
Revision as of 11:19, 4 April 2024 by Reinhartmax (talk | contribs)

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Abilities Splinter of Odium
Species Voidspren
Homeworld Braize
Universe Cosmere

Yixli is the Voidspren that leads Khen, Sah, and Kaladin to Revolar.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Yixil appears as a tiny woman, glowing yellow-white like the center of a flame, and wears a flowing dress that covers her legs entirely. Her face is shaped oddly narrowly, but with large, childlike eyes, like someone from Shinovar. When talking with Kaladin, she manifests standing on a translucent pillar of gold stone so that she is at his eye level.[2]

Attributes and Abilties

Yixli has a similar level of control over who sees her as an honorspren would, though she doesn't appear to need a Nahel bond to maintain her mind while in the Physical Realm.[2]


Yixli was one of the many yellow-white Voidspren that guided the newly-awakened singers to Kholinar.[1]


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