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Ancestors Sadees[1]
Titles Highprince of Alethkar
Residence The Alethi warcamps
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Highprince Thanadal is a highprince of Alethkar.[2] His princedom is in central Alethkar,[3] and his colors are red and brown.[4] Thanadal's army has one full Shardbearer, Brightlord Resi, who carries a set of Shards passed down by the royal line and usually given to a warrior who is also given the title of Royal Defender. His army also contains three other men who have either Plate or Blade; Thanadal himself has neither.[5]


While out on the Shattered Plains during the War of Reckoning, Thanadal refused to discuss the issue of a joint plateau assault with Dalinar, sending a messenger declining the possibility without even meeting him in person.[4]

After the Battle of Narak and the following settling of the tower city of Urithiru, most of the Alethi highprinces moved across the Shattered Plains with their war camps in tow. When they vacated the craters they had occupied as well as the surrounding land and resources, they left them for the two highprinces that had decided not the make the move. Highprince Thanadal, one of those highprinces, reportedly built himself a virtual kingdom of his own in the area.[6] The political implications of Thanadal's refusal to join in Urithiru and its subsequent rising power is uncertain still. However, Highprince of Commerce Turinad Sebarial worried over Thanadal's continued seizure of Alethi resources on the Shattered Plains,[6] and Aladar expressed worry to Dalinar that without Thanadal's forces joining those at Urithiru, their armies would be too weak to establish Urithiru as a bastion of order in the world.[7]


  • Thanadal never actually appears on-screen and is never described in the books.


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