First Dreams

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First Dreams
Type Ship
Captain Vazrmeb
World of Origin Roshar
This page or section contains spoilers for Oathbringer!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.

First Dreams is a ship that sails to Akinah in Aimia.[1]


The ship is captained by Vazrmeb and helmed by Droz. Vazrmeb hires a Soulcaster named Kaza to accompany them on the trip. The crew is made up of hired sailors from Steen. The cook is Reshi in appearance.[1]

Vazrmeb and Droz both seek gemhearts that they believe to be on the island. Kaza hopes to find a cure to her Soulcasting savanthood that is slowly killing her.[1]


Few people try to approach Akinah due to the dangerous conditions surrounding the island. The ship manages to get through an intense, unusual storm on the Aimian Sea. Upon approaching Akinah, Kaza is able to Soulcast holes in the large stone spikes surrounding the island.[1] The crew suddenly start to drop dead but Kaza manages to reaches the shore. She sees a larkin and the remains of a lanceryn. The cook reveals that she is Sleepless and that she poisoned the crew to protect a secret on the island. Kaza Soulcasts herself into smoke before succumbing to the poison.[1]


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