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Template:Flora & Fauna The Ryshadium was a type or breed of horse on Roshar.[1]

Ryshadium were known for being larger, faster, and possessing greater stamina than other breeds of horse.[1] They were also generally considered to be more intelligent than other horses with their owners at least occasionally assuming that they were sentient.[2] Furthermore, they were known for choosing, and only obeying, a particular rider.[1] There were only a dozen men throughout the warcamps that were chosen by Ryshadiums.

Dalinar and Adolin were among these with their Ryshadium stallions Gallant and Sureblood.[1]

Though Ryshadiums were stronger and more intelligent than normal horses, Shardbearers sometimes fight unmounted because they didn't want to endanger them in close attacks.[3]

Gallant showed his special closeness to Dalinar in the Battle of the Tower when he charged through the lines towards Dalinar when he was attacked by the Parshendi Shardbearer.[3]



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