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This page or section contains spoilers for Words of Radiance!
This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book.

Shardbearer was a term used to refer to someone who held a Shardblade or a suit of Shardplate. If someone held both a Shardblade and Shardplate, they were considered a "Full Shardbearer."

They had to wait ten hearbeats (which the Shardbearer could hear no matter how loud his surroundings) after summoning the Shardblade before it appeared. When a Shardblade appeared, it formed as is from mist, wet with dew. If the Blade was dropped or put down when the Shardbearer was still alive, the Shardblade would vanish unless the bearer willed it to remain. However, when the Shardbearer died, the Shardblade remained corporeal and could be claimed by another.

The term "Shardbearer" is not to be confused with "Shard" or "Shardholder," which refers to someone holding a Shard of Adonalsium.

Known Shardbearers

Former Shardbearers


  1. a b Highprince Dalinar Kholin traded Oathbringer for the lives of Sadeas' bridgemen at the end of The Way of Kings.
  2. Shallan can use Pattern as a blade
  3. a b Kaladin killed the unnamed Veden, protecting Amaram. Amaram then took both Plate and Blade for himself.
  4. a b c Killed by Szeth
