Adolin Kholin

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Adolin Kholin
House Kholin
Parents Dalinar, mother
Siblings Renarin
Born 1149
Abilities Shardbearer
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar

Adolin Kholin was a lighteyes from Alethkar on Roshar.

Adolin was the first son of Dalinar, and the eldest brother of Renarin. He was a Shardbearer, owning both a Shardblade and Shardplate, both inherited from his mother's side of the family on his 16th birthday. His hair was mostly blond, with streaks of Alethi black, and his eyes were blue.

He had a white stallion, a Ryshadium horse named Sureblood, one of only a dozen Ryshadium in the entire Alethi warcamp.

Adolins Calling was duelling and he frequently resorted to challenging other lighteyes to settle disputes. Since arriving at the Shattered Plains he had been unable to duel as much as he had previously due to his fathers insistence that he follow the Alethi Codes of War which state that needles duels should be avoided during times of war so that commanding officers are not wounded.


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