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Related to Vorinism
World of Origin Roshar

Ardents are priests of Vorinism in Roshar.[1] Since the Hierocracy the ardents have been forbidden from participating in politics, owning possessions, and are themselves the property of Lighteyes. Like Parshmen, Ardents are not paid for work. They are the only people allowed to use the Almighty's other name Elithanathile or He Who Transforms. Many male ardents had shaved heads and long beards, most ardents dress in grey robes.

Ardents are exempt from many customs in Alethkar, especially gender-specific customs. Female ardents are not required to cover their safehand and are allowed to eat both masculine and feminine foods. Male ardents can learn to read and pursue other feminine arts.

Notable Ardents


Ardents are the only people allowed to use Soulcasting and Fabrials, and surround the practice with mystery carrying out Soulcastings at night and under heavy guard to prevent the general public from viewing them. Ardent are, however, not allowed to use Soulcasters on people.


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