
Revision as of 13:38, 7 November 2018 by Fbstj (talk | contribs) (arcanize)

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Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet.

Surges, thought to be the fundamental forces by which the world operates—are more accurately a representation of the ten basic abilities offered to the Heralds, and then the Knights Radiant, by their bonds. They are manipulated by Surgebinding.[1][2] There are also 'god Surges', akin to the god metals used in the Metallic Arts, though it is not currently known what these Surges are or how they are accessed. The Adhesion and Progression Surges are not god Surges, but could be considered as such by some.[3]

The Ten Surges

  Adhesion: The Surge of Pressure and Vacuum. It can be manipulated by Windrunners and Bondsmiths[1]

  Gravitation: The Surge of Gravity. It can be manipulated by Windrunners and Skybreakers[4]

  Division: The Surge of Destruction and Decay. It can be manipulated by Skybreakers and Dustbringers[2]

  Abrasion: The Surge of Friction. It can be manipulated by Dustbringers and Edgedancers[2]

  Progression: The Surge of Growth and Healing, or Regrowth. It can be manipulated by Edgedancers and Truthwatchers[2]

  Illumination: The Surge of Light, Sound, and Various Waveforms. It can be manipulated by Lightweavers and Truthwatchers[5][6][7]

  Transformation: The Surge of Soulcasting. It can be manipulated by Lightweavers and Elsecallers[1]

  Transportation: The Surge of Motion and Realmatic Transition. It can be manipulated by Elsecallers and Willshapers[2]

  Cohesion: The Surge of Strong Axial Interconnection. It can be manipulated by Stonewards and Willshapers[2]

  Tension: The Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection. It can be manipulated by Stonewards and Bondsmiths[2]


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