Brightlord Morakotha

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Brightlord Morakotha
Children Danlan
Titles Brightlord
Profession Officer in Kholin army
Groups Kholin army
Residence The Alethi warcamps
Nationality Alethi
Homeworld Roshar
Universe Cosmere

Brightlord Morakotha is a lighteyed Alethi noble on the Shattered Plains of Roshar.[1]

He presumably hails from the Kholin princedom and is of high birth, as his daughter Danlan worked with King Elhokar's scribes in Kholinar.[2]

During the War of Reckoning, Morakotha lived in the Alethi warcamps on the Shattered Plains. In 1173, Danlan came to the warcamps to visit her father for a few months. She courted Adolin and became one of Dalinar's scribes.[1] Her visit may have been a cover for her activities with the Diagram.[2]


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This page contains all the knowledge we have on the subject at this time.
Big Smooth (talk) 17:30, 16 November 2020 (UTC)