
Revision as of 12:59, 24 February 2015 by Fbstj (talk | contribs) (tense, some improvements, death)

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Died 1174 - Battle of the Side Carry[1]
Profession Bridge Captain
Groups Sadeas army
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar

Brightlord Lamaril is a soldier in the rank of a captain in Sadeas army on the Shattered Plains on Roshar. He was in charge of Sadeas' bridge crews.

Lamaril is a landless lighteyes of low rank. He acts as Gaz's immediate superior,[2] and blackmails Gaz for an unknown reason.[3]

When Kaladin and Bridge Four did the side carry of their bridge during an assault of Sadeas army at the Tower[4] and thus caused the assault to fail, Lamaril is held accountable for the disaster by Sadeas who executes him in the first hour after returning to the warcamp.[1]

He was replaced by Brightlord Matal and his wife, Brightlady Hashal.[5]


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