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This page or section contains spoilers for Words of Radiance!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.
Profession Bodyguard & Servant
Nationality Thaylen
Homeworld Roshar

Do you accept this assessment and these restrictions, Your Majesty?

—Mrall to Taravangian[1]

Mrall is a Thaylen man and one of the most trusted servants of King Taravangian of Kharbranth.[1]


Although most believe that Mrall is the head of King Taravangian's guard, in actuality he serves as the buffer between the king's fluctuating intelligence and the outside world.[1] After the King's Testers determine Taravangian's intelligence level, Mrall will ask Taravangian to submit to certain restrictions on his daily activities. If Taravangian refuses, Mrall can have Taravangian imprisoned. Once, on the day that Taravangian solved Fabrisan's Conundrum, Mrall had to have Taravangian locked up because Taravangian believed that it was reasonable to draft a law requiring all citizens below average intelligence commit suicide for the good of Kharbranth.

Mrall accompanies Taravangian to Vedenar after the Jah Keved war of succession when Taravangian gains control of the Veden throne.[1] When Szeth arrives to confront Taravangian, Mrall has his guards separate Taravangian from the Veden soldiers so Taravangian would not be associated with the Assassin in White. Mrall makes excuses, claiming the king is old and overcome with grief. Mrall then brings Taravangian to see Highprince Valam on his deathbed. Mrall thinks that it was cruel that Valam forced Redin to kill him.

Appearance & Personality

Mrall could loom over a mountain and intimidate the wind itself.

Taravangian's thoughts on Mrall[1]

Despite Mrall's Thaylen ancestry, he shaves his head and eyebrows.[1] Mrall is an imposing man, steadfast and intimidating. He is an unpleasant person, who is awed and delighted by the destruction of Vedenar and the suffering of the Veden people in the wake of their war. However, he claims that he can simply turn off emotions and stop feeling a certain way.


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