River Vandonas

Revision as of 18:48, 17 August 2014 by Fbstj (talk | contribs)

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River Vandonas
Region [[Unclaimed Hills & Shattered Plains|Unclaimed Hills & Shattered Plains]][[Category:Unclaimed Hills & Shattered Plains]]
World Roshar

The River Vandonas was a river that flowed by the Alethi warcamps.[1]

The artist Vandonas named it after himself when he visited the warcamps, but that is likely not its true name, or what everyone calls it.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content

The River Vandonas is possibly a tributary of the Deathbend River, as it flows past where the Parshendi lived before the War of Reckoning, and Gavilar and Dalinar discovered the Parshendi while exploring a tributary of the Deathbend.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content


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