Knights Radiant

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Knights Radiant
First Ideal poster.jpg
World of Origin Roshar

"I'm not some glorious knight of ancient days. I'm a broken man. Do you hear me, Syl? I'm broken."
She zipped up to him and whispered, "That’s what they all were, silly"

Kaladin and Syl on what the Knights Radiant were like.[1]

The Knights Radiant were an organization of Surgebinders on Roshar. Their Orders were centered at Urithiru, but they lived all across Alethela, the Silver Kingdom who had to maintain the arts of war. They considered it their duty and privilege to stay vigilant for Desolations.[2] It is commonly believed that they betrayed mankind on the Day of Recreance, and were then referred to as the Lost Radiants. Their symbol was golden hourglass shape, of eight spheres connected with two at the center. The Parshendi call them Neshua Kadal; Radiant Knight.[3][4]


The first Surgebinders came to be as a result of spren trying to imitate what Honor had given his Heralds. The spren formed bonds with the mankind to give them Surgebinding abilities.[5] Honor was surprised by their coming, because he hadn't taught it to his Heralds.[5] These Surgebinders were later formed into the ten orders of the Knights Radiant by the Herald Ishar'Elin, for the purpose of watching for the coming Desolations, and helping men fight, then rebuild the society from the destruction of the Desolations, and they adopted the city of Urithiru as their base.[6] For a long time, they maintained their duty, until eventually they abandoned it on what is now known as the Day of Recreance,[7] and possibly even turned against their wards, as some legends say.[8] This betrayal caused many spren to die, their corpses becoming tools of destruction, and as a result they stopped granting humanity Surgebinding.[9]

In recent times, sensing an impending danger, the spren started returning to mankind as an act of self-preservation.[10] People all over Roshar started gaining Surgebinding powers by forming Nahel bonds with the spren in the following years. At the beginning of the year 1174, Urithiru was reclaimed, and the Knights Radiant were re-founded with initially four members; Kaladin, Shallan Davar, Dalinar Kholin, and Renarin Kholin.[11]

Radiant Orders and Powers

Symbols of the Ten Radiant Orders and their Surges

The Knights Radiant comprised ten different Orders, some of which had several hundred members. Each Order had two Surges associated with it, and each Surge was used by two different Orders. Scholars associated the ten Orders with the Ten Essences as well.

Order of Windrunners
The first Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Adhesion and Gravitation.[12] The combination of these two Surges resulted in the powers known as the Three Lashings.[13]
Order of Skybreakers
The second Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Gravitation and Division.[12]
Order of Dustbringers
The third Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Division and Abrasion.[12] They could apparently burn things.[14]
Order of Edgedancers
The fourth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Abrasion and Progression.[12]
Order of Truthwatchers
The fifth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Progression and Illumination.
Order of Lightweavers
The sixth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Illumination and Transformation.[12] They could create illusions and had the inherent ability to Soulcast.[15][16]
Order of Elsecallers
The seventh Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Transformation and Transportation.[12] They had the inherent ability to Soulcast.[16]
Order of Willshapers
The eighth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Transportation and Cohesion.
Order of Stonewards
The ninth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Cohesion and Tension.[12]
Order of Bondsmiths
One of the Orders of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind Surges Tension and Adhesion.

The Knights Radiant also used Shardblades and Shardplates, which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of.

Immortal Words

Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.

—The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant

The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, known as The Immortal Words, serve as a guide to them for how they were to live their lives. Each order of Radiants have five Ideals, with only the First Ideal being the same for every order, except the Lightweavers, who speak only the first. The First Ideals acts as a motto for the entire order of Knights Radiant while the four later Ideals are said to be different for every order.[17] These Ideals are based off of the book The Way of Kings.


In Vorinism, the fall of the Knights Radiant was called the Day of Recreance.

Vorinism taught that the Knights Radiant betrayed the people. It was taught that their powers were not real, but elaborate tricks, and that they only pretended to have a holy calling. The "evidence" for this was that the powers could not be reproduced.


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