
Revision as of 07:50, 8 December 2020 by AutumnWell (talk | contribs)

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Relatives Ua'pam
Profession Sailor
Species Peakspren
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

"Unativi" is a peakspren sailor in Shadesmar. He is the cousin of Ua'pam, another peakspren bonded to Zu.

He is not skilled in menifesting goods from stormlight.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Unativi is bald, like other peakspren, with more cracks on the head than the other parts of body.[2]

Unativi doesn't trust humans. He doesn't approve of Ua'pam bonding to Zu and believes he can run when Odium comes.[1]


Not much is known about Unativi's past in Shadesmar.

In 1175, Unativi brought his barge to sail the human envoy from Urithiru, consisting Adolin, Shallan, six other Radiants and their spren, Rhyshadium Gallant and deadeye Mayalaran.

After reaching Nameless, he left the barge with Shallan while the y looked for supplies.{book ref|sa4|29}} On his way back to the barge, he met honorspren Notum.{book ref|sa4|30}}


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It has yet to be reviewed.