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Profession Scholar
Groups Kholin army
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Brightness Velat is an Alethi lighteyes and scholar on Roshar, likely specializing in cartography.[1][2]


During the War of Reckoning, Velat likely lived in the Kholin warcamp on the Shattered Plains. Towards the end of the war, Shallan Davar was escorted onto the plateaus by Dalinar's troops so that she could observe a chasmfiend chrysalis. When Kaladin and Shallan became stranded in a chasm, she told him that she did not have any maps with her because she had been using maps that she borrowed from Velat.[1]

Velat is presumably among a large group of Dalinar Kholin's scribes and cartographers that accompanied him as he led a scouting expedition into the Shattered Plains.[3] This group of scholars, including the royal cartographer Isasik Shulin, was later co-opted by Shallan and Navani as they attempted to determine the location of the Oathgate at Stormseat.[4][3]

When the expedition approached Narak, Velat worked with Inadara and Isasik to interpret a map of the inner portion of the Shattered Plains drawn by Shallan.[2] However, Shallan's map was not completely accurate, and new information from a scout ultimately allowed Shallan to pinpoint the location of the Oathgate.[2]


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Big Smooth (talk) 10:45, 3 June 2019 (MST)