Black sphere

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Black sphere
World of Origin Roshar
Universe Cosmere
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Gavilar Kholin, the former king of Alethkar on Roshar, possessed several unusual black spheres. Gavilar had access to an unknown number of these spheres.[1] The spheres contain anti-Voidlight.[2]


Gavilar gave a sphere to Eshonai on the day of his assassination and told her to give it to the Five after a conversation about Parshmen, Parshendi, and their gods.[3] The sphere given to Eshonai was described as having a dark yet faintly violet glow that she seemed to believe was Voidlight.[3]

Later that day, Gavilar gave Szeth a similar black sphere at the end of their fatal duel.[4] The sphere given to Szeth was described as small, crystalline, tied to a chain, and glowing with a black light that Szeth had not seen before.[4] Gavilar said that Szeth must take the sphere so that "they" would not get hold of it; it is unclear to whom he was referring.[4] Szeth later hid the sphere in Jah Keved[5], and retrieved it years later upon Navani's request.[6]

Both of these spheres contained the same thing.[7]

Navani Kholin, with the help of the Fused Raboniel, learns to create them by vibrating an uninfused diamond sphere with the anti-Voidlight tone – a tone that negates Odium's rhythm through destructive interference when created with that Intent – and infusing it with Voidlight insulated from Odium's rhythm by a vacuum tube. When Voidlight is drawn into the sphere, the two lights annihilate each other explosively.[2]

Other mentions

At the Battle of Thaylen Field, Dalinar Kholin trapped the Unmade named Nergaoul in the King's Drop ruby[8] which subsequently glowed with a dark, bizarre light.[9] Navani Kholin said it reminded her of a sphere that Gavilar had.[9] Navani did not appear to be aware that there was more than one sphere; she also believed that Gavilar "made" the sphere she saw.[9]

A Bav worker named Took claimed to have stolen a similar sphere from the Nightwatcher.[5] Although Took was Szeth's master for a time, he was unlikely to have known about Gavilar's spheres.


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