion.


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