
Revision as of 17:28, 11 November 2019 by Reinhartmax (talk | contribs) (Removed redirect to Surgebinding#Transportation)

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The glyph for the Surge of Transportation

The Surge of Transportation is the Surge of Motion and Realmatic Transition.

General abilities

Transportation can be manipulated to achieve realmatic transition. The two orders of Knights Radiant with access to this Surge are the Elsecallers and the Willshapers.[1] Transportation can be used on others besides the Surgebinder.[2]


This ability allows the Surgebinder to travel in between Realms. Doing this creates a miniature perpendicularity.[3] A circular wall of Stormlight can be seen briefly at the target location before the Surgebinder arrives.[4] The Surgebinder can also bring other beings and objects with them while transporting themselves.[5] This allows many Surgebinders with Transportation the ability to worldhop.[6] It is much harder to leave the Cognitive Realm than it is to enter it. The Surgebinder needs to find a point where the Physical and Cognitive Realm touch to leave.[7][8]

Surge Fabrial

A Surge Fabrial is able to mimic the the Radiant ability of Transportation. These fabrials are called Oathgates and and allow the user to transport anything on top of the platform and in the control chamber between Oathgates in an instant. However, as far as is known, they function in pairs - an Oathgate in Urithiru only connects to one Oathgate outside, and the Oathgate outside only connects to one Oathgate in Urithiru. They can only be activated by living Shardblades, as wielded by the Knights Radiant.[9] Transportation of more than one person through them requires use of more Stormlight.[10]


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