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Locator Yulay.png
World Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Yulay is a kingdom in central Roshar.


Yulay's territory primarily consists of a narrow strip of land between the southern shore of the Purelake and several mountainous areas. It borders Tu Bayla to the east and Babatharnam to the west. The southern border with Azir is mostly defined by mountains, with the exception of one large pass,[1] which has the towns of Benru and Berqq at the border.[2]

Other notable locations in Yulay are Yian Dion, Domistar, and Uarr Dion, all of which are on the shores of the Purelake.[2]


During the Silver Kingdoms era, Yulay was part of Sela Tales.[3] after Sela Tales collapsed Yulay became an independent kingdom.

At some point after the Recreance people in Yulay began talking about the Knights Radiant and hoping they would return. [4]

During the True Desolation Yulay was attacked and conquered by a combination of Iriali and singers.


The people from Yulay are Selay and as such they likely have the skin ripples Selay people have. It’s possible they have shards as the Selay are known to have multiple sets.


This page is complete!
This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Chaos2651 (talk) 23:39, 23 November 2020 (UTC)